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Child-Safe Internet Plan Sparks Censorship Fears
Posted: February 6, 2013 at 1:46 am
By Jonathan Earle
The St. Petersburg Times
Published: February 6, 2013 (Issue # 1745)
MOSCOW Thegovernments plans toprotect children fromharmful online content are causing increasing alarm among anti-censorship activists, who see one regions plans tointroduce asmut-free version ofthe Internet as thelatest move tobanish distasteful speech.
Details ofthe Kostroma regions plan, which appeared inthe media last week, sparked talk ofa white list toaccompany thefederal governments existing blacklist ofwebsites that are deemed tocontain extremist information or child pornography, or to promote bad behavior.
Theplan would give net denizens inKostroma, amostly rural region about 190 kilometers northeast ofMoscow, theoption between using theexisting Internet, with all its dangerous andunsavory corners, anda clean version, consisting ofhundreds ofthousands ofinoffensive websites.
Anon-governmental organization called theSafe Internet League, which has close links toboth theKremlin andthe Russian Orthodox Church, has already picked 400,000 websites safe forchildren, andthe number is growing, theKostroma regional administration said Wednesday ina statement.
News reports quoting theleagues acting director, Denis Davydov, as saying that astrict parental control option would be thedefault, meaning that users would have toopt out rather than in, quickly sent bloggers andfree-speech activists intoa frenzy.
Connectivity advocate Matvei Alexeyev said theinitiative was probably illegal Article 29 ofthe Constitution guarantees theright tofreely seek, receive, transmit, produce anddistribute information byany legal way not tomention technically unfeasible.
There are more than 633 million websites inthe world, according toa recent estimate, Alexeyev wrote Friday ina blog post onEkho Moskvys website. When will thesite-by-site check be finished? In200 years?
The rest is here:
Child-Safe Internet Plan Sparks Censorship Fears
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International Conference ‘Braking’ News: Censorship, Media, and Ukraine
Posted: at 1:46 am
NY-NJ-Metro Thursday 02/21/2013 and 02/22/2013 Conference on Ukraine and Media - Columbia University
International Conference Braking News: Censorship, Media, and Ukraine
February 21 and 22nd, 2013
Columbia University
The Ukrainian Studies Program, Harriman Institute at Columbia University is organizing a conference entitled Braking News: Censorship, Media, and Ukraine to be held in New York City February 21 and 22, 2013. The conference will gather the worlds top analysts on Ukrainian media at Columbia for two days to examine the contemporary state and functioning of Ukrainian media. These experts will discuss how media operate in Ukraine what they contain and how they are sustained.
Braking News: Censorship, Media, and Ukraine will consist of a keynote address, two panels, one roundtable discussion and a film presentation. The conference, which will be open to the public, will commence on Thursday, February 21, 2013 at 7PM with a keynote address by Andriy Kulykov entitled Ukrainian Media: Old Pressures, New Challenges which will be followed by a reception. Friday, February 22nd will feature two panels and a roundtable made up of an international gathering of scholars, as well as practitioners, of Ukrainian media. The first panel, entitled The Media, the Market, and Democracy: Ukraine in a Global Context, will explore the relationship between market forces and how Ukraines media operate in a global environment. It will look at issues such as ownership structures, global media convergence, trends towards infotainment, how this affects media content, journalistic standards, and the process of democracy more broadly.
The second panel, Media Discourse, Ideology, and Discrimination will examine the ideological dimension of Ukrainian media discourse, paying particular attention to the representations of language, historical memory, ethnicity, race and sexual orientation. It will analyze both the unchallenged reproduction and fierce contestation of identity, legitimacy and normality and these processes' contribution to social inequality and discrimination. The roundtable will be a discussion between representatives of the worlds leading news sources on Ukraine about reporting on Ukraine in the West and Ukraines presence in Western media. The conference will conclude with a presentation by Yuri Shevchuk of a 2011 Serhii Bukovsky film entitled Ukraine: When the Countdown Began.
Among those who will be participating in the conference are: Mark Andryczyk, Niklas Bernsand, Brian Bonner, Maksym Butkevych, Tanya Domi, Marta Dyczok, Anastasiia Grynko, Myroslava Gongadze, Matthew Kaminski, Volodymyr Kulyk, Andriy Kulykov, Alexander Motyl, Natalya Ryabinska, Yuri Shevchuk, Olena Tregub and Andrew Yurkovsky.
The conference is free and open to the public. For more information contact Dr. Mark Andryczyk at 212-854-4679 or
International Conference ‘Braking’ News: Censorship, Media, and Ukraine
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An Excellent Interview With Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
An Excellent Interview With Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show
Jan 9, 2013, freedom fighter Congressman Ron Paul talks about the fiscal cliff, gun control, and the state of education in this country.
By: elambus1
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An Excellent Interview With Ron Paul on The Alex Jones Show - Video
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Chris Kyle Navy SEAL Sniper Murdered, Ron Paul Tweet
Posted: at 1:46 am
Chris Kyle Navy SEAL Sniper Murdered, Ron Paul Tweet Photos of Obama Shooting Guns,
Recorded on February 4 2013. My Shot of the Day on Navy SEAL, author of American Sniper, Chris Kyle who was murdered this weekend and Ron Paul #39;s insensitive tweet about it, saying He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. Other news including Obama shooting guns and New Town approves armed guards. Follow me on Twitter @kmcshotoftheday
By: kevinmcdshotday
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House of Cards copies Ron Paul newsletter scandal – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
House of Cards copies Ron Paul newsletter scandal
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
By: justadamnbaby
House of Cards copies Ron Paul newsletter scandal - Video
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Ron Paul On Immigration Reform – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Ron Paul On Immigration Reform
Ron Paul discusses the proposed new immigration plans and the civil liberties issues associated with it.
By: TheLibertarian4life
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The Ugly Truth Behind Ron Paul’s Chris Kyle Tweets – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
The Ugly Truth Behind Ron Paul #39;s Chris Kyle Tweets
My take on the Ron Paul/Chris Kyle Twitter controversy. Listen to Tex and Rex Live: The Tex and Rex Show on Facebook:
By: RepublicOfTexasTV
Read the original here:
The Ugly Truth Behind Ron Paul's Chris Kyle Tweets - Video
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Ron Paul Demonized Over Chris Kyle Comments – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
Ron Paul Demonized Over Chris Kyle Comments
"Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn #39;t make sense." Obama #39;s goons MURDERED Chris Kyle and Ron Paul knows it.
By: Rise Aquarius
Original post:
Ron Paul Demonized Over Chris Kyle Comments - Video
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The Conspiracy Facts – Ron Paul Edition – Video
Posted: at 1:46 am
The Conspiracy Facts - Ron Paul Edition
You can always find the video on this web-site:
By: BetrayedFreedom
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Ron Paul tweets about SEAL sniper’s death
Posted: at 1:46 am
LAKE JACKSON, MS Former Lake Jackson congressman Ron Paul may not be running for office, but hes definitely running for cover.
The former presidential wannabe set the Twitter-verse a-twitter when he tweeted about the murder of former Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, author and self-described most lethal sniper in US history. Police say Eddie Ray Routh, a vet with post-traumatic stress disorder, killed Kyle and another vet, Chad Littlefield, as they were working with Routh on his PTSD.
Paul made a tragic situation worse by tweeting that Kyles death confirms that he who lives by the sword, dies by the sword. And that didnt sit well, even with some of Pauls supporters, assuming there are any left after that.
Thats probably why Paul did a tweet retreat by going onto Facebook and posting that as a veteran, he recognizes the murders were tragic and sad, and that hes praying for Kyles family.
Then he added stuff about the unintended consequences of unconstitutional wars.
But he didnt stop there, throwing in that a policy of non-violence like Jesus preached would have prevented the murders.
Of course, we know how that turned out.
See the original post here:
Ron Paul tweets about SEAL sniper’s death
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