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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Psoriasis and heart disease: is there a link? – Video
Posted: February 8, 2013 at 10:45 am
Psoriasis and heart disease: is there a link?
The latest research in psoriasis shows that there are potentially additional risks of cardiovascular problems for psoriasis patients. Dr. Richard Thomas suggests proactive approach to cardio health for those with psoriasis. For more information, visit:
By: skinexpertstalk
Visit link:
Psoriasis and heart disease: is there a link? - Video
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Psoriasis Researcher – New Psoriasis Research Platform From MediPolls – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Psoriasis Researcher - New Psoriasis Research Platform From MediPolls
Psoriasis Researcher - A Revolution For Psoriasis Sufferers Everywhere Psoriasis Researcher represents a revolution for Psoriasis sufferers. The app gives you access to the latest news and research from around the world on Psoriasis Treatments AND the Psoriasis Researcher App has our #39;My Research #39; tool enabling users to record and track progress. Simple polls can be answered and answers collated so we can all learn more about what is working and what isn #39;t.(No personal data is collected or shared in this process). For too long, the pharmaceutical industry has had control over any research conducted with psoriasis. Psoriasis Researcher has been created by Psoriasis sufferers for Psoriasis sufferers! Have you ever wondered why there are never any attempts to find solutions that reach the known causes of Psoriasis? Why isn #39;t there more research into lifestyle factors -- low-cost or no-cost ways of treating the condition? Why are virtually all new medical treatments for Psoriasis (and most other medical problems for that matter) focused on maintenance rather than cure? The answer, of course, is money! There #39;s no money in cures, especially those that don #39;t involve drugs. Lifestyle changes profit no-one except the sufferer. Essentially, this means that there is no will to find effective, long-term drug-free solutions. The revolution starts now! Join thousands of other psoriasis sufferers TODAY! Psoriasis Researcher brings an end to this situation by providing the foundation to ...
By: Adam Jackson
See the rest here:
Psoriasis Researcher - New Psoriasis Research Platform From MediPolls - Video
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djgb2010 commented LETING PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT psoriasis
Posted: at 10:45 am
Hi my name is Paul Greatbatch i been out fo work for 2 years now i been looking geting interviews but as soon as they ask what meds i am on and i tell them what its for when they ask they get a look on there face so i would love to tell people aboutpsoriasis people can not catch this it dos not aftact me working at all i wish to fight this to be but in the papper as i think people should know aboutpsoriasis most days are hard when you havepsoriasis but you have to get through it people pointing and looking and saying bad things but you cant give up the people like myslef withpsoriasis need to make a stand so this gets in the media so people know all aboutpsoriasis and i bleave if it gets in to the nedia people will give us a change to work as i realy need work i dont want to sit at home and walking the sreets for 2 years now handing out my cv i want to be in work eurn my keep as they say hopefull you guys read this if not i will be calling the office as i will fight to havepsoriasis in the media ty all the best from Paul Greatbatch.
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djgb2010 commented LETING PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT psoriasis
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Politically Incorrect – Ashley McGuire – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Politically Incorrect - Ashley McGuire
Ashley McGuire interview with more details in his platform.
By: thebigpurplecouch
Continued here:
Politically Incorrect - Ashley McGuire - Video
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Politically Incorrect – Patrick Whelan – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Politically Incorrect - Patrick Whelan
Patrick Whelan interview with more details in his platform.
By: thebigpurplecouch
See the original post:
Politically Incorrect - Patrick Whelan - Video
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Politically Incorrect – Vivek Prabhu – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Politically Incorrect - Vivek Prabhu
Vivek Prabhu interview with more details in his platform.
By: thebigpurplecouch
Follow this link:
Politically Incorrect - Vivek Prabhu - Video
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Ron Paul introduction at the sun dome didnt make the news – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Ron Paul introduction at the sun dome didnt make the news
By: cal66iber
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Ron Paul introduction at the sun dome didnt make the news - Video
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True American War Hero Trashes Trash Twitterer Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
True American War Hero Trashes Trash Twitterer Ron Paul
Racist Homophobe Austrian loon Donations thief Koch monkey ....and now yellow trash twitterer defiling the memories of American war heroes.
By: SchittReport
See the original post here:
True American War Hero Trashes Trash Twitterer Ron Paul - Video
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Beck: Rebuking Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Beck: Rebuking Ron Paul
PLEASE NOTE: Angry, crazy, or otherwise stupid RonPaulian commentors will be blocked and their posts deleted; take that crap elsewhere.
By: tharpdevenport
Read more from the original source:
Beck: Rebuking Ron Paul - Video
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Ron Paul on Bill Maher – Video
Posted: at 10:45 am
Ron Paul on Bill Maher
Ron Paul on Bill Maher more at search for Bin Laden+CIA Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11!
By: brad mayeux
See the original post here:
Ron Paul on Bill Maher - Video
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