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Category Archives: Transhuman News

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers Audiobook Review – Video

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 11:46 am

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Founding Fathers Audiobook Review Author and Professor Brion McClanahan shows how patriots like Franklin, Madison, and Hamilton laid the foundations of American civil liberty....

By: bookreview1000

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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties (Unabridged Audiobook Review – Video

Posted: at 11:46 am

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties (Unabridged Audiobook Review In this blast from the past, Leaf exposes the lies and busts the myths propagated by the liberal establishment....

By: bookreview1000

The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Sixties (Unabridged Audiobook Review - Video

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Indian net service providers too play censorship tricks

Posted: at 11:46 am

The study by a Canadian university has found that some major Indian ISPs have deployed web-censorship and filtering technology.

Your internet service provider (ISP) could be blocking some content. A study conducted by a Canadian university has found that some major Indian ISPs have deployed web-censorship and filtering technology widely used in China and some West Asian countries.

The findings, published on January 15, were the result of a search for censorship software and hardware on public networks like those operated by ISPs.

A research team at Citizen Lab, an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, found a software-hardware combo package called PacketShaper being used in many parts of the world, including India.

The study identified the presence of four PacketShaper installations on the networks of three major ISPs in India during the period of study in late 2012. These ISPs had been earlier implicated in filtering to some degree, the report said.

The deployment of such traffic management technologies by ISPs could threaten privacy, freedom of expression and competition, said Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of the Bangalore-based NGO, Centre for Internet and Society.

He said tools like PacketShaper could be used by ISPs for two types of censorship to block entire websites or choke traffic on certain services or destinations in a highly granular fashion.

The U.S.-based producers of the technology, Blue Coat Systems, are quite open about the product features on the companys website. They say it could be used to control and weed out undesirable content. It could also be used to slow down or speed up the operation of programmes and content flow to achieve the goals set by the operators of the networks.

Transparency is the key

Technology experts said such products could be used to exercise legitimate control over the internet traffic and prioritise the use of bandwidth and resources, if used ethically.

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Indian net service providers too play censorship tricks

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Ron Paul Wants UN to Seize and from his Supporters – Video

Posted: at 11:46 am

Ron Paul Wants UN to Seize and from his Supporters
Ya, you read that right. Read the full story here: (yes, I linked to

By: JPB209

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Ron Paul Wants UN to Seize and from his Supporters - Video

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Gore Vidal Opinion Ron Paul gains, Neocons weaker YouTube – Video

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Gore Vidal Opinion Ron Paul gains, Neocons weaker YouTube

By: worldnewschannel1000

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Ron Paul Warns Currency Devaluation Is Dangerous – Video

Posted: at 11:46 am

Ron Paul Warns Currency Devaluation Is Dangerous
02/08/2013 Former Congressman Ron Paul, a Texas Republican, talks about governments #39; strategy of devaluing their currency to gain an advantage in trade. The yen jumped the most in almost two years against the dollar after Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said the pace of its recent slide has been to rapid. Paul speaks with Sara Eisen on Bloomberg Television #39;s "Lunch Money." http

By: LeakSourceNews

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Ron Paul Warns Currency Devaluation Is Dangerous - Video

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Marine Staff Sergeant Confronts Scott Lingamfelter About Purging Ron Paul Supporters From The GOP – Video

Posted: at 11:46 am

Marine Staff Sergeant Confronts Scott Lingamfelter About Purging Ron Paul Supporters From The GOP
And all the Republican candidates for Lt. Governor respond at the Hampton Roads Tea Party Candidates Forum.

By: BourgeoisieDefender

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Marine Staff Sergeant Confronts Scott Lingamfelter About Purging Ron Paul Supporters From The GOP - Video

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Famous US Military Hero Rips Into Ron Paul Over His Murdered Veteran Tweet

Posted: at 11:46 am

Dakota Meyer is as famous in the Marine Corps for disobeying orders as he is for wearing a Medal of Honor around his neck.

So it comes as no surprise that he would respond when Ron Paul fired out this tweet about legendary SEAL sniper Chris Kyle:

From Meyer:

Implicit in his statement on Twitter, it seems, is the point that it's literally OK now to murder our nation's vets. It would be deserved, just deserts for American combat veterans. What?!

I suppose this logic would also apply to law-enforcement officers, as well, since they take on similar roles within our shores of trying to defend and protect our citizens. With the recent spate of gun violence, Paul can certainly now be accused of inspiring other mentally unstable people to attack war heroes.

Meyer personally knew Kyle, and neither of the men were renowned for keeping tight lipped about when they perceive an injustice. Kyle had recently spoke about the nation's brewing obsession over new gun laws, and Meyer alleges he was fired from his job because he called out his employer, BAE, a British defense contracting firm, for selling restricted weapons to Pakistan.

Paul has himself been outspoken about the war and America's habit of arming various rebel groups. Although, using the murder of a SEAL at a gun range might not have been the best piece of leverage to illustrate his distaste for American military adventurism.

For Meyer, Paul's excuses for why he denigrated the death of an American hero just don't cut the Mustard:

But let's, at the very least, wait until the police finish investigating and the facts come out, as they unquestionably will, before jumping to ridiculous conclusions and commenting on what we don't know, can't yet understand and should leave to the authorities to sort out first.


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Famous US Military Hero Rips Into Ron Paul Over His Murdered Veteran Tweet

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Jesse Benton's Relationship with Ron Paul Has Proven to be Very Profitable

Posted: at 11:46 am

Ron Paul's political career may have ended, but his legacy survives. Devoted followers carry on in his name, and his son, a U.S. senator, is mentioned as a possible 2016 presidential candidate.

And one individual in the Paul orbit has moved into the GOP mainstream after his association with the family. Jesse Benton has been part of Paul's political network since 2007, when he joined the candidate's presidential campaign as a spokesman. Before long, the connection became familial as well: He married Paul's granddaughter, Valori Pyeatt, in 2008.

Over the next few campaign cycles, Benton worked for two of Ron Paul's congressional campaigns, another of his presidential bids, his leadership PAC(Liberty PAC)and Campaign for Liberty, Paul's 501(c)(4) nonprofit. In the middle of all that, he was also the campaign chairman for Rand Paul's successful 2010 Senate race, replacing the previous person in that slot after a flap over remarks the candidate made about the Civil Rights Act.

So it was no small thing when Benton jumped horses last fall, leaving the Paul organizations in order to run Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) 2014 Senate campaign.

Benton leaves behind him a trail of controversy, with Paul's hardest-core tea party and libertarian acolytes freely critiquing how he ran Paul's campaigns. He was accused of not raising sufficient rabble, being overly concerned about positioning himself for his next career move and drawing too much money from the Paul network for himself.

We can't settle most of those questions. But we can make an accounting of how much Benton has earned from all the Paul organizations, now that year-end and other campaign finance and tax reports have been filed. We found that over the last three election cycles, Benton has been paid about $1.1 million by the various Paul entities -- although more than $450,000 of it was described as reimbursement for expenses he incurred, most of them unidentified.

Here's how it breaks out: In the 2008 cycle, he received more than $78,000 in salary and expense reimbursement working for Ron Paul's presidential and congressional campaign committees. Toward the end of that year his wife came on the payroll, too, bringing the total for the pair to more than $86,000.

Benton's compensation increased in 2010. Rand Paul's campaign gave him north of $142,000 for political consulting and salary. He also brought in nearly $22,000 in consulting fees and salary from Liberty PAC, and received nearly $28,000 from Ron Paul's congressional campaign, along with close to $22,000 in reimbursement for mileage and other unidentified expenses. Benton's wife made more than $30,000 working for her dad's campaign, along with another $1,500 in reimbursements.

But Benton's most lucrative cycle was the one that just ended. From January 2011 through the end of 2012 he received more than $682,000 from Ron Paul's presidential and congressional campaign committees and Liberty PAC. In fairness, just $226,000 was described as "salary" or "consulting." Close to $456,000 of it was described as reimbursement.

What accounts for the huge reimbursement figure? "Charter airlines was the big bulk of it," Benton told "I put charter airlines for the campaign onto my personal AmEx and got reimbursed for it. That practice stopped as soon as we got a proper line of credit."

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Jesse Benton's Relationship with Ron Paul Has Proven to be Very Profitable

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Industrial Hemp Legislation First Pushed By Ron Paul Could Drop in Senate Next Week

Posted: at 11:46 am

Bluegrass State libertarians Sen. Rand Paul and Rep. Thomas Massie want to legalize industrial hemp.

Has Capitol Hill suddenly gone green?

Just a day after Democratic Rep. Jared Polis of Colorado introduced legislation todecriminalize marijuana, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky introduced another bill Thursday in support of industrial hemp, currently illegal in the U.S. because it comes from the same plant as marijuana.

And now, Sen. Rand Paul's office tells Whispers it could introduce companion legislation in the Senate "as soon as next week."

In late January, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said he'd throw his support behind industrial hemp, a surprise endorsement from thelong-time opponent of marijuana. McConnell cited conversations he'd had with Paul, and theHuffington Post'sRyan Grim points outthe change came after the Kentucky senator hired Jesse Benton to run his 2014 re-election campaign. Benton is the former campaign manager of Paul's father, former Texas congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul.

[READ:Marijuana Decriminalization Bill Hits House]

Ron Paul is seen as the father of industrial hemp on Capitol Hill, havingfirst sponsored a billin the House in the 2005, and then introducing a similar bill every two years for the rest of his tenure. The first bill Paul introduced got 11 cosponsors, and each year the number climbed higher. Hislast bill, in 2011, had 37 cosponsors.

Vote Hemp, the main group lobbying in Washington for industrial hemp, credits Ron Paul for the sea change on Capitol Hill as well.

"Paul set everything in motion. He was the one who came up the Industrial Hemp Farming Act. It is his three-pronged approach," national outreach coordinator for Vote Hemp Tom Murphy tells Whispers.

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