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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Grammy Wardrobe Censorship — You Be the Judge

Posted: February 10, 2013 at 11:42 pm

Grammy Wardrobe Censorship You Be the Judge

NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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NOTE: Poll results are not scientific and reflect the opinions of only those users who chose to participate. Poll results are not reflected in real time.

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Grammy Wardrobe Censorship -- You Be the Judge

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Ron Paul Is Suing His Fans, Let The Comedy Begin. – Video

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Ron Paul Is Suing His Fans, Let The Comedy Begin.

By: Michael Tackett

Ron Paul Is Suing His Fans, Let The Comedy Begin. - Video

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American Tyranny by Ron Paul – Video

Posted: at 11:42 pm

American Tyranny by Ron Paul
Ron Paul speaking frankly before the House of Representative and trying to wake them up to the new dictatorial regime. He speaks of the disintegration of our freedoms and new laws. Please SHARE with others, especially those still unbelieving that our country is in the midst of a tyrannical takeover! SHARE!

By: Trevoc2

Visit link:
American Tyranny by Ron Paul - Video

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Ron Paul Calls on United Nations (Which He Doesn't Believe In) to Confiscate RonPaul.Com

Posted: at 11:42 pm

In 2008, a group of Ron Paul supporters founded, a Ron Paul fan-site that became one of the leading sources for information about and support for the perennial Libertarian presidential candidate. The creators of the site "put our lives on hold and invested 5 years of hard work into Ron Paul, and Ron Paul 2012." His presidential campaign fell short, but the enthusiasm lived on as supporters continued to rally around this free enterprise Messiah.

Yesterday morning, Ron Paul repaid their support by filing a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of Paul's much-reviled United Nations, seeking the expropriation of both and from his supporters without any compensation.

The editors of explained the situation,

Last month, after Ron Paul expressed regret on the Alex Jones show over not owning (in an interview titled "Ron Paul: The Internet Is Our Last Chance to Awaken America"), dozens of supporters urged us to contact Ron Paul to work out a deal.

We sent Ron Paul the following respectful offer [View/Download PDF File], explaining that we'd prefer to keep due to reasons explained in our letter.

At the same time we offered him as a free gift so we could keep using and he wouldn't have to use something like

Ron Paul rejected their offer. They then told Paul exactly how much their site was worth:

Our offer went on to explain that in case Ron Paul insisted on obtaining, we would prepare a complete liberty package consisting of and our 170k mailing list.

The value we put on the deal was $250k; we are getting our mailing list appraised right now but we are confident it is easily worth more than $250k all by itself.

Their offer is consistent with their beliefs: In Libertarianism, nothing is free, except Freedom, which isn't really all that free anyway. What happened next is outstanding: instead of engaging in Free Market bargaining, Ron Paul (RON PAUL) appealed to an international governmental organization for help.

See the rest here:
Ron Paul Calls on United Nations (Which He Doesn't Believe In) to Confiscate RonPaul.Com

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Ron Paul Wants So Badly That He’s Asking The UN For Help

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Back in May of 2008, when Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), a group of the Libertarian congressmans supporters noticed that he had never secured or and decided to buy them and launch a fan site supporting his political endeavors. Five years and two failed presidential bids later, Paul wants the domains for himself.

The group behind the sites announced Friday that Paul had filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization, a global governing body that is an agency of the United Nations to expropriate the two domain names from his supporters without compensation.

Previously, the group had offered to give Paul the domain as a free gift as long as they could keep for their use. When he rejected that offer, they proposed to sell Paul both domains along with the 170,000 person email list for $250,000, an offer he also rejected.

The group summed up their frustration, referencing Pauls controversial tweet from earlier this week as evidence that something is amiss:

What in the world is going on? Earlier this week we were hit in the face by Ron Pauls entirely out-of-character anti-Chris Kyle tweet, and now Ron Paul, the Internet grassroots candidate, who was at the right place at the right time to lead the rEVOLution, attacks his own grassroots supporters through an agency of the United Nations to deport them from their own domain names after 5 years of nothing but unlimited, unconditional support on our part?

Back in 2007 we put our lives on hold for you, Ron, and we invested close to 10,000 hours of tears, sweat and hard work into this site at great personal sacrifice. We helped raise millions of dollars for you, we spread your message of liberty as far and wide as we possibly could, and we went out of our way to defend you against the unjustified attacks by your opponents. Now that your campaigns are over and you no longer need us, you want to take it all away and send us off to a UN tribunal?

Pauls attempt to disenfranchise his most loyal supporters would be disturbing enough. But what really puts his actions over the top is that hes reaching out to the United Nations for help, an organization he has spent much of his political career demonizing as a foreign body dead-set on taking away Americans freedoms.

(h/t Gawker)

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Ron Paul Wants So Badly That He’s Asking The UN For Help

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Ron Paul sues supporters for control of

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Ron Paul supporters are angry and confused about a complaint Paul filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization, an agency of the U.N., in attempt to regain control of and

In a blog post on Friday, the sites owners wrote that after hearing Paul say on a radio show that he wished he owned the domain name, they offered to sell him and their 170,000 supporter mailing list for $250,000, with included as a free gift.

Instead of responding to our offer, making a counter offer, or even accepting our FREE gift of,Ron Paul went to the United Nationsand is trying to use its legal process related to domain name disputes to actively deport us from our domain names without compensation, the blog post said.

The post continued with a message of disappointment:

Back in 2007 we put our lives on hold for you, Ron, and we invested close to 10,000 hours of tears, sweat and hard work into this site at great personal sacrifice. We helped raise millions of dollars for you, we spread your message of liberty as far and wide as we possibly could, and we went out of our way to defend you against the unjustified attacks by your opponents. Now that your campaigns are over and you no longer need us, you want to take it all away and send us off to a UN tribunal?

Thats not cool! We want our old pre-retirement Ron Paul back!

Here is the original post:
Ron Paul sues supporters for control of

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Ron Paul Is Feuding with His Fans

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Ron Paul is feuding with his rabid fan own rabid fan base over the ownership of Paul wants it, but his fans own it. They're willing to sell it to him... for a price Paul doesn't agree with. So now he's taken the dispute all the way to the United Nations.

RELATED: Ron Paul Will Give Up His Congressional Seat in 2012

Paul was interviewed by Conservative radio show host Alex Jones at the beginning of January and said he wished he had control of It's not an uncommon wish. Everyone wants to own The site was registered by his fans years ago, though it's unclear who exactly owns the domain. Ownership have protected their identity from public searches. Regardless, Paul supporters have used the site as an organizational tool to help the popular libertarian since.

RELATED: Quoting Ayn Rand on Capitol Hill Is a Paul Family Tradition

The proprietors of say they reached out to the retired politicainand offered him as a free gift, but if he "insisted" on owning then they would sell it to him. There was a catch, though. It would be part of a "liberty package" with the site's 170,000 person mailing list for... wait for it... $250,000. They think the price is totally worth it:

RELATED: Ron Paul Signals He's Running for President

The value we put on the deal was $250k; we are getting our mailing list appraised right now but we are confident it iseasily worth more than $250k all by itself. Claims that we tried to sell Ron Paul his name for $250k or even $800k are completely untrue, and there is little doubt that our mailing list would have enabled Ron Paul toraise several million dollarsfor the liberty movement this year. It would have been a win/win/win situation for everyone involved.

But Paul did not respond to their generous offer. Instead, he went to the United Nations'World Intellectual Property Organization to file a 13 page complaint asking for control of both domains. Oops! Paul's opting for legal action is notable because he's spoken out against the U.N. in the past. They generally aren't very popular among libertarians. They aren't so bad now that he wants control of his own name's website.

RELATED: Ron Paul Doubts Young People Will Flock to Obama

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Ron Paul Is Feuding with His Fans

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Episode 35 – Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 11:42 pm

Episode 35 - Libertarianism
In this video, I explain the 4 major principles of Libertarianism and how they apply to some well-known Libertarian beliefs. I made sure to try and piss everybody off at least once in this video.

By: Chris Calton

Go here to see the original:
Episode 35 - Libertarianism - Video

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Chromatic – Futurism – Video

Posted: at 11:41 pm

Chromatic - Futurism

By: SeekSlickSound

See the article here:
Chromatic - Futurism - Video

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Science on the Space Station with the Science Cheerleaders! – Video

Posted: February 9, 2013 at 11:48 am

Science on the Space Station with the Science Cheerleaders!
Join the Science Cheerleaders and our partners, and the University of California Davis as we conduct important research on Earth and on the International Space Station. Learn how you can get involved at !

By: sciencecheerleader

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Science on the Space Station with the Science Cheerleaders! - Video

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