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DNA evidence may crack grisly '77 Pa. murder case
Posted: February 10, 2013 at 11:44 pm
DNA testing may finally prove whether a family member is guilty of the 1977 murder of a Pennsylvania woman, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported.
According to the paper, Shaun Ritterson, 20, was found dumped on a wooded Bucks County mountainside, stabbed five times. The corpse had been hacked up, its organs removed.
- Assistant District Attorney Matthew Weintraub
Shaun Ritterson had disappeared after a night out with friends. Her body was found two days later by a father and son who were driving by Buckingham Mountain.
The victims uncle, Harry Ritterson, has been a prime suspect in the case, the Inquirer reports, although the murder remains unsolved.
Harry Ritterson died of cancer last month, and now a sample of his DNA, obtained legally after his death, is being tested to see whether it matches hairs found with the victim's body.
Such a test was unavailable to investigators in 1977, Assistant District Attorney Matthew Weintraub told the paper.
If the DNA matches, it will add to the evidence, which includes witness statements about Ritterson visiting the site where the body was found while Shaun Ritterson was still missing, and reports he wanted a romantic relationship with his niece, Weintraub said, according to the Inquirer.
"It's important to follow through and see if he did commit this murder," Weintraub said. "And if he didn't, to see who did."
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UC Davis helps global team sequence chickpea genome
Posted: at 11:43 pm
An international team of scientists has sequenced the genome of the chickpea, a critically important crop in many parts of the world, especially for small-farm operators in marginal environments of Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, according to an announcement from researchers at UC Davis, and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in India.
The researchers published this week in the online version of the journal Nature Biotechnology the reference genome of the chickpea variety known as CDC Frontier and the genome sequence of 90 cultivated and wild chickpea lines from 10 different countries.
"The importance of this new resource for chickpea improvement cannot be overstated," said Douglas Cook, a UCD professor of plant pathology.
"The sequencing of the chickpea provides genetic information that will help plant breeders develop highly productive chickpea varieties that can better tolerate drought and resist disease -- traits that are particularly important in light of the threat of global climate change," he said.
Cook is one of three lead authors on the chickpea genome sequencing project, along with Rajeev Varshney of the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and Professor Jun Wang, director of the Beijing Genomics Institute of China.
The chickpea plant, whose high-protein seed is also referred to as a garbanzo bean, is thought to have originated in the Middle East nearly 7,400 years ago.
India grows,
The announcement of the chickpea genome sequencing is the culmination of years of genome analysis by the International Chickpea Genome Sequencing Consortium, led by the International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics. The consortium includes 49 scientists from 23 organizations in 10 countries.
Funding for the sequencing project was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation; Saskatchewan Pulse Growers of Canada; Grains Resource Development Corporation of Australia; Indo-German Technology Corporation of Germany and India; National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology of Spain; U.S. Department of Agriculture; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic; University of Cordoba, Spain; Indian Council of Agricultural Research; BGI of China; and International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics.
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Posted: at 11:43 pm
Novel Microscale Epigenomics Technology developed by GIS makes it possible to study the epigenome of rare cell populations and biopsy samples
Scientists at A*STARs Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS) have successfully developed a method to map the epigenome using 100 times fewer cells than was previously possible. The discovery, published in the journal Developmental Cell, means that it is now possible to study the epigenome of parts of the body with rare cell populations such as germ cells (which differentiate into the egg or sperm), and clinical biopsy samples (to advance the study, diagnosis and prevention of cancer).
This is an extremely important advancement since the proper regulation of the epigenome is essential for normal growth and health, while any abnormality in the regulation could be the cause of diseases such as cancers.
The genome, which refers to the complete set of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in a cell, is identical in every cell of an individuals body. Chemical markers (also known as epigenetic markers) target the genome and influence which genes get turned on or off. It is the turning on or off of the genes that gives rise to the existence of different cells in the body, even though the genomes are identical. The epigenome refers to the record of these chemical changes that occur to the DNA.
Chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled to high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a commonly used method to study the epigenome of cells. In ChIP-Seq, DNA fragments that are associated with specific epigenetic marks are baited out, sequenced and mapped to a reference genome. However, the conventional method typically requires large quantities of cells, which makes it difficult to study rare cell populations of the body or in precious clinical biopsy samples.
This limitation prompted the GIS scientists to miniaturize the ChIP method such that it is now possible to map the epigenome using much fewer cells (1,000 to 100,000 cells). The conventional method required one million to 10 million cells.
The scientists further applied this technology on a small number of mouse germ cells, which are the embryonic precursors of the sperm and egg, and uncovered many interesting epigenomic features that provide insight into the biology of the germ cells.
GIS Executive Director Prof Ng Huck Hui said, Epigenomics is an exciting frontier for human biology research. While the sequence of human genome tells us the code for life, it doesnt tell us how this code is utilized. The mystique of the epigenome lies in the multiple forms it takes and the remarkable information that it harbours. At the Genome Institute of Singapore, we are investing efforts to develop new microscale technologies to analyse the epigenomes of human cells and tissues.
"The new ChIP-seq protocol allows us to map the epigenomes of very small populations of cells that are not accessible by conventional methods, said GIS Principal Investigator Dr Shyam Prabhakar. It's akin to having a more powerful microscope that provides a more fine-grained view of critical biological processes. We are very excited about using this new technique to peer into the inner workings of tiny groups of cells that have a massive impact on human health. For example, tumours in cancer patients are known to be heterogeneous at the fine scale - some sub-regions are relatively benign, while others are lethal. The new protocol will help us characterize this fine-scale variation, and hopefully lead to more precise treatments for cancer and a host of other diseases."
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Let’s Talk About: Eczema – Video
Posted: at 11:43 pm
Let #39;s Talk About: Eczema
This is another "Let #39;s Talk About" topic dealing wiht eczema. Thanks for watching! If you have anymore "Let #39;s Talk Abouy" videos, please leave a somment below!
By: DarkGiftedAndYoung
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Dr Ravi Hiremagalore talks about Eczema, A new age skin condition – Video
Posted: at 11:43 pm
Dr Ravi Hiremagalore talks about Eczema, A new age skin condition
Dr Ravi Hiremagalore, Senior Consultant and Pediatric Dermatologist @ manipal hospital live from Bangalore. Pediatric dermatologists treat variety of pediatric skin conditions using the latest available treatment methods and they treat children from birth through adolescence.Dr Ravi is one of the very few doctors in bangalore who is right now practicing Pediatric Dermatology exclusively. Dr Ravi for sure can help us understand better as worked in both sides of the world. Worked earlier in Michigan and Chicago hospitals and from then on working in Bangalore, Dr Ravi today would would help us all understand little bit about a new age disorder called ECZEMA that has now become a nightmare for little kids. - Dr Ravi, Tell us one thing, is eczema is a disease or a disorder ? - How does a parent who has a little kid realize/detect that the kid has eczema? It could any other skin disease. Right? What are the symptoms of eczema? - Is this a new age disorder ? - Is this a new age disorder I have never heard of it while in childhood ? - Tell us in simple words what is an eczema and what causes this disorder? - Is this something that parents need to be worried about seriously ? - Eczema is not some skin disorder that a kid catches up by birth. It could even catch up after 2 - 3 years of birth. What could be the reaon for this ? - Does eczema die down as the kid grows up or this is a life long problem ? - Are there any tests that can help detect what causes the flare up of eczema ...
By: NRI Samay
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Eczema; Get My eBook – Video
Posted: at 11:43 pm
Eczema; Get My eBook Sign up for my eBook on my blog! Also visit my fan page, https
By: Stella Elvira
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Psoriasis, Depression
Posted: at 11:43 pm
Psoriasis, Depression Dysphoria
*WARNING* Some may consider this topic what is called a "trigger" so take that as you will. Also these are my views and don #39;t necessarily reflect anyone else in any community I mention in the video. Video is kind of long and rambling but I just wanted to talk about how I feel and expand on one of the reasons I am here. Life long diseases suck. Psoriasis is treatable and can #39;t be given to anyone, BUT just because you can treat it doesn #39;t mean it doesn #39;t affect you. It would be like me saying (for example) you can #39;t be depressed as a trans FTM because you can go on T and have surgery to "fix" your issue. Just because you can do things to minimize / treat the issue there is still the underlying source of the problem. There is no perm fix. All that being said, it is about moving forward to making yourself as happy as possible with what you have. Depression and Dysphoria sucks but you can work to minimize it to the point where you can be happy with yourself and your life. That #39;s what going to treatments or therapists or what have you is all about. Well that #39;s about it for now. On a side note I am also playing around with other editing software to see what I like as Windows Movie Maker (what I used before) kinda sucks. Hopefully this one is a bit better. At least it is easier to work with than WMM or Adobe Premiere. TTFN! My Links: Twitter: Facebook: YouTube: Web: Heill farir, heill aftr komir, heill ...
By: Andrew Miller
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution – Guest: Kevin Gutzman – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution - Guest: Kevin Gutzman
WE ARE AMERICANS by Sam Gipp James Madison and the Making of America "The serious reader who wants a detailed account of James Madison #39;s long public career, drawn from primary sources, will find Kevin Gutzman #39;s book deeply rewarding. The author #39;s treatments of Virginia #39;s ratification convention and the drafting of the Bill of Rights are particularly valuable." mdash; Daniel Walker Howe, Pulitzer Prize--winning author of What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation of America, 1815--1848 "Kevin RC Gutzman #39;s #39;James Madison and the Making of America #39; revels in the intrigue of political debate and the intricacies of the political process, fashioning a narrative that re-creates the drama of nation-making and governing..." mdash; The Wall Street Journal "Authoritative account of the public career of James Madison (1751-1836).... A well-considered and -written biography of this gifted Founding Father #39;s many contributions to the early republic." mdash; Kirkus Reviews
By: Dave Flang
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution - Guest: Kevin Gutzman - Video
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Is this politically incorrect? – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
Is this politically incorrect?
Grandpa got Ethan this very cool toy machine gun! You should have seen the boy #39;s eyes light up! And let me tell you, the Chinese know how to put in the fun gimmicks! So, question: In this day of goody goody political correctness, is it BAD now for kids to have toy guys? How would this go over at the local park? ;p My guess is there would be ALOT of soccer mom whispering! muuuhaaaaa! GO GO GO!!! hehe.
By: David Battle
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War Audiobook Review – Video
Posted: at 11:42 pm
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Vietnam War Audiobook Review The mainstream media and history books would have you believe that the Vietnam War was tragic and a dismal failure....
By: MultiAudiobook
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