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Ron Paul looks to UN for help in website fight

Posted: February 12, 2013 at 2:42 am

Libertarian folk hero and retired Rep. Ron Paul is fighting to take the domain name from a legion of loyal supporters. And he's turning to an unlikely source for help, filing a complaint with an agency of the United Nations -- a body he's criticized for years.

The site owners response: Thats not cool! We want our old pre-retirement Ron Paul back!

The Texas Republican and three-time presidential candidate filed the complaint Friday with the U.N.'s World Intellectual Property Organization.

He argues at length in his complaint that he should have the domain name -- as well as one for -- for free because he already has a common law trademark on his name.

Paul attorney David Warrington said the situation is a private arbitration that was arranged by the nonprofit Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which was organized under California law.

He said WIPO was need to settle the dispute because the domain-name owners used a foreign registrar to get the domain name.

They subjected themselves to this proceeding in this forum when they registered with an Australian registrar," Warrington said.

Beyond his 14 years in national politics, Paul argues, his trademark is further burnished by his many books, being widely quoted by scholars and having the reputation as a premier advocate for liberty in American politics.

The owners of the domain names say they are disappointed by the complaint, considering how many of them -- particularly the young, energetic supporters -- kept Pauls 2012 run energized through grassroots campaigning and fundraising.

Like thousands of fellow Ron Paul supporters, we put our lives on hold and invested five years of hard work into Ron Paul, and Ron Paul 2012, the owners, who are getting a lawyer and have 20 days to prepare a complaint response, said on their site.

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Ron Paul looks to UN for help in website fight

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Ron Paul looks to U.N. for help in website fight

Posted: at 2:42 am

Former Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has turned to the United Nations an agency hes criticized for years for assistance in taking back the domain names and from a group of Libertarian supporters.

The complaint calls for the agency to expropriate the two domain names from his supporters without compensation and hand them over to Mr. Paul, states.

The Texas Republican filed the complaint with the U.N.s World Intellectual Property Organization, claiming he should acquire the domain names for free because he already has a common law trademark on his name, Fox News reports.

The sites owners have 20 days to prepare a response and are currently looking for a lawyer to help represent them in the case.

The owners expressed disappointment, labeling Mr. Pauls actions as not cool in a post on the site Friday that called for our old pre-retirement Ron Paul to return.

Back in 2007 we put our lives on hold for you, Ron, and we invested close to 10,000 hours of tears, sweat and hard work into this site at great personal sacrifice. We helped raise millions of dollars for you, we spread your message of liberty as far and wide as we possibly could, and we went out of our way to defend you against the unjustified attacks by your opponents, the statement said.

The group also criticized Mr. Pauls entirely out-of-character tweet on Feb. 4 about the death of a Navy Iraq War veteran in which he said, Chris Kyles death seems to confirm that he who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Treating PTSD at a firing range doesnt make sense.

Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

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Ron Paul looks to U.N. for help in website fight

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Ron Paul Wants UN To Take Away From Site Owners

Posted: at 2:42 am

A year ago, we pointed out how hypocritical it was for Ron Paul (at the time still a Congressional Representative and a candidate for President) to file a ridiculous lawsuit, clearly abusing trademark law, in an effort to unmask some anonymous internet users who had made a video that attacked another candidate, John Huntsman, and closed with a claim that the video was from Ron Paul supporters.

Many of Pauls' supporters actually believed the video was a fake, from Huntsman supporters, seeking to discredit Ron Paul. Even if that was true, there was simply no excuse to then abuse trademark law to try to take away someone's anonymity. And, yes, it was an abuse of trademark law -- as he both claimed trademark on his name and claimed that the video was a "use in commerce" (it was not). Even if you believe the videomakers should have been exposed, I would hope you'd agree that abusing a totally unrelated law to do so would be a mistake, and (to us) seemed to go 100% against the things Ron Paul claimed to stand for. Thankfully, a judge quickly agreed and killed the lawsuit.

In writing about this, many of Paul's more ardent supporters trashed us both in our comments, and on various Ron Paul websites. I'm a little curious how they feel now, in a similar situation, where Ron Paul has turned his legal sights on them. As a whole bunch of folks have sent in, Ron Paul has filed a UDRP complaint against the site, seeking to have WIPO turn over the domain to him. has basically been the central source for the massive grassroots effort that supported Ron Paul in his last two Presidential campaigns -- leading many other candidates to envy Paul's ability to connect with the internet generation. The reality, of course, was much of that actually had to do with a few of his most dedicated fans, and their ability to spread his message via a series of grassroots websites, including To have Paul turn around and seek to have WIPO turn over the domain is incredible on so many different levels, once again suggesting that many of the things Ron Paul claims to have believed in go completely out the window at times -- even when it involves turning on the very people who built up his reputation.

Even more bizarre is that not only is he turning on his most ardent supporters and effectively taking them to court, but he's using WIPO, a part of the United Nations, to do so. Ron Paul hates the UN and would like the US to leave the UN. As he once said:

The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. American national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body. This needs to be stated publicly more often. If we continue down the UN path, America as we know it will cease to exist.

And yet, here he is, running to the UN, and trying to forcefully take away a super successful site from his biggest fans supporting him, using the force of that same United Nations? Incredible.

Reading through the background and history, and then digging into the claims Paul's lawyer makes, suggests that Paul has made a huge mistake here. The backstory is that in a recent interview Paul expressed some minor regret that he did not hold the domain:

Alex Jones: Well, God bless you, sir, I hope we can get you back again in a month. What are any other websites that are important, just

Ron Paul: Theres that, and well be listing some new things there because were making some other WebPages. Im going to have a home page. Unfortunately, I didnt have, so Im going to have to have That will be coming up, but its not ready yet.

In response, some of his fans told the site's operators they should look to hand over the site. The operators noted that over the past 4.5 years, and through two high profile Presidential campaigns, they were at the center of building up massive grassroots support for Paul, and they had not had any request for the domain, but they were happy to talk it over:

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Ron Paul Wants UN To Take Away From Site Owners

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Entering the Shift Age with Futurist David Houle on The Social Workers – Video

Posted: at 2:42 am

Entering the Shift Age with Futurist David Houle on The Social Workers
12-20-12 Futurist David Houle Entering the Shift Age We have "left the Information Age and have entered the Shift Age: a world where the speed of change is so fast that change itself is the new norm". Futurist David Houle identifies the "forces that have transformed our world" and how these changes will continue to shape it for the next 20 years.Houle has more than 20 years in the entertainment industry helping to launch MTV, Nickelodeon, VH1, and CNN Headline News and was recently named as Speaker of the Year from Vistage International, the leading global organization of CEOs.

By: TheSocialWorkersFM

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International Space Station_Passing by on_02-09-13_0654pm to 07:00pm EST – Video

Posted: February 10, 2013 at 11:45 pm

International Space Station_Passing by on_02-09-13_0654pm to 07:00pm EST
The International Space Station Pass over on 02-09-2013 at 06:54pm EST until 07:00PM EST I captured a few shots of the pass over to create this animation as the ISS made a nice pass over John Bryan State Park Observatory in Yellow Springs, Ohio. I was hanging out with my Astronomy club (MVAS) during members night, I tested out my new Wide field Tracking platform The CG-4 mount, with Dual Modiefied DSLR cameras. The Animation Video clip shows the ISS, coming out of daylight from the South Southwest....and crossing into darkness...the high cirrus clouds were chasing the ISS. The ISS at its brightest point got to -3.1 Magnitude, brighter than Jupiter, which was at Mag. -2.5, although there was another pass ~ 90 minutes later. I recorded this one as it was the brightest pass of the two. Midway through the video clip I changed views to show the ISS as it buzzes Orion #39;s head and then splits the Gemini Twins. You can really see the ISS brightening as it passes. The first Camera was a Modified Canon Rebel Xsi 8mm fisheye F8 lens, ISO 400, I used exposures ranging from 8 seconds to 18 help compensate for the rapidly fading light of Dusk... The still shot of the ISS above the trees was the last image I took with a 2nd camera, a modified Canon 40D 17mm lens, ISO 400, 27 second exposure, it was just below Castor and Pollux in Gemini heading East about to go below the Trees line around 7:00pm EST. Note there is another object moving through the first part of the ...

By: John Chumack

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International Space Station_Passing by on_02-09-13_0654pm to 07:00pm EST - Video

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KSP – Minmus Space Station – Minmus Station Lander – Video

Posted: at 11:45 pm

KSP - Minmus Space Station - Minmus Station Lander
In this episode I attach the new lander to the base and show how well I dock in the early morning... I should really practice more before making me episodes lol. Kerbal Space Program or KSP is a game that allows you to construct rockets and probes and explore celestial bodies. Its up to you how the future of the kerbal #39;s space program is achieved by either success or Jebidiah #39;s wife beating you to death. Version of KSP 0.18.2

By: goose79335

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KSP - Minmus Space Station - Minmus Station Lander - Video

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Last moonwalker calls space station

Posted: at 11:45 pm


Apollo 17 moonwalker Gene Cernan, left, gives a thumbs up to the astronauts on the International Space Station from Mission Control in Houston on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013.

By Robert Z. Pearlman, Editor

HOUSTON The last man to walk on the moon made an unexpected call to the most recent men to live in space this week during a visit to NASA's Mission Control room.

Gene Cernan, who in December 1972 commanded Apollo 17, the sixth and final lunar landing mission, was touring the Johnson Space Center here with some friends when he was invited by flight controllers to talk live with Expedition 34 commander Kevin Ford and flight engineers Chris Hadfield and Tom Marshburn in the U.S. Destiny laboratory on the International Space Station, 260 miles above the Earth.

"I didn't know I was going to be able to do this," Cernan told the station's crew during the visit on Feb. 5. The moonwalker, who was using a phone receiver to talk with the astronauts in space, could see Ford, Marshburn and Hadfield on the large screens at the front of the control center room.

The ISS residents were in turn able to see Cernan via live streaming video on one of their laptop computers.

"I'm personally proud," Cernan commented. "I'm at the age now where most of you were probably in diapers or knee pants when I went to the moon, but at least what we did worked because it inspired you to do what you're doing." [Apollo 17 Moonwalker Calls Space Station (Video)]

"I think I was 12 when you came home from the moon for the last time," Ford responded, "and you did inspire us for sure, just like whole world, frankly. Every place I go in the world, they know NASA because what you guys did back then that long ago."

Elbow room in space The space-to-ground conversation, which aired on NASA's television channel and was streamed through the space agency's website, showed Ford, Marshburn and Hadfield floating inside the orbiting laboratory with room to spare. And they were inside just one of the space station's dozen modules, which they share with three other crewmates, Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novitskiy, Evgeny Tarelkin and Roman Romanenko.

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Last moonwalker calls space station

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NightPod Images Bring Earth to Light From Space Station

Posted: at 11:45 pm

There is a reason the phrase "shooting in the dark" refers to things that are difficult to do - and night photography is no exception. To account for low-light image scenarios, a photographer needs a steady tripod, but aboard the International Space Station, a traditional tripod isn't going to cut it. Thankfully, the European Space Agency, or ESA, developed NightPod for the crew's cameras.

This astronaut photograph of Liege, Belgium, at night was taken using the NightPod camera mount aboard the space station. The mechanism allows astronauts to capture images of the Earth at night with greater clarity and control than previously possible from orbit.

"The challenges of low-light photography from orbit - for example, the likelihood of blurry images because of the ground motion - have always frustrated astronauts," said Cynthia Evans, International Space Station associate program scientist for Earth Observations.

"Over the years, astronauts have experimented with different solutions, including high-speed films and manual tracking to compensate for the ground motion. The NightPod camera mount allows the crew to successfully track the Earth using low-light camera settings."

NightPod incorporates an ESA Nodding Mechanism, which is an electro-mechanical mount system for digital cameras designed to compensate for the motion of the station relative to the Earth. This high-tech, motorized tripod can compensate for the more than 17,000 mph (27,000 kph) speed of the station and the motion of the Earth below-no easy feat!

The crew enters the station's orbit and attitude into NightPod, enabling the instrument to automatically track a specific location on the ground and keep the target in frame for optimal focus. Since the system can be set to run automated for up to six hours, the crew can literally take pictures in their sleep.

To get an idea of just how clear images using NightPod are, look at how detailed the brightly lit core of the Liege urban area appears. It lies at the center of a network of roadways - traceable by continuous orange lighting extending out into the rural and relatively dark Belgian countryside.

For a sense of scale, the distance from image left to right is approximately 43 miles (70 kilometers). The region to the southeast of Verviers includes agricultural fields and forest; hence, it appears almost uniformly dark at night.

The image of Liege was acquired on Dec. 8, 2012, with a Nikon D3S digital camera using a 180 millimeter lens and the NightPod, and is provided by CEO investigators and the Image Science and Analysis Laboratory at Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by the Expedition 34 crew. It was cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts were removed.

Installation of NightPod was completed on Feb. 24, 2012, by astronaut Andre Kuipers, and some of the earliest images appear in this ESA story.

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NightPod Images Bring Earth to Light From Space Station

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CMC Genetic engineering – Video

Posted: at 11:44 pm

CMC Genetic engineering
In this example of the US presidential elections, we explain how genetic engineering works. - created at

By: Felix Kriedemann

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CMC Genetic engineering 2 – Video

Posted: at 11:44 pm

CMC Genetic engineering 2
Created at

By: Felix Kriedemann

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CMC Genetic engineering 2 - Video

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