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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Transhuman guitar jam – Video
Posted: February 13, 2013 at 11:42 am
Transhuman guitar jam
Rough jam of a new song for my band transhuman. (I didn #39;t have an 8 string)
By: Adam Chinner
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Transhuman guitar jam - Video
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Transhuman pre-production – Video
Posted: at 11:42 am
Transhuman pre-production
Ollie jamming through a new song for Transhuman in pre-production for EP number 3
By: Adam Chinner
See the original post here:
Transhuman pre-production - Video
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Cortex – Retro-Futurism – Video
Posted: at 11:42 am
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Richard Watson Futurist Speaker – Video
Posted: at 11:42 am
Richard Watson Futurist Speaker
Richard Watson advises organizations on the future, focusing on strategic foresight and scenario planning. He is the publisher of the What #39;s Next report on global trends and is the author of the book Future Files: A History of the Next 50 Years (10 editions worldwide).
By: SpeakersC
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Richard Watson Futurist Speaker - Video
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Richard Scase – Futurist – Video
Posted: at 11:42 am
Richard Scase - Futurist
Professor Richard Scase is one of the world #39;s leading business forecasters speaking and writing authoritatively on the broadest global trends.
By: SpeakersC
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Richard Scase - Futurist - Video
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Richard Laermer – Marketing Keynote Speaker and Futurist – Video
Posted: at 11:41 am
Richard Laermer - Marketing Keynote Speaker and Futurist
Best-selling author of 2011:Trendspotting and Punk Marketing, Richard Laermer is a futurist business trendspotter extraordinaire
By: SpeakersC
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Richard Laermer - Marketing Keynote Speaker and Futurist - Video
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Re-Supply Ship Docks with Space Station – Video
Posted: February 12, 2013 at 2:44 am
Re-Supply Ship Docks with Space Station
An unpiloted Russian cargo ship --- the ISS Progress 50 --- docked to the International Space Station Feb. 11, six hours after its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The new Progress linked up automatically to the Pirs Docking Compartment following an accelerated rendezvous that shortened the time from launch to docking, similar to the rendezvous profile executed by two previous Progress vehicles. ISS Progress 50 was loaded with almost three tons of food, fuel, supplies and experiment hardware for the six crewmembers on the orbital laboratory.
By: NASAtelevision
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Re-Supply Ship Docks with Space Station - Video
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Mary Clare’s question for the astronauts on the Space Station – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
Mary Clare #39;s question for the astronauts on the Space Station
By: Tina Jones
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Mary Clare's question for the astronauts on the Space Station - Video
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#askAstro | International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
#askAstro | International Space Station
Question for NASA #39;s International Space Station Hangout.
By: KevinKarlStudio
See the original post:
#askAstro | International Space Station - Video
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NASA Google+ Hangout Features Astronauts on International Space Station
Posted: at 2:44 am
NASA will host an hour-long question-and-answer session through Google+ Hangouts with three astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) on Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to noon ET.
While NASA will preselect the video questions for astronauts Kevin Ford and Tom Marshburn of NASA and Chris Hadfield of the Canadian Space Agency, it welcomed written questions from Google+, Twitter, and Facebook.
NASA said it will also accept real-time questions that are marked with the #askAstro hashtag on Google+, YouTube and Twitter during the event and that it will open up a thread on its Facebook webpage.
YouTube users can submit video questions tagged with #askAstro by tomorrow, Feb. 12.
NASA has broadcast live onboard many of its space vehicles, with astronauts giving tours of spacecraft and answering questions, but this will be the first time NASA conducts such an event using multiple forms of social media to solicit questions.
The event will be viewable through NASA's Google+ page or through its YouTube channel.
This article was originally published on the Inquirer.
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NASA Google+ Hangout Features Astronauts on International Space Station
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