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My eczema journey Day 1 This is NOT the ringworm – Video
Posted: February 13, 2013 at 11:43 am
My eczema journey Day 1 This is NOT the ringworm I was diagnosed with eczema and I just wanted to share my story. Today is day one, in this video I talk about my dark spots, itchy skin and my recommended treatments. I will do weekly updates of my progress. If you want to follow my journey please feel free to subscribe to my channel.
By: Keisha Anderson
Originally posted here:
My eczema journey Day 1 This is NOT the ringworm - Video
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Seg_ 3 – Dear Doctor – Psoriasis – Skin disease – 09 Feb 2013 – Suvarna News – Video
Posted: at 11:43 am
Seg_ 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
SUVARNA NEWS 24x7 - Seg_ 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
By: suvarnanews
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Seg_ 3 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News - Video
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Seg_ 2 – Dear Doctor – Psoriasis – Skin disease – 09 Feb 2013 – Suvarna News – Video
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Seg_ 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
SUVARNA NEWS 24x7 - Seg_ 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
By: suvarnanews
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Seg_ 2 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News - Video
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Seg_ 1 – Dear Doctor – Psoriasis – Skin disease – 09 Feb 2013 – Suvarna News – Video
Posted: at 11:43 am
Seg_ 1 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
SUVARNA NEWS 24x7 - Seg_ 1 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News
By: suvarnanews
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Seg_ 1 - Dear Doctor - Psoriasis - Skin disease - 09 Feb 2013 - Suvarna News - Video
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Treatment of psoriasis – DETA devices – Video
Posted: at 11:43 am
Treatment of psoriasis - DETA devices
Treatment of psoriasis - DETA devices (after 2 weeks of the treatment)
By: Lena Larsen
Visit link:
Treatment of psoriasis - DETA devices - Video
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First-ever public health agenda for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis gives federal recognition to millions with …
Posted: at 11:43 am
PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 12, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) led collaborative efforts among clinical, biomedical and public health experts to develop the first-ever public health agenda for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, giving federal recognition to millions of Americans living with these diseases.
A short article on the agenda was released online today in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, highlighting the gaps in psoriatic disease research to guide future public health efforts into these diseases. View the full report at
"Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have many genetic and environmental causes that vary among individuals," said Andrew D. Robertson, chief scientific and medical officer for the National Psoriasis Foundation. "A public health approach to psoriatic diseases will allow scientists to better identify possible environmental contributions, which could potentially help us stop these diseases before they start."
In 2009, after a multi-year advocacy campaign by National Psoriasis Foundation advocates and leaders, Congress allocated $1.5 million to the CDC to commence the first-ever government data collection effort on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Through extensive collaboration, the coalition created a list of priorities, needs and unanswered questions in psoriatic disease research.
"Public health efforts exist for other chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, yet psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis have not had similar attention, despite their prevalence and profound burden on health care costs, quality of life and employment," said Randy Beranek, National Psoriasis Foundation president and CEO.
The public health agenda focuses on four priorities:
A chronic, genetic disease of the immune system, psoriasis is the most prevalent autoimmune disease in the country, affecting as many as 7.5 million Americans. Psoriasis puts people at increased risk for other health concerns such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, an inflammatory arthritis that affects the joints and tendons. If left untreated, it can cause irreversible joint damage.
The agenda clearly states the need for research into basic questions, such as the age at which psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis appear, how the diseases start and develop over time, and possible differences in how they affect certain groups, such as younger versus older people.
"To successfully answer these questions, and address other research needs, the engagement of the larger dermatology and public health communities is needed," Robertson said. "The Psoriasis Foundation looks forward to creating opportunities that facilitate involvement among interested parties to move this public health agenda forward."
Learn more about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis at
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First-ever public health agenda for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis gives federal recognition to millions with ...
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Politically Incorrect – Mojo Nixon / Kellie Martin / John Gregory Dunne / Taylor Negron – Video
Posted: at 11:43 am
Politically Incorrect - Mojo Nixon / Kellie Martin / John Gregory Dunne / Taylor Negron
This is an uncut broadcast of Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher from San Diego ABC affiliate KGTV recorded March 20th 1997. There is some audio buzz on the original recording. Hopefully I #39;ll get a better copy of this show to upload sometime in the future.
By: MojoNixonWorldEmpire
Read the original:
Politically Incorrect - Mojo Nixon / Kellie Martin / John Gregory Dunne / Taylor Negron - Video
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Israel prison death shows censorship flaws in digital age
Posted: at 11:43 am
The blanket ban on reporting details of the detention and apparent suicide of an Australian prisoner jailed in Israel has raised pressing questions about the relevance of censorship in a digital age.
The mysterious case of "Prisoner X" briefly emerged in 2010 in an online news report which was immediately taken down due to a gag order, only to resurface on Tuesday when Australia's ABC news said he was an Australian working for Mossad.
Although the news spread like wildfire across social networks, Israel's media outlets were uncharacteristically silent, gagged by a set of tight restrictions which barred them from even mentioning the ABC report.
The silence was only broken when three Israeli MPs used their parliamentary immunity to raise the issue in at the Knesset, forcing the censor to ease its grip and permit coverage of the ABC report.
Aluf Benn, editor of the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper said the case highlighted the old-world thinking among Israel's top intelligence brass.
"I imagined yesterday that I met Mossad chief Tamir Pardo and that I tried to persuade him to remove himself for a day or two from the cloak-and-dagger world he lives in ... But then I remembered that Pardo is still living in the previous century, when information is kept in regimes' safes," he wrote.
Shortly after the ABC report emerged, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called in the country's top editors to ask them to cooperate by withholding publication of information about an incident that was "very embarrassing to a certain government agency," Haaretz said, in a clear allusion to Mossad.
For Israel's security establishment, the press was simply an extension of the state which could be controlled at will, Benn wrote.
"They all find it hard to come to terms with the concept of a free media operating in a democratic state, and they try to recruit the press to work with them, offering journalists a combination of confidential information and the threat of arrest."
Under Israeli law, violation of a gag order is a serious offence, punishable by imprisonment.
See the original post here:
Israel prison death shows censorship flaws in digital age
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Israel prison death shows censorship flaws
Posted: at 11:43 am
THE blanket ban on reporting details of the detention and apparent suicide of an Australian prisoner jailed in Israel has raised pressing questions about the relevance of censorship in a digital age.
The mysterious case of Prisoner X briefly emerged in 2010 in an online news report which was immediately taken down due to a gag order, only to resurface on Tuesday when Australia's ABC news said he was an Australian working for Mossad.
Although the news spread like wildfire across social networks, Israel's media outlets were uncharacteristically silent, gagged by a set of tight restrictions which barred them from even mentioning the ABC report.
The silence was only broken when three Israeli MPs used their parliamentary immunity to raise the issue in at the Knesset, forcing the censor to ease its grip and permit coverage of the ABC report.
Aluf Benn, editor of the left-leaning Haaretz newspaper said the case highlighted the old-world thinking among Israel's top intelligence brass.
"I imagined yesterday that I met Mossad chief Tamir Pardo and that I tried to persuade him to remove himself for a day or two from the cloak-and-dagger world he lives in ... But then I remembered that Pardo is still living in the previous century, when information is kept in regimes' safes," he wrote.
Shortly after the ABC report emerged, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called in the country's top editors to ask them to cooperate by withholding publication of information about an incident that was "very embarrassing to a certain government agency," Haaretz said, in a clear allusion to Mossad.
For Israel's security establishment, the press was simply an extension of the state which could be controlled at will, Benn wrote.
"They all find it hard to come to terms with the concept of a free media operating in a democratic state, and they try to recruit the press to work with them, offering journalists a combination of confidential information and the threat of arrest."
Under Israeli law, violation of a gag order is a serious offence, punishable by imprisonment.
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Israel prison death shows censorship flaws
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Special report: censorship in cyberspace
Posted: at 11:43 am
The global reach of the Internet was supposed to democratize information and improve the lives of millions. But as the sophistication of the World Wide Web has spread, so too have the tools of despotic regimes and other political groups to suppress freedom.
From blocking websites and social networks to monitoring text messages and arresting bloggers and journalists who post online, censorship of the Internet is on the rise, according to several monitoring agencies. And the ways and means of blocking political discussion, religious freedom, and reports of institutional corruption are getting more invidious, from China to the Middle East.
"Overall, it's getting worse," Jillian York, director for international freedom of expression at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told
In fact, according to Freedom on the Net 2012 -- a survey by independent watchdog group Freedom House -- of the 47 countries covered "20 have experienced a negative trajectory since January 2011, with Bahrain, Pakistan, and Ethiopia registering the greatest declines" in Internet freedom.
- Sarah Cook, a senior research analyst at Freedom House
Far from leading to the spread of democracy and freedom online, the events of the 2011 Arab Spring led many authoritarian countries to clamp down more tightly, fearful of rebellious citizens inciting and organizing online. In other cases, such as that of Pakistan, religious restrictions were the reason for censoring so-called blasphemous speech online. Still in other countries, such as Mexico, threats and the killing of online reporters and bloggers by drug cartels has stifled reports of criminal activity.
Indeed, the real world effects of such censorship are alarming and getting worse. Last year, 144 journalists, media, and bloggers were killed for their activities, according to Reporters Without Borders. It was the deadliest year since the organization began tracking such murders in 1995, and nearly double the number of such killings -- 73 -- committed in the previous year. The most egregious offenders were Syria and Somalia, followed by Pakistan.
The goal of such violence is often to staunch the flow of information.
In Iran last November, blogger and cyber-journalist Sattar Beheshti was reportedly tortured to death by prison authorities for allegedly threatening Iran's national security on social networks. (Iran's state prosecutor later confirmed that Beheshti died in police custody and had wounds on his body.)
Far from leading to the spread of democracy and freedom online, the events of the 2011 Arab spring led many authoritarian countries to clamp down more tightly, fearful of rebellious citizens inciting and organizing online.
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