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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address – Video

Posted: February 14, 2013 at 12:44 pm

Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address
John Stossell talks with Ron Paul about Obama #39;s Stat of the Union Address. Stossell see #39;s it more of a "State of Your Freedom" address.

By: kylehardaway

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Ron Paul Reacts to State of the Union Address - Video

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John Stewart Shows How Ron Paul Is Feared By The NWO Mafia Controlled Mainstream Media – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

John Stewart Shows How Ron Paul Is Feared By The NWO Mafia Controlled Mainstream Media

By: ExposedTyranny

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John Stewart Shows How Ron Paul Is Feared By The NWO Mafia Controlled Mainstream Media - Video

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RE: Ron Paul vs. – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

RE: Ron Paul vs.
Let #39;s try and address some of the fundamental concepts at the foundation of the domain grab.

By: Christopher Cantwell

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RE: Ron Paul vs. - Video

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Why The Hell Is Ron Paul Asking The United Nations For Help – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Why The Hell Is Ron Paul Asking The United Nations For Help
Don #39;t Forget To Press That LIKE Button! My Facebook: My Twitter: My Twitch:

By: MrSmokeydogg7

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Why The Hell Is Ron Paul Asking The United Nations For Help - Video

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Ron Paul Economic Policy – What President Obama Should Do / Listen too. – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Ron Paul Economic Policy - What President Obama Should Do / Listen too.
debt crisis 2013, 2013, 2012, 2014, economy 2013 predicitions, economy 2013, 2013 economy, gold 2013, silver 2013, silver 2013 predictions, collapse, dollar, market, financial, government, economic, economy, economy 2013 forecast, prediction, outlook, economy 2014, outlook, crisis, where...

By: EconomyCommodityNews

Ron Paul Economic Policy - What President Obama Should Do / Listen too. - Video

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Southern California Ron Paul R3VOLUTION – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Southern California Ron Paul R3VOLUTION
ALL of the #39;issues #39; people try to use against Dr. Ron Paul who is an American Veteran all come to down to a single world view: In America, which should be the sovereign over the other, Government or the Citizen? Ron Paul #39;s answer is the Citizen. The GOP #39;s AND DNC #39;s answer appears to be Government. "Today #39;s events are reminiscent of the Old Testament story of how the Israelites demanded a king over God #39;s objection. They believed that a king would give them peace and security. The results proved otherwise." #8213; Ron Paul

By: Jorge Fernandez

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Southern California Ron Paul R3VOLUTION - Video

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Stephan Kinsella – Ron Paul is using gov’t to steal from supporters – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Stephan Kinsella - Ron Paul is using gov #39;t to steal from supporters
Buy agorist! Get your metals from #192 State of the Union in context To hear the full podcast Please address love mail to Donate Bitcoin: 1BWeuWdgjrP8PFAwBwgwU9BUqJNewScouy Get your AVTM shirts here: Invest here to support ADAM VS THE MAN!

By: AdamKokesh

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Stephan Kinsella - Ron Paul is using gov't to steal from supporters - Video

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Appeasing "Racism" for Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Appeasing "Racism" for Libertarianism
Don #39;t waste your time appeasing "racism". By "racism", I mean calling people "racist". That #39;s the reality of "racism". KKK, the Nazis, slavery - these are all things used by the "racism" people to push "racism" - ie calling people "racist". The "racist" is graded on a curve. If you #39;re on the left side of the curve, you #39;re "racist". It doesn #39;t matter if you #39;re for no policies based on race. That is just "color-blind racism" or "white privilege apologetics". The response to the Ron Paul newsletters is evidence that appeasing these animals is a futile program, and saying "I #39;m not #39;racist #39; at all" just raises suspicions. You #39;re better off just saying you #39;re for racial separation, as that is more plausible, and in my case, is actually true.

By: fringeelements

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Appeasing "Racism" for Libertarianism - Video

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Atlantis docks at space station on last mission

Posted: February 13, 2013 at 11:46 am

The docking capped a two-day journey that began with an emotional send-off from the Kennedy Space Center, where about 1 million spectators gathered to watch the shuttle thunder into the sky for the program's 135th and final flight

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CAPE CANAVERAL, USA: U.S. space shuttle Atlantis arrived at the International Space Station on Sunday to deliver a last batch of supplies to the orbiting outpost on the final flight of the U.S. shuttle program.

Commander Chris Ferguson gently eased Atlantis into its parking slip on the station's Harmony node at 11:07 a.m. EDT as the spacecraft soared 230 miles over the Pacific Ocean.

"Welcome to the International Space Station for the last time," station flight engineer Ron Garan radioed to the crew.

Crews opened Atlantis' hatch less than two hours later and the shuttle's 4-member crew floated through the airlock into the recently completed $100 billion orbital outpost.

After a 30-year history that has cost nearly $200 billion and claimed the lives of 14 astronauts, the shuttles are being retired to make way for a new generation of spacecraft that President Barack Obama says will put U.S. astronauts on an asteroid and then on to Mars.

The docking capped a two-day journey that began with an emotional send-off from the Kennedy Space Center, where about 1 million spectators gathered on Friday to watch the shuttle thunder into the sky for the program's 135th and final flight.

About an hour before docking, Ferguson gently somersaulted Atlantis so Garan and crew-mates aboard the station could photograph the shuttle's delicate heat-resistant tiles.

"Poetry in motion," said mission commentator Rob Navias as television cameras aboard the station relayed video of the sleek spaceship slowly backflipping over the cloud-speckled northern Atlantic Ocean.

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Atlantis docks at space station on last mission

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Astronaut aboard space station ‘visits’ Naperville school

Posted: at 11:46 am

Article updated: 2/13/2013 8:43 AM

Orbiting about 250 miles above Earth, NASA astronaut Kevin Ford spends his days working with a crew studying potential cures for osteoporosis. But he's longing for a golf range and a meal that doesn't come in a ready-to-eat package.

Ford, currently the commander of the International Space Station's Expedition 34 six-person crew, spoke to several dozen St. Raphael Catholic School students Tuesday afternoon via a live video feed.

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During the half-hour chat, students were able to watch Ford float around a portion of the space station as he answered their questions. Ford was only able to hear the students.

"(Floating in zero gravity) is pretty crazy. We get used to it after a while so it becomes very second nature for us to fly around and use handrails to guide us easily inside the space station," Ford said as he performed a variety of zero-gravity gymnastics.

"I think if I had to choose, I would rather have gravity instead of zero gravity," he said. "It's fun for a while, but I'd rather live on Earth."

Ford joined the space station in late October and is scheduled to return to Earth in mid-March.

"I'm conditioned enough now that I can stay up here as long as they need me to," he said. "But I'm looking forward to coming home."

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Astronaut aboard space station ‘visits’ Naperville school

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