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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Linda Chin, MD, on Translation of the Cancer Genome – Video
Posted: February 15, 2013 at 2:46 pm
Linda Chin, MD, on Translation of the Cancer Genome
TAMEST 2013 Annual Conference Probing the Depths: under the Sea and into the Brain January 17-18, 2013, Westin Galleria Dallas Hotel, Dallas, Texas
By: TAMEST2004
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Linda Chin, MD, on Translation of the Cancer Genome - Video
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Coast To Coast AM Archive Jul 05 2010 The Human Genome – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Coast To Coast AM Archive Jul 05 2010 The Human Genome
Coast To Coast AM Daily - The Coast To Coast AM 2013 Archive - Watch The Best Of Coast To Coast AM Here - The Coast To Coast AM late night talk show hosted by George Noory with Ian Punnett, George Knapp, Richard Hoagland, Rob Simone and John B. Wells are the Coast To Coast AM hosts and will keep you informed late into the night. #9617; #9618; #9619; #9632;Beyond News Forum #9632; #9619; #9618; #9617;
By: C2CAMDaily
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Coast To Coast AM Archive Jul 05 2010 The Human Genome - Video
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Posted: at 2:46 pm
via YouTube Capture
By: ParallelUniversity1
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible (Unabridged Audiobook Review – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible (Unabridged Audiobook Review The ideas enshrined in the Bible triggered a revolution in human thought and established the moral and philosophical foundation for Western civilization....
By: books681
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible (Unabridged Audiobook Review - Video
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization Audiobook Review – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization Audiobook Review Western civilization is under attack. At universities and in the media, professors and pundits decry Western civilization as exploitative, destructive, and without value....
By: bookreviewsful
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The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization Audiobook Review - Video
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How to spot a creationist censorship of an Atheist Shockofg – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
How to spot a creationist censorship of an Atheist Shockofg
Just so you know this is something called evidence mr shockofgod. Notice how we observe and take note of the actual facts taking place in your biased video.
By: Mitchell Nichols Jr
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CENSORSHIP-Short Film Directed by Elisabetta Fornarelli – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
CENSORSHIP-Short Film Directed by Elisabetta Fornarelli
CENSORSHIP SHORT FILM 2011 A FILM BY: ELISABETTA FORNARELLI Interpreters: Slim Ayedi - Andrea Monaldi Subject: Elisabetta Fornarelli - Andrea Monaldi Screenplay: Andrea Monaldi Editing: Elisabetta Fornarelli Photography: Elisabetta Fornarelli Technical Assistance: Mirco Morroni Graphics Designer: Mirco Morroni Soundtrack (copyright-free): WEB Based on a true story. Images of this work are taken from Tunisia. All the material has been produced during the months between January and April 2011. This document wishes to tell a recent cross section of current history. The foreground role which Tunisia had in the geo-political chessboard of the revolutions within the whole of the South Mediterranean basin. This small nation gave rise to the Arab Spring. Regardless of the difficulties encountered throughout (from the police with their checks and to the numerous faithful followers of the old regime who hindered all those who wanted to document that which was going on, not in a kind way either), we came across many infinitely dignified people. We interacted with the true protagonists of these events. The main theme running through the document, censorship, which still pervades these countries, comes to the fore through certain events we bore witness to, in a most tangible way. The difficulties and intimidation civil journalists have to endure on a day-to-day basis is a truth we just have to realise. We have, therefore ...
By: censuramovie
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CENSORSHIP-Short Film Directed by Elisabetta Fornarelli - Video
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Embracing Our Transhuman Future
Posted: at 2:46 pm
As time passes, pieces of us will be replaced by artificial elements. Insulin pumps, pacemakers, artificial joints and limbs, exoskeletons, and cochlear implants. Neurochemical enhancement represents another way that we transform ourselves. Technology has made ustranshuman.
This is from The Techno-Human Condition by Braden Allenby and Daniel Sarewitz:
Until now, some are saying, our application of technology to enhancing our capabilities was largely external: we constructed tools that we could wield to increase our capacity to do things, but as wielders we were essentially fixed in our capabilities. We controlled our external environment, not our internal selves. Even when we did things to enhance our inner capabilities, we did them with external interventionseyeglasses, education, and the like. Now, we are told, with powerful new genetic technologies on the horizon, with the increasing fusion of human and machine intelligence, and with neuropharmaceuticals, artificial body parts, and stem cell therapies, we are beginning the business of transforming ourselves from the inside out, of exerting explicit and conscious control over our existing selves and our evolving selves in ways that create new opportunities, new challenges, and new ways of thinking about who we are and where we are going. The very notion of what it means to be human seems to be in play. For some people this is a thrilling and wonderful prospect indeed, while others are filled with dread and despair.
Let us differentiate between two separate dialogs about transhumanism. One involves the ways in which living humans use technologies to change themselves, for example through replacement of worn-out knees and hips, or enhancement of cognitive function through pharmaceuticals.The second dialog positions transhumanism as a cultural construct that considers the relations between humanness and social and technological change. Many people are excitedly talking and writing about the prospects for the technological enhancement of human brains and bodies and a transition to new versions of humanness. The most avid and optimistic of these people call themselves transhumanists. The meaning of transhumanism sounds obviousbetween states of humannessyet is remarkably difficult to specify. A significant part of the ambiguity arises from ones notions about what it means to be human. This, of course, is contentious cultural territory; after all, without agreement on the meaning of humanness one cannot specify when the technology-enabled leap to transhumanism occurs.
We dont like the concept of thetranshuman. Im not sure if its the term or the concept. I suspect its both. Either way, we need to get over the idea that machines will do bits of us better than we can or in ways that our bodies no longer can.We have a hard time seeing assistive technology beyond the shallow context of 20th century science fiction. Ultimately our repulsion of the man-machine reflects a level of hypocrisy and arrogance. We celebrate the purity of our humanness but cling desperately to the technology that keeps us going.
Of course if a machine can replace something that we do, perhaps what we did was never that human to begin with.
Amazon links are affiliate links.
Tagged as: human, machine, transhuman
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Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievment Celerium (Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 2:46 pm
Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievment Celerium (Part 1)
this is me playing celerium attempting to get futurist acheviment
By: Br4nD0NaNdCo
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Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievment Celerium (Part 1) - Video
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custom marvel legends action figure SPACE STATION WOLVERINE (battle damaged) – Video
Posted: February 14, 2013 at 12:45 pm
custom marvel legends action figure SPACE STATION WOLVERINE (battle damaged)
By: telatron56
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custom marvel legends action figure SPACE STATION WOLVERINE (battle damaged) - Video
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