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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Let’s Play Feed the Beast – Episode 37: Agriculture, apiculture, genetic engineering – Video
Posted: February 16, 2013 at 7:44 pm
Let #39;s Play Feed the Beast - Episode 37: Agriculture, apiculture, genetic engineering
In this series, I play Minecraft with some of the mods provided by Feed the Beast. Feed the Beast ( is a launcher and a set of mod packs for Minecraft. I #39;m playing with the Mindcrack mod pack, with the following modifications: Additional mods: Mystcraft ( ThaumicBees ( NEIPlugins for Forestry 2.x ( Disabled mods: factorization, gregtech, modularforcefieldsystem, neipluginsredpower, voxelcommon, voxelmenu, voxelpacket, voxelplayer, xycraft World download E37: Mod config files:
By: Alex Diener
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Let's Play Feed the Beast - Episode 37: Agriculture, apiculture, genetic engineering - Video
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Posted: at 7:44 pm
DNA FT. YUNG OCHO - #39; #39;I GOT U #39; #39;
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DNA FT. YUNG OCHO - ''I GOT U'' - Video
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Little Mix – DNA (x2) – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Little Mix - DNA (x2)
Little Mix #39;s DNA (Unplugged) mashed with the original version of the song. I made this with Virtual DJ and am very very proud of my work. I do not own either of the songs but I own this mash up so please do not take credit. Thank you. x.
By: characterinmydream
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Little Mix - DNA (x2) - Video
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Tests by food giants find horse DNA
Posted: at 7:44 pm
15 February 2013 Last updated at 15:10 ET
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Catherine Brown, FSA chief executive, says "it is unlikely we will ever know" how many unwittingly ate horsemeat
Catering giant Compass Group and Whitbread, one of Britain's largest hotel chains, have found horse DNA in products sold as beef, it has emerged.
Horsemeat has also been found in cottage pies supplied to 47 schools in Lancashire - they have been withdrawn.
But the Food Standards Agency says that after 2,501 fresh tests no new products have been identified as containing more than 1% horsemeat.
It said the 29 positive results were on seven previously withdrawn products.
FSA chief executive Catherine Brown said she remained "confident" that the testing was the right way to address the issue.
"It is industry's responsibility to get this right - not the government's - and we consider that a comprehensive testing programme at all points of the supply chain and in all sectors is an essential step in addressing this issue.
"And as this programme of testing and publishing results continues, and as action is taken to tackle this issue in supply chains across Europe, we will reach the point where we can say with confidence that horse meat is no longer illegally entering the UK food chain."
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Tests by food giants find horse DNA
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SUBARU R1 STI Genome Muffler – Video
Posted: at 7:44 pm
SUBARU R1 STI Genome Muffler
SUBARU R1(NA)+STI #12466; #12494; #12512; #12510; #12501; #12521; #12540;
By: 01Ichi10
Originally posted here:
SUBARU R1 STI Genome Muffler - Video
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Conceptualization of the Human Genome Project
Posted: at 7:44 pm
Conceptualization of the Human Genome Project Development of Data Release Principles
February 14, 2013 - Human Genome Project (HGP) 10th Anniversary Seminar Series. Speakers: Robert Waterston Sir John Sulston More:
By: GenomeTV
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As genome sequencing becomes more affordable should you do it?
Posted: at 7:44 pm
1 day ago Feb. 15, 2013 - 11:52 AM PST
Genome sequencing is becoming more affordable than ever before several companies in the industry say the $1,000 personal genome is just around the corner. But, even if you can afford it, is mapping your genes worth it if you dont have a specific medical condition to consider?
Despite the whole knowledge is power argument it could help with early diagnosis and prevention or lead a doctor to better treatment options for an existing condition sequencing skeptics raise valid concerns and questions when it comes to gene sequencing for healthy people. How precise is it? How well will consumers be able to interpret the results? Will it just lead to needless hand-wringing about conditions that people wont be able to do to much to address or that wont surface until much later in life?
For now, those are questions for people with only the deepest pockets. But it wont be long before the conversation becomes more relevant for more of us and, in the Wall Street Journal this week, two doctors weigh in with the pros and cons of the debate over whether healthy people should have their genomes sequenced.
Dr. Atul J. Butte, division chief and associate professor at the Stanford University School of Medicine and director of the Center for Pediatric Bioinformatics at Lucile Packard Childrens Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif., takes the pro position. And Dr. Robert Green, a medical geneticist at Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, argues against it.
Even though Dr. Butte acknowledges that gene sequencing isnt perfect, he believes the positives outweigh the negatives. He says:
On the flip side, Dr. Green believes that while affordable genomic analysis opens the door to personalized disease prevention and treatment options, there are still roadblocks. For example:
When it comes to health, I tend to fall on the side of information the more of it we have, the better off we are. And the rise of consumer-ready medical technology that gives us clearer windows into our bodies from Fitbits (see disclosure) to the AliveCor iPhone-compatible heart monitor is setting the stage for an era in which people are armed with even more data about their health. 23andmedoesnt do full gene sequencing but its genotyping services already let people explore their DNA for just $99.
But as we move into this new bioinformation-filled future, its important to keep the skeptics voices in mind because gene sequencing doesnt just have personal implications but public health consequences. One of Dr. Greens most haunting concerns is the rise of patients in waiting who spend their lives in anxiety, undergoing unnecessary tests and potentially doing themselves more harm than good. But asothers have noted, sequencing could take its toll on the health care system with unessential screenings and procedure, tax the patient-doctor relationship and lead to other biotethical questions.
Disclosure: True Ventures is an investor in Fitbit and the parent company of this blog, Giga Omni Media. Om Malik, founder of Giga Omni Media, is also a venture partner at True.
Continued here:
As genome sequencing becomes more affordable should you do it?
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Posted: at 7:43 pm
Psoriasis is a condition identified by red-looking skin full of solid spots of silvery skin scales. Did you know one herbal treatment of psoriasis may solve your problem?
By: Bill Vasiliadis
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Posted in Psoriasis
SODERMIX Application in Pruritus and Psoriasis by Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel #4 – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
SODERMIX Application in Pruritus and Psoriasis by Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel #4
By: Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Al-Kamel In Al-Jumhury Teaching Hospital, Sana #39;a, Yemen, Feb. 2013
By: Mohamed Al-Kamel
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SODERMIX Application in Pruritus and Psoriasis by Dr. Mohamed Al-Kamel #4 - Video
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Psoriasis Case – Video
Posted: at 7:43 pm
Psoriasis Case
Experience of Psoriasis patient about Ayurveda Treatment
By: Dr.Vijay Nandvadekar
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Psoriasis Case - Video
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