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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Who is the Filipino? genome expert asks

Posted: February 18, 2013 at 7:44 am

By Tarra Quismundo Philippine Daily Inquirer

It is a question that has been asked for generations: Who is the Filipino?

A Filipino-American scientist and global genomics expert believes the answer is in every one of us, literally.

Michael Purugganan, a world authority on the molecular study of the origin, evolution and characteristics of organisms, is calling on the government, private sector and Filipino scientists to embark on the Philippines own genome projectan undertaking that would determine where the Filipino comes from.

One of the things that Ive always advocated is a systematic analysis of the genome of Filipinos Its still really basic research but I think it has practical values. It allows us to see, for example, what genetic diseases we might have, which might help doctors, Purugganan told the Inquirer on Jan. 30.

Just as important is that it allows us to see who we are, to tell the story of who we are. Thats a very powerful idea, that we as Filipinos can go to our DNA and see who we are and what makes us different, said the dean of science at New York University (NYU) while on a visit to Manila.

Purugganan, who works closely on rice genome studies with the Laguna-based International Rice Research Institute, proposed to look into the DNA of a representative group of 10 Filipinos from different provinces and tribal groups, and sequence their genome, the entirety of an organisms genetic makeup.

The project would ultimately answer the question that one local apparel brand posed through billboard ads last year: Whats your mix?

I remember somebody asking me that and I had to think about it. I said, I actually dont know what being a Filipino means genetically. So, genetically were mixtures of Taiwanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Arab, Spanish, probably some American and British. Its just different degrees, Purugganan said.

This is not to say, however, that no one is native Filipino, said Purugganan, who became the features editor of the Collegian in the early 1980s and finished a chemistry degree at the University of the Philippines (UP), before taking up advanced studies in top universities in the United States.

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Who is the Filipino? genome expert asks

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Johannes Krause – The Genome of the "Black Death" – Part 04 – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Johannes Krause - The Genome of the "Black Death" - Part 04
The "Black Death" killed almost half of Europe #39;s population in the Middle Ages. What exactly was this horrible disease? How did it evolve over time and how could it become as devastating as it was? Johannes Krause, Professor for Paleogenetics at the University of Tbingen, Germany, has the answers - and many more questions.

By: HorizonsMolBio

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Johannes Krause - The Genome of the "Black Death" - Part 04 - Video

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Genome expert asks: Who is the Filipino?

Posted: at 7:44 am

Manila (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) - It is a question that has been asked for generations: "Who is the Filipino?"

A Filipino-American scientist and global genomics expert believes the answer is in every one of us, literally.

Michael Purugganan, a world authority on the molecular study of the origin, evolution and characteristics of organisms, is calling on the government, private sector and Filipino scientists to embark on the Philippines' own genome project-an undertaking that would determine where the Filipino comes from.

"One of the things that I've always advocated is a systematic analysis of the genome of Filipinos... It's still really basic research but I think it has practical values. It allows us to see, for example, what genetic diseases we might have, which might help doctors," Purugganan told the Inquirer on Jan. 30.

"Just as important is that it allows us to see who we are, to tell the story of who we are. That's a very powerful idea, that we as Filipinos can go to our DNA and see who we are and what makes us different," said the dean of science at New York University (NYU) while on a visit to Manila.

Purugganan, who works closely on rice genome studies with the Laguna-based International Rice Research Institute, proposed to look into the DNA of a representative group of 10 Filipinos from different provinces and tribal groups, and sequence their genome, the entirety of an organism's genetic makeup.

The project would ultimately answer the question that one local apparel brand posed through billboard ads last year: "What's your mix?"

"I remember somebody asking me that and I had to think about it. I said, 'I actually don't know what being a Filipino means genetically.' So, genetically we're mixtures of Taiwanese, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Arab, Spanish, probably some American and British. It's just different degrees," Purugganan said.

This is not to say, however, that no one is native Filipino, said Purugganan, who became the features editor of the Collegian in the early 1980s and finished a chemistry degree at the University of the Philippines (UP), before taking up advanced studies in top universities in the United States.

Most everyone, after all, is born with a mix of bloodlines from different parts of the world, given the long history of human migration, settlement and, in the case of the Philippines, colonisation.

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Genome expert asks: Who is the Filipino?

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Monavie Testimonial – Improvement in Heart Health and Curing Eczema – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Monavie Testimonial - Improvement in Heart Health and Curing Eczema
Mr. Diwan Chand explains how one product has helped him recover from two ailments viz. Heart Problem and Eczema. He started taking Monavie Pulse for reviving his heart but the super juice acted miraculously on his other disease "Eczema". Within one month of usage he has recovered completely from Eczema and finds his heart health improved.

By: MonavieSamant

See the article here:
Monavie Testimonial - Improvement in Heart Health and Curing Eczema - Video

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Neosporin Eczema Essentials Daily Moisturizing Cream – Video

Posted: at 7:44 am

Neosporin Eczema Essentials Daily Moisturizing Cream Clinically Proven To Restore Visibly Healthier Skin In 3 Days. This Cream Restores Your Skins Natural Barrier Function. Our Unique Relipid Formula Contains A Lipid, Humectant, Emollient And Botanical Blend To Help Retain Moisture Essential For Healthy Looking Skin. Gentle Enough For Daily Use. Appropriate For Use On The Whole Family. Steroid And Fragrance Free. Nbsp;

By: dietwellness

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Neosporin Eczema Essentials Daily Moisturizing Cream - Video

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Cilantro effective in treating psoriasis

Posted: at 7:44 am

Some of our most important drugs were discovered partly by accident. Penicillin was developed after Alexander Fleming found a mold devouring the bacteria he was growing in a petri dish.

A class of valuable blood pressure medications called ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, ramipril, etc.) was developed when scientists investigated why victims of the deadly jararaca snake of Brazil died after experiencing very low blood pressure.

Sometimes ordinary people also put unexpected discoveries to good use. Such was the case when Donald Agar found that eating two coconut macaroon cookies daily could control the devastating diarrhea brought on by his lifelong inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns). He shared this surprising outcome, and many other people have benefited during the past decade.

Several weeks ago, we heard from a reader that a common herb, cilantro (coriander leaf), might offer unexpected help:

I have a home remedy that is amazing. I used to have severe psoriasis on my knees, elbows, eyes, forehead, wrists, feet and scalp. It would crack and bleed, itch and flake.

One day, a man commented on my raw patches and asked about the treatments Id tried. I explained about the numerous prescription treatments that had next to no success. Steroids gave short-term relief, but the problem usually came back worse than before the treatment.

This man said that to cure my skin problem, all I needed to do was eat raw cilantro. He said I should eat enough to turn my stool green.

I found that it takes a bundle each day for 10 to 15 days. I mix it in a green salad with my favorite dressing and find it an interesting flavor. My skin has been completely clear for six years. If I notice a small patch starting to get rough once or twice a year, I eat a bundle of cilantro for two or three meals and have no more skin problems!

We could find no research to support his claims, but since then we have heard from others who have also reported benefit.

One person offered this follow-up: I have been testing this out, as I have bouts of psoriasis. This winter, I woke up sporting quite a few spots on my thighs. I know how quickly this stuff can multiply, so I thought I would test out the cilantro. I can say that it is having an effect.

Go here to see the original:
Cilantro effective in treating psoriasis

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Minecraft Neighbors ep.6 -Jon Being Politically Incorrect – Video

Posted: at 7:43 am

Minecraft Neighbors ep.6 -Jon Being Politically Incorrect Fun filled happy times with the crew of Spartan Insignia! I apologize for any bugs I #39;m still getting used to the way things work ;D Please leave me support, tips, and suggestions down in the comments below or pm me! GT:TheClumsyRock

By: TheClumsy Sheep

Excerpt from:
Minecraft Neighbors ep.6 -Jon Being Politically Incorrect - Video

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Harlem Shake (Parents edition Without Censorship) – Video

Posted: at 7:43 am

Harlem Shake (Parents edition Without Censorship)
You laugh a lot It #39;s funny

By: MrShaol

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Harlem Shake (Parents edition Without Censorship) - Video

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Panel discusses Chinese journalism, government censorship

Posted: at 7:43 am

Micro-blogging websites offer uncensored information, glimpse behind bureaucracy's secrecy By meghan cioci | Feb 17

A panel of international journalists met Friday in Clark Hall to discuss the role technology plays in combatting news censorship policies in China. The panelists highlighted the reporting challenges faced by international correspondents and Chinese journalists.

The discussion, entitled Covering China in the Age of Information, was moderated by Charles Laughlin, director of the East Asia Center, and included panelists Melissa Chan, the John S. Knight Journalism Fellow at Stanford, Isaac Stone Fish, the associate editor of Foreign Policy magazine and Susan Jakes, the editor of the Asia Societys ChinaFile blog.

In the years leading up to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, because of pressures from the international community, journalists faced fewer constraints, Chan said. But progress has since halted, she added.

Non-Chinese foreign correspondents enjoy relative security, Fish said, but their sources and Chinese counterparts often do not. Youre there, youre protected, but its very easy for you to burn your sources for you to endanger the people you talk to, he said.

Because of the risk news sources face, it is difficult for foreign journalists to hear peoples genuine opinions, Jakes said. Instead reporters must find these opinions in certain corners of the web.

One of the interesting things about these micro-blogging sites is that they can give us access to peoples unvarnished thoughts about all kinds of different topics, Jakes said. [It] provides a kind of window to life in China.

These micro-blogging sites, such as the popular Weibo, are censored, which results in a cat and mouse game between users and censors. Sometimes you can read things for a few minutes and then they just disappear, Jakes said. But these posts if seen during the brief time before censoring provide invaluable leads on news stories, panelists agreed.

The advent of image attachments, which are harder to censor than text, has furthered the ability for news stories to reach readers in China. One site, WeiboScope, selects 40-50 of the most popular stories and posts them in the form of image attachments, rather than the original text versions..

There is some stuff that is really pushing the envelope in terms of sensitivity [on WeiboScope] and [reading the site] is a good way to keep your thumb on the pulse of public discourse in China today, Laughlin said.

Excerpt from:
Panel discusses Chinese journalism, government censorship

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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 2/18/13: On Drones: Extra-Judicial Killing is the Opposite of Justice – Video

Posted: at 7:43 am

Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 2/18/13: On Drones: Extra-Judicial Killing is the Opposite of Justice http http http Full transcript coming soon!

By: minnesotachris

Go here to read the rest:
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk 2/18/13: On Drones: Extra-Judicial Killing is the Opposite of Justice - Video

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