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Category Archives: Transhuman News
The Bank Where Doctors Can Stash Your Genome
Posted: February 19, 2013 at 6:44 pm
A new company offers a gene vault for doctors who want to add genomics to patient care.
Genomic sequencing might be more common in medicine if doctors had a simple way to send for the test and keep track of the data.
Thats the hope of Coriell Life Sciences in Camden, New Jersey, a startup that grew out of a partnership between the Coriell Institute for Medical Research and IBM. The company wants to facilitate the process of ordering, storing, and interpreting whole-genome-sequence data for doctors. The company launched in January and is now working with different health-care providers to set up its service. The intent is that the doctor would order a test like any other diagnostic test they order today, says Scott Megill, president of Coriell Life Sciences. The company would facilitate sequencing the patients DNA (through existing sequencing companies such as Illumina or Ion Torrent), store it in its so-called gene vault, and act as the middleman between doctors and companies that offer interpretation services. Finally, we will return the genetic result in the human readable form back to the electronic medical record so the doctor can read it and interpret it for the patient, says Megill.
You need a robust software infrastructure for storing, analyzing, and presenting information, says Jon Hirsch, who founded Syapse, a California-based company developing software to analyze biological data sets for diagnosing patients. Until that gets built, you can generate all the data you want, but its not going to have any impact outside the few major centers of genomics medicine, he says.
The company will use a board of scientific advisors to guide them to the best interpretation programs available. No one company is in position to interpret the entire genome for its meaning, says Michael Christman, CEO of the Coriell Institute for Medical Research. But by having ones sequence in the gene vault, then the physician will be able to order interpretative engines, analogous to apps for the iPhone, he says. Doctors could order an app to analyze a patients genome for DNA variants linked to poor drug response at one point, and later on, order another for variants linked to heart disease.
The cloud-based workflow could help doctors in different locations take advantage of expert interpretations anywhere, says Christman. This would allow a doctor whos at a community clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, order an interpretation of breast cancer sequences derived at Sloan Kettering, he says.
But while the cloud offers many conveniences, it carries some potential risks. I am a bit concerned if we really start to outsource data to the cloud without any regulation, says Emiliano De Cristofaro, a cryptography scientist with Xeroxs PARC who is developing a genomic data storage and sharing platform. We must not forget that the sensitivity of genomic information is quite unprecedented, he says. The human genome is not only a unique identifier but also contains things about ethnic heritage, predisposition to certain diseases including mental disorders, and many other traits. Data leaks happen all the time, says Cristofaro, and while you can change your password after a security break, theres no way to revoke your genome.
Keeping the genomic data secure is a key component and is the reason the group began a relationship with IBM, says Megill. The data would be stored at the companys headquarters and would be available only to limited usersdoctors and companies that offer diagnostic or other medical interpretation of the genome, he says.
If a patient changes her health-care provider, the data will remain available for her next physician. Storing the data will be free, says Christman.
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Eczema Rashes Treatment for Good – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Eczema Rashes Treatment for Good
My Eczema Free Forever Review Go Here rarr; larr;
By: ellen Madison
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Eczema Rashes Treatment for Good - Video
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Eczema Treatment – Video
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Eczema Treatment
Visit to get your natural and effective treatment. Eczema Eczema Cure Eczema Remedies Eczema Treatment
By: healthylivingjourney
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Little Lincoln can now say he's not so itchy from eczema
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Topics: eczema, lincoln kunst
AFTER struggling for three years to treat their son Lincoln's debilitating eczema condition, Troy and Rachel Kunst are finally seeing some results.
Lincoln, who turns four tomorrow, touched the hearts of Central Queensland after his story was published in The Morning Bulletin last month. Many residents offered potential solutions to Lincoln's condition.
Speaking with the Bulletin yesterday, Troy said Lincoln's condition had improved "around 75%" in just the past three weeks, after undergoing a new treatment.
Troy said Lincoln's condition had become so severe that he had to be admitted to the Rockhampton Hospital for treatment.
"The paediatricians at the hospital have just been so good to us," Troy said
"They called up specialists in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney and found the best ways to treat Lincoln."
Lincoln's new treatment includes baths in diluted bleach, cortisone creams and a complete overhaul of his diet.
"We've cut out all dairy, soy, wheat and gluten products from his diet; so along with treating the condition externally, we are trying eliminate all the things that could potentially set him off," Troy said.
"After going through all this, we've realised just how little we knew about this condition before and how complex it really is, so we are really grateful for everybody who has helped us."
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Little Lincoln can now say he's not so itchy from eczema
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How to cure psoriasis / natural remedy for psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
How to cure psoriasis / natural remedy for psoriasis How to cure psoriasis. Natural treatment for psoriasis relief. Remedy for psoriasis.
By: Dan Taylor
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How to cure psoriasis / natural remedy for psoriasis - Video
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Psoriasis Treatment Testimonial – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Psoriasis Treatment Testimonial This is a testimonial about how Natural Intensive Cream works. Stop suffering...Get this cream today! Psoriasis Psoriasis Treatment Psoriasis Cure Psoriasis Remedies Eczema Treatment Eczema Cure Eczema Remedies
By: healthylivingjourney
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Let’s Play Crysis 3 – Part 2 – Post Human – [Adaptive Stealth – PC Max Settings] – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Let #39;s Play Crysis 3 - Part 2 - Post Human - [Adaptive Stealth - PC Max Settings]
NEW Let #39;s Play of Crysis 3 with Gameplay and Walkthrough Part 1 on PC with Very High Max Graphics settings. This Crysis 3 gameplay and walkthrough will also serves as a full review, strategy guide and of course, the ending. This is the first video of my Crysis 3 playlist which you can find Subscribe: Thanks for every time you "LIKE" a video. It really helps my channel to grow! Thanks so much! Mr. Odd Plays Crysis 3: Mr. Odd Plays Dead Space 3: Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Mr. Odd Plays Deus Ex (Original): Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock: Mr. Odd Plays Bioshock 2: Mr. Odd Plays X-COM: Mr. Odd Plays Dishonored: Mr. Odd Plays Portal: Mr. Odd Plays Portal 2: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life (1998): Mr. Odd Plays Black Mesa (Source Mod): Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Opposing Force (1999): Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life: Blue Shift (2001)t: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 1: Mr. Odd Plays Half-Life 2: Episode 2: An ODD Intermission (Channel Updates): The third game sees players take on the role of Prophet as he returns to New York in 2047, 24 years after the events of Crysis 2. He discovers the city has been encased in a giant Nanodome created by the corrupt CELL corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty ...
By: ChristopherOdd
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Let's Play Crysis 3 - Part 2 - Post Human - [Adaptive Stealth - PC Max Settings] - Video
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Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" – Predator Bow Gameplay! – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! Follow Me on Twitter: Facebook: Gamertag(Xbox): Brettburnz13, TheBrettburnz Intro Made by PushedTolnsanity Music: Song is on TGN Music, You can use this song in your videos or any of the other songs on their website. Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay!
By: TheBrettBurnz
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Crysis 3 Campaign Mode, First Level "Post Human" - Predator Bow Gameplay! - Video
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Crysis 3 Stealth Walkthrough – Part 2 – Mission 1 – Post Human (Xbox360/1080p) – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Crysis 3 Stealth Walkthrough - Part 2 - Mission 1 - Post Human (Xbox360/1080p)
Crysis 3: Stealth Walkthrough - Part 2 - Mission 1 - Post Human (Xbox360/1080p) Welcome to my Crysis 3 Stealth Gameplay Walkthrough/Playthrough on the xbox360 with Commentary. I will be doing a full let #39;s play of this game with Pure Stealth in mind..Don #39;t forget to LIKE and FAV to support my Channel Crysis 3 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek, published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. The third game sees players take on the role of Prophet as he returns to New York in 2047, 24 years after the events of Crysis 2. He discovers the city has been encased in a giant Nanodome created by the corrupt CELL. The Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. Prophet is said to be on a "revenge mission" after uncovering the truth behind CELL #39;s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. The citizens were told that the giant citywide structures were erected to protect the population and to cleanse these metropolises of the remnants of Ceph forces. In reality, the Nanodomes are CELL #39;s covert attempt to conquer the world through weapons and technology. Characters include: Prophet, Psycho, CELL, Ceph, Claire, Karl Rasch Missions include: Tutorial, Post-Human, Welcome to the Jungle, Root of All Evil, Safeties Off, Red Star Rising, Only Human, Gods And ...
By: Centerstrain01
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Crysis 3 Stealth Walkthrough - Part 2 - Mission 1 - Post Human (Xbox360/1080p) - Video
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough – Post Human on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 6:42 pm
Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Post Human on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 1)
We take you through the post human mission of Crysis 3 on supersoldier difficulty where we infiltrate a cell base and blow stuff up. This is part 1 of our walkthrough.
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough - Post Human on Supersoldier Difficulty (Part 1) - Video
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