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Category Archives: Transhuman News

3 Crysis 3 Walkthrough pt 3 Post Human Lets Play Gameplay (HD) – Video

Posted: February 20, 2013 at 7:46 pm

3 Crysis 3 Walkthrough pt 3 Post Human Lets Play Gameplay (HD)
This is my complete walkthrough Let #39;s Play Gameplay for Crysis 3! if you like this Please subscribe for many more walkthroughs! My Crysys 3 Playlist is here: Reach me: Plot from Wiki: The third game sees players take on the role of Prophet as he returns to New York in 2047, 24 years after the events of Crysis 2. He discovers the city has been encased in a giant Nanodome created by the corrupt CELL corporation. The New York City Liberty Dome is a veritable urban rainforest teeming with overgrown trees, dense swamplands and raging rivers. Within the Liberty Dome, seven distinct and treacherous environments become known as the Seven Wonders. Prophet is said to be on a "revenge mission" after uncovering the truth behind CELL #39;s motives for building the quarantined Nanodomes. Achievement list: Staying Sharp 20 Complete Tutorial (1) Welcome to the Jungle! 15 Complete Post-Human A Flawless Getaway 15 Complete Welcome to the Jungle Off the Grid 15 Complete The Root of All Evil Turning the Tide 15 Complete Safeties Off Brink of Apocalypse 20 Complete Red Star Rising Belly of the Beast 20 Complete Only Human The True Measure of a Hero 20 Complete Gods and Monsters Nanosuit Veteran 25 Complete 3 of 7 levels on Veteran difficulty Halfway to Hell 25 Complete 3 of 7 levels on Supersoldier difficulty (1) World Saver 35 Finish the campaign in any difficulty Bring it On 45 Complete the campaign on ...

By: djhesLPs

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3 Crysis 3 Walkthrough pt 3 Post Human Lets Play Gameplay (HD) - Video

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Ministry of Sound presents FUTURISM – Video

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Ministry of Sound presents FUTURISM
Preorder now: Come and ride the new wave of electronica with FUTURISM, a 2CD journey that marks an exciting departure from Ministry of Sound #39;s upfront club compilations. Loosening the shackles of EDM, FUTURISM channels the depths of the most prophetic house and electronica circling the globe, delivering the next generation of electronic anthems. Kicking things off on Disc One is the trailblazer of the next generation Flume with his hypnotic jam #39;Holdin #39; On #39;. Disc One continues its voyage into futuristic electro-soul, courtesy of a who #39;s who of buzzland including Jessie Ware, Frank Ocean, Chet Faker, Gotye, Grimes and The XX. Taking things up a notch, Disc Two delves into the deeper into the dream bass revolution, bringing with it a bevy of lush house jams including the underground garage-inspired anthem #39;Latch #39; from Disclosure, plus more from Art Department, The Presets, Tensnake, Duke Dumont, Soul Clap, Justin Martin and Ben Pearce. Melding over 40 tracks of lush soundscapes and deeply provocative beats, this is electronica but not as you know it. Rebooted, refreshed and revolutionised, come on a journey through the future state of dance with FUTURISM. MINIMIX TRACKLIST Flume -- Holdin On Rudimental feat. John Newman Alex Clare - Not Giving In (Bondax Remix) Chet Faker -- I #39;m Into You jai Paul -- jasmine Passion Pit - Constant Conversations Frank Ocean feat. Earl Sweatshirt - Super Rich Kids Glass Animals - Cocoa Hooves Alt-J ( #8710;) -- Breezeblocks AlunaGeorge ...

By: ministryofsoundau

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Ministry of Sound presents FUTURISM - Video

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FutureTalk – What do Futurists Do? – Video

Posted: at 7:46 pm

FutureTalk - What do Futurists Do?
Futurists Doug Vining, Gerd Leonhard, Neil Jacobsohn and Anton Musgrave discuss the business of being a futurist.

By: FuturesForum

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FutureTalk - What do Futurists Do? - Video

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The Futurist- Blackgold (Teaser) 2013 – Video

Posted: at 7:46 pm

The Futurist- Blackgold (Teaser) 2013
Teaser for upcoming single (Brunei Darussalam)

By: SpacevibeStudio

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The Futurist- Blackgold (Teaser) 2013 - Video

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Participation Culture – XMediaLab Basel 2012 Futurist

Posted: at 7:46 pm

Participation Culture - XMediaLab Basel 2012 Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard
This is the complete video of my keynote on the future of culture, content, media and creativity at the 2012 XMedialab event in Basel, Switzerland, October 2012 see You can download my slides used in this talk here: My apologies for the rather funky sound, btw - this is the best version I could get from the organizers:( Topics include: the future of digital creation in a networked society, from paper culture to screen culture, social-local-mobile and the future of storytelling, the convergence of internet and television, new interfaces and mobile devices as #39;external brains #39;, trust is the new currency, and much more. Please note: you can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via Audio-only versions are being made available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here (also allows downloads). Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Mobile apps The Future of Business blog Twitter:

By: FuturesAgency

Originally posted here:
Participation Culture - XMediaLab Basel 2012 Futurist

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Futurist Says U.S. Entering Golden Age of Agriculture

Posted: at 7:46 pm

FARGO What do cell phones, baby kangaroos and DNA mapping have to do with agriculture?

A lot, potentially, according to futurist Lowell Catlett, a featured speaker Tuesday at the 2013 Northern Soybean Expo held at the Fargo Holiday Inn.

With the cost of buying a home the lowest its ever been in the United States and the price of food relative to income going down, Catlett said the jump in disposable income is creating oodles of new markets for farm producers to exploit.

Agriculture is now in its golden age, said Catlett, regents professor and dean and chief administrative officer at New Mexico State Universitys College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences.

On the subject of cell phones, Catlett said someday soon they may be used by farmers to diagnose crop disease on the spot.

And advances in DNA science, he said, are making it easier for producers to brand their products and improve quality, all essential, he said, for instilling confidence in buyers overseas.

And baby kangaroos?

Catlett said researchers who explored why baby kangaroos take so long to emerge from their mothers pouch discovered that the longer youngsters stayed close to mom, the stronger their immune systems were when they did enter the world.

The insights gained hold tremendous promise for improving the health and lifespans of many kinds of livestock, according to Catlett, who said the same idea applies to human beings.

Catlett said research shows that people who dont have deep and rich social connections die at four times the rate of people who make and keep close ties with others.

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Futurist Says U.S. Entering Golden Age of Agriculture

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AudienceView Announces Futurist Garry Golden as AVConnect 2013 Keynote Speaker

Posted: at 7:46 pm


AudienceView is pleased to announce that futurist Garry Golden will give the keynote address at its fourth annual AVConnect users conference, rounding out an already stellar line-up of industry experts. Attendees are getting ready to check in at the lovely Hilton San Diego Resort and Spa for this memorable user event taking place February 26 to 28, 2013.

An academically trained futurist, Golden is one of the worlds leading forecasters and strategists, speaking and consulting on issues that are shaping business and society in the 21st century. He trains audiences to close the gap that may exist between changes from the outside world and changes within their company or industry.

At AVConnect 2013, Golden will inspire attendees to tap into their inner futurist so they can spot market trends and disruptions on the horizon, then uncover the resulting opportunities. The big data buzz will be demystified and simplified, with Golden revealing how translating data can influence behaviour change in customer relationships and improve overall service satisfaction. This insight will enable entertainment professionals, as futurists, to navigate the opportunities and challenges of a more transparent, accountable relationship with their customers.

Golden will discuss the future of mobile and social media, how both will continue to evolve around advances in software and shifting cultural norms, and why being innovative with next-generation technologies will shape the audience experience. The demographic transition of Generation Y, which grew up with technology, will also present new opportunities and challenges for traditional business models as they experience changes in life stages and lifestyles.

Garrys keynote will be powerful and valuable for AVConnect 2013 attendees, helping them to embrace developments in a new way, increase their foresight to identify emerging trends, and solve business challenges through disruptive and transformative innovation, said Mark Fowlie, President and COO for AudienceView. There is something for everyone at AVConnect 2013. We are excited to be presenting three days of education and a forum ripe for networking with industry peers so that everyone goes home equally inspired.

Following feedback for a resounding more! and to meet user needs, AVConnect has been extended over three days for the first time this year, allowing for additional sessions and more time for each session. Attendees from around the world will benefit from hands-on training, engaging panel discussions, inspiring case studies, education sessions led by in-the-trenches experts, and networking with fellow AudienceView users in the sunny city of San Diego.

About AudienceView

AudienceView provides a powerful, enterprise-level e-commerce solution to the entertainment industry, including commercial and not-for-profit arts organizations, regional ticketing agencies, arenas, film festivals, college athletics, professional sports teams, and race tracks. With customer relationship management (CRM) at the core, it ensures ticketing/e-commerce, marketing, fundraising, content management, venue management and business analytics are effectively integrated in a single, easy-to-use, web-based solution. Supporting over 550 venues across five continents, AudienceView operates seamlessly across traditional and next-generation environments from physical box offices, kiosks and desktop computers to social media, mobile and tablet devices.

MarketView is the worlds first white-label, self-serve e-commerce and CRM solution. Developed upon the companys widely deployed e-commerce platform, the innovative, cloud-based solution enables any business or brand to enter the emerging self-serve event management and ticketing market quickly, affordably and profitably. It provides more features and functionality than other currently available self-serve platforms.

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AudienceView Announces Futurist Garry Golden as AVConnect 2013 Keynote Speaker

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Happy Birthday, Futurists! A Movement Turns 104

Posted: at 7:46 pm

If you see any futurists today, dont forget to wish them a happy anniversary. Feb. 20th is considered the movements birthday, as it was on this date in 1909 that Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, an Italian poet, technophile, and promoter of the arts, had his The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism published on the front page of Le Figaro.

Marinettis manifesto was both anarchic and visionary. Marinetti championed the rise of a new age of mechanized transport and technology to usher in a blur of innovation and disruptive societal change. He also glorified warcalling it the worlds only hygieneand was one of Italian dictator Benito Mussolinis earliest and most vociferous supporters, which helped lead to the movements demise. Marinettis aim for futurismto embrace the future and systematically predict its pathproved enduring.

Today, futurists are as common at Washington think tanks as they are on Madison Avenue and in Silicon Valley. They tweet a lot and write books on corporate change management. Marinetti would never have seen it coming.On the 104th anniversary of the movements founding, here is a look at Futurism 3.0, by the numbers.

On LinkedIn (LNKD), there are 4,361 professionals who proudly fly the futurist flag, using the descriptor as part of their current or previous job title. Yes, there is such a thing as an ex-futurist. (An additional 541 go by the Italian futurista and 132, the French futuriste.) There are 3,249 self-described futurists listed on Twitter.

Tech heavyweights Intel (INTC), Google (GOOG), and Microsoft (MSFT) employ futurists, as do the big accounting firms Accenture (ACN) and Deloitte. Futurists are most likely to be found in the fields of management consulting, in IT, and also in advertising and marketing, which points to either the versatility of the discipline or the unimaginative overuse of the moniker. More than half (54 percent) of professional futurists listed on LinkedIn are social-media consultants and/or change management specialists. They easily outnumber futurist artists (935), perhaps the only group of LinkedIn futurists familiar with the movements roots.

Branding yourself a futurist appears to be easier than you think. Just 4 percent of futurists on LinkedIn say they are students and/or graduates of futurology or futures studies. For futurists, the future is bright indeed.

Here then are some notable futurist predictions:

The Good:

In his 1970 best-seller Future Shock, Americas best-known futurist, Alvin Toffler, wrote of the dawn of the super-industrial society, later to be called the information society. The book offered survival strategies for individuals to cope with information overload and the coming digital revolution, concepts Toffler coined.

The bad:

Happy Birthday, Futurists! A Movement Turns 104

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KSP 0.18 – Duna space station part 2 (Fuel storage) – Video

Posted: February 19, 2013 at 6:46 pm

KSP 0.18 - Duna space station part 2 (Fuel storage)
Deploying the fuel storage component for our Duna Orbital Science Station.

By: TheGreenDragon666

The rest is here:
KSP 0.18 - Duna space station part 2 (Fuel storage) - Video

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International Space Station Update – Feb. 19, 2013 – Video

Posted: at 6:46 pm

International Space Station Update - Feb. 19, 2013
The International Space Station update video for Feb. 19, 2013.

By: NASAObservatory

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International Space Station Update - Feb. 19, 2013 - Video

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