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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Genome-wide imaging study identifies new gene associated with Alzheimer's plaques

Posted: February 20, 2013 at 7:48 pm

Feb. 20, 2013 A study combining genetic data with brain imaging, designed to identify genes associated with the amyloid plaque deposits found in Alzheimer's disease patients, has not only identified the APOE gene -- long associated with development of Alzheimer's -- but has uncovered an association with a second gene, called BCHE.

A national research team, led by scientists at the Indiana University School of Medicine, reported the results of the study in an article in Molecular Psychiatry posted online February 19. The study is believed to be the first genome-wide association study of plaque deposits using a specialized PET scan tracer that binds to amyloid.

The research also is believed to be the first to implicate variations in the BCHE gene in plaque deposits visualized in living individuals who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or are at-risk for developing the disease. The enzyme coded by the BCHE gene has previously been studied in post-mortem brain tissue and is known to be found in plaques.

"The findings could recharge research efforts studying the molecular pathways contributing to amyloid deposits in the brain as Alzheimer's disease develops and affects learning and memory," said Vijay K. Ramanan, the paper's first author and an M.D./Ph.D. student at the IU School of Medicine.

The BCHE gene finding "brings together two of the major hypotheses about the development of Alzheimer's disease," said Andrew J. Saykin, Psy.D., Raymond C. Beeler Professor of Radiology and Imaging Sciences at IU and principal investigator for the genetics core of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.

Scientists have long pointed to the loss of an important brain neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, which is depleted early in the development of the disease, as a key aspect of the loss of memory related neurons. The BCHE gene is responsible for an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine in the brain. The other major Alzheimer's hypothesis holds that the development of the amyloid plaques is the primary cause of the disease's debilitating symptoms. As it turns out, the enzyme for which the BCHE gene codes is also found in significant quantities in those plaques.

"This study is connecting two of the biggest Alzheimer's dots," said Dr. Saykin, director of the Indiana Alzheimer Disease Center and the IU Center for Neuroimaging at the IU Health Neuroscience Center.

"The finding that BCHE gene variant predicts the extent of plaque deposit in PET scans among people at risk for Alzheimer's disease is likely to reinvigorate research into drugs that could modify the disease by affecting the BCHE enzyme or its metabolic pathway," he said. Some existing drugs inhibit this enzyme, but it is unclear whether this influences plaque deposits.

Overall, the results appear to offer scientists new potential targets for drugs to slow, reverse or even prevent the disease. Alzheimer's disease affects an estimated 5.4 million Americans and has proven resistant to treatments that do more than temporarily slow the worsening of symptoms.

Amyloid plaque deposits build up abnormally in the brains of Alzheimer's patients and are believed to play an important role in the memory loss and other problems that plague patients.

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Genome-wide imaging study identifies new gene associated with Alzheimer's plaques

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Natzema Eczema Relief Cream – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Natzema Eczema Relief Cream
One of the most effective non steroids eczema cream in the market. Safe for everyday use by children and adults! For more information, please visit our website at

By: lennyyong

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Natzema Eczema Relief Cream - Video

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6 Year Old Girl With Eczema Help by MicroSilk® – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

6 Year Old Girl With Eczema Help by MicroSilk
A touching story about a 6 year old girl with eczema help by MicroSilk.

By: balboawatergroup

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6 Year Old Girl With Eczema Help by MicroSilk® - Video

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Dr Priya Punjabi:- Eczema in children

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Dr Priya Punjabi:- Eczema in children wheat grain
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

By: Priya Punjabi

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Dr Priya Punjabi:- Eczema in children

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Psoriasis and Hair Loss – Video

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Psoriasis and Hair Loss
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

By: SkinAssets

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Psoriasis and Hair Loss - Video

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Psoriasis Free For Life – Cure Psoriasis Easily, Permanently – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Psoriasis Free For Life - Cure Psoriasis Easily, Permanently Psoriasis Free for Life has been of great help for me throughout this very embarrassing period of my life. I first found about this guide when I was desperately searching over the internet for a natural remedy. I was thoroughly delighted with the results; the information which is provided is of excellent quality. I would recommend this guide to anyone considering having his or her psoriasis completely cured. Psoriasis Free For Life - Cure Psoriasis Easily, Permanently is a complete, downloadable guide. Remember, this will not only treat the symptoms that you DO see; The Red, inflamed itchy skin; The Silvery scales that seem to erupt for no reason; The Burning or bleeding that occurs around your joints; The Cracking, oozing and painful patches on your skin. With Psoriasis Free for Life, you #39;ll discover my natural remedy for psoriasis that completely cured me of this debilitating and embarrassing disease in less than a month! Psoriasis Free for Life provides you answers to practical, homemade and natural solutions, that anyone living in any part of the world can easily perform! Psoriasis Free for Life is in digital format (PDF) which means there is no need to wait for it to arrive. You #39;ll be able to learn the secrets to cure your skin problems, in just minutes from now.

By: Suzis Ben

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Janet Askenburg Candidate for Selectman on Politically Incorrect 2-19 – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Janet Askenburg Candidate for Selectman on Politically Incorrect 2-19
Janet Askenburg, candidate for Chelmsford Board of Selectmen, appears on Tom Christiano #39;s Politically Incorrect show taped on February 19, 2013. In this edited 12 minute version of the show, Janet discusses her top priorities if elected, the new fire station, the town manager, and more.

By: Bill Askenburg

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Janet Askenburg Candidate for Selectman on Politically Incorrect 2-19 - Video

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Politically Incorrect Show FEB 19, 2013 with Tom Christiano. – Video

Posted: at 7:48 pm

Politically Incorrect Show FEB 19, 2013 with Tom Christiano.
Politically Incorrect Show taped on FEB 19, 2013 with: Selectman candidates Janet Askenburg Bob Joyce...School Committee candidate Barbara Skaar....and Selectwoman Pat Wojtas....along with Show host and producer Tom Christiano. We discussed why the candidates were running for office this year and what their top priorities would be if elected. We also discussed the new Fire Station, traffic flow, committees in town, the Town Manager, and many other topics.

By: Tom Christiano

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Politically Incorrect Show FEB 19, 2013 with Tom Christiano. - Video

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Online protests rage against govt censorship

Posted: at 7:47 pm

New Delhi, Feb. 20 -- In an Arindam Chaudhuri Facebook post on February 9, 2013, there's a picture of the man, shining smile et al, with the caption: "The highest followed management guru and teacher on earth (sic) has two million fans," followed by two exclamation marks. It has, till this report was filed, 124,057 likes. On February 15, the government had ordered, following a Gwalior court directive, blocking of sites critical to the IIPM that Chaudhuri runs.

Among the content blocked included a University Grants Commission (UGC) notice against the private B-school. It reads, "IIPM is not a university within the meaning of Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956. It does not have the right of conferring or granting degrees as specified by the UGC under Section 22(3) of the UGC Act. It is clarified for information that IIPM is neither entitled to award MBA/BBA/BCA degree nor it is recognised by UGC."

Public ire against the censorship forced the government to lift the censorship. Along with the content that went off the internet included articles which gave details of IIPM's questionable tie-ups with institutes abroad, even when it did not have AICTE/UGC approval.

An education magazine had a few years ago revealed that IIPM had been advertising an agreement offering with IMI Belgium - an institute not recognised by the regulatory authority in Belgium, similar to UGC.

There was also a tie-up claim with the University of Buckingham, which was subsequently denied by the UK university, the magazine reported.

Published by HT Syndication with permission from Hindustan Times.

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Online protests rage against govt censorship

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Ron Paul's new 'manifesto'

Posted: at 7:47 pm

Former presidential candidate Ron Paul, a longtime foe of the Federal Reserve and champion of a smaller foreign policy footprint, is turning to education in a new book slated for release this fall.

In New School Manifesto, scheduled for a Sept. 17 release from Grand Central Publishing, the former GOP congressman from Texas will promote home schooling and free market principles applied to education, according to an official book description.

He makes the case for individual freedoms as they pertain to educating our children, and nimbly dissects the most pressing issues that need to be addressed from the libertarian point of view, the description continues.

This will be Pauls fourth book with Grand Central Publishing, following Liberty Defined, End the Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto, his editor, Ben Greenberg, told POLITICO. Greenberg said the book has been in the works for close to a year, and that a deal for its publication was hammered out in January.

In this book, Greenberg said, Paul will compare the postal service to the education system, arguing that in both realms, competition promotes better services.

Hes basically saying the postal service didnt have many competitors until FedEx, UPS and email, obviously, and now its changing the way everything gets done, Greenberg said. Hes arguing for that in education as well.

Paul will address a variety of education policy proposals, he said.

Hes taking the position that a parent should have the ability to choose what is best, Greenberg said, a philosophy that would include home schooling.

Greenberg, who has edited all of Pauls books done through Grand Central Publishing, said the Texan is really easy to work with and doesnt require heavy editing.

We usually do two to three edits for the main script, but not much, Greenberg said. His ideas are pretty fully formed. Its just a matter of honing in and making sure everything is in the right order and just figuring out how to best say the message without becoming too repetitive or anything like that.

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