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Category Archives: Transhuman News

HTC Droid DNA vs HTC One – Exclusive Bench-Mark Forever…! – Video

Posted: February 22, 2013 at 3:46 am

HTC Droid DNA vs HTC One - Exclusive Bench-Mark Forever...!
HTC Droid DNA vs HTC One - Exclusive Bench-Mark Forever...!

By: usman khan

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DNA Leads to Arrest of in Daycare Sex Battery Case

Posted: at 3:46 am

Published: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 11:58 p.m. Last Modified: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 11:58 p.m.

WINTER HAVEN | Detectives used DNA evidence to arrest a 50-year-old man accused of sexually battering a 3-year-old boy at a home day care operated by the man's wife, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said.

Detectives said Carroll Gardner battered the boy on Aug. 17 at Kat Gardner's 24/7 Daycare, which was run out of the couple's home on Seventh Street in Winter Haven.

The boy's mother told detectives that she picked up her two children that afternoon and asked her son how his day had gone. The child told her Gardner had touched him inappropriately, reports said.

A sexual assault kit was completed and DNA evidence collected from the boy was sent to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

On Dec. 28, lab results indicated foreign DNA was found and a warrant was obtained to collect DNA from Gardner on Jan. 14. On Tuesday, detectives learned the DNA collected from Gardner matched the foreign DNA found on the child, the Sheriff's Office said.

Gardner was arrested on a charge of sexual battery and is being held in the Polk County Jail without bail.

The Department of Children and Families was contacted after the incident. Gardner's wife told investigators she had planned to close the business before the incident and subsequently surrendered her license. The business closed Aug. 21, the Sheriff's Office said.

[ Clifford Parody can be reached at or 863-802-7516. ]

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Horse DNA found in school burger

Posted: at 3:46 am

21 February 2013 Last updated at 16:44 ET

Traces of horse DNA have been found in a frozen burger within a school kitchen in North Lanarkshire.

Procurement agency Scotland Excel has, as a result, advised Scotland councils to "place a hold on the use of all frozen beef burger products".

It is the first such discovery following widespread local authority testing resulting from the discovery of horsemeat in the UK food chain.

The Food Standards Agency has been advised and "investigations continue".

Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said: "It is unacceptable that a burger which has tested positive for traces of horsemeat was supplied to a school in North Lanarkshire.

"However, North Lanarkshire Council have taken immediate action to withdraw the product from the schools and, as a precautionary measure, all Scottish schools have been advised to put a hold on the use of frozen burgers.

"Of the thousands of tests, this is the first positive result in our schools, but it is one too many.

"No company should be supplying our schools with food with beef products that contain traces of horse meat."

A Scotland Excel spokeswoman said it is "very concerned to learn of this incident despite the steps taken by our suppliers to provide assurances on their processed meat products".

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DNA Privacy Gets First U.S. Supreme Court Test in Rape Case

Posted: at 3:46 am

When Alonzo King was arrested for assault in 2009 after pointing a shotgun at several people, authorities had no reason to think he was also a rapist.

Then officials swabbed his cheek at the Wicomico County, Maryland, booking facility and ran his DNA through a nationwide database. The check linked King to an unsolved 2003 rape.

Now Kings conviction for the rape is set for argument next week at the U.S. Supreme Court, which will consider whether Maryland is violating the Constitution by collecting DNA samples from people arrested for serious crimes before they're convicted. The courts ruling, due by June, will be its first on the privacy of genetic information and will determine the fate of laws in at least 25 states that allow DNA collection at arrest.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of Maryland in this case, there will be no real limits on when the government can collect DNA, said Jennifer Lynch, a lawyer with the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation, which opposes the collection laws. She said that would be a huge privacy invasion.

Maryland argued in court papers that DNA gives police an invaluable investigative tool -- the gold standard of forensic identification. Backers of the practice point to cases where DNA collection upon arrest might have prevented additional crimes.

One of those advocates is Jayann Sepich, whose daughter, Katie, was raped and murdered in August 2003, when she was a 22- year-old graduate student at New Mexico State University. Police werent able to identify the killer, Gabriel Adrian Avila, until December 2006, after he was convicted and imprisoned for breaking into a house with a knife in an unrelated crime.

Jayann Sepich says Avilas DNA could have been collected in November 2003, when he was arrested for the break-in. While Avila was convicted in 2004, he was released on bail before beginning his sentence and fled to Mexico. Not until Avila was arrested again in 2006 was his DNA tested, connecting him to Katie Sepichs murder.

We got a bad guy and put him in prison, said Sepich. We could have done it three years sooner.

Sepich now works full-time to advocate for DNA laws. She helped persuade the New Mexico legislature to enact what became known as Katies Law, allowing for collection from anyone arrested for a violent felony.

Privacy advocates say there are more effective ways to get DNA to solve crimes that don't raise constitutional concerns.

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DNA Privacy Gets First U.S. Supreme Court Test in Rape Case

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Eczema ¦ Treatment and Symptoms – Video

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Eczema Treatment and Symptoms
My Eczema Free Forever Review rarr; larr; Click The Link For #9733;Massive Discount #9733; Plus Cool Bonus! Stop Using Dangerous Supplements, Creams or Steroids. Eliminate Eczema Without the Need of Any Medication. Treat Your Child #39;s Eczema in The Special Kids Section.

By: ellen Madison

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Cure Of Eczema – Video

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Cure Of Eczema Cure Of Eczema. Countless people around the world struggle with skin and body issues of all kinds acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, weak hair and nails, and -- most importantly -- frustration with commercial products filled with unnecessary, harsh chemicals. Cure Of Eczema, home remedies for eczema, how to cure eczema naturally, eczema natural cure, how to cure eczema fast, baby eczema on face, dyshidrotic eczema treatment, eczema on face, eczema diet, eczema on hands, home remedy for eczema, severe eczema, dry skin rash, baby eczema pictures, get rid of eczema, how to cure dry skin, getting rid of eczema, how to get rid of eczema, how to treat eczema naturally, eczema rash, home remedies eczema, what is good for eczema, excema

By: NasalPolypTreatment

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How To Treat Eczema At Home – Video

Posted: at 3:46 am

How To Treat Eczema At Home How To Treat Eczema At Home. Countless people around the world struggle with skin and body issues of all kinds acne, eczema, psoriasis, scarring, weak hair and nails, and -- most importantly -- frustration with commercial products filled with unnecessary, harsh chemicals. How To Treat Eczema At Home, eczema home remedies, eczema herpeticum, dermatitis on hands, hand eczema, eczema in infants, eczema on the face, facial eczema, eczema natural, eczema skin, eczema hands, eczema face, home remedies for acne, how to get rid of spots, eczema and diet, exzema, exema, beat eczema, home remedies for rashes, skin care home remedies, cracking nails

By: HidradenitisSuppCure

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Treatment For Eczema | How “Beat Eczema” Helps People Get Rid of Eczema Permanently – Health Reviews

Posted: at 3:46 am

Beat Eczema is the newly updated treatment for eczema created by Susan Clark, who claims to show sufferers how to cure eczema in less than ten days. A full Beat Eczema review in a series of health reviews shows if the method is natural and safe for people to use.

Seattle, WA (PRWEB) February 22, 2013

The competed review of Beat Eczema on Health Review Center shows that this is an useful and effective treatment method that guides people how to cure eczema permanently. In addition, the treatment is natural and easy for users to use. In less than two weeks, sufferers will clear their eczema and feel free to expose their arms and legs. Moreover, the new plan is a step-by-step guide, which shows users how they can eliminate adult or child-eczema in two weeks. In this new program, users will get 12 recipes for all natural juices that have healthy benefits, 46 foods, and their healing power. They will learn about how to use everything from tomatoes to potatoes afro skin care and how to make all facial and lotion scrub. In other words, they will know about some causes of eczema and how to slow down their skin aging process. The new plan also teaches sufferers how to create young skin and how to unleash their bodys natural ability to treat eczema naturally. In addition to these, the new program provides users with a lot of helpful bonuses that aid them in eczema treatment process effectively.

Mary Luna from Health Review Center figures out that: Beat Eczema is an effective treatment plan that shows sufferers how to cure eczema naturally. The program is totally a natural one that does not use any drugs or pills, which can make users health harmful. Additionally, it provides users with an eight-week guarantee if they do not achieve the positive result.

If people wish to know about advantages and disadvantages of Beat Eczema, they should visit the website:

For those who expect to gain instant access to read Beat Eczema review should follow the official site.

About the product: Health reviews are a series of reviews about health created by Tony Nguyen. These reviews come with plans, tips, exercises, programs and e-books about health. People could send their comments on any digital products to Tony Nguyen via email.

Tony Nguyen Health Reviews 84915555999 Email Information

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Treatment For Eczema | How “Beat Eczema” Helps People Get Rid of Eczema Permanently – Health Reviews

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Is Psoriasis Contagious? – Video

Posted: at 3:45 am

Is Psoriasis Contagious? Is Psoriasis Contagious? Is MY Psoriasis Contagious is probably the question you are asking. We have researched and ... No... it is not. There is more to learn about it at our site. It may please you to learn the facts. See you there. keywords: Is Psoriasis Contagious? Is My Psoriasis Contagious - created at

By: Kevin Swanger

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The Psoriasis Song Original Dont Look At Me That Way Ray Chua – Video

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The Psoriasis Song Original Dont Look At Me That Way Ray Chua
We are looking for Individuals who do not mind looking younger and feeling better through our flagship product - Skincerity and Empowering them with the ability to supplement their monthly pay through power of Referral, more commonly known as Network Marketing I Want Beautfiful Skin and Have a Home Based Part Time Income! I Want To Know More About Skincerity Through Videos! I Want To Be Kept Abreast of the Latest Happenings in Singapore Team! I Want To Join The Nucerity Team Ray!

By: Ray Chua

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