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A Very Neo-Futurist Christmas Carol – "Cheney is Gone" 2008 – Video
Posted: February 23, 2013 at 1:41 pm
A Very Neo-Futurist Christmas Carol - "Cheney is Gone" 2008
Lyrics By Jonathan Mastro A Very Neo-Futurist Christmas Carol conceived by Kristie Koehler Vuocolo Directed by Chloe Johnston Written by Kristie Koehler Vuocolo, Jessica Anne,Bilal Dardai, Emjoy Gavino, Alex Goodrich and Seth Zurer
By: Kristie Vuocolo
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A Very Neo-Futurist Christmas Carol - "Cheney is Gone" 2008 - Video
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The Coming Media Revolution – Media Hungary Conference 2012 Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard – Video
Posted: at 1:41 pm
The Coming Media Revolution - Media Hungary Conference 2012 Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard
This video has overdubs in HUNGARIAN language Gerd Leonhard #39;s presentation during the Media Hungary Conference in May 2012. "The Coming Media Revolution" http
By: FuturesAgency
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The Coming Media Revolution - Media Hungary Conference 2012 Futurist Keynote Speaker Gerd Leonhard - Video
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Peter Gabriel Talks With Space Station Crew – Video
Posted: February 22, 2013 at 3:47 am
Peter Gabriel Talks With Space Station Crew
Singer-songwriter Peter Gabriel and family visit Mission Control Houston and talk with Expedition 33 Commander Kevin Ford and Flight Engineers Tom Marshburn and Chris Hadfield aboard the International Space Station.
By: nvdktube
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Peter Gabriel Talks With Space Station Crew - Video
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Space Station PXLFLX – Video
Posted: at 3:47 am
Space Station PXLFLX
A little sci-fi little teaser for the PXLFLX channel made with After Effects, Element 3d, and some green screening. The original ae Earth project was complimentary of Andrew Kramer of Video Copilot here: The awesome 3d space station model can be found for free at
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Space Station PXLFLX - Video
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Let’s Play Space Station Silicon Valley – Part 15 – Video
Posted: at 3:47 am
Let #39;s Play Space Station Silicon Valley - Part 15
Part 15 - Hoppa Choppa It #39;s bunnies vs. huskies as Evo takes on the carnivorous canines
By: voltageman65
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Let's Play Space Station Silicon Valley - Part 15 - Video
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NASA Filmed UFO Over Hurricane Sandy From Space Station. – Video
Posted: at 3:47 am
NASA Filmed UFO Over Hurricane Sandy From Space Station.
NASA Filmed UFO Over Hurricane Sandy From Space Station.
By: paranormalfactorfict
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NASA Filmed UFO Over Hurricane Sandy From Space Station. - Video
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NASA briefly loses contact with space station
Posted: at 3:47 am
The International Space Station briefly lost contact with ground controllers on Tuesday because of a computer problem, but its commander said the crew was fine, NASA said.
The glitch lasted just under three hours.
The agency initially said flight controllers in Houston were updating software on board the station's flight computers when one of the station's data relay systems broke down.
The primary computer that controls critical station functions defaulted to a backup computer, but it was not letting the station communicate with NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellites, the US space agency said.
Officials in Houston were later able to communicate briefly with the crew as the space station flew over Russian ground stations. They instructed them to connect a backup computer to begin the process of restoring communications.
And communications were restored nearly three hours after the initial breakdown, NASA said in a tweet.
The International Space Station marked its 10th anniversary of continuous human occupation on Nov. 2, 2010. Since Expedition 1 in 2000, the space station has been visited by 204 individuals.
The current crew is made up six men: two Americans, three Russians and a Canadian.
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NASA briefly loses contact with space station
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NASA loses contact with space station
Posted: at 3:47 am
The International Space Station lost contact with ground controllers because of a computer problem but its commander says the crew is fine, NASA says.
The agency said flight controllers in Houston were updating software on board the station's flight computers on Tuesday when one of the station's data relay systems broke down.
The primary computer that controls critical station functions defaulted to a backup computer, but it was not letting the station communicate with NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellites, the US space agency said.
Officials in Houston were later able to communicate briefly with the crew as the space station flew over Russian ground stations. They instructed them to connect a backup computer to begin the process of restoring communications.
The International Space Station marked its 10th anniversary of continuous human occupation on November 2, 2010. Since Expedition 1 in 2000, the space station has been visited by 204 individuals.
The current crew is made up six men: two Americans, three Russians and a Canadian.
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NASA loses contact with space station
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Osmania DNA on blasts – TV9 – Video
Posted: at 3:46 am
Osmania DNA on blasts - TV9
Osmania DNA on blasts For more content go to Follow us on facebook at http Follow us on twitter at
By: tv9telugu
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Osmania DNA on blasts - TV9 - Video
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DNA confirms skull that of NC disabled girl
Posted: at 3:46 am
A skull found a year ago by hunters in the woods is that of a disabled girl who was killed and dismembered by her stepmother, North Carolina police said Thursday.
DNA tests show it was Zahra Baker's, but Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins said investigators are still unable to say how the 10-year-old died. Adkins said he and other law enforcement officers who spent many months searching for the girl had "mixed emotions" about knowing for certain that it was her remains.
"It brings up the tragedy of Zahra's death and the life she lived before she was killed but it also gives us and the community a sense of finally bringing her home."
Said Caldwell County Sheriff Alan Jones: "She will be in our memories for the rest of our lives."
The Zahra Baker case captivated the attention of communities here and in Australia, where she had lived before her father, Adam Baker, moved to the United States to marry Elisa Baker.
Elisa Baker is serving up to 18 years in prison. She pleaded guilty in 2011 to second-degree murder with aggravating factors that included desecrating Zahra Baker's body.
Zahra Baker, who wore a prosthetic leg and hearing aids after a struggle with bone cancer, was reported missing in October 2010 from her home in the western North Carolina town of Hickory.
Parts of her remains were found in multiple sites around Hickory shortly after her reported disappearance. But her skull wasn't found until last year.
It was examined by investigators with the N.C. State Bureau of Investigation and N.C. Medical Examiner's Office using a DNA profile used for the prosecution of Elisa Baker.
Zahra's death was caused by "undetermined homicidal violence," medical examiners said.
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DNA confirms skull that of NC disabled girl
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