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Ron Paul: Gun Confiscation will Lead To Revolution – Video
Posted: February 25, 2013 at 6:53 pm
Ron Paul: Gun Confiscation will Lead To Revolution
On today #39;s program, Alex welcomes former Congressman Ron Paul to break down the use of force by federal agents to enforce unjust and unconstitutional laws and the victimization of Americans for simply engaging in commercial transactions. NEW ITEM** [ProOne Water Fluoride Filter] The ProOne filter by ProPur is a huge breakthrough in water filter technology NEW ITEM** [Divide And Conquer Skate Deck] Your Price:$49.95 [STAND UP FOR YOUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHT WITH THIS POWERFUL T-SHIRT] [New Shirt] Your Price $19.95 [INFOWARS THE MAGAZINE - FEBRUARY ISSUE GET YOUR COPY TODAY AND SPREAD THE TRUTH!! [FIGHT FLUORIDE with "Clearly Filtered" - NEW ITEM [Strategic Relocation Documentary Film Featuring Joel Skousen] Sale Price $19.95 [COLD FLU IMMUNE SUPPORT PACK] The Cold Flu Immune Support Pack from EnerHealth Botanicals is a great selection of herbal tinctures to help maintain and support your body during cold flu season. Retail Price $99.95 Your Savings $10.00 Your Price $89.95** [START GETTING HEALTHY NOW BEFORE IT #39;S TOO LATE]
By: TheAlexJonesChannel
Ron Paul: Gun Confiscation will Lead To Revolution - Video
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Libertarianism 101 with Dr Stephen Davies – Video
Posted: at 6:53 pm
Libertarianism 101 with Dr Stephen Davies
Dr Stephen Davies #39; talk in Oxford on 12 February 2012. More information:
By: oxlibertarian
See the original post here:
Libertarianism 101 with Dr Stephen Davies - Video
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Filippo Marinetti, Parole in Liberta (Words in Freedom), Futurism – Video
Posted: at 6:52 pm
Filippo Marinetti, Parole in Liberta (Words in Freedom), Futurism
This is my interpretation of Marinetti #39;s Futurist poem. I created it for a web design course I am currently in (02/13).
By: Melissa McDonald
Filippo Marinetti, Parole in Liberta (Words in Freedom), Futurism - Video
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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Discuss the Future of Higher Education
Posted: at 6:52 pm
Acclaimed global futurist and iconoclastic chief unlearning officer Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver the opening keynote at the European Association for International Educations annual convention in Istanbul, Turkey. Uldrich will review major industry trends, including advances in open-source education, MOOCs, mobile web communication, interactive e-books, gaming dynamics, augmented-reality, artificial intelligence, crowdsourcing and more.
Washington, DC (PRWEB) February 25, 2013
Beyond addressing educational trends, including Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), open-source educational platforms (such as Coursera, EdX and Udacity), mobile web communications, interactive and customizable e-books, gaming dynamics, augmented-reality, artificial intelligence, and crowdsourcing; Uldrich will tackle how these trends are transforming the student-teacher relationship and review the changes educational leaders must make today in order to stay relevant in tomorrows changing world.
The material presented in his talk is based on a combination of Uldrich's best-selling book, "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future" and his latest book, "Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow." The keynote is designed to provide education innovators a solid and thought-provoking foundation upon which to conduct future strategic planning. (Later this spring, Uldrich will be conducting a more interactive session with leaders from the Rochester Institute of Technology). An overview of many of the coming changes can be found in this article: 10 Quotations of the Future of Higher Education.
Uldrich will also discuss why these future trends will require unlearning as well as provide an overview of how these technological changes are upending long-standing educational and funding mechanisms. Uldrich, who has been hailed as "America's Chief Unlearning Officer," will conclude his keynote by reviewing the negative consequences of not embracing the concept of unlearning. Throughout his session, Uldrich will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries outside the educational establishment, to ensure his message of unlearning "sticks" with his audience. A sample of some his ideas on the future of education can be found in this chapter, The Future of Higher Education: A Cloudy Forecast, from his latest book Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow.
In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of educational groups and associations, including delivering customized keynote presentations to Indiana University, Cuyahoga Community College, the Association of Test Publishers, the Minnesota Community Education Association, The Council of Great Lakes Schools, The University of Minnesotas Carlson School of Business, Educational Services of America, Belmont University, The Chief Learning Officers Summit, The Minneapolis Public School System, The Teaching and Technology Conference, The League of Innovation, The California League of Middle Schools, and The American Technical Education Association. Uldrich has also addressed a number of major, non education-related corporations and institutions on the topics of future trends, change management and unlearning, including Cisco, IBM, PepsiCo, United Healthcare, Case IH, Guardian Life Insurance, WiPro, and General Electric.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.
Uldrich is a renowned global educational futurist, best-selling author, editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning website, He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers' bureaus, including Leading Authorities and Executive Speakers Bureau.
Jack Uldrich Jump the Curve 612-267-1212 Email Information
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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Discuss the Future of Higher Education
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Musician Peter Gabriel Talks With the Space Station Astronauts | NASA ISS Science Video – Video
Posted: February 24, 2013 at 5:45 pm
Musician Peter Gabriel Talks With the Space Station Astronauts | NASA ISS Science Video
Visit my website at - musician Peter Gabriel and family talks with the crew of the Space Station. Please rate and comment, thanks! Credits NASA
By: CoconutScienceLab
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Musician Peter Gabriel Talks With the Space Station Astronauts | NASA ISS Science Video - Video
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International Space Station (ISS) Flyby – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
International Space Station (ISS) Flyby
The International Space Station (ISS) flying over Cambridge 21st February 2013. See it here:
By: Steve Mallinson
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KSP 0.18 – Duna space station part 6 (DSS Landing Madness) – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
KSP 0.18 - Duna space station part 6 (DSS Landing Madness)
Landing madness. Its Mad, MAD I tell you!
By: TheGreenDragon666
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KSP 0.18 - Duna space station part 6 (DSS Landing Madness) - Video
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Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering – Video
Posted: at 5:45 pm
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Video Notes on Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
By: dovebiology
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Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering - Video
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Little Mix – DNA Tour – 21st February 2013 – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
Little Mix - DNA Tour - 21st February 2013
Part 1 Not great quality and sorry for my singing! Second part of the song to follow 🙂
By: KimmiWilliams
Visit link:
Little Mix - DNA Tour - 21st February 2013 - Video
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DnA Clan: Possible Intro? – Video
Posted: at 5:44 pm
DnA Clan: Possible Intro?
Hey guys whats up and this could be our possible intro! So what do you think? Leave a comment and like below and subscribe for more! Getting capture card soon so will be uploading game plays soon!
By: DnA Clan
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DnA Clan: Possible Intro? - Video
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