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Homeopathic Treatment For Psoriasis – Video
Posted: March 4, 2013 at 7:45 am
Homeopathic Treatment For Psoriasis Psoriasis free for life. My elbow was in a terrible state and I was dreadfully upset with the remarks from my co-workers. I had tried various psoriasis products including creams and supplements but without success. Your guide is marvelous - it has cleared my psoriasis within a matter of a few weeks - I have recommended your guide to others. My husband had a patch of dermatitis on his hand which would not clear up - he tried your methods and the rash has now gone too! Dolores Fenech New Zealand Psoriasis free for life.
By: nokiarymka
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Psoriasis Treatment Over The Counter – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Psoriasis Treatment Over The Counter How I Uncovered the Disturbing Secret Cause of Psoriasis That Most Doctors Won #39;t Tell You. James Thomas "Psoriasis free for life has been of great help for me throughout this very embarrassing period of my life. I first found about your guide when I was desperately searching over the internet for a natural remedy. I was thoroughly delighted with the results; the information which is provided is of excellent quality. I would recommend your guide to anyone considering having his or her psoriasis completely cured." Live life free without psoriasis
By: nokiarymka
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Psychodrome – Politically Incorrect – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Psychodrome - Politically Incorrect
Incubation, the first EP by Psychodrome. Produced by Psychodrome and Pol Luengo. Recorded by Pol Luengo at Aggresive Studios, BCN. Mixed And mastered by Julian Janovich. All songs by Psychodrome 2013
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MARCH and bloggers fight censorship
Posted: at 7:45 am
BEIRUT: You have the right not to remain silent, says MARCH, an NGO that is fighting media censorship and teaching young people how to use their right to freedom of expression as a basis for peaceful coexistence.
The problem is that people in Lebanon dont know their duties or rights as citizens, said Lea Baroudi, co-founder and general coordinator of MARCH. We realized that freedom of expression is the right which accompanies all civic rights, and decided to start with the basics.
Founded in 2011, MARCH aims to create an empowered civil society, the cornerstone of which is reconciliation of differences and fostering of respect between various groups, through freedom of expression.
Freedom of expression is the catalyst for tolerance, Baroudi added. We have to learn how to agree to disagree.
Hand in hand with the NGOs FREE initiative (Freedom and Right of Expression Events), which includes around-the-year workshops, conferences and distribution of newsletters tackling basic civil rights, is its fight against media censorship.
MARCH set up The Virtual Museum of Censorship (MOC), an interactive online database of censorship cases in Lebanon since the 1940s. The website provides information about the content, date and reason of censorship for material across different categories; press, books, theater, music and more.
Now you know, and knowing is half the battle, says the MOC website, which offers individuals a platform to report cases of censorship to be added to the database of censored material.
The 2013 international Press Freedom Index proves the bleak reality of Lebanons censorship authorities. According to the index, published by Reporters Without Borders, Lebanon dropped eight places since last years report and now ranks at 101, below countries such as Guatemala, Mongolia and Kosovo.
General Security, the Information Ministry, the Interior Ministry all have a say in what gets published, Baroudi said. Then there are the unofficial authorities: religious entities, political parties and foreign embassies all can apply pressure.
Aiming to expand their network of volunteers and engaged citizens, MARCH is in the process of creating student clubs in universities such as the American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, Saint Joseph University and Notre Dame University, among others.
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MARCH and bloggers fight censorship
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Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman Austrian vs. Keynesi… – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman Austrian vs. Keynesi...
SUBSCRIBE Learn More Win a Free Silver Coin: More info on Wealth creation with Gold and Silver :
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Ron Paul vs. Paul Krugman Austrian vs. Keynesi... - Video
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Ron Paul ~ Sequester Is Just A Fear Tactic In Order To Raise Taxes – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Ron Paul ~ Sequester Is Just A Fear Tactic In Order To Raise Taxes
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. **Volumediscounts are also available. Please contact us via email for pricing** FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a #39;fair use #39; of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. congressman ron paul http
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul ~ Sequester Is Just A Fear Tactic In Order To Raise Taxes - Video
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My Years With Alan Greenspan | Ron Paul – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
My Years With Alan Greenspan | Ron Paul
A lecture presented by Ron Paul at the Ludwig von Mises Institute #39;s Mises Circle Seminar in Houston, Texas; March 4, 2006.
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Ron Paul – America at War (What If?) – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Ron Paul - America at War (What If?)
Ron Paul #39;s "What If?" Speech. The Anti-War Movement has been dead since Obama #39;s first inauguration. It is time America changes that. Music by Lost In Scores
By: Liberution
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Ron Paul was my OB GYN – Video
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Cats listen to Ron Paul on the Sequester – Video
Posted: at 7:44 am
Cats listen to Ron Paul on the Sequester
newly-confirmed Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the US would be sending another $60 million to the rebels seeking to overthrow the Syrian government -- in the midst of the sequester "crisis"! Despite the rhetoric, there appears no intention on the part of the government to take our fiscal crisis seriously or abandon the idea that we should run the rest of the world. - Ron Paul March 3, 2013
By: Laureen Trent
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Cats listen to Ron Paul on the Sequester - Video
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