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Category Archives: Transhuman News
DNA unlocks pre-slavery African ancestors | Finding Your Roots on PBS America – Video
Posted: March 4, 2013 at 7:46 am
DNA unlocks pre-slavery African ancestors | Finding Your Roots on PBS America
FINDING YOUR ROOTS - premieres Sundays at 8pm from 24 February PBS America | Sky 166 | Virgin Media 243 | PBS America Innovative DNA analysis and techniques are used throughout this exciting and informative new genealogy series, which is essentially an American Who Do You Think You Are? featuring the likes of Samuel L Jackson, Robert Downey Jr, Martha Stewart and Kevin Bacon. Henry Louis Gates Jr and his team use this science to pick up where the paper trail runs out, and discover hidden branches of the 25 well-known contributors #39; family trees. For most Americans of African descent, documentation simply does not exist prior to 1870. These new DNA techniques allow scientists to cross-reference specific DNA sequences with a massive database of samples and thereby identify the geographical area in Africa from which the ancestors of many - including Samuel L Jackson, Condoleezza Rice, John Lewis and Branford Marsalis - originated.
By: PBSukchannel
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DNA unlocks pre-slavery African ancestors | Finding Your Roots on PBS America - Video
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Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 – DNA and fingerprint provisions
Posted: at 7:46 am
The Protection of Freedoms Act gained Royal Assent on 1 May 2012.
Sections 1 25 of the Act cover DNA and fingerprint retention.
There is a timetable for bringing these sections of the Act into force.
The Protection of Freedoms Act implements the commitment in the governments coalition agreement to reform DNA and fingerprint retention so that only peopleconvicted of an offence will have their material retained indefinitely. Currently material is retained indefinitely from anybody arrested whether innocent or convicted.
The Act constitutes the UKs response to the 2008 judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Marper v UK. In that case, the court ruled that blanket retention of DNA taken from innocent people posed a disproportionate interference with the right to private life, in violation of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The Act aims to strike a balance between protecting the privacy and human rights of the public, and protecting them from crime by keeping the right people on the DNA and fingerprint databases. The provisions are as follows:
A DNA sample is an individuals biological material, containing all of their genetic information, not simply the 20 numbers that make up the DNA profiles stored on the database.The Act requires all DNA samples to be destroyed within six months of being taken. This allows sufficient time for the sample to be analysed and a DNA profile to be produced for use on the database.
In exceptional circumstances a court order can be made allowing longer retention of the DNA sample for use in complex court cases.
A DNA profile consists of a string of 20 numbers and two letters to indicate gender. This number string is stored on the National DNA Database (NDNAD). It allows the person to be identified if they leave their DNA at a crime scene.
Fingerprints are usually scanned electronically from the individual in custody and the images stored on IDENT1, the national fingerprint database.
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Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 – DNA and fingerprint provisions
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2/16/13 – Saving Private Genome – LFX – Raptor – HK416 – Video
Posted: at 7:46 am
2/16/13 - Saving Private Genome - LFX - Raptor - HK416
Hey guys, in this video our objective was to save Genome. He was captured by terrorists and we must SAVE HIM! Enjoy the footage! Today we will be going to Red Dawn 3 so expect some awesome footage of that event! Facebook:
By: IllestAirsoft
2/16/13 - Saving Private Genome - LFX - Raptor - HK416 - Video
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Genetics and Genome-Guided Personalized Medicine in Thailand Part3/3 – Video
Posted: at 7:46 am
Genetics and Genome-Guided Personalized Medicine in Thailand Part3/3
Presented by Professor Wasun Chantratita Director of Pharmacogenomics project under collaboration between Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences, Mahidol University, Bangkok and Head of Virology and Molecular Microbiology, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand The 2nd Meeting of South East Asian Pharmacogenomics Research Network (SEAPharm) Symposium for Genetic and Genome-Guided Personalized Medicine in Asia
By: ThePharmacogenomics
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Genetics and Genome-Guided Personalized Medicine in Thailand Part3/3 - Video
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Some Causes of Psoriasis Outbreaks – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Some Causes of Psoriasis Outbreaks Causes of Psoriasis can be such things as stress, dry climate, cold air, dry skin, and even an injury. It also is hereditary, meaning of course the parents can pass it genetically to their children. Learn this and more at our site. - created at
By: Kevin Swanger
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Some Causes of Psoriasis Outbreaks - Video
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Psoriasis Cure – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Psoriasis Cure
Internationally renowned Dr. Pankaj Bharti speaks about the WAYS TO AVOID TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT. For more details call us on 08896659139. For Daily Updates and Newsletter Subscribe, visit on our website - Join us on Facebook - http
By: pankaj bharti
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Psoriasis Cure - Video
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Types of Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Types of Psoriasis There are a few different Types of Psoriasis, such as: humira psoriasis erythrodermic psoriasis pustular psoriasis inverse psoriasis palmoplantar psoriasis Visit our site to learn more about them. - created at
By: Kevin Swanger
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TV9 – Life Line – Ayurveda for Psoriasis part1 – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
TV9 - Life Line - Ayurveda for Psoriasis part1
By: snehatvtv9news
TV9 - Life Line - Ayurveda for Psoriasis part1 - Video
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Psoriasis Free for Life Review | Natural Psoriasis Treatment and Cure – Video
Posted: at 7:45 am
Psoriasis Free for Life Review | Natural Psoriasis Treatment and Cure "Proriasis Free For Life trade;" is a digital book that shows you how to cure psoriasis in a few days. Written by medical professionals, this is the the natural, permanent and complete solution that you can provide to the increasing number of people that suffering from this condition. Suffering from psoriasis can change the way you live your life. Your social circle will be limited because with this disease, you can #39;t go out as frequently as you wanted. And if psoriasis is in its worse outbreak, covering it up becomes very inconvenient, not to mention painful and itchy. Psoriasis Free for Life Book Finally, the most natural and most effective treatment for psoriasis has come out. The Psoriasis Free for Life Book by Katy Wilson shows you the holistic methods of treating this disease quickly and permanently. Her system is unlike a doctor #39;s list of prescription medicines consisting mainly of ointments and creams. What your doctors give you can only do so much to manage the current outbreak. None of those medicines or drugs can assure you of a permanent solution to psoriasis. Psoriasis Free For Life A quick and permanent cure to psoriasis is all you need to live your life in the way that you always wanted to. With this book, you won #39;t have to hide in your home or wear long sleeves all the time in the attempt to a normal life. There are a many great things in life aside from suffering from a skin condition that even doctors are at a loss with. Use Katy ...
By: ReviewsReviewz
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Psoriasis Free for Life Review | Natural Psoriasis Treatment and Cure - Video
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TV9 – Life Line – Ayurveda for Psoriasis part2 – Video
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TV9 - Life Line - Ayurveda for Psoriasis part2
By: snehatvtv9news
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TV9 - Life Line - Ayurveda for Psoriasis part2 - Video
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