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25 – Free Energy, 9/11 and Weather Control – Ongoing Cover Up, Muddle Up and Censorship of Evidence – Video
Posted: March 5, 2013 at 11:45 pm
25 - Free Energy, 9/11 and Weather Control - Ongoing Cover Up, Muddle Up and Censorship of Evidence
9/11 Finding The Truth by Andrew Johnson playlist - Andrew Johnson #39;s website - Individual audio files of the articles in Andrew Johnson #39;s book 9 Finding The Truth can be downloaded from Johnson #39;s website - There are also many more related audios in the 9/11 archive on Johnson #39;s website - Individual articles from 9/11 Finding The Truth can also be read on Johnson #39;s website - There #39;s also a zip file for the entire book: Audio Book - 9-11 Finding the (296.4 MB) (Modified: Jan 20 2013 11:22:27 AM) Link to zip file - 9/11 Finding The Truth is also available in other formats for free from here - --- This video is made from the audio entitled 25 - Free Energy, 9-11 and Weather Control - Ongoing Cover Up, Muddle Up and Censorship of Evidence.mp3 (3.6 MB) (Modified: Sep 13 2012 07:26:49 PM) mp3 - Link to original article (April 18, 2009) - --- What really happened on 9/11? What can the evidence tell us? Who is covering up the evidence, and why are they covering it up? This book attempts to give some answers to these questions and has been written by someone who has become deeply involved in research into what happened on 9/11. A study of the available evidence will challenge you and much of what you assumed to be true. "Now we are discovering that there is a highly ...
By: matrixcutter
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Political Correctness is Censorship – Video
Posted: at 11:45 pm
Political Correctness is Censorship
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Political Correctness is Censorship - Video
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Breaking Through Chinese State Censorship – Changchun Signal Interruption Remembered – Video
Posted: at 11:45 pm
Breaking Through Chinese State Censorship - Changchun Signal Interruption Remembered
Something unexpected happened in China #39;s Changchun city today mdash;on March 5th mdash;back in 2002. For forty minutes, the local state-run television #39;s programming was interrupted by this. The documentary, False Fire, disproved the self-immolation incident that was staged on Tiananmen Square a year earlier. Chinese state-run media claimed five Falun Gong practitioners had set themselves on fire. They broadcast the propaganda every evening to incite public hatred against the spiritual practice. It helped justify the Chinese Communist Party #39;s crackdown on the group since 1999. [Lan Lihua, Falun Gong Practitioner]: "I saw an article about a Falun Gong practitioner using television signal jamming technology to broadcast the persecution of Falun Gong to thousands of households. I thought this was a great way to get the message out." Like millions of Falun Gong practitioners in China, Lan Lihua was thinking of ways to break through the Chinese regime #39;s censorship. She connected two people she knew who would be able to take over the airwaves. After months of planning, on March 5th, Changchun residents watched on TV how Falun Gong was welcomed and practiced around the world. They saw how the Communist Party was lying to them. [Bill Xia, CEO, Dynamic Internet Technology]: "It represented Falun Gong practitioners #39; efforts to bring real information to the Chinese and for that particular event it was actually dramatic and had a big impact. In a few hours it reached millions of people" And that ...
By: NTDonChina
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Keep up censorship fight, urges acclaimed Chinese filmmaker
Posted: at 11:45 pm
Tuesday, 05 March 2013 09:19
PARIS: Chinese filmmakers must fight censorship even if it means removing their name from their own work, one-time banned Chinese director Lou Ye told AFP ahead of this month's Asian Film Awards.
His crime thriller "Mystery" has been nominated in six categories at this year's awards.
Lou's film, his second since he was banned from filming in China for five years in 2006, tackles the subject of a new breed of wealthy and middle income men in post-socialist China for whom taking a mistress is the norm, in a practice that harks back to imperial China.
With nominations including best film, best director and best actress for Hao Lei's portrayal of a betrayed wife, "Mystery" begins with a violent death and tells the story of one man's double life.
"The film is about a very small group of people. It is about what happens between two women, the double life that this man leads, but through this I get to talk about things that happen in wider society," he said in Paris where the film was shown as part of a China programme at the city's Forum des Images in February.
"What is important to me is the way in which we see that all the protagonists are linked to the death of this young girl, the way that no-one can say this has nothing to do with me," he said.
According to Lou, having a mistress is now commonplace in China for anyone with sufficient means.
"Currently we see this way of life in particular among people who have money," he said adding that it was seen as a status symbol for men while a woman acting in the same way would be stigmatised.
The film is his second since the end of the ban imposed after he took his love story "Summer Palace", set around the taboo subject of the 1989 pro-democracy Tiananmen Square protests, to Cannes without official approval.
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Keep up censorship fight, urges acclaimed Chinese filmmaker
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Let’s Play Crysis 3 – "They Call Me… Jesus" – Post Human (Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 11:44 pm
Let #39;s Play Crysis 3 - "They Call Me... Jesus" - Post Human (Part 1)
We get back story on what happened in the previous Crysis #39; games and become best friends with the Predator bow.
By: deadlyrickjames
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What do Futurists actually do? Futurists Andrew Musgrave, Neil Jacobson, Doug Vining, Gerd Leonhard – Video
Posted: at 11:44 pm
What do Futurists actually do? Futurists Andrew Musgrave, Neil Jacobson, Doug Vining, Gerd Leonhard
A short conversation between Andrew Musgrave, Doug Vining and Neil Jacobson of and me (Gerd Leonhard) of We discuss what it means to be futurists, and what it does not (eg magic wands etc:) Please note: you can now download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via Audio-only versions are being made available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here (also allows downloads). Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO Mobile apps The Future of Business blog Twitter:
By: Gerd Leonhard
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What do Futurists actually do? Futurists Andrew Musgrave, Neil Jacobson, Doug Vining, Gerd Leonhard - Video
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The future of business: 4 futurists in conversation (Johannesburg Sessions) – Video
Posted: at 11:43 pm
The future of business: 4 futurists in conversation (Johannesburg Sessions)
A conversation with Neil Jacobsohn, Gerd Leonhard, Anton Musgrave, Doug Vining, in Joburg, Feb 4 2013, on the key trends impacting the future of business and commerce. Thanks for your interest in my work! Gerd Leonhard Futurist, Author and Keynote Speaker Basel / Switzerland CEO of http Mobile apps: Twitter: Btw: you can download most of my videos by simply subscribing to this iTunes video feed (via Audio-only versions are being made available here: or on the web at My vimeo channel is here (also allows downloads)
By: Gerd Leonhard
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The future of business: 4 futurists in conversation (Johannesburg Sessions) - Video
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Business Futurist Jack Uldrich to Keynote Risk Insurance and Management Industry Event
Posted: at 11:43 pm
Acclaimed business futurist, keynote speaker and best-selling author, Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver the closing keynote address at the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority's annual risk management workshop. Uldrich will discuss a number of emerging technology trends, including advances in nanotechnology, the Internet of Things, computational analytics and Big Data.
Chicago, IL (PRWEB) March 05, 2013
The talk, based on Uldrichs latest book, "Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow," will begin by discussing how continued advances in information technologies, biotechnology, nanotechnology, robotics, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, genomics, regenerative medicine and social networking will radically transform the insurance industry in the decade ahead. (A preview of some of Uldrich's thought can be found in this article, Five Foreseeable Future Risks.)
Uldrich will then discuss why future trends such as genomics, gaming dynamics, locational intelligence and computational analytics will demand unlearning from the insurance industry. Uldrich, who has been hailed as Americas Chief Unlearning Officer, will conclude by reviewing specific habits, customs, beliefs, ideas and business models that insurance industry professionals canand mustunlearn. Throughout his talk, he will use vivid analogies and memorable stories, drawn from a wide spectrum of industries, to ensure his message of unlearning sticks with his audience.
In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of corporations, organizations and associations, including Guardian Life Insurance, USAA, the New Jersey CIO Summit, Cisco, the Chicago Quantitative Alliance, IBM, WiPro, Wells Fargo, General Electric and the Risk Management and Insurance Industry.
Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.
Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, best-selling author; editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive, and host of the award-winning website, He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers bureaus, including Leading Authorities and Executive Speakers Bureau.
Jack Uldrich Jump the Curve 612-267-1212 Email Information
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SpaceX cargo capsule reaches International Space Station
Posted: March 4, 2013 at 7:47 am
CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida (Reuters) - A SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule overcame a potentially mission-ending technical problem to make a belated but welcome arrival at the International Space Station on Sunday.
Astronauts aboard the outpost used the station's robotic arm to pluck the capsule from orbit at 5:31 a.m. EST as the ships sailed 250 miles over northern Ukraine.
Flight controllers at NASA's Mission Control in Houston then stepped in to drive the capsule to its berthing port on the station's Harmony connecting node. Docking occurred at 8:44 a.m. EST.
The Dragon capsule, loaded with more than 2,300 pounds (1,043 kg) of science equipment, spare parts, food and supplies, blasted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Friday aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket for the second of 12 planned supply runs for NASA.
SpaceX is the first private company to fly to the station, a $100 billion project of 15 nations.
Dragon was to have arrived at the station on Saturday but a problem with its thruster rocket pods developed soon after reaching orbit. Engineers sent commands for Dragon to flip valves and clear any blockage in a pressurization line in an attempt to salvage the mission.
By Friday evening, Dragon had fired its thruster rockets to raise its altitude and begin steering itself to rendezvous with the station.
The orbital ballet ended when station commander Kevin Ford, working from a robotics station inside the outpost, grabbed the capsule with the station's robot arm.
"As they say, it's not where you start but where you finish that counts. You guys really finished this one on the mark," Ford radioed to Dragon's flight control team in Hawthorne, California, and NASA's Mission Control in Houston.
"What a fantastic day," Ford said.
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SpaceX cargo capsule reaches International Space Station
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Space station grabs Dragon cargo craft
Posted: at 7:47 am
NASA / SpaceX via Twitter
A video view from the International Space Station shows SpaceX's Dragon cargo capsule in the grip of the station's robotic arm, with Earth below.
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News
Astronauts used the International Space Station's robotic arm to grab SpaceX's Dragon capsule on Sunday after the unmanned spacecraft made a dramatic recovery in orbit. The grapple operation reached its successful climax an hour ahead of schedule,proving that the unmanned capsule had fully recovered from a post-launch glitchthat affected its propulsion system.
NASA and California-based SpaceX decided to go ahead with Sunday's rendezvous after the Dragon made a series of orbital maneuvers that demonstrated the craft's thrusters were operating normally. When the Dragon closed in to a distance of 33 feet (10 meters), the Canadian-built robotic arm reached out and latched onto an attachment on the cargo ship.
The robotic-arm grapple was originally scheduled to take place at 6:31 a.m. ET, but it occurred instead at 5:31 a.m., as the station was flying 253 miles (407 kilometers) over Ukraine.
NASA's Mission Control and the space station's astronauts exchanged congratulations. "That was a brilliant capture," NASA astronaut Kate Rubins told space station commander Kevin Ford from Mission Control.
Ford passed along his thanks to NASA's controllers in Houston as well as to SpaceX's mission control at the company's headquarters in Hawthorne, Calif. "It's not where you start, but where you finish that counts, and you guys really finished this one on the mark,"Ford said. "You're aboard, and we've got lots of science on there to bring aboard and get done. So congratulations to all of you."
As the crew watched, the robotic arm's remote operators in Houston issued commands to pull the Dragon in for a hookup with the station's Harmony module. "The Dragon is ours!" Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield wrote in a Twitter update. "Maneuvering it now on Canadarm2 to docking port, will open hatches. Look forward to new smells."
The capsule was berthed at 8:56 a.m. ET, and within a few hours, the station's astronauts hooked up the electrical connections, opened up the hatch from the Harmony module and took their first look inside the Dragon.
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Space station grabs Dragon cargo craft
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