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Ron Paul ’s Transition from Politician to Pundit
Posted: March 7, 2013 at 3:59 pm
Jessica Burt/GWU
The George Washington University College Republicans host former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul on March 4, 2013.
Little things are different for former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, now that his name no longer hangs outside a Capitol Hill office door. He wears ties less often. He writes his own posts on the Facebook. He had time to plant tomatoes at his Texas home last weekend. But his role as a libertarian political hero hasnt really changed since he retired from Congress in January: the outsider status he spent decades cultivating from within Washington is simply official.
He is still anxious to weigh in on the issues of the day.The sequester is a farce. Secretary of State John Kerry is stirring up more war. And he maintains his distinctive obsessions.In just the first five minutes of aspeech to George Washington University students on Monday, Paul struck his favorite themes: individual liberty, the gold standard, the Federal Reserve, the wealth gap, inflation and the future of the Republican Party. He even declared that Were all Austrians now! (a reference to his economic messiah, Ludwig von Mises). The speech could have been pulled directlyfrom his 2008 or2012 presidential campaign bids. Except now Paul is working purely to change minds, not win votes.
And thats a kind of liberation. Speaking to TIME, Paul says that he doesnt miss the Washington job he had, on and off, for nearly a quarter century. He just carries on with his longtime message of personal and economic freedom. My focus has always been about the same, he says. I just look for different vehicles. His vehicles used to be hearings and speeches aired on C-SPAN. These days, his vehicles include his non-profit group and lobbying arm Campaign for Liberty; a weekly onlinecolumncalled Texas Straight Talk; an upcoming one-minuteradio programdubbed Ron Pauls America; a book hes writing on home-schooling; and, of course, speaking engagements. After GWU, hes heading to Canada and New York where he will continue to spin what he calls the broken record.
Pauls style may be better suited to life outside of Congress, wherehes even less bound by political practicalities. During a Q&A session after his GWU speech, a young man asked about who would take over Americas roles overseas if all our troops returned.I think we should just come home, Paul said. Another student asked whether the federal government should recognize gay marriage. In the past, Paul has supported the federal Defense of Marriage Act but suggested the issue should be left to states to decide. On Monday, he responded by saying, People should do what they want. Asked about whether people should abandon electoral politics given the hegemony of the two big parties, Paul quipped, To each his own.
On most issues, Pauls stanceslike closing all our foreign military bases and bringing home all the troopsremain well outside of the Republican mainstream. Which is why his new outside game doesnt feel so different from the inside one. I was never frustrated in Congress because I never really believed that what I would do or say would reverse federal policies, he explains.Paul never measured success through chairmanships or named legislation. He measured it in individual converts and any stamp of approval on his views, which the obstetrician plans to pursue over the Internet just as he did on the House floor.
Paul does believe that the world, includingsome conservatives, has finally come around to seeing one thing his way: the war on drugs.I think weve won, and Ive predicted this for a long time, he tells TIME,that some day the country is going to wake up and say this is stupid and theyre going to change the drug laws.The audience at GWU was definitely awake. The thousands packed into Lisner Auditoriumburst into applause when Paul decried government efforts to controlwhat people can put into their mouths, be it raw milk or doobies.
Still, Paul is pessimistic about the GOP. Their future is dismal, he says, until they start adhering to a more peaceful, more uniform ideology.What do they believe in? he says to TIME. I hear their rhetoric but nobody believes them. When asked whether his son, Republican Sen. Rand Paul, is setting a decent example within the party, Paul jokes that Well, hes the best Senator there is!Asked whether his son will bear the libertarian torch in Congress now that hes gone, Paul isnoncommittal. He and a bunch of others all have their role to play, he says, mentioning Michigan Rep. Justin Amash and Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie. Asked whether he thinks his son might run for President one day, he hedges:Hes been asked that, and he hasnt denied it, so I guess thats his answer.
At 77, Paul seems to be transitioning from politician to pundit. His radio spot will be produced by the same entertainment group as Bill OReilly, and FOX News went to Paul for his reaction afterPresident Obamas State of the Union address. But he knows that his relevance may be hard to maintain. Usually you cant stay the same. Either you have to get a little better or you have to be forgotten, Paul says of life after Congress. That doesnt bother me, because I know that I only have one job. And that is to present my case.
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Ron Paul ’s Transition from Politician to Pundit
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The Ron Paul Portfolio Has Been Getting Crushed
Posted: at 3:59 pm
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul is known for his full-throated endorsement of gold as money. And he's put his money where his mouth is by investing in a lot of it.
Last year during the presidential election, The Wall Street Journal reportedon Paul's financial disclosure.
The Congressman's portfolio washeavily weighted with precious metals. Last year we learned that a shocking 64 percent of Paul's $2.4 to $5.5 million portfolio is tied up in precious metals like gold and silver.
At the time, people were gushing at how smart of a move that was in that market.
But today, gold is getting massacred it's been said to be ina "death cross,"the market rally meansprices are sliding, andsellers are getting desperate and Paul's investments seem to be tanking too.
Via Google Finance, here's what has happened to three of Paul's largest holdings Barrick Gold, Goldcorp and Newmont Mining in the past 6 months. Losses of over 20% on each:
Paul has investments in23 other miners many of them small Canadian risky "juniors" so it's doubtful he's doing much better with the rest of the portfolio.
Of course we don't know for sure that he hasn't -- since leaving politics -- taken his money out of gold and put it all in Google. But that seems unlikely.
(h/t) Peter Eller
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The Ron Paul Portfolio Has Been Getting Crushed
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If You Thought Ron Paul ‘s Investments In Big Gold Miners Were Doing Badly, Check Out His Investments In ‘Juniors’
Posted: at 3:59 pm
Earlier today we revisited former Texas Congressman Ron Paul's precious metal-heavy portfolio.
Paul is one of the most famous advocates of gold as an investment, so we took a look at how his 64 percent precious metal portfolio was handling the recent crash in the price of gold.
We took a look at the three major mining stocks that the Wall Street Journal described as the largest of Paul's holdings. Here's what has happened to them in the past six months:
Looking at the twenty-one publicly listed mining companies in the Ron Paul portfolio, the average return on investment was a dismal 22.62% over the past six months.
Given that the Wall Street Journal reported that Paul's portfolio was worth between $2.44 million and $5.46 million and that 64 percent of his assets were in these precious metal stocks a very loose estimate is that Ron Paul has lost between $353,204 and $790,366 over the past six months, based on the average loss of his mining holdings.
The moral of the story: don't just be in gold related assets.
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If You Thought Ron Paul 's Investments In Big Gold Miners Were Doing Badly, Check Out His Investments In 'Juniors'
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Ron Paul : From Politician to Pundit
Posted: at 3:59 pm
Jessica Burt/GWU
The George Washington University College Republicans host former congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul on March 4, 2013.
Little things are different for former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, now that his name no longer hangs outside a Capitol Hill office door. He wears ties less often. He writes his own posts on the Facebook. He had time to plant tomatoes at his Texas home last weekend. But his role as a libertarian political hero hasnt really changed since he retired from Congress in January: the outsider status he spent decades cultivating from within Washington is simply official.
He is still anxious to weigh in on the issues of the day.The sequester is a farce. Secretary of State John Kerry is stirring up more war. And he maintains his distinctive obsessions.In just the first five minutes of aspeech to George Washington University students on Monday, Paul struck his favorite themes: individual liberty, the gold standard, the Federal Reserve, the wealth gap, inflation and the future of the Republican Party. He even declared that Were all Austrians now! (a reference to his economic messiah, Ludwig von Mises). The speech could have been pulled directlyfrom his 2008 or2012 presidential campaign bids. Except now Paul is working purely to change minds, not win votes.
And thats a kind of liberation. Speaking to TIME, Paul says that he doesnt miss the Washington job he had, on and off, for nearly a quarter century. He just carries on with his longtime message of personal and economic freedom. My focus has always been about the same, he says. I just look for different vehicles. His vehicles used to be hearings and speeches aired on C-SPAN. These days, his vehicles include his non-profit group and lobbying arm Campaign for Liberty; a weekly onlinecolumncalled Texas Straight Talk; an upcoming one-minuteradio programdubbed Ron Pauls America; a book hes writing on home-schooling; and, of course, speaking engagements. After GWU, hes heading to Canada and New York where he will continue to spin what he calls the broken record.
Pauls style may be better suited to life outside of Congress, wherehes even less bound by political practicalities. During a Q&A session after his GWU speech, a young man asked about who would take over Americas roles overseas if all our troops returned.I think we should just come home, Paul said. Another student asked whether the federal government should recognize gay marriage. In the past, Paul has supported the federal Defense of Marriage Act but suggested the issue should be left to states to decide. On Monday, he responded by saying, People should do what they want. Asked about whether people should abandon electoral politics given the hegemony of the two big parties, Paul quipped, To each his own.
On most issues, Pauls stanceslike closing all our foreign military bases and bringing home all the troopsremain well outside of the Republican mainstream. Which is why his new outside game doesnt feel so different from the inside one. I was never frustrated in Congress because I never really believed that what I would do or say would reverse federal policies, he explains.Paul never measured success through chairmanships or named legislation. He measured it in individual converts and any stamp of approval on his views, which the obstetrician plans to pursue over the Internet just as he did on the House floor.
Paul does believe that the world, includingsome conservatives, has finally come around to seeing one thing his way: the war on drugs.I think weve won, and Ive predicted this for a long time, he tells TIME,that some day the country is going to wake up and say this is stupid and theyre going to change the drug laws.The audience at GWU was definitely awake. The thousands packed into Lisner Auditoriumburst into applause when Paul decried government efforts to controlwhat people can put into their mouths, be it raw milk or doobies.
Still, Paul is pessimistic about the GOP. Their future is dismal, he says, until they start adhering to a more peaceful, more uniform ideology.What do they believe in? he says to TIME. I hear their rhetoric but nobody believes them. When asked whether his son, Republican Sen. Rand Paul, is setting a decent example within the party, Paul jokes that Well, hes the best Senator there is!Asked whether his son will bear the libertarian torch in Congress now that hes gone, Paul isnoncommittal. He and a bunch of others all have their role to play, he says, mentioning Michigan Rep. Justin Amash and Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie. Asked whether he thinks his son might run for President one day, he hedges:Hes been asked that, and he hasnt denied it, so I guess thats his answer.
At 77, Paul seems to be transitioning from politician to pundit. His radio spot will be produced by the same entertainment group as Bill OReilly, and FOX News went to Paul for his reaction afterPresident Obamas State of the Union address. But he knows that his relevance may be hard to maintain. Usually you cant stay the same. Either you have to get a little better or you have to be forgotten, Paul says of life after Congress. That doesnt bother me, because I know that I only have one job. And that is to present my case.
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Ron Paul : From Politician to Pundit
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Ron Paul ‘s son quotes libertarians during Senate filibuster
Posted: at 3:59 pm
Ron Paul supporters were never that trusting of his son, Rand Paul.
To ardent Ron Paul legions who energized his bid for the presidency around his libertarian principles, Rand Paul reflected a corrupt, business-as-usual political system -- one that asked people to compromise their beliefs in the quest for power.
They saw Ron Paul, a former Texas congressman, rising above that until this week when Rand Paul, the Kentucky senator who is viewed as potential presidential candidate in his own right in 2016, blazed his own path toward their hearts and minds.
He appealed to civil libertarians at their core by challenging the White House nominee to head the CIA, and pushing the Obama administration to clarify -- not once, but twice -- its policy on targeting Americans in counter-terror operations with lethal force.
He threw the faithful a healthy portion of red political meat with a 13-hour filibuster over John Brennan, who was confirmed to the CIA post on Thursday. Brennan was President Barack Obama's chief counter-terrorism adviser.
Rand Paul highlighted his dissatisfaction with the response of the administration to his question of whether it could use a drone to kill Americans on U.S. soil.
The issue resonates with both libertarians on the far right and liberals on the far left by challenging what they consider to be excessive government powers. In particular, Paul sought clarity that only a war enemy -- even if a U.S. citizen -- could be targeted.
His Senate marathon amounted to a libertarian clinic. He quoted libertarian thinkers, emphasized the infallibility of the Constitution and elevated the drone discussion.
And Ron Paul devotees noticed.
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Ron Paul 's son quotes libertarians during Senate filibuster
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The Top Radical Trends that will Shape this Year: Leading Global Futurist Dr. James Canton Announces the 2013 Global …
Posted: at 3:58 pm
Radical trends from 3D printing of organs to mobile business and the extreme future of climate will redefine business in 2013
(PRWEB) March 06, 2013
The Global Futures Forecast is a comprehensive overview of top trends that signal both opportunity and risk that will shape the future of business and society said Dr. James Canton, CEO & Chairman, Institute for Global Futures. Radical innovations such as 3D printing of organs to enhancing life expectancy to the future of sustainable cities is on the near horizon Dr. Canton stated.
About Dr. James Canton
The foremost global futurist, author and keynote presenter Dr. James Canton has been forecasting the key trends in technology, society and business for twenty years. As the CEO & Chairman of the Institute for Global Futures, he is noted for his forecasts on the Internet, the energy, climate change, social media, genetics, digital commerce, education, the changing workforce and demographics for his Fortune 1000 clients. He is known for his forecasts about the impact of radical technology on business and society. He is the author of the Extreme Future and Technofutures. His new book Future Smart will be coming out in 2014. More info can be found at
Gayle Osder, Media Relations Institute for Global Futures (415) 563-0720 Email Information
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SpaceX’s Dragon Carrying NASA Cargo Resupplies Space Station
Posted: March 5, 2013 at 11:47 pm
The Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX) Dragon spacecraft was berthed to the International Space Station at 8:56 a.m. EST Sunday. The delivery flight was the second contracted resupply mission by the company under NASA's Commercial Resupply Services contract.
Space station Expedition 34 crew members Kevin Ford and Tom Marshburn of NASA used the station's robotic arm to successfully capture Dragon at 5:31 a.m. The capture came one day, 19 hours and 22 minutes after the mission's launch. The station was 253 miles above northern Ukraine. Following its capture, the spacecraft was installed onto the Earth-facing port of the Harmony module through ground commands issued by mission control at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.
"The newly arrived scientific experiments delivered by Dragon carry the promise of discoveries that benefit Earth and dramatically increase our understanding of how humans adapt to space," said William Gerstenmaier, NASA's associate administrator for the Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorate in Washington. "Spaceflight will never be risk-free, but it's a critical achievement that we once again have a U.S. capability to transport science to and from the International Space Station. The science delivered and to be returned from the space station has the promise of giving us a unique insight into problems that we face on Earth. As the patch of Expedition 34 states: 'Off the Earth...For the Earth.'"
The Dragon spacecraft lifted off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 10:10 a.m. Friday aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. Shortly after spacecraft separation from the rocket's second stage, the Dragon lost three of its four thruster pods. Solar array deployment was delayed while SpaceX engineers worked to purge blocked valves and get the pods back online. Ninety minutes after launch, Dragon's arrays were deployed. By 3 p.m., all four thruster pods were online and attitude control was regained.
Following a series of tests to ensure the spacecraft could safely approach the space station, Dragon was approved to approach the orbiting laboratory Sunday morning, one day after its originally planned arrival, which is not expected to impact any of the scientific investigations being delivered.
Dragon is loaded with about 1,268 pounds (575 kilograms) of supplies to support continuing space station research experiments and will return with about 2,668 pounds (1,210 kilograms) of science samples from human research, biology and biotechnology studies, physical science investigations, and education activities.
Newly delivered investigations include studies of how molecular biology, cells and plants grow in microgravity. One experiment, titled Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures-3, will examine solid and liquid mixtures made of lead and tin that contain a small amount of tin branch-like structures called dendrites. By understanding how temperature and time control the growth of such dendrites, researchers hope to develop more efficient and economical means of producing higher-quality products derived from the casting of molten metals. New student experiments include observing how gravity changes the growth of E. coli bacteria, studying the long-term impact of space travel on small coin-cell-sized batteries, and producing ammonium aluminum sulfate crystals of higher purity than is possible on Earth.
Experiment samples coming back to Earth will help researchers continue to assess the impact of long-duration spaceflight on the human body. Returning plant samples will aid in food production during future long-duration space missions and enhance crop production on Earth. Crystals grown aboard and returning from the station could help in the development of more efficient solar cells and semiconductor-based electronics.
The Dragon capsule is scheduled to spend 22 days attached to the station before returning for a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Baja California March 25.
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SpaceX capsule arrives at space station
Posted: at 11:47 pm
A privately owned Dragon capsule has arrived at the International Space Station, delivering a tonne of supplies with high-flying finesse after a shaky start to the mission.
The Dragon's arrival was one day late but especially sweet - and not because of the fresh fruit on board for the station astronauts who snared the capsule.
SpaceX, the California-based company founded by billionaire Elon Musk, had to struggle with the Dragon following its launch on Friday from Cape Canaveral. A clogged pressure line or stuck valve prevented thrusters from working, and it took flight controllers several hours to gain control and salvage the mission.
In the end, the Dragon approached the orbiting lab with its load about as smoothly as could be expected, with all of its thrusters, or little manoeuvring rockets, operating perfectly. The capture occurred as the two spacecraft zoomed 400km above Ukraine.
'As they say, it's not where you start, but where you finish that counts,' space station commander Kevin Ford said, 'and you guys really finished this one on the mark.'
Among the items on board: 640 seeds of a flowering weed used for research, mouse stem cells, food and clothes for the six men on board the space station, garbage bags, computer equipment, air purifiers, spacewalking tools and batteries. The company also tucked away apples and other fresh treats from an employee's family orchard.
The Dragon will remain at the space station for most of March before returning to Earth with science samples, empty food containers and old equipment.
SpaceX - Space Exploration Technologies Corp - has a $US1.6 billion ($A1.58 billion) contract with NASA to keep the station well stocked.
Musk, who helped create PayPal, acknowledged the problem was 'frightening', but believed it was a one-time glitch.
The 41-year-old entrepreneur, who also runs the electric car maker Tesla, oversaw the entire operation from Hawthorne, California, home to SpaceX and the company's Mission Control.
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SpaceX capsule arrives at space station
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Madison Hubbell
Posted: at 11:47 pm
Madison Hubbell Zachary Donohue ~ DNA
My heart won #39;t beat again If I can #39;t feel him in my veins Song : LITTLE MIX - DNA Home videos credit : unimagine818, WinterForever2009, DrakonStudio, upperfield007, Jennifer Comeaux, Tom Wehrle
By: KeifferandMadison
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Madison Hubbell
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DNA Replication Song(Original Lyrics) By JayVinFoong – Video
Posted: at 11:47 pm
DNA Replication Song(Original Lyrics) By JayVinFoong
The DNA Replication Song Arranged and Played By JayVinFoong on guitar. This was made for a bonus biology school project. I made up the lyrics in less than 30 minutes, so that #39;s why I have to read off my sheet. By the way, the tune used in this video is "Grenade" by Bruno Mars. Twitter: My Vlog Channel: My Sports Channel: LYRICS DNA, RNA That #39;s just how we #39;re made of pas, pass, pass it all pass the info for DNA has proteins for all living organism to make us what we are make us what we are Before a cell replicates to make one become two make one become two, yes we did We need to extract those genes from the chromosome and transfer to ribosome... We are made of DNA yeah Adenine and Thymine oh yeah, Cytosine and Guanine oh yeah, We are made of all these oh yeah ohh Adenine will always pair with Thymine and Cytosine will pair with Guanine except in mRNA yeah when uracil replaces thymine Double helix will unwind and get separated by breaking the hydrogen bonds With enzyme helicase Then the DNA strand encodes the leading strand from 5 prime to 3 prime from 5 to 3 The lagging strand has to form from 5 to 3 too So okazaki fragments are form and RNA primase lays down its RNA primer and process repeats again In the end the fragments are linked back with DNA ligase the process it #39;s now complete yeah The process is finally complete yeah ohh Adenine will always pair with Thymine and Cytosine will pair with Guanine except in ...
By: JayVinFoong
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DNA Replication Song(Original Lyrics) By JayVinFoong - Video
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