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What is eczema? – Video
Posted: March 11, 2013 at 12:44 am
What is eczema?
Find out more about eczema here: Watch this film to find out how to deal with eczema. GP...
By: NHSChoices
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What is eczema? - Video
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Detox for Eczema pt.3 – Video
Posted: at 12:44 am
Detox for Eczema pt.3
Detox for Eczema pt3. hairnailsbeautytips294 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 11971. 81 views. Like 2 Dislike 0. Like ... Loading comment. Loading. Advertisement. 1446. Watch Later Detox for Eczema pt2by hairnailsbeautytips 34 views; 1027. Watch Later Detox for Eczema pt1by hairnailsbeautytips 7 views; 931. Watch Later Essential oils for Memory Lossby hairnailsbeautytips 354 views; 604. Watch Later How to make Rose Serum and Rose spray mistby hairnailsbeautytips 372 views; 511 ...
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Politically Incorrect with Tom Christiano March 5, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 12:43 am
Politically Incorrect with Tom Christiano March 5, 2013
Politically Incorrect Show with Tom Christiano and panelists: Sal Lupoli (Business owner), Jim Lane (Selectman), Ralph Hickey (TM Rep, Pr. 1), Ed Roux (Plann...
By: Tom Christiano
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Politically Incorrect with Tom Christiano March 5, 2013 - Video
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Iran Blocks VPNs to Prevent Circumventing Web Censorship
Posted: at 12:43 am
Iranians face a decent amount of governmental censorship when they attempt to log into the Internet from their country. However, for even the most not-so-savvy of tech folk, receiving unfettered access to the Web at large is as easy as firing up a VPN application and tunneling your way past governmental blocks.
Or, at least, it was.
"Within the last few days illegal VPN ports in the country have been blocked," said Iranian official Ramezanali Sobhani-Fard in an interview with Reuters. "Only legal and registered VPNs can from now on be used."
So, those looking to tap into Facebook, YouTube, various news sites and, yes, even Google's search engine itself (among other banned websites) will have to find different methods for doing so which do exist, according to an Iranian interviewed by Reuters who said he was using an unnamed software tool to bypass Iran's blocks.
Of course, it would be incorrect to say that Iran's banning VPNs in general. In actuality, the government is already supplying access to "official" and "legal" VPN services that Iranian businesses can tap into.
"We have started distributing official VPN services for Iranian users. Those need this service to open safe connections can apply in the program and we will review their cases one by one. If their request was approved, then we will introduce legal providers and licensed clients can buy their needed services," said Iran's Mehdi Akhavan Behabadi in February interview with the Tehran Chronicle.
Of course, such a move also allows government officials to more directly monitor that which users are attempting to access via said government-sanctioned VPNs.
"By launching this program, Iranian government can prosecute users who are violating state laws and Internet Filtering Committee will be able to take offenders to national courts under supervision of judiciary service," Behabadi said.
It remains to be seen just how Iran's latest crackdown on Internet access or in this case, the means by which the country's industrious citizens bypass Iran's filters for the Web will play a role in the country's upcoming presidential election in June. Protesters during the 2009 Iranian elections made good use of social networking services like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to receive news, organize, and post up-to-the-minute information about that was happening during their various demonstrations.
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Iran Blocks VPNs to Prevent Circumventing Web Censorship
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Ron Paul: Spirit of Liberty Lives in Canada – 2013 Manning Networking Conference – Video
Posted: at 12:43 am
Ron Paul: Spirit of Liberty Lives in Canada - 2013 Manning Networking Conference
Former Congressman Ron Paul speaks at the 2013 Manning Networking Conference. My Channel: Fair Use Disclaimer: This v...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Rand Paul : GOP party leader or destined for Ron Paul backwater? (+video)
Posted: at 12:43 am
President Obama made nice with a number of significant Republicans this past week, wining and dining them as part of his new charm offensive with the GOP.
But the top political newsmaker of the week was not included in that group, nor was he invited to join any of the TV news blabfests Sunday Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky.
Why is that, and what does it indicate about Sen. Ron Pauls future?
Does he even have a future beyond the libertarian/tea party corner of American politics? Thats the place where his father, retired congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul (R) of Texas, drew an enthusiastic (although minority) following, making it tougher for more establishment candidates like Mitt Romney to win their partys nomination and annoying fellow Republicans generally.
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Some senior Republican senators did find the younger Mr. Paul annoying when he held up Senate business for 13 hours, filibustering the nomination of John Brennan to be director of the CIA. It was not personal, he had said, but a point of principle: The need for the Obama administration to concede that targeting suspected American terrorists on US soil without due process would be unconstitutional.
Sen. John McCain accused Paul of a political stunt, and Sen. Lindsey Graham called the junior senator from Kentucky ill-informed.
Perhaps, but its also worth noting that although Americans generally approve of drone attacks on terrorists abroad, most agree with Paul on his key point about targeting US citizens at home.
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Given the low regard with which most of those polled hold Congress Obama is dropping in some polls too does this indicate an opening for Paul among the younger, fresher generation of GOP politicians, some of whom spelled him during his filibuster?
Rand Paul : GOP party leader or destined for Ron Paul backwater? (+video)
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Ezra Levant, Ron Paul , Jason Kenney and the eternal conflict of the ideological mind
Posted: at 12:43 am
Here at Maclean's, we appreciate the written word. And we appreciate you, the reader. We are always looking for ways to create a better user experience for you and wanted to try out a new functionality that provides you with a reading experience in which the words and fonts take centre stage. We believe you'll appreciate the clean, white layout as you read our feature articles. But we don't want to force it on you and it's completely optional. Click "View in Clean Reading Mode" on any article if you want to try it out. Once there, you can click "Go back to regular view" at the top or bottom of the article to return to the regular layout.
Ezra Levant, the carnival barker of the conservative movement in Canada and the foremost heel to Canadian progressives, was trying to explain the problem with environmentalism.
I have no problem with treating the environment on an issue by issue basis: weve got to fix this or solve that, he said. But environmentalism is a philosophy, like most words ending with ism. Socialism, communism hinduism, its a faith. And so the question is if your true ideology is conservatism or libertarianism, and you also think you can be an environmentalism person, you may have a conflict there.
Mr. Levant and Mr. Solberg were one of three short debates that preceded the arrival of the star attraction of this weekends Manning Networking Conference. After a short introduction from Preston Manning, the would-be grandfather of Canadian conservatism, Ron Paul arrived on stage to warm applause and what sounded like the theme from Star Wars.
The American libertarian, a whimsical little old man, is an icon of ideological purity. His answer to most any issue of social order and well-being is liberty. In a world of compromise and contradiction, he is a model of consistency. And consistency of thought has its appeal. Up and until the point you realize it means opposing the Civil Rights Act.
The spirit of liberty seems like its alive and well in Canada, he ventured upon taking the lectern, winning whoops from the crowd.
After explaining that he thought the world was undergoing profound change in the direction of liberty, Mr. Paul took a moment to discuss labels.
This is a conservative group and Im seen as a conservative, but even the term conservative has relative terms. You know, if you were in the Soviet Union, when it was starting to come apart, the conservatives were the ones who wanted to conserve Marxism and the Liberals were the ones who wanted to believe in liberty, he explained. The founders of the United States called themselves liberals and that term was in many ways destroyed and undermined. Today, you know, one of the terms that I used to always have sympathy for because it sounds goodshouldnt we all be progressives, shouldnt we want to look in the future and see new things. But progressives, I dont know how the word is used up here, but in the States its a bad term, if youre a conservative. But maybe thats true here too. But then the term libertarian comes up and that has a controversial connotation. So you have moderates and libertarians and conservatives and liberals and progressives and socialists. And terminology is very tricky. So Ive simplified my terminology for what I believe in to a simple term and that is interventionism. If you believe in interventionism across the board, that means you want the government to tell us what to do with our personal lives, you want the government to tell us what to do with our economic activity and you allow the government to tell other people around the world what to do. So guess what? Ive come down on the side of saying, I am a non-interventionist.
This pronouncement won more applause and more whoops.
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Ezra Levant, Ron Paul , Jason Kenney and the eternal conflict of the ideological mind
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Transhumanism, Overpopulation and Eugenics with Aaron Franz – Smells Like Human Spirit – Episode 50 – Video
Posted: at 12:43 am
Transhumanism, Overpopulation and Eugenics with Aaron Franz - Smells Like Human Spirit - Episode 50
Aaron Franz #39;s website - mp3 -
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International Space Station prepares for new crew members
Posted: March 9, 2013 at 7:45 am
Activities aboard the International Space Station (ISS) continue to ramp up for next weeks departure of three crew members and the arrival of three new residents at the end of the month.
Nevertheless, the Expedition 34 crew still managed to tackle quite an impressive workload of science and station maintenance this week.
For example, Commander Kevin Ford, who will be heading back to Earth on March 14 with Flight Engineers Oleg Novitskiy and Evgeny Tarelkin, spent much of Wednesday morning inside the Kibo module removing hardware for the recently completed Marangoni experiment from the Fluid Physics Experiment Facility.
After uninstalling the hardware for this study of the Marangoni effect - the flow of liquids caused by surface tension the commander thanked the teams in Japan supporting this experiment as well as the recent Medaka fish experiment.
"Marangoni and Medaka represent exactly why we need to be up here in zero gravity doing those experiments. Those are both so unique they could never be done on Earth," said Ford.
The commander rounded out his day with departure preparations as he, Novitskiy and Tarelkin get their Soyuz TMA-06M spacecraft packed up and ready for the journey back to Earth. The three are scheduled to undock from the station around 8:30 p.m. EDT on March 14, landing in the steppe of Kazakhstan northeast of the remote town of Arkalyk about 3 hours later to wrap up 143 days in space, 141 aboard the station.
Flight Engineer Chris Hadfield, who will become commander of Expedition 35 when Fords Soyuz undocks, worked with a variety of physics experiments throughout the day. Hadfield first checked in on the Coarsening in Solid Liquid Mixtures-3 experiment, which investigates the rates of coarsening of solid particles embedded in a liquid matrix. This experiment was just one part of the 1,200 pounds of science, hardware and crew supplies delivered to the station aboard the SpaceX Dragon cargo craft on Sunday.
Hadfield also worked with the Binary Colloidal Alloy Test science payload, which analyzes colloids - microscopic particles suspended in a liquid - and may lead to improvements in manufacturing processes here on Earth. Finally, Hadfield set up the Microflow technology demonstration hardware and tested biological samples with its miniaturized flow cytometer.
Meanwhile, Flight Engineer Tom Marshburn reached the midpoint of a 48-hour data collection run as sensors attached to his body record information for the Integrated Cardiovascular experiment. Researchers are studying the atrophy of the heart muscle that appears to occur during long-duration spaceflight in order to develop countermeasures to keep the crew healthy. The research may also have benefits for people on Earth with heart problems.
Marshburn also installed a GLACIER freezer in the EXPRESS rack to store research samples at ultra-cold temperatures. Two GLACIER science freezers were delivered to the station by Dragon, one of which will come back aboard Dragon after being filled with experiments and biological samples for study on Earth.
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International Space Station prepares for new crew members
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Space station commander fields student questions
Posted: at 7:45 am
Some students at Stonepark Intermediate School in Charlottetown had the opportunity to pose questions to International Space Station commander Chris Hadfield on Thursday afternoon.
The grade nine students had been taking time to prepare in advance for the 10-minute visit, learning all about NASA and Hadfield, the first Canadian to command the International Space Station. Contact was made through ham radio. Fourteen students had a chance to ask Hadfield a question, including a question about the differences in everyday life on a space station compared to on Earth.
"You can't take a shower, so we sponge bath but that's not so bad. It's sort of like someone in the hospital. We have to use waterless shampoo," said Hadfield.
"You try and lead a normal life but all of it is a little different when you are going around the world at eight kilometres a second."
Some students said the experience inspired them to study space as a career. Hadfield said his inspiration was Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon.
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Space station commander fields student questions
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