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Eczema – Allergy and Asthma Solutions – Video
Posted: March 12, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Eczema - Allergy and Asthma Solutions
Learn about eczema, a skin allergy and how it can be controlled. Skin Testing: Skin testing is the most common way of performing an allergy test. It involves a small prick with a plastic device on the skin surface to deliver a very small amount of allergen and is relatively painless. In individuals with allergy to that particular introduced agent, a little swelling will occur. In such patients, these reactions typically occur within 15 minutes and often disappear within 30 minutes. However, if these skin tests are negative, but your physician suspects allergies, he or she may recommend the more sensitive intradermal test which involves injection of a small amount of allergen within the skin. These skin tests are done in your Allergist #39;s office to allow for observation and management in case of rare adverse effects. Skin testing done in the allergist #39;s office is highly reliable. Allergists have unique training in the interpretation and management of individuals with allergies. (Information only; not intended to replace medical advice; adapted from AAAAI) Frisco Office -- 8000 Warren Pkwy, Suite 200, Frisco, TX 75034 Carrollton Office -- 2008 E. Hebron PKwy, Suite 100, Carrollton, TX 75007 Irving Office -- 1110 Cottonwood Lane, Suite 100, Irving, TX 75038 Tel: 469.633.1818 Fax: 214.618.1915 Visit our website: Like us on Facebook: Connect with us: Follow us: Review us on Yelp: Frisco - Irving ...
By: DrChinoyAllergy
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traitement psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
traitement psoriasis
Traitement psoriasis 10 solutions naturels contre le stressby Labosmascareignes 5711 views; 244. Watch Later Symptoms of Psoriasis what is psoriasisby katywilson101 1081 views; 202. Watch Later Traitement naturel psoriasis acn eczma Sylvie Mliet raconte lhistoire des Labosby Labosmascareignes 13397 views; 131. Watch Later Traitement naturel efficace contre psoriasis et eczma Utilisation des soins Pso Naturaby Labosmascareignes 8966 views; 116. Watch Later Traitement naturel et ...
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psoriasis 1 – Video
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psoriasis 1
my scalp psoriasis story and what I wish I knew before it was too lateplease read info boxby emilysinterests 37934 views; 524. Watch Later Caroline Duke no longer suffers from psoriasis I The mcdougall Programby John mcdougall 9621 views; 1456. Watch Later psoriasis au maroc 1 #1583; #1575; #1569; #1575; #1604; #1589; #1583; #1601; #1610; #1577;by saiderrazki 3674 views ... 1 month after shaving my headupdate on my scalp psoriasis hair and wig buyinby emilysinterests 13307 views; 1424. Watch Later Q A 1161 Psoriasis Eczema PCOS Water Filters ...
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cause psoriasis – Video
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cause psoriasis
PSORIASIS Common causes prevention and available treatment options including lasersby newageskin 1989 views; 405. Watch Later Effectively Treat Psoriasis Eczema with Naturopathic Medicine Dr Shannon Sinsheimer NDby larrycook333 11544 views; 229. Watch Later What is PsoriasisPart 1 of 3 | healthinationby healthination 10142 views; 344. Watch Later Psoriasisby nucleusanimation 21060 views; 134. Watch Later New Treatment For Psoriasisby thepsoriasisguy 64465 views; 354 ...
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Bill Maher Politically Incorrect 1997-02-03 Mark Hamil – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Bill Maher Politically Incorrect 1997-02-03 Mark Hamil
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher 1997-02-03_ Mark Hamil.
By: RightWingFAIL2
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Richard McIver: He loved being politically incorrect
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Ex-Seattle City Councilman Richard McIver, who died at 71 on Saturday night, was the last politician at City Hall who took deep pleasure in being politically incorrect.
He was the only Council member ever to become a movie character played by Cedric the Entertainer.
McIver was for years a heavy smoker, joked that the bar at the Four Seas in the International District was his second office and did not relinquish his laid-back style even when putting then-King County Councilman Dwight Pelz on the canvas in his last successful reelection race.
When legislation outlawed smoking in bars, he joked that the only legal place to smoke would be standing in the middle of the street on the yellow line: Amazingly, though he did eventually quit smoking and never told the staff, said Paul Elliott, who worked 8 1/2 years as McIvers chief of staff.
McIver was remembered Monday as a character and a contributor. Richard was warm, funny, well-loved and dedicated to his city, said Mayor Mike McGinn, who will never claim the mantle of political incorrectness.
City Council colleague Jean Godden, described McIver as a mentor who often stopped by her office, a task made more difficult by the configuration of Seattles arid new City Hall. Segregated space replaced the shared space (conducive to news leaking) of the old city hall.
Richard never forgot the mistreatment he experienced during the World Trade Organization demonstrations, Godden related. En route to an official dinner, he was stopped by a Seattle policeman who did not recognize him as a council member, refused to believe he was a public official, and insisted on making him stand spreadeagled up against his car.
McIver is remembered for one central achievement, creation of the $50 million Rainier Valley Community Development Fund, which has loaned more than $10 million to local businesses. He was deeply worried about light rails impact on immigrant- and minority-owned businesses along Rainier Avenue.
McIver was known for his last two successful campaigns. He was opposed in 2001 by music critic-turned-monorail booster Grant Cogswell. McIver was reelected, but Cogswell campaign manager Phil Campbell immortalized the insurgency with his book Zioncheck for Mayor. It was later made into the movie Grassroots.
Cedric the Entertainer, playing McIver, reenacted a famous and true coming together story. Richard McIver gave the carless Grant Cogswell a ride to the polls we had polls then on Election Day, and waited while Cogswell voted for Cogswell.
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Web Censorship Prevents Teen Suicide – Russian Watchdog
Posted: at 4:44 pm
MOSCOW, March 11 (Alexey Eremenko, RIA Novosti) A Russian state watchdog accused of unfairly censoring thousands of websites defended its actions on Monday, claiming that censorship is an efficient way of preventing suicide among minors.
Figures for suicides and suicide attempts among Russian minors have grown 35 percent over the past few years, the Federal Consumer Protection Service said in a press release, without elaborating on the timeframe.
Online promotion of suicide is significantly influencing statistics of childrens suicides, the watchdog said, without providing any figures.
Some websites fail to support the campaign against suicide promotion, the service said. It named no names, but promised to publish, at an unspecified later date, a list of worst offenders.
Internet censorship became a topic of much online controversy in Russia after a new law that came into force last November allowed extrajudicial blacklisting of web content deemed to be promoting suicide, pedophilia or drug use.
About 4,500 websites are currently blacklisted by Russian governmental agencies, even though about 95 percent of them are not guilty of any wrongdoing, according to, a project of the unregistered Pirate Party of Russia that tracks online censorship.
Yhe Federal Consumer Protection Service, which runs the blacklist, blocks websites by their numeric IP address, which can be shared by hundreds of websites all of which are banned every time an offender gets targeted by the government.
Ban criteria have also been called into question: Websites blacklisted since November include a photo report about a political activists self-immolation in Tibet; a 15-year-old comic tune parodying Russian goth rock; and a YouTube manual of how to create slashed wrists make-up for Halloween. The make-up video prompted YouTubes owner Google to take the Federal Consumer Protection Service to court in February, the case currently pending review.
Sarcastic-minded bloggers have even produced a universal macros picture for blacklisting websites in Russian Federation, complete with innocent pictures of toddlers titled child porn and instructions on how to commit suicide by ramming a brick wall with ones head. The joke was lost on the authorities, which promptly blacklisted as many copies of the picture as they could.
The Federal Consumer Protection Service denounced online pranksters in a separate press release Monday, claiming that they undermine the governments authority. The agency also pledged to continue the blacklisting campaign in order to save childrens lives.
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Iran Beefs up Internet Censorship With Proxy Crackdown
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Ban makes it harder to use Facebook, Skype
While most industrialized nations today exercise a degree of online censorship, Iran has often been billedas among the worst. Much like China, Iran both blocksmaterial questioning the ruling party, and material it finds morally questionable (such as pornography).
I. Iran Bans Uncensored VPNs
In regimes like Iran, one common way to get around filters is to use an encrypted virtual proxy network (VPN), which funnels requests for forbidden content, encrypted, to servers outside of Iran, and then replies, encrypted, to the customer. But Iranian internet censorship ratcheted up this week as state authorities began blocking traffic from encrypted VPNs.
Ramezanali Sobhani-Fard, a Parliamentarian from Iran's ruling ABII party and the head of parliament's information and communications technology committee, calls VPN use"illegal" for most citizens. In comments to state news agency Mehr, he remarks, "Within the last few days illegal VPN ports in the country have been blocked. Only legal and registered VPNs can from now on be used."
The blockade inadvertently cut off access to Google Inc. (GOOG) and Yahoo! Inc. (YHOO) search portals, which aretypically allowed in censored form. Mr.Sobhani-Fard said the government was looking into that unpleasant side effect of the new censorship rollout.
Reutersreports that an internet user inIsfahan, Iran's second largest city, confirms that VPNs are no longer working. The man, who went by "Mohamad", comments, "VPNs are cut off. They've shut all the ports."
The blockade bans popular internet telephony services such as Skype and Viber. It also blocks access to the world's most popular social network -- Facebook. Iran views Facebook, Inc.'s (FB) network as a portal to dissent and has banned it; yet despite that the network has been popular in Iran thanks to the use of VPNs.
II. Political Unrest is Boiling in Islamist Republic
The crackdown on VPNs coincides with a dangerous time for Iran's ruling regime.
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World Day Against Cyber Censorship today
Posted: at 4:44 pm
World Day Against Cyber Censorship today
World Day Against Cyber Censorship is being observed around the globe on Tuesday calling on activists, movements and organisations to remind their constituents of the importance of protecting free expression online.
The aim of the day is to defend human rights online, promote Internet accessibility for all, and expose enemies of Internet openness along with governments that are gradually becoming more controlling over how their citizens use the Internet , said Reporters Without Borders.
The rights group has named Bahrain, China, Iran, Syria and Vietnam "State Enemies of the Internet." Similarly it has categories countries such as Australia, Egypt, France, India, Malaysia Russia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates as countries under surveillance.
RSF said the five countries governments "are involved in active, intrusive surveillance of news providers, resulting in grave violations of freedom of information and human rights."
"Increasingly widespread cyber-censorship and cyber-surveillance are endangering the Internet model that the Nets founders envisaged: the Internet as place of freedom, a place for exchanging information, content and opinions, a place that transcended frontiers," the Paris-based NGO said in a statement.
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Does Libertarianism work? (Prototype version) – Video
Posted: at 4:43 pm
Does Libertarianism work? (Prototype version)
Libertarianism is a political system that we see more and more in the mainstream, mainly from the likes of the Teaparty, major corporations and the wealthy. But would Libertarianism actually work in America?..
By: Xavier Proto
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Does Libertarianism work? (Prototype version) - Video
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