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Category Archives: Transhuman News
[LBP2] craigmond – Futurism – Video
Posted: March 14, 2013 at 8:42 am
[LBP2] craigmond - Futurism
Futurism Artist: xxx (
By: LittleBigAudio
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[LBP2] craigmond - Futurism - Video
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Timid Scripts and The Futurist- H RV RD – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Timid Scripts and The Futurist- H RV RD
Another clip of the concert I took. Again, this is edited with actual album tracks due to me being so close to them, the actual sound quality is extremely bad~
By: nirvonic sino
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Timid Scripts and The Futurist- H RV RD - Video
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Alec Empire – Futurist (Full Album) – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Alec Empire - Futurist (Full Album)
Alec Empire - Futurist (Full Album) get it here 1. Kiss Of Death 03:33 2. Uproar 02:30 3. Night Of...
By: THVStudios
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Alec Empire - Futurist (Full Album) - Video
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Futurist Gerd Leonhard interviewed at Systematic Paris event 2012: Future of Technology – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Futurist Gerd Leonhard interviewed at Systematic Paris event 2012: Future of Technology
Futurist Gerd Leonhard interviewed at Systematic Paris event 2012 Future of Technology. Uploaded by Gerd Leonhard on Mar 11 2013. A short interview shot at a recent speaking engagement in Paris for Systematic see httpwwwmediafuturistcom201208newvideohtml for more details Thanks for your interest in my work Gerd Leonhard Futurist Author and Keynote Speaker Basel Switzerland httpwwwfuturistgerdcom CEO of wwwthefuturesagencycom httpaboutmemediafuturist Mobile apps ...
By: Gerd Leonhard
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Futurist Gerd Leonhard interviewed at Systematic Paris event 2012: Future of Technology - Video
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Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievement Coris Die (Part 2) – Video
Posted: at 8:42 am
Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievement Coris Die (Part 2)
Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievement Coris DiePart 2. Uploaded by br4nd0nandco on Mar 12 2013. the second part is just flying and mashing the RT button enjoy pls like it really makes a difference and subscribe if you want to see more. Br Na Nd Co.
By: Br4nD0NaNdCo
Black Ops 2 Futurist Achievement Coris Die (Part 2) - Video
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New generation space station construction KSP – Video
Posted: March 12, 2013 at 4:47 pm
New generation space station construction KSP
My old KSS space station was the first thing I built with the docking update and it #39;s been sitting in orbit for 13 game years, time to retire the old bucket and build me a new one!
By: venera13studios
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New generation space station construction KSP - Video
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NASA Makes it Easier to Spot Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:47 pm
NASA Makes it Easier to Spot Space Station
NASA is making it easier to spot the International Space Station (ISS) with the naked eye. The US space agency is offering a new service which alerts people a few hours before the space station is visible flying overhead. Enthusiasts who sign up the new service, Spot the Station, will receive notifications via email or text message. The program coincides with the Nov. 2 12-year anniversary of ISS crews living and working continuously aboard the orbiting space station. "It #39;s really remarkable to see the space station fly overhead and to realize humans built an orbital complex that can be spotted from Earth by almost anyone looking up at just the right moment," says NASA #39;s William Gerstenmaier. "We #39;re accomplishing science on the space station that is helping to improve life on Earth and paving the way for future exploration of deep space." The Expedition 1 crew, the first humans aboard the International Space Station in November 2000, enjoy a snack. From left, cosmonaut Yuri P. Gidzenko, Soyuz commander; astronaut William M. Shepherd, mission commander; and cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev, flight engineer. (NASA) The ISS, which flies about 322 km above us, is usually best glimpsed either at dawn or dusk. Next to the moon, it is the brightest object in the night sky. On a clear night, NASA says the space station can be seen as a point of light traveling at about the speed of a fast-moving airplane. The space station #39;s size and brightness are about the same as the planet Venus ...
By: MyScienceTechnology
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NASA Makes it Easier to Spot Space Station - Video
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LP Metroid Prime 001: Derelict Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
LP Metroid Prime 001: Derelict Space Station
Decided to re-upload this to YouTube because why not. Blip and Baldurdash shouldn #39;t have all the fun. Try to spot how many things I #39;d make fun of myself for in Retsupurae! (Also, birth of the Ridley voice.)
By: slowbeef
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Australian Students Contact Space Station – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Australian Students Contact Space Station
Commander Kevin Ford aboard the International Space Station answers questions from students at Mt. Ousley Public School, Fairy Meadow, New South Wales, Australia via ham radio.
By: nvdktube
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Australian Students Contact Space Station - Video
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[ISS] Space Station Flys over Active Volcano, Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy – Video
Posted: at 4:46 pm
[ISS] Space Station Flys over Active Volcano, Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy
The International Space Station flew over the active volcano Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy earlier providing fantastic views of smoking volcano.
By: SpaceVidsNet
[ISS] Space Station Flys over Active Volcano, Mount Etna in Sicily, Italy - Video
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