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Category Archives: Transhuman News
HTC Droid DNA – After The Buzz, Episode 14 – Video
Posted: March 14, 2013 at 8:45 am
HTC Droid DNA - After The Buzz, Episode 14
Most new-device launches go the same way: usually the press gets review units before they #39;re widely available, and we get to use them for a few days -or a we...
By: pocketnowvideo
Go here to see the original:
HTC Droid DNA - After The Buzz, Episode 14 - Video
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Posted: at 8:45 am
UNFINISHED BUSINESS MARCH 9TH VIDEO FLYER GOODZ vs XFACTOR DNA vs KSHINE. Uploaded by theurltv on Mar 08 2013. Saturday March 9th SMACK URL is back withUnfinished Business live at SOB #39;S 204 VARICK STREET NY NY 10014 Doors at 1PM $30 21 Over ID IS A MUST GOODZ vs XFACTOR DNA vs KSHINE TONE MONTANA vs LOTTAZAY wwwurltvtv wwwsmackhd Follow usURLTV. the Urltv.
By: theUrltv
Posted in DNA
The Alien Agenda (Part 3) "DNA Manipulation" RFID 666 – Video
Posted: at 8:45 am
The Alien Agenda (Part 3) "DNA Manipulation" RFID 666
Looking into the world of transhumanism and how it is slowly being infiltrated into the minds of the masses. Films such as the Terminator and the Matrix have...
By: scrawny2brawny
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The Alien Agenda (Part 3) "DNA Manipulation" RFID 666 - Video
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Video Stabiliser Test
Posted: at 8:45 am
Video Stabiliser Test Review - Glide Gear DNA 1000
Glide Gear DNA 1000 Small Camera Stabilizer Steadicam, tested reviewed Blunty once more puts an inexpensive Camera Stabiliser to the test, Can this cheap s...
By: Blunty3000
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Video Stabiliser Test
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Massereene DNA ‘may be from Shivers’
Posted: at 8:45 am
Published Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Brian Shivers arrives in court. (PA)
Shivers, of Sperrin Mews in Magherafelt, denies the murders of sappers Mark Quinsey, who was 23 and from Birmingham, and 21-year-old Londoner Patrick Azimkar, who were gunned down in a deadly ambush outside the Co Antrim army base on 7 March 2009.
The 47-year-old also denies the attempted murders of two other soldiers, two civilian guards and two pizza delivery men, and possession of the two AK assault rifles used in the Real IRA shooting.
Mr Justice Deeny heard evidence that a DNA profile uncovered on a single match found beside a partially burnt out Vauxhall Cavalier had component parts consistent with Shivers' profile - but that a forensic scientist could not confirm whether it was his or not.
The gunmen made their escape in the car, which was later found partially burnt out in a laneway seven miles away.
The court has heard how two burnt matches and a mobile phone were found inside the car and crime scene investigators also found a partially burnt match outside the car.
Giving evidence at the Diplock, no jury trial, a senior forensic scientist said he had conducted tests on all of the items to ascertain if there was any DNA profiles on them.
Taking the two matches uncovered inside the Vauxhall Cavalier first, he told the senior prosecutor that he found a DNA profile which matched Shivers' and that the likelihood of it having come from a person unrelated to him was "less than one in one billion".
He said that having been involved in DNA analysis and the interpretation of results since 1992 and having been involved in hundreds if not thousands of cases, he was of the opinion that given the amount of DNA he found, it was more likely to have been put there by primary transfer rather than secondary transfer.
Excerpt from:
Massereene DNA 'may be from Shivers'
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DNA clue ‘found on burnt matches’
Posted: at 8:45 am
13 March 2013 Last updated at 13:29 ET
DNA profiles uncovered on two burnt matches could have come from a man accused of murdering two soldiers, a court has heard.
Mark Quinsey, 23, from Birmingham, and Patrick Azimkar, 21, from London, were killed outside Massereene Barracks in 2009.
Brian Shivers denies the murders.
A senior forensic scientist said the likelihood of it having come from a person unrelated to Mr Shivers was "less than one in one billion".
Mr Shivers, from Sperrin Mews, in Magherafelt, County Londonderry, also denies the attempted murders of two other soldiers, two civilian guards at the base, and two pizza delivery men, and possession of the two AK assault rifles used in the shooting on the outskirts of Antrim.
The gunmen made their escape in a Vauxhall Cavalier which was later found partially burnt out in a laneway seven miles away.
Two burnt matches and a mobile phone were found inside the car and crime scene investigators also found a partially burnt match outside the car.
Giving evidence at Belfast Crown Court on Wednesday, the scientist said he had conducted tests on all of the items to ascertain if there were any DNA profiles on them.
He said that having been involved in DNA analysis and the interpretation of results since 1992 and having been involved in hundreds if not thousands of cases, he was of the opinion that given the amount of DNA he found, it was more likely to have been put there by primary transfer rather than secondary transfer.
See the article here:
DNA clue 'found on burnt matches'
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ST04 Genome G
Posted: at 8:44 am
ST04 Genome G P Block 2 Overview/Load out - Airsoft
You guys have been asking and asking and finally I deliver. A lot has changed since the first video I did way back then and things have come a long way. I ho...
By: IllestAirsoft
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ST04 Genome G
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Protein View on Genome Compiler – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
Protein View on Genome Compiler
A guide to the protein view on Genome Compiler.
By: GenomeCompiler
Originally posted here:
Protein View on Genome Compiler - Video
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DNA View in Genome Compiler – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
DNA View in Genome Compiler
A guide to the DNA View on Genome Compiler.
By: GenomeCompiler
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DNA View in Genome Compiler - Video
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Importing Files to Genome Compiler – Video
Posted: at 8:44 am
Importing Files to Genome Compiler
Importing Files to Genome Compiler. Uploaded by genomecompiler on Mar 11 2013. A guide to importing other file types to Genome Compiler. Genome Compiler.
By: GenomeCompiler
Continued here:
Importing Files to Genome Compiler - Video
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