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really old Politically Incorrect from 1994 part 1 – Video
Posted: March 17, 2013 at 4:43 pm
really old Politically Incorrect from 1994 part 1
really old Politically Incorrect from 1994 part 1. Uploaded by JULIE PARTNEY on Mar 14 2013.
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really old Politically Incorrect from 1994 part 1 - Video
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Media self- censorship
Posted: at 4:43 pm
Assuming three things: that ethnic tensions between Indians and Africans are worsening; that a significant contributor (some would say the main contributor) is politics; and that mainstream mass media remain a legitimising conduit for racial rhetoric, is it time for media leaders to agree on self-censorship in their coverage of racially provocative statements/events?
We have come through a divisive and desperate Tobago House of Assembly (THA) election which will be remembered for Hilton Sandys Calcutta ship announcement, the failure of his PNM party to censure him in an unprecedented way, and the Governmentunder the banner of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP)milking it for all its political poison. And thats only one very recent event. We wait in trepidation for local government and general elections.
The country is at a crossroads, saturated with discontent and resentment. Trauma at the loss of political reins is raw among some Africans and translatesin uniquely Trinidadian termsas Indians taking over, which in turn draws from the equally unique Trinidadian proverb Indians have land and money; Africans have political power.
The present Government, meanwhile, promised a coalition that represents and treats equally with all peoples but quickly turned into a UNC Government consumed with old racial prejudices and a rabid desire to equalise government patronage by unethical means. That the UNC found a new face and voice to spew old prejudices born of self-hate has been a handful of salt in racial wounds.
All this is happening in a climate of exceptional violence, short tempers, unending cries for justice, and plenty, plenty guns. Is it time, then, for mass media to prevent circulation of news that can potentially incite that which I will not name but which most of us fear?
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Media self- censorship
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New rules needed for self- censorship : Supinya
Posted: at 4:43 pm
Home national New rules needed for self-censorship: Supinya
Opas Boonlom The Nation March 17, 2013 11:01 pm
She will float the proposal with the broadcasting committee on Monday, when they are scheduled to consider Channel 3s action for "Nuamek" series, she said.
The airing of Nuamek was abruptly suspended.
Supinya said the new rules are necessary given a similar action by Thai PBS, in abruptly ending the airing of the Fridays episode of the "Tob Jote Prathet Thai" (Answering Thailand's Questions).
"I believe that Thai PBS had knowledge of the programme detail. As such, it should not have made the decisionto prematurely stop the programme. Some contents are related to the lese majeste or national security laws, but these are screened by the editor. The decision could have been socially or politically motivated. Without the decision, the station may upset the public. But the decision clouds the media environment. Viewers benefits should also be taken into account," she said.
She also mentioned that the programme host, Pinyo Traisuriyathamma, could file a complaint to the National Human Rights Commission. Under the Constitutions Article 46, freedom of TV stations employees is to be protected against the station owners influence.
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Lamentable censorship
Posted: at 4:43 pm
The broadcaster Thai PBS has taken a nasty fall, and is suffering deep injuries that may linger for a long time. Last Friday, even as technicians prepared to air the fifth part of a discussion on the monarchy on Tob Jote Thailand, station executives decided that self-censorship was a better part of valour than discretion. They moved the "Thai Monarchy Under the Constitution" topic to the rubbish bin and put on safe, unstimulating, uninteresting pap in its place.
The station claimed the discussion by well-known and thoughtful personalities was "sensitive". That may rank forever as the worst reason given for censorship. If topics are not sensitive, why discuss them? If not now, when? If not by respected and knowledgeable people, then by whom? And finally: If not on Thai PBS, where?
Censoring discussion of the great issues of the day will not make them disappear. Ignoring these issues will not solve them. Leaving them for later means more chance for error and a faulty solution at the last minute.
This is not what the public envisioned when Thai PBS went on the air in January 2008. In fact, expectations were just the opposite. Thai PBS began broadcasting in the wake of a disastrous military coup. The station was seen as a way to stimulate rational discussion of hugely controversial subjects. Its founders claimed Thai PBS would venture deeply into popular and intellectual issues where the other stations, heavy on soap operas and game shows, would never dare go.
The Thai PBS website, as of yesterday, was proudly proclaiming that as its greatest achievement, the station had co-organised Thailand's most celebrated traditional boat races. No doubt rowing is culturally important and physically invigorating. If that is true, the station needs different symbols.
The founding principle of Thai PBS was, and remains impressive. "Editorial independence and accountability are crucial to the role of Thai PBS as a public broadcaster," says its website. Independence was to be assured by the Board of Governors and the Audience Council. Neither of these worthy bodies was mentioned in the station's weak explanation of why Tob Jote Thailand was cancelled.
On the contrary, the station said that "executives" met and decided to cancel the broadcast. Programme host Pinyo Trisuriyadhamma was clearly upset. He and his team decided to stop producing the show. The public, he said, might not be confident about its integrity.
That comment is spot-on. For now, it appears that Thai PBS executives were stampeded into cancelling a perfectly rational, interesting debate because about 20 people held a protest rally outside the station's doors. The opinions of all viewers matter, but to turn weak-kneed at the sight of a tiny group of self-described patriots doesn't just challenge the integrity of Tob Jote Thailand, it risks the entire reputation and credibility of Thai PBS.
Thai PBS is "publicly funded", meaning taxes help pay for its operation. There was always fear that an over-reaching government would intimidate the station by threatening its funding. It is disappointing to learn that Thai PBS executives are even faster to censor the station than the government.
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Lamentable censorship
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Ron Paul talks with Geraldo about Rand’s stand, McCain/Graham, and Bradley Manning – Video
Posted: at 4:43 pm
Ron Paul talks with Geraldo about Rand #39;s stand, McCain/Graham, and Bradley Manning
Ron Paul interviewed by Geraldo Rivera on WABC radio 3/11/13 Ron Paul Geraldo Rivera Rand Paul drone strike killings American citizens secret kill list filib...
By: bxtidre7
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Ron Paul talks with Geraldo about Rand's stand, McCain/Graham, and Bradley Manning - Video
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The Mormon Transhumanist Association Barbershop Quartet – Video
Posted: at 4:43 pm
The Mormon Transhumanist Association Barbershop Quartet
The Mormon Transhumanist Association Barbershop Quartet. Uploaded by transfigurism on Mar 14 2013. This is a practice track made by Carl Youngblood for a number we will be performing at our upcoming conference on April 5 2013uploaded in HD at httpwwwtunestotubecom.
By: transfigurism
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The Mormon Transhumanist Association Barbershop Quartet - Video
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Crysis 3: Walkthrough – Post Human Warrior – 1. Intro and Post Human – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Crysis 3: Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 1. Intro and Post Human
This video gives a walkthrough for Crysis 3: Mission 1: "Post Human" for "Post-Human Warrior" difficulty setting. Desktop Setup: Intel Core-i5 3330 Quad-Core...
By: BLooPGaming13
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Crysis 3: Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 1. Intro and Post Human - Video
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Crysis 3: Walkthrough – Post Human Warrior – 2. Welcome to the Jungle – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Crysis 3: Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 2. Welcome to the Jungle
Crysis 3 Walkthrough Post Human Warrior 2 Welcome to the Jungle. Uploaded by bloopgaming13 on Mar 14 2013. This video gives a walkthrough for Crysis 3 Mission 2Welcome to the Jungle forPostHuman Warrior difficulty setting If you enjoyed watching the video click like and subscribe. bloo pgaming 13.
By: BLooPGaming13
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Crysis 3: Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 2. Welcome to the Jungle - Video
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Crysis 3-The Root Of All Evil(Post Human settings) – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Crysis 3-The Root Of All Evil(Post Human settings)
This is NOT a complete walkthrough as i have completed it the first time,so do not expect to find the locations of the nanosuit modules etc. Just for enterta...
By: rewoppop
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Crysis 3-Post Human(Post Human settings) (2) – Video
Posted: at 4:42 pm
Crysis 3-Post Human(Post Human settings) (2)
Crysis 3Post HumanPost Human settings2. Uploaded by rewoppop on Mar 14 2013. This is NOT a complete walkthrough as i have completed it the first timeso do not expect to find the locations of the nanosuit modules etc Just for entertainment And yup i tend to use cloak mode more often as you all will knowin post human settingsyou die very easily link to part 1 httpwwwyoutubecomwatchvj1khvkfymby I will try my best to upload everything but its gonna take time and i do have a life outsideso i hope i can ...
By: rewoppop
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Crysis 3-Post Human(Post Human settings) (2) - Video
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