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Freed by DNA , 1 thrives, 1 struggles
Posted: March 17, 2013 at 4:45 pm
Joelle Farrell, Inquirer Trenton Bureau Posted: Sunday, March 17, 2013, 3:01 AM
Two men spent more than a decade behind bars before DNA evidence exonerated them. After their release, one married, held a steady job, and earned a pension. The other is on welfare and lives with his mother.
What separates their situations? Mainly, a river.
While individual traits and circumstances surely played a role in the former inmates' differing destinies, prison reform advocates say it was crucial that one received a hand up from the state upon release and the other did not.
Since 1997, New Jersey has compensated the wrongfully convicted with at least $20,000 for each year of incarceration. Lawmakers are considering raising the minimum to $50,000 per year and adding benefits, such as reintegration services, that are available to paroled inmates but not exonerated ones.
Pennsylvania has no similar law.
After serving 18 years for the murder of a McDonald's night manager in Duquesne, Pa., Drew Whitley of nearby Braddock left prison in 2006 with less than $100 earned working in the prison laundry, said Bill Mousher, an investigative reporter and director of the Innocence Institute of Point Park University, which worked on Whitley's case.
"Drew Whitley got absolutely screwed; he's got nothing," Mousher, an assistant professor at the Pittsburgh school, said last week. "I saw him last fall. He was not looking good. He's basically destitute."
David Shephard, the first New Jersey inmate to have his conviction overturned by DNA evidence, in 1995 received $250,000 from the state after serving more than a decade in prison for rape.
The money helped him repay his family for lawyer fees, court costs, and other hardships caused by his incarceration. It gave him a cushion to restart his life at age 33. He began working in maintenance for the City of Newark, later landing a job in family services with Essex County.
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Poop police now have DNA test to find dog owners
Posted: at 4:45 pm
Dogs may be man's best friend, but their poop can be a pedestrian's worst enemy.
That's why The Fairmont Museum District apartment complex in Houston is taking an innovative step to confront a centuries-old problem.
The 236-unit residence at 4310 Dunlavy St. has contracted with PooPrints, a Tennessee company that offers canine DNA testing as a way to track down the person whose dog left a tell-tale turd.
"I think it's a great idea," said Fairmont leasing manager Molly Kalish. "The main reason we decided to try this new program was because we had a specific issue on one of our floors with accidents."
The building has a large number of dog owners, partly because of its pet-friendly policy and its location adjacent to a city dog park, Kalish said.
So far, Fairmont management has brought up DNA registration with only a small number of dog owners who live on the floor where the accidents occurred. Others will be asked to sign up as part of the building's pet policy when they renew their leases, Kalish said.
To register a participating tenant's dog, apartment staffers use a kit provided by PooPrints to collect DNA through a cheek swab.
The pet's DNA sample is then sent to PooPrints' laboratory in Tennessee, known as BioPet Vet Lab, said PooPrints spokesman Eric Mayer.
When someone's dog leaves an offending sample of waste on an apartment property, it will be tested for a potential match among the apartment's registered dogs.
In the event of a match, the owner will be given a warning on the first offense but will be fined $500 for a second offense at The Fairmont.
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Poop police now have DNA test to find dog owners
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Traitement du PSORIASIS – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Traitement du PSORIASIS
Watch Later Traitement Psoriasis La Gurison dUn Cas Extrmeby purealoevera 7037 views; 424. Watch Later Traitement psoriasis 10 solutions naturels contre le stressby Labosmascareignes 5818 views; 202. Watch Later Traitement naturel psoriasis acn eczma Sylvie Mliet raconte lhistoire des Labosby Labosmascareignes 13479 views; 131. Watch Later Traitement naturel efficace contre psoriasis et eczma Utilisation des soins Pso Naturaby Labosmascareignes 9103 views; 116. Watch Later ...
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Politically Incorrect, 911 and the American Traitor Part 1 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, 911 and the American Traitor Part 1
Politically Incorrect 911 and the American Traitor Part 1. JULIE PARTNEY181 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like ... Politically Incorrect on the Taliban part 1by librarien; 11852. Watch Later Ms V The EU Crippling Destroying a Nation Update and Fate of UKhighresby rcoones102; 1002. Watch Later Politically Incorrect on media influence part 2by librarien; 626. Watch Later Was Obama Staffer Alex Okrent Murdered Because he was Going to Expose Obama #39;s ...
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Politically Incorrect, 2000 Recounts, Part 1 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, 2000 Recounts, Part 1
Politically Incorrect 2000 Recounts Part 1. JULIE PARTNEY181 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like ... Politically Incorrect Third Party Candidates Part 1by librarien 5707 views; 940. Watch Later Politically Incorrect 2000 Recounts Part 1by librarien 9497 views; 1437. Watch Later 2000 Election December 12 Gore v Bush Supreme Court Decision Part 1by Bob Parker 588 views; 911. Watch Later Politically Incorrect hand recounts part 1by librarien 8786 views; 1117 ...
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Politically Incorrect, Airport Security Thought Police P.2 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, Airport Security Thought Police P.2
Politically Incorrect Airport Security Thought Police P2. JULIE PARTNEY213 videos. SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe 0. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like ... Politically Incorrect Big Brother Deportation part 2by librarien 3322 views; 12931. Watch Later Words at War The Veteran Comes Back One Man Air Force Journey Through Chaosby theradioarchive 64352 views; 12913. Watch Later Words at War Combined Operations They Call It Pacific The Last Days of Sevastopolby theradioarchive 135528 views ...
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Politically Incorrect, 2000 Recounts, Part 2 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, 2000 Recounts, Part 2
Politically Incorrect 2000 Recounts Part 2. Uploaded by JULIE PARTNEY on Mar 13 2013.
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Politically Incorrect, Arianna the Republican Girl Part 1 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, Arianna the Republican Girl Part 1
Politically Incorrect Arianna the Republican Girl Part 1. Uploaded by JULIE PARTNEY on Mar 13 2013.
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Politically Incorrect – Gun Control in the United States – Video
Posted: at 4:44 pm
Politically Incorrect - Gun Control in the United States
Politically Incorrect Gun Control in the United States. Uploaded by timinator8833 on Mar 13 2013. Warning If youre an antigun socialist this may hurt your a** Politcally incorrect video on gun control in the United States I do not own this video All credit goes to Mr Virtual PresidentmrvirtualpresidentCom. timinator 8833.
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Politically Incorrect, Bob Costas, Tommy Smothers, Part 2 – Video
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Politically Incorrect, Bob Costas, Tommy Smothers, Part 2
Politically Incorrect Bob Costas Tommy Smothers Part 2. Uploaded by JULIE PARTNEY on Mar 13 2013.
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