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Index on Censorship magazine launches new print edition

Posted: March 22, 2013 at 4:43 pm

Public release date: 19-Mar-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Pam Cowburn 020-732-42533 SAGE Publications

London (19 March 2013). To celebrate more than 40 years as the world's most influential free speech magazine, Index on Censorship has launched a new print edition.

Index Chief Executive Kirsty Hughes said:

'The magazine's fresh new look reflects Index's increasingly international outlook and role in setting the agenda for freedom of expression. The magazine will continue to build on its unique literary heritage with intelligent content from the world's best authors, writers and thinkers, bringing readers the sharpest journalism, comment and analysis on the key free speech trends of the day.'

Index on Censorship will continue to publish ground-breaking serious journalism with an in-depth report on a pertinent topic or specific region in each issue. In addition, there will be up-to the minute news, opinion pieces and views from the ground. 'In Focus' will explore Index's global themes - from digital censorship, government censorship and surveillance to religious and cultural pressures, restrictive laws and access to information. There's interviews with high profile artists, activists and politicians as well as news of how Index is challenging censorship and supporting those on the frontline of the fight for free expression.

The magazine was designed by Matthew Hasteley, who said:

'Tackling a brief to modernize a magazine of Index's heritage is not a task you can approach without a great degree of care and respect. The magazine balances the weight of its past accomplishments with its current, ongoing struggle against censorship around the globe, and the design need to reflect that tension - honouring the gravity of its editorial content.'

The Magazine is published by SAGE, a leading independent academic and professional publisher. Global Publishing Director, Ziyad Marar said:

"We at SAGE are incredibly proud to publish Index's award-winning magazine. It perfectly exemplifies our belief that the free expression of ideas leads to healthy minds and healthy cultures. We hope this new design will ensure the range of important work we publish receives an even more engaged and wider readership. As one of this year's awards judges my personal sense of the hugely important contribution that Index can make has never been more strongly underscored."

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Index on Censorship magazine launches new print edition

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UK & World News: ‘ Censorship ‘ claims over gay ad ban

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Mar 22 2013

Christian groups are complaining of "censorship" after the High Court upheld the Mayor of London's ban on a controversial bus advert suggesting gays can be helped to "move out of homosexuality".

A judge rejected accusations by Core Issues Trust, a Christian charity behind the ad, that Boris Johnson used his position as chairman of Transport for London (TfL) to obtain the ban in order to secure the gay vote and advance his 2012 re-election campaign.

Mrs Justice Lang, sitting at London's High Court, said: "In my view, such unlawfulness has not been established on the evidence."

But she gave the Trust permission to appeal because of the fundamental issues raised by the case over the right to freedom of expression. The ad posters earmarked for the sides of the capital's buses read: "Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud. Get over it!"

The trust said they were in response to a bus poster campaign by gay rights group Stonewall, which carried the message: "Some people are gay. Get over it!"

Mr Johnson condemned the "gay cure" ad as "offensive to gays" and said it could lead to retaliation against the wider Christian community.

The trust, which says its works with gay people seeking to change their lifestyles but rejects the idea of offering a gay cure, argued its right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by the ban.

The judge ruled the trust had been a victim of unfairness in the way the ban had been introduced in April last year. She said: "TfL's decision-making process fell below the standards to be expected of a responsible public body."

But the Trust's Article 10 rights were outweighed by the rights of gays to respect for their private and family life under article 8(1). The judge said TfL was legally justified in imposing the prohibition in the run-up to the mayoral elections in May 2012 because the ad would cause "grave offence" to gays and "increase the risk of prejudice and homophobic attacks."

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UK & World News: ' Censorship ' claims over gay ad ban

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Pro-fracking filmmaker accuses IMF of censorship

Posted: at 4:43 pm

The maker of a documentary in support of oil and gas fracking accused the International Monetary Fund Thursday of censorship after it declined to show a key clip from his film at a conference.

Phelim McAleer, whose film "FrackNation" argues in support of the controversial exploration technique, said the IMF was afraid of offending Russia by letting him show the clip at the conference this week.

The clip suggests that allowing fracking in Eastern European countries such as Poland would ease the region's dependence on imported energy.

It alleges that powerful gas exporter Russia was financing the anti-fracking movement to protect its sales.

"Basically they were censoring my presentation, they were censoring my speech," said McAleer.

"They're trying to force people not to say terrible things because it could offend one of their senior members," he told AFP.

"They didn't want to offend Russia."

McAleer had been invited to make a presentation at lunch on Wednesday, the first day of the two day joint IMF-Oxford University conference in Washington on commodity prices.

But he decided not to attend after the IMF said in an email that it could not permit the clip on Russia and Poland "without allowing others to have their say on the matter."

"Since that isn't possible on this occasion, Phelim will have to skip that," it said in the email, viewed by AFP.

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‘ Censorship ‘ claims over gay ad ban

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Christian groups are complaining of "censorship" after the High Court upheld the Mayor of London's ban on a controversial bus advert suggesting gays can be helped to "move out of homosexuality".

London Mayor Boris Johnson blocked the Core Issues Trust's bus posters last April, saying they were 'offensive to gays'

A judge rejected accusations by Core Issues Trust, a Christian charity behind the ad, that Boris Johnson used his position as chairman of Transport for London (TfL) to obtain the ban in order to secure the gay vote and advance his 2012 re-election campaign.

Mrs Justice Lang, sitting at London's High Court, said: "In my view, such unlawfulness has not been established on the evidence."

But she gave the Trust permission to appeal because of the fundamental issues raised by the case over the right to freedom of expression. The ad posters earmarked for the sides of the capital's buses read: "Not Gay! Ex-Gay, Post-Gay and Proud. Get over it!"

The trust said they were in response to a bus poster campaign by gay rights group Stonewall, which carried the message: "Some people are gay. Get over it!"

Mr Johnson condemned the "gay cure" ad as "offensive to gays" and said it could lead to retaliation against the wider Christian community.

The trust, which says its works with gay people seeking to change their lifestyles but rejects the idea of offering a gay cure, argued its right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights had been violated by the ban.

The judge ruled the trust had been a victim of unfairness in the way the ban had been introduced in April last year. She said: "TfL's decision-making process fell below the standards to be expected of a responsible public body."

But the Trust's Article 10 rights were outweighed by the rights of gays to respect for their private and family life under article 8(1). The judge said TfL was legally justified in imposing the prohibition in the run-up to the mayoral elections in May 2012 because the ad would cause "grave offence" to gays and "increase the risk of prejudice and homophobic attacks."

See the article here:
' Censorship ' claims over gay ad ban

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Silver Circle Writes a Crude Valentine to Ron Paul

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Set in the near future yet animated in the video-game style of the recent past, Silver Circle draws a story of dystopic federal corruption from the economic woes of the present. In the 2019 imagined by debut director Pasha Roberts and screenwriter Steven Schwartz, the Federal Reserve is running the country, the dollar has succumbed to inflation, and a rebel movement has begun minting its own silver. The seizure and subsequent bombing of a Washington, D.C., housing development opens the film, which Roberts claims in the press notes already has an online following among its intended audience of "comic book fans, silver/gold investors, and the libertarian-esque crowd." For everyone else, the charms of what might charitably be called Silver Circle's homemade look and feel are limited. Considered as agitprop, it certainly has paranoid flair: Assigned to investigate the bombing, Federal Reserve gumshoe Jay Nelson (De'Lon Grant) meets hottie protester Zoe (Philana Mia), and together they uncover a sadistic government body and the private crematorium used to handle its many casual assassinations. More awkward than unsettling ("What are you, some rebel whore?" a confused Jay asks Zoe. "Don't ever call me that!"), Silver Circle is a crude valentine to Ron Paul and his extended family.

Silver Circle Directed by Pasha Roberts Distributed by Area23a Opens March 22, Cinema Village

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Ron Paul Fights to Claim

Posted: at 4:43 pm


Former U.S. Representative Ron Paul speaks at George Washington University March 4, 2013 in Washington, DC.

Now that hes no longer giving speeches on Capitol Hill, Ron Pauls main platform for spreading his libertarian message is the Web. Hed like for his command center to be But right now, that domain name is owned by a cohort of his supporters, who since 2008 have used the address to post Paul-related news.

There is an existential logic behind Pauls desire to own his eponymous domain. Everybody knows that should be Ron Paul, the former congressman said when TIME spoke with him recently about life after Congress. Its your identity. Yet the owners, including Tim Martin, who via email identifies the group as several expats living in Panama, arent ready to hand it over. That means recovering the address wont be as simple as Pauls reasoning.

Just ask Bill Clinton, whose attempt to recover and failed in 2009. Those websites still redirect to the Republican Partys homepage. Or ask Michael Bloomberg, whose company failed to take over when the magnate was running for New York City mayor in 2001. Back then, the site pointed to, a place where all people can get together and vent their grievances about Corporate America, American Politics and Politicians.

One option politicians can use to recover control of their namesake websites is to accuse the owner of cybersquatting, the practice of buying domain names with the intent of selling them back to the true owners at inflated prices. That practice was outlawed in 1999, when Clinton signed the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act into law. But going to court is costly, in terms of time and money.

Politicians can also look to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is what Clinton, Bloomberg and Paul all did. ICANN is a nonprofit organization that helps govern the wild digital frontiers of the Internet, and approved arbitrators use its policy to settle disputes. When a politician requests a domain name to be transferred to them or cancelled, they have to prove three things: that the domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark to which they have rights; that the current owner has no rights to the domain name; and that the current owner registered and is using the site in bad faith. ICANNs mediators cant dole out monetary awards like juries,but using their policy is typically a cheaper, quicker process.

Beyond Sarah Palin, most politicians dont attempt to register their names as trademarks, partly because most names arent unique. Take Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, whose eponymous website redirects to a store in Ireland called Everest Music. Its run by an Irishman named Paul Ryan. However, public figures like Ron Paul have an additional argument at their disposal, which is that even in the absence of an actual registered trademark, they have common law rights to their name. The words Ron Paul have become synonymous with Dr. Pauls political writings and discourse, Pauls lawyers argue in their complaint, filed through the World Intellectual Property Organization. The idea is that because Pauls name has been used to identify certain goods (like books on liberty), the trademark is there by default.

Both Clinton and Bloomberg passed this first test, successfully proving that they had trademark rights. Bloomberg failed to pass the second, that the current owner has no rights to the name; the National Arbitration Forum ruled that using the domain name to promote free speech, rather than to extort money for instance, was a fair use. Clintons attempt failed at the third test, proving bad faith. Among many arguments, the former President claimed that an Internet surfer might be duped into thinking hed defected to the Republican Party. The panel found that unconvincing: simply linking to the GOPs website didnt amount to malicious registration.

Mike Segar / REUTERS

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Ron Paul Fights to Claim

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Hallowed Be Thy Name: Ron Paul Tries to Retrieve

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Now that hes no longer giving speeches on Capitol Hill, Ron Pauls main platform for spreading his libertarian message is the Web. Hed like for his command center to be But right now, that domain name is owned by a cohort of his supporters, who since 2008 have used the address to post Paul-related news.

There is an existential logic behind Pauls desire to own his eponymous domain. Everybody knows that should be Ron Paul, the former congressman said when TIME spoke with him recently about life after Congress. Its your identity. Yet the owners, including Tim Martin, who via email identifies the group as several expats living in Panama, arent ready to hand it over. That means recovering the address wont be as simple as Pauls reasoning.

Just ask Bill Clinton, whose attempt to recover and failed in 2009. Those websites still redirect to the Republican Partys homepage. Or ask Michael Bloomberg, whose company failed to take over when the magnate was running for New York City mayor in 2001. Back then, the site pointed to, a place where all people can get together and vent their grievances about Corporate America, American Politics and Politicians.

One option politicians can use to recover control of their namesake websites is to accuse the owner of cybersquatting, the practice of buying domain names with the intent of selling them back to the true owners at inflated prices. That practice was outlawed in 1999, when Clinton signed the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act into law. But going to court is costly, in terms of time and money.

Politicians can also look to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which is what Clinton, Bloomberg and Paul all did. ICANN is a nonprofit organization that helps govern the wild digital frontiers of the Internet, and approved arbitrators use its policy to settle disputes. When a politician requests a domain name to be transferred to them or cancelled, they have to prove three things: that the domain name is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark to which they have rights; that the current owner has no rights to the domain name; and that the current owner registered and is using the site in bad faith. ICANNs mediators cant dole out monetary awards like juries,but using their policy is typically a cheaper, quicker process.

Beyond Sarah Palin, most politicians dont attempt to register their names as trademarks, partly because most names arent unique. Take Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, whose eponymous website redirects to a store in Ireland called Everest Music. Its run by an Irishman named Paul Ryan. However, public figures like Ron Paul have an additional argument at their disposal, which is that even in the absence of an actual registered trademark, they have common law rights to their name. The words Ron Paul have become synonymous with Dr. Pauls political writings and discourse, Pauls lawyers argue in their complaint, filed through the World Intellectual Property Organization. The idea is that because Pauls name has been used to identify certain goods (like books on liberty), the trademark is there by default.

Both Clinton and Bloomberg passed this first test, successfully proving that they had trademark rights. Bloomberg failed to pass the second, that the current owner has no rights to the name; the National Arbitration Forum ruled that using the domain name to promote free speech, rather than to extort money for instance, was a fair use. Clintons attempt failed at the third test, proving bad faith. Among many arguments, the former President claimed that an Internet surfer might be duped into thinking hed defected to the Republican Party. The panel found that unconvincing: simply linking to the GOPs website didnt amount to malicious registration.

Mike Segar / REUTERS

So how will Pauls case fair? Attorney Ari Goldberger, who won the case against Bloomberg in 2001, says that Pauls seven books could help the former congressman establish a common law trademark.The fact that the site links to unofficial merchandise suggests the owners have tried to profit off Pauls name, Goldberger says. Another point for Pauls case is his allegation that the owners attempted to sell him for $848,000, and then for $250,000 before the complaint was filed.On the other hand, RonPaul.coms owners have long displayed a disclaimer saying the fan site is not officially associated with Paul, and theyve produced nearly five years of posts about liberty and Pauls sundry campaigns, which makes it hard to argue that they were all about the money from the outset.

Martin says that the owners started to make a little money off the merchandise starting in 2010 and that the offer to sell the domain name for $848,000 was apparently made by the former owner. He emphasizes that their offer to sell the site for $250,000 included a mailing list of 170,000 Paul supporters. And he says they would have handed over the domain name for free if they felt Paul had shown that he honors and appreciates our hard work and support.

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Hallowed Be Thy Name: Ron Paul Tries to Retrieve

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"Gold Is The Ultimate Money" says Ron Paul

Posted: at 4:43 pm

Todays AM fix was USD 1,608.75, EUR 1,246.42 and GBP 1,059.43 per ounce. Yesterdays AM fix was USD 1,611.50, EUR 1,247.10 and GBP 1,064.12 per ounce.

Silver is trading at $28.94/oz, 22.49/oz and 19.13/oz. Platinum is trading at $1,587.75/oz, palladium at $757.00/oz and rhodium at $1,250/oz.

Gold fell $6.90 or 0.43% and closed yesterday at $1,605.70/oz. Silver finished down 0.38%.

The mooted savings levy in Cyprus is a form of wealth confiscation on behalf of the EU which is making depositors throughout the Union nervous. There has been no dramatic increase in the demand for gold in recent days. However, this could be a tipping point moment when savers realise that they are unsecured creditors of banks and their savings are not sacrosanct.

Cross Currency Table (Bloomberg)

Dr. Ron Paul was interviewed by Fox after the U.S. Federal Reserve confirmed it will continue its QE program highlights the importance of gold as money.

On July 13, 2011, when Dr. Paul was a U.S. Congressman he asked U.S. Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, "Do you think gold is money?" and Bernanke replied, "No, its a precious metal."

Dr. Paul countered, Even though its been used for 6,000 years? But Bernanke denied gold was money and said, No, it's an asset. Just like T-Bill's are not money.

The Fox News interviewer then commented, Cyprus has taught us that governments can confiscate money that you've earned or even paid taxes on. Rampant quantitative easing and price fixing by governments may prop up the stock markets but it doesnt keep unemployment down. The U.S. Fed is going to continue its QE program which is good for gold.

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"Gold Is The Ultimate Money" says Ron Paul

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Airdate : March 17, 2013: Libertarianism… The New "Hip" Thing – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Airdate : March 17, 2013: Libertarianism... The New "Hip" Thing
"It doesn #39;t matter which game piece they pick: the black one, the white one, the conservative one, the liberal one; or the newest piece just recently added: ...

By: PatrickRigginsShow

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Airdate : March 17, 2013: Libertarianism... The New "Hip" Thing - Video

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Crysis 3 – Walkthrough – Post Human Warrior – 7. Gods and Monsters – Video

Posted: at 4:42 pm

Crysis 3 - Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 7. Gods and Monsters

By: BLooPGaming13

See the article here:
Crysis 3 - Walkthrough - Post Human Warrior - 7. Gods and Monsters - Video

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