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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Michael Tsarion ‘The Post Human World’ Red Ice Radio – 09-20-07 – Video

Posted: March 29, 2013 at 4:47 am

Michael Tsarion #39;The Post Human World #39; Red Ice Radio - 09-20-07
Michael Tsarion Henrik Palmgren on Red Ice Radio - 09-20-07. http://www.redicecreations...

By: Insightfreeman

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Michael Tsarion 'The Post Human World' Red Ice Radio - 09-20-07 - Video

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Life More Abundantly – Prophetic Futurist – Glory of God – destroy the devil – Video

Posted: at 4:47 am

Life More Abundantly - Prophetic Futurist - Glory of God - destroy the devil

By: greatawakening

Life More Abundantly - Prophetic Futurist - Glory of God - destroy the devil - Video

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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Deliver Keynote Address on Big Data

Posted: at 4:47 am

Acclaimed global futurist Jack Uldrich has been selected to deliver a keynote address on Big Data. In addition to explaining what big data is and how a variety of trends are fueling its growth, Uldrich will explore how the field is forcing organizations to reconsider virtually every aspect of their business.

San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) March 28, 2013

In addition to covering some aspects of his popular new book, "Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow," and explaining how future trends in information and mobile communications, sensors, RFID technology, the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing and cloud computing are fueling the growth big data, Uldrich will draw on his work in the field of change management (hes the author of the 2011 best-seller "Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future") to explain how business leaders must also let goand unlearnmany of their assumptions about their industry, business models and customers in order to grasp big datas full potential.

Throughout his session, Uldrich will use vivid analogies and memorable stories drawn from a wide spectrum of industries to ensure the underlying message of his talk "sticks" with his audience. (In this sense, Uldrichs style differs from Viktor Mayer-Schonberger and Kenneth Cukierauthors of Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Thinkwho take a more academic approach to the topic of big data.) A sample of some Uldrichs ideas can be found in this chapter, Engines of Change: The Future of Simulated Intelligence, from his latest book Foresight 2020: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow.

In the past year, Uldrich has addressed dozens of corporations and associations, including delivering customized keynote presentations to McGladrey, Optus, Verizon, Cisco, IBM, PepsiCo, United Healthcare, Case IH, Guardian Life Insurance, WiPro, Methodist Hospital and General Electric.

Parties interested in learning more about Jack Uldrich, his books, his daily blog or his speaking availability are encouraged to visit his website at: Media wishing to know more about the event or interviewing Jack Uldrich can contact him directly at 612-267-1212 or jack(at)schoolofunlearning(dot)com.

Uldrich is a renowned global futurist, best-selling author, and editor of the monthly newsletter, The Exponential Executive. He is currently represented by a number of professional speakers' bureaus, including Leading Authorities, Convention Connection and Executive Speakers Bureau.

Jack Uldrich Jump the Curve 612-267-1212 Email Information

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Global Futurist Jack Uldrich to Deliver Keynote Address on Big Data

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New Soul Healing Video Testimony for a Child’s Severe Eczema and Asthma from Vancouver, Canada

Posted: March 27, 2013 at 3:45 pm

Video testimony shows how soul healing from Dr. Zhi Gang Sha helps child eczema and asthma.

New York, NY (PRWEB) March 26, 2013

There are more than 1,000 Soul Healing miracle videos and more than 100 Divine Healing Hands personal Soul Healing miracle testimonial videos posted to Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Shas YouTube Channel ( Everyday people all over the world are experiencing personal Soul Healing miracles and sharing their video testimonials so that others can benefit from the power and life-changing results of Divine Healing Hands. To learn more about the Divine Healing Hands program, go to To share your own personal Soul Healing miracle, email Elaine.Ward(at)DrSha(dot)com.

New York Times bestselling author, Divine channel and the soul healer for all of humanity, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has opened a path to harmony by sharing ways to transform every aspect of our lives. Being a direct channel from God, Master Sha focuses on Soul Power and delivers enlightenment by lifting a persons soul to a higher spiritual level in heaven. Master Shas Divine Healing Hands mission to humanity is offering Soul, Mind and Body Transplants to 35,200 individuals who open their spiritual selves to receive them and become Divine Healing Hands practitioners.

Divine Healing Hands carries a frequency and vibration from the Source that can transform the frequency and vibration of the health, relationships, finances, intelligence and every aspect of life. This is the first time that the Divine has ever been willing to give the opportunity and honor to humanity to receive his permanent healing hands to serve humanity, mother earth, heaven and all universes. Dr. Sha is not only a teacher, but he is a servant to God. His lifes work includes serving humanity by helping them to achieve balance in their lives, cleanse their karma, be of service to others, and lift their soul to a higher standing in heaven. By finding a path to harmony with the universe, everything else in our lives will follow. The Divine Healing Hands carries:

For a Soul Transplant, Dr. Sha extends the Divines golden light for the soul. For a Mind Transplant, Dr. Sha offers the Divines golden light for the consciousness. For Body Transplant, Dr. Sha gives the Divines golden light for energy and matter. These three treasures joined together as one are called Divine Healing Hands. From here, individuals who receive these treasures are encouraged to share the Divines gifts with others by healing their soul and helping to make a better world.

Why Does Master Sha offer Soul Healing Blessings for Everyone?

In his teens, Master Sha made a commitment, some might call it a vow, to help relieve the pain and suffering caused by disease and physical ailments in his native China. Throughout his 40 years of clinical and field work, his deep compassion for humanity has driven him to continually seek new and more powerful practices and techniques to relief suffering. Since his childhood, Master Sha has always served those around him, whether it was tutoring students after school or establishing a free clinic in the Philippines. As a soul healer and Divine Channel, he has offered complimentary soul healing to those who join his daily Soul Healing teleconferences or webcasts for more than seven years and offers many other programs on a daily basis.

Why Do Individuals Need Soul Healing in 2013?

Modern medicine focuses on matter inside the cells. Traditional Chinese medicine and many other healing modalities focus on the energy between cells. Soul Healing focuses on the soul. If a person is sick, the soul is sick. A soul is a golden light being. Soul is spirit. Soul is message. Soul is the essence of life. Soul is the boss. Soul Healing states: Heal the soul first; then, healing of the mind and body will follow.

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New Soul Healing Video Testimony for a Child’s Severe Eczema and Asthma from Vancouver, Canada

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Psoriasis Lotion Just Natural Skincare Review – For Dry Flaky Skin – Video

Posted: at 3:45 pm

Psoriasis Lotion Just Natural Skincare Review - For Dry Flaky Skin
Get it here: Psoriasis isn #39;t acne, but psoriasis is often a skin condition that can go hand in hand with acne and dry skin. Thi...

By: acneerasingsecrets

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Index on Censorship ’s response to the Leveson report

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Index on Censorship opposes recommendations for the statutory underpinning of press regulation

Index urges that there is a serious, considered debate about Lord Justice Levesons recommendations. The free speech organisation opposes the statutory underpinning of press regulation proposed by Lord Justice Leveson.

Kirsty Hughes, Chief Executive of Index on Censorship said:

We consider that the statutory-voluntary approach to independent press regulation would undermine press freedom in the UK. However, we support the proposal for cheap, effective arbitration, which would help victims get swift redress to their complaints.

Index welcomed the response of the Prime Minister to the Inquirys findings. In a statement to parliament, David Cameron said that he had serious concerns about passing legislation in relation to the press, which he rightly said would be an enormous step.

Kirsty Hughes said: We share David Camerons concerns that statutory underpinning would undermine free speech, and could be the start of a slippery slope of government interference in the media.

Indexs response to Lord Justice Levesons main recommendations are:

Statutory underpinning of an independent regulatory body: Statutory underpinning of an independent and voluntary regulator is a contradiction in terms. Any law which sets out the criteria that the press must meet, by definition introduces some government or political control of the media. Politicians of all hues have an interest in getting the most positive media coverage they can. Keeping print media independent of government so journalists can report on political debate and decision-making, robustly and without fear, is fundamental. Even light statutory regulation could easily be revisited, toughened and potentially abused once the principle of no government control of the press is breached.

Arbitration service: Index welcomes Lord Justice Levesons proposal for cheap, effective arbitration.

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Index on Censorship ’s response to the Leveson report

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Censorship row breaks out in Switzerland over photobook

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Censorship Art law News Switzerland Zurich court bans book after church members file legal complaint

By Gareth Harris and Christine Coste. Web only Published online: 27 March 2013

A row over photography censorship has broken out in Switzerland which could, says the director of a major Swiss museum, lead to institutions backing down from mounting shows that focus on real-life situations. Sam Stourdz, the director of the Muse de lElyse, has spoken out in defence of the photographer Christian Lutz whose book, In Jesus Name, has been withdrawn from sale in Switzerland.

The volume includes images of a Swiss religious group called the International Christian Fellowship (ICF). Twenty-one of the churchs members who feature in the book, which depicts baptisms and other church celebrations, subsequently filed a complaint. They consented to being photographed but not to a publication, says their Zurich-based lawyer Marc Weber.

In January, the Zurich District Court banned the sale and distribution of the book. The 21 plaintiffs are due to file another lawsuit with the same court by the end of March in order to uphold the ban; the case could eventually end up in the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. The final decision will certainly have an impact on the photography profession in Switzerland, says Weber, who describes the 21 plaintiffs as visitors on events and trips organised by the ICF.

Stourdz told our sister paper Le Journal des Arts that there is a risk that self-censorship could now creep into this type of reportage, and that institutions become more wary of showing such works. In Jesus Name forms part of a trilogy focusing on the issue of power, which was due to go on show at the Muse de lElyse this summer. The museum says that the exhibition of Lutzs work will go ahead as planned, although the content has yet to be decided.

Lutz allegedly failed to ask the sitters permission to publish the photographs, Weber says. The court said that a consent for being photographed does not lead automatically to a implicit consent to a commercial use of the photographs and a publication respectively. Further, since the book predominantly contains personal and intimate pictures, the plaintiffs could have expected in good faith that the photographer would inform them in advance regarding his choice of the pictures, and ask them for an explicit approval, he adds.

Lutz, however, told The Art Newspaper: I am surprised as they [the ICF] know the project in depth. I showed [the ICF] my previous works and explained my approach. They gave me their permission verbally and allowed me to follow its members. No image was taken without their knowledge. The book subsequently does not contain any damaging images.

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The astonishing speed of Chinese censorship

Posted: at 3:44 pm

26 March 2013 Last updated at 20:23 ET

You have written something politically sensitive on one of China's "weibo" microblogging sites. So how much time passes before it gets deleted? And what does it reveal about how Chinese censors work? Computer scientists Jed Crandall and Dan Wallach explain the findings of a study they conducted.

In China, internet penetration has grown massively in the last decade - from 4.6% in 2002 to 42.1% in 2012.

Microblogging site Sina Weibo only launched in 2010, but it now has 300 million users and about 100 million messages are sent daily. It clearly plays an important role in the discourse surrounding current events in China.

The Chinese government seems to require Chinese companies to maintain internal censorship regimes.

There have been several interesting studies on how Chinese censorship works and how to work around it, but we wanted to know how the censors do it and how they make their censorship scale to manage hundreds of millions of users.

We found a landscape in which a post could be deleted as quickly as five minutes after being put online and where the censors appear not to work a regular day, but seem to take a break when China's all-important 19:00 news comes on.

So how did we make such observations?

Last year - along with several colleagues - we spent 30 days observing 3,500 users on Sina Weibo to track the fate of their posts. During this time around 300 of the accounts were deleted - that's about 12% of the total. We further examined data about the posts and that provided some fascinating insights into how the censors go about their job.

We looked at users who have been censored and then see how long their to-be-censored posts survived. Those who are more often censored are also censored faster which shows they are getting more scrutiny than other users.

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The astonishing speed of Chinese censorship

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US censorship lawsuit against China’s Baidu dismissed

Posted: at 3:44 pm

A U.S. judge has dismissed a lawsuit that sought to punish Chinese Internet company Baidu for blocking pro-democracy works on its search engine, with one legal expert stating that the case was more of a publicity stunt than an actual legal challenge to Chinas online censorship.

It is well known that China regularly censors anti-government content on the Internet, with local companies such as Baidu required to comply. But the U.S. lawsuit, filed two years ago by eight pro-democracy activists, claimed that both the company and the Chinese government had violated New Yorks free speech laws. This was because Baidus censorship extended to users accessing the site from New York, the lawsuit argued.

On Monday, however, Baidu won dismissal of the case after Judge Jesse Furman of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York said that the company had not been properly served the court document papers. China, invoking an international treaty, refused to comply with serving the court papers, stating that it would infringe its sovereignty or security.

The lawsuits plaintiffs have 30 days to propose another way to serve the court papers to Baidu. Attorneys for the plaintiffs could not immediately be reached for comment. The lawsuit had originally demanded Baidu pay US$16 million in damages for censoring pro-democracy works from the eight activists.

Although the lawsuit had initially grabbed the media spotlight when it was first filed, the case had little chance of holding up in court, said Stan Abrams, a legal expert in China. Baidu is a private foreign company, and has no legal duty to serve users in New York, he added. Instead, the plaintiffs were likely hoping the lawsuit would draw attention to their pro-democracy cause.

Did they succeed in that or not? I guess were talking about it, so to that extent they did. But I dont see this as headline news, Abrams said. Its hard to keep people paying attention because you knew this case was going to lose.

Michael Kan covers IT, telecom and Internet in China for the IDG News Service. More by Michael Kan, IDG News Service

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Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand’s Filibuster, and Guns – The Alan Colmes Show 3/25/2013 – Video

Posted: at 3:44 pm

Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand #39;s Filibuster, and Guns - The Alan Colmes Show 3/25/2013
Former Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (R-TX) talks to Fox #39;s Alan Colmes about the US being in Iraq for 10 Years and also talks about gay marriage, his son Sen. Ran...

By: Eduardo89rp

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Ron Paul on Iraq War, Gay Marriage, Rand's Filibuster, and Guns - The Alan Colmes Show 3/25/2013 - Video

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