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Autism linked to increased genetic change in regions of genome instability
Posted: April 3, 2013 at 12:44 pm
Apr. 2, 2013 Children with autism have increased levels of genetic change in regions of the genome prone to DNA rearrangements, so called "hotspots," according to a research discovery to be published in the print edition of the journal Human Molecular Genetics. The research indicates that these genetic changes come in the form of an excess of duplicated DNA segments in hotspot regions and may affect the chances that a child will develop autism -- a behavioral disorder that affects about 1 of every 88 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Earlier work had identified, in children with autism, a greater frequency of rare DNA deletions or duplications, known as DNA copy number changes. These rare and harmful events are found in approximately 5 to 10 percent of cases, raising the question as to what other genetic changes might contribute to the disorders known as autism spectrum disorders.
The new research shows that children with autism have -- in addition to these rare events -- an excess of duplicated DNA including more common variants not exclusively found in children with autism, but are found at elevated levels compared to typically developing children.
The research collaboration includes groups led at Penn State by Scott Selleck; at the University of California Davis/MIND Institute by Isaac Pessah, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Flora Tassone, and Robin Hansen; and at the University of Washington by Evan Eichler.
The investigators also found that the balance of DNA duplications and deletions in children with autism was different from that found in more severe developmental disorders, such as intellectual disability or multiple congenital anomalies, where the levels of both deletions and duplications are increased compared to controls, and are even higher than in children with autism.
They also found that children who had more difficulty with daily living skills also had the greatest level of copy number change throughout their genome. "These measures of adaptive behavior provide an indication of the severity of the impairment in the children with autism. These behaviors were significantly correlated with the amount of DNA copy number change," Selleck said, emphasizing that the research revealed "clear and graded effects of the genetic change."
"These results beg the question as to the origin of this genetic change," Selleck said. "The increased levels of both rare and common variants suggests the possibility that these individuals are predisposed to genetic alteration."
A vigorous debate is ongoing in the research community about the degree of genetic versus environmental contributions to autism. Selleck said the finding of an overall increase in genetic change in children with autism heightens the need to search for the basis of this variation. "We know that environmental factors can affect the stability of the genome, but we don't know if the DNA copy number change we detect in these children is a result of environmental exposures, nutrition, medical factors, lifestyle, genetic susceptibility, or combinations of many elements together," Selleck said. "The elevated levels of common variants is telling us something. It suggests that pure selection of randomly generated variants may not be the whole story."
The Penn State team includes Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Associate Professor Marylyn Ritchie and Assistant Professor Santhosh Girirajan. "The relationship between the level of copy number change and the degree of neurodevelopmental disability is something we have noted previously for large, rare variants" says Girirajan, "but this work extends those observations to common copy number variants, suggesting the level of copy number change in children with autism is larger than we had appreciated." Girirajan, the first author of the study, coordinated the effort between the Penn State and University of Washington researchers.
The research collaboration began with studies supported by the Minnesota Medical Foundation and the Martin Lenz Harrison Endowed Chair in Pediatrics when Selleck was Director of the Autism Initiative at the University of Minnesota. When Selleck arrived at Penn State in 2009, he began a new phase of the analysis with replication studies of early findings conducted with the help and expertise of Evan Eichler and colleagues at the University of Washington using the clinical data and DNA collected by Isaac Pessah, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Flora Tassone, and Robin Hansen at the University of California Davis/MIND Institute group, which directs a large population-based case-control study of autism called CHARGE (Childhood Autism Risks from Genetics and Environment). In this multiyear study, clinical history, environmental, nutritional, family, and medical data are collected from the families of children with autism and other developmental disorders, as well as from randomly selected control children from the general population. The research took advantage of the CHARGE study, supported by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the Environmental Protection Agency.
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Autism linked to increased genetic change in regions of genome instability
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A 1 to 140 ‘return’ from the Human Genome Project?
Posted: at 12:44 pm
(Charles Dharapak/AP)
Every dollar we spent to map the human genome has returned $140 to our economy -- $1 of investment, $140 in return.
--President Obama, Remarks by the President on the BRAIN Initiative and American Innovation, April 2, 2013
Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy.
--Obama, 2013 State of the Union address, Feb. 12, 2013
In announcing a new government initiative to map the brain Tuesday, President Obama repeated a statistic he had used in the State of the Union addressone that we had been meaning to examine more closely.
Certainly, the presidents broader point is correctfederal government investment in research is often an important factor in innovations and scientific achievements that have enhanced Americans lives. But 140 times return on investment? That sounded a bit too good to be true.
Lets dig deeper into the data.
The Facts
The presidents factoidwhich he has asserted without citing a sourcecomes from a 2011 study by the Battelle Memorial Institute titled Economic Impact of the Human Genome Project: How a $3.8 billion investment drove $796 billion in economic impact, created 310,000 jobs and launched a genomic revolution.
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A 1 to 140 ‘return’ from the Human Genome Project?
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TGen professor discusses benefits of whole genome sequencing in study of multiple myeloma
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Public release date: 2-Apr-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Steve Yozwiak 602-343-8704 The Translational Genomics Research Institute
KYOTO, Japan April 2, 2013 The scientific benefits of whole genome sequencing at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) will be presented at the 14th International Myeloma Workshop, April 3-7 at the Kyoto International Conference Center.
Dr. Jonathan Keats, head of TGen's Multiple Myeloma Research Laboratory, will present Discovering the Underlying Genetics of Multiple Myeloma Through Whole Genome Sequencing at 8:15 a.m. (Kyoto time) April 4, following the conference opening talk.
Multiple myeloma is a pathological description of a disease characterized by the accumulation of plasma cells in the bone marrow. Dr. Keats' lab at TGen is focused on using new methods to investigate the genomic features of this disease with the goal of identifying genetic events that drive the development, progression, and mediate therapeutic resistance.
"We will show for the first time the integration of DNA and RNA sequencing in multiple myeloma, and how TGen's comprehensive approach to this research has begun to uncover possible genetic changes that could lead to the underlying causes of this cancer," Dr. Keats said.
Previous studies have identified as many as 10 distinct biological subgroups of multiple myeloma, highlighting the need to identify distinct genetic defects to address each subtype of this disease.
Recent advances in next generation sequencing can now identify nearly all genetics events existing in an individual tumor. Initial studies have focused on whole genome sequencing or exome sequencing and confirmed genetic mutations (TP53, NRAS, KRAS) as well as identified novel mutations (FAM46C and DIS3). In addition, identification of recurrent BRAF mutations and the availability of targeted BRAF inhibitors provide an opportunity to translate research findings into clinical practice to benefit patients.
Dr. Keats is one of the key researchers in TGen's Multiple Myeloma Genomics Initiative, funded by the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation.
"We will present results from the multiple myeloma genomics initiative using paired whole genome and transcriptome sequencing on 84 patient samples and 68 cell lines. The combination of DNA and RNA based sequencing approaches has improved our ability to identify biologically relevant alterations within each sample," Dr. Keats said.
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TGen professor discusses benefits of whole genome sequencing in study of multiple myeloma
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Research and Markets: Eczema – Pipeline Review, H1 2013
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Eczema - Pipeline Review, H1 2013" report to their offering.
This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Eczema, complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Eczema.
Eczema - Pipeline Review, Half Year is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Direct's proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources.
Note*: Certain sections in the report may be removed or altered based on the availability and relevance of data for the indicated disease.
- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Eczema.
- A review of the Eczema products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
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Politically Incorrect Wack Pack 2 – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Politically Incorrect Wack Pack 2
By: EricTheTurkey1
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Politically Incorrect Wack Pack 2 - Video
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Politically Incorrect- Week 6- March 31, 2013: Following Jesus Means Death – Video
Posted: at 12:44 pm
Politically Incorrect- Week 6- March 31, 2013: Following Jesus Means Death
Politically Incorrect- Week 6- March 31, 2013: Following Jesus Means Death.
By: Forward Church
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Former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul to Present Keynote Speech in New York
Posted: at 12:43 pm
NEW YORK, April 3, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Former Republican presidential candidate and libertarian Dr. Ron Paul is a keynote speaker at the New York Metals & Minerals Investment Conference on May 13, 2013 in New York City.
(Logo: )
As a serious investor in gold and silver mining stock himself, it should come as no surprise that approximately 64% of Paul's personal portfolio is made up of natural resources stocks. In a recent Wall Street Journal article looking at a 2010 "Form A" financial disclosure statement filed by the congressman, values Paul's personal portfolio between $2.44 and $5.46 million. While some may call Paul's investment portfolio risky, others call it successful.
Paul has a consistent record, having warned of hyperinflation as far back as 1981. He believes the long-term decrease of the U.S. dollar's purchasing power by inflation is attributable to its lack of any commodity backing and advocates eliminating legal tender laws and removing the sales tax on gold and silver, so that the market may freely decide what type of monetary standard(s) there shall be.
"We are excited that Dr. Paul will be speaking during the Metals & Mining Investment Conference on May 13th. Hearing from a political leader who has discussed hyperinflation and GOLD in the mainstream media will be a great addition to our conference," said Jonathan Moore, Managing Director and Senior Vice President, Events at Summit Business Media. "His history with gold and silver mining stocks coupled with our other speakers will provide our attendees with the most well rounded views on the investment opportunities available in this sector."
Additional conference speakers include Ralph Aldis, Senior Analyst, US GLOBAL INVESTORS; Jeffrey Christian, Managing Partner, CPM GROUP; Kenneth Hoffman, Sector Head, Global Metals & Mining Research, BLOOMBERG RESEARCH; Kevin Quigg, Global Head of SPDR ETF Strategy and Consulting, STATE STREET GLOBAL ADVISORS; and Nick Snowdon, Base Metals Research Analyst, Commodities Research, BARCLAYS CAPITAL.
The 2013 Metals & Minerals Investment Conference takes place Monday, May 13-Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at the New York Marriott Marquis. This educational investment conference focuses on educating investors about opportunities in the natural resources sector. The conference is open to all professional investors, wealth managers, portfolio advisors and individual investors interested in learning how incorporating natural resources can strengthen portfolio success. For more information visit
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Summit Business Media is the leading B2B media and information company serving the insurance, financial services, legal and investment advisory markets. Summit services the information needs of its customers through numerous channels, including digital, print, and live events. For more information, please visit
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Former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul to Present Keynote Speech in New York
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Let’s Play Crysis 3 Mission 1 Post Human Part 4/Mission 2 Welcome To The Jungle (New York 2.0) – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Let #39;s Play Crysis 3 Mission 1 Post Human Part 4/Mission 2 Welcome To The Jungle (New York 2.0)
In this episode I finally make it inside the Liberty Dome. Rate - Comment - Subscribe.
By: TheStraightUpGamer
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Let's Play Crysis 3 Mission 1 Post Human Part 4/Mission 2 Welcome To The Jungle (New York 2.0) - Video
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Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Post Human No Commentary 1080p – Video
Posted: at 12:43 pm
Crysis 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Post Human No Commentary 1080p
By: Yagermesh
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Ensia Live: Futurist Jamais Cascio – Video
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Ensia Live: Futurist Jamais Cascio
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