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Commentary: Libertarianism Is America’s Last Best Hope
Posted: April 4, 2013 at 7:47 pm
Editor's note: Yahoo News asked young libertarian-minded voters to share why they're drawn to the either the Libertarian Party or to libertarian political principles in general. Here's one first-person account we received this week.
FIRST PERSON | My name is Nancy Hernandez. I'm 33 years old, and I am probably on the Department of Homeland Security's terrorist watch list. I live in a small city called Van Buren, which is located on the Arkansas-Oklahoma border. I've lived in this area most of my life, and I love it here.
I am also a staunch constitutionalist. As a result, though I'm not registered with the Libertarian Party, I have very strong libertarian leanings. I believe in the right to the right to bear arms, personal liberty, small government, and free enterprise. I believe that more government is never the answer to any problem that our nation is facing, and I believe that the current size of our government is a hindrance, rather than a help, to our economy. It is also a massive threat to personal liberty, and the U.S. Constitution.
There was a time when I was blinded by the words of the two bigger parties. In fact, until recently, I was a registered Democrat. It was inevitable that I changed my registration.
On July 4, 2009, I took my first real steps toward libertarianism. I realized how much it angered me that Independence Day had become nothing more than an excuse to party and light fireworks. Few people even stop to think about what the holiday actually symbolizes. This anger resulted in an open "Letter to America," which later resulted in a book called "Letters From an American Woman," (which can be found at that I co-authored with my best friend.
The process of writing this book included a great deal of research that made me even angrier. I uncovered legislation, introduced by both Republicans and Democrats, that is designed to strip liberties and grow government. For instance, many people know about the Patriot Act, but how many of you have actually read the text? Then there is Presidential Directive 51, signed by Bush 43, which gives the president unprecedented and far-reaching powers.
Also of concern is The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. There are many more, and I cover some of them in my Yahoo! Voices article, The Coming U.S. Revolution. I discovered the true extent of the nation's current financial problems, and the extent to which our legislators are willing to go to deceive the American public.
Since writing my book, I pulled my children (ages 5, 11, and 14) out of public school, took steps toward going "off the grid," such as buying a generator and building wind turbines, started a garden, and I have begun stockpiling food. There are those who have begun calling me a conspiracy theorist, but I disagree. What I am is an American citizen who has done her homework, done incredibly in depth research, and I have reached intelligent conclusions. Our government is collapsing in upon itself, and our only hope as a nation may very well rest with the Libertarian Party.
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Commentary: Libertarianism Is America's Last Best Hope
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Space Station Collects Clues on Universe’s Dark Matter
Posted: April 3, 2013 at 12:45 pm
The European Organization for Nuclear Research said it has data that could signal the presence of dark matter, an elusive unseen target that physicists believe makes up as much as a quarter of the universe.
Dark matter is mass that scientists cant detect directly, but whose existence is inferred through its gravitational pull on visible matter, such as planets. Using a collector mounted on the International Space Station for more than a year, scientists at the CERN research institute gathered data on particles, called positrons, they believe may be expelled when dark matter collides in a burst of energy and is destroyed.
The collector gathered data on 400,000 positrons, the antimatter form of electrons, creating the largest collection of such particles recorded in space, according to a statement today. The data are consistent with theories on dark matter and the experiment will confirm in coming months whether the positrons are a signal for dark matter, Geneva-based CERN said.
Dark matter is one of the most important mysteries of physics today, CERN said, adding it will take several years to refine its studies.
The search for dark matter is moving ahead on two fronts. Last month, scientists at CERN announced they have more certainty a particle they observed last year is a Higgs Boson, a missing link in physics that would help them explain the makeup of universal phenomena, such as dark matter, that telescopes cant detect.
In that case, the data was gained using the $10.5 billion Large Hadron Collider, a 27-kilometer (17-mile) circumference particle accelerator buried on the border of France and Switzerland. CERN has had 10,000 scientists working on the research, in which billions of subatomic particles are hurled at each other at velocities approaching the speed of light.
To contact the reporter on this story: Thomas Mulier in Geneva at
To contact the editor responsible for this story: David Risser at; Reg Gale at
A file photo shows Astronaut Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. preparing to replace a faulty TV camera on the exterior of the International Space Station during December 2006.
A file photo shows Astronaut Robert L. Curbeam, Jr. preparing to replace a faulty TV camera on the exterior of the International Space Station during December 2006. Source: NASA via Bloomberg
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Space Station Collects Clues on Universe’s Dark Matter
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Space station ‘s antimatter detector finds its first evidence of dark matter
Posted: at 12:45 pm
NASA file
A fish-eye view of the International Space Station from July 2011 shows the $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) in the foreground. A Russian Progress cargo ship and a Soyuz crew capsule are docked on the left end of the station. The structure extending to the left of the AMS is a thermal radiator. Off to the right, the shuttle Atlantis is docked to the station's Tranquility module.
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News
Scientists say a $2 billion antimatter-hunting experiment on the International Space Station has detected its first hints of dark matter, the mysterious stuff that makes up almost a quarter of the universe.
The evidence from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer, revealed Wednesday at Europe's CERN particle physics lab, is based on an excess in the cosmic production of anti-electrons, also known as positrons. The AMS research team can't yet rule out other explanations for the excess, but the fresh findings provide the best clues yet as to the nature of dark matter.
"Over the coming months, AMS will be able to tell us conclusively whether these positrons are a signal for dark matter, or whether they have some other origin," Samuel Ting, an astrophysicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who leads the international AMS collaboration, said in a CERN news release.
The results are to be published in Physical Review Letters and will be discussed during a NASA news conference at 1:30 p.m. ET Wednesday.
Dark matter is so named because it hasn't been detected directly through electromagnetic emissions, but primarily through its gravitational effect. Precise measurements of the movements of galaxies and galaxy clusters, as well as studies of the big bang's afterglow, indicate that it accounts for 22.7 percent of the universe's content. Another mysterious factor known as dark energy makes up 72.8 percent, leaving just 4.5 percent for ordinary matter.
Scientists have theorized that ultra-high-energy collisions involving dark matter particles could produce more positrons than expected. The best places to detect such collisions are in huge underground experiments such as CERN's Large Hadron Collider or in outer space, where cosmic rays can be measured more easily than they are on Earth.
The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer is the most sensitive cosmic-ray detector ever put into orbit. Researchers from 16 countries worked for well more than a decade to get AMS ready for the space station, but it literally took an act of Congress to get the extra money needed for the launch. The bus-sized device was brought up on the shuttle Endeavour and installed in 2011, during the shuttle fleet's second-last mission.
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Space station 's antimatter detector finds its first evidence of dark matter
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GH3 – DNA 2 – *PREVIEW* – Video
Posted: at 12:45 pm
Third original song in this pack. (I really hope you guys enjoyed this pack!) 😀 46 Hours in FL Studio on this one! =) Download here:
By: Sidney600
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GH3 - DNA 2 - *PREVIEW* - Video
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Elusive step in human DNA replication process demystified
Posted: at 12:45 pm
Washington, April 2 (ANI): For the first time, scientists have "discovered how a key step in human DNA replication is performed."
Part of the DNA replication process-in humans and in other life forms-involves loading of molecular structures called sliding clamps onto DNA.
This crucial step in DNA replication had remained somewhat mysterious and had not been well studied in human DNA replication.
Mark Hedglin, a post-doctoral researcher in Penn State University's Department of Chemistry and a member of Benkovic's team, explained that the sliding clamp is a ring-shaped protein that acts to encircle the DNA strand, latching around it like a watch band.
The sliding clamp then serves to anchor special enzymes called polymerases to the DNA, ensuring efficient copying of the genetic material. "Without a sliding clamp, polymerases can copy very few bases-the molecular 'letters' that make up the code of DNA-at a time.
But the clamp helps the polymerase to stay in place, allowing it to copy thousands of bases before being removed from the strand of DNA," Hedglin said.
Hedglin explained that, due to the closed circular structure of sliding clamps, another necessary step in DNA replication is the presence of a "clamp loader," which acts to latch and unlatch the sliding clamps at key stages during the process.
"The big unknown has always been how the sliding clamp and the clamp loader interact and the timing of latching and unlatching of the clamp from the DNA," said Hedglin.
"We know that polymerases and clamp loaders can't bind the sliding clamp at the same time, so the hypothesis was that clamp loaders latched sliding clamps onto DNA, then left for some time during DNA replication, returning only to unlatch the clamps after the polymerase left so they could be recycled for further use," he added.
The study was recently published in the journal eLife. (ANI)
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Elusive step in human DNA replication process demystified
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Sampling of embryonic DNA after IVF without biopsy
Posted: at 12:45 pm
Apr. 2, 2013 New study published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online shows that fluid-filled cavity in 5-day old human blastocysts may contain DNA from the embryo, allowing diagnosis of genetic disease without a biopsy.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) technologies allow identification of genetic disorders in human preimplantation embryos after in vitro fertilization (IVF) and before the embryo is transferred back to the patient. This technique allows couples with a high-risk of passing on inherited diseases, to increase their chances of having a healthy baby. Despite the theoretical benefits of PGD, clinical outcomes using these technologies vary, possibly because of the need to remove one or more cells from the embryo using biopsy.
In a recent study published in Reproductive Biomedicine Online, a group of researchers from Italy and the United Kingdom sought to achieve diagnose of genetic disease in embryonic DNA without the use of a biopsy. By extracting fluid from human embryos at the blastocyst stage they found that it contains DNA from the embryo. Blastocysts are 5 or 6 day old embryos and are at the last free-living stage that can be studied in the laboratory prior to transfer into the uterus. They contain between 50 and 300 cells that surround a fluid-filled cavity called the blastocoels. The researchers carefully removed fluid from the blastocoel, leaving the cells intact; the sampled blastocysts were subsequently cryopreserved. Analysis of this fluid showed that it contained cell-free DNA in a state good enough to determine several known genes of the sex chromosomes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR); whole genome amplification and followed by analysis using a specialized tool for genetic testing called a DNA microarray were also used and revealed whether the embryos had a normal number of chromosomes -- chromosome abnormalities are one of the main causes of miscarriage and failure of embryos to form pregnancies during IVF treatments.
"This is the first time that embryonic DNA has been detected in the human blastocyst without the use of biopsy," explained lead researchers Dr. Simone Palini Ph.D., from the IVF Unit at Cervesi Hospital in Cattolica, Italy and Dr. Galluzzi from University of Urbino in Italy and Dr. Dagan Wells from University of Oxford, United Kingdom.
"This is a technique that most embryologists can easily master," Dr. Buletti who directs the IVF team at Cervesi Hospital Cattolica and Prof. Magnani, Chairman of the Department of Biomolecular Sciences of the University of Urbino, added. "More work needs to be done to confirm our results, but we hope that this approach will ultimately help infertile couples achieve their dream of having a family. It may also improve the options for families affected by severe inherited conditions, helping them to have healthy babies."
"Even though it is only a preliminary finding, this approach may allow for genetic testing of the embryo without the complexity of cell sampling," Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson MD, Senior Vice President for Research Programs, March of Dimes Foundation and President, International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS), a pioneer in reproductive medicine and genetics, commented on the research.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Elsevier.
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Sampling of embryonic DNA after IVF without biopsy
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Clamping Down On The Mystery Of Human DNA Replication
Posted: at 12:45 pm
April 2, 2013
redOrbit Staff & Wire Reports Your Universe Online
Scientists at Penn State University have discovered how a vital step in the human DNA replication process the loading of molecular structures known as sliding clamps onto DNA molecules is performed.
The researchers say their work, the results of which were published in Tuesdays edition of the journal eLife, will help uncover some of the mystery surrounding this crucial part of the chemical replication process. This step had not previously been closely analyzed in human DNA replication, which is the basis for biological inheritance in all types of living organisms.
According to Mark Hedglin, a post-doctoral researcher in Penn States Department of Chemistry and one of the investigators behind the discovery, the sliding clamp is a ring-shaped protein which essentially encircles a DNA strand, latching around it much like a watch band. The sliding clamp then anchors polymerases enzymes involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids to ensure more efficient copying of the genetic material.
Without a sliding clamp, polymerases can copy very few bases the molecular letters that make up the code of DNA at a time. But the clamp helps the polymerase to stay in place, allowing it to copy thousands of bases before being removed from the strand of DNA, Hedglin explained in a statement.
However, because of the closed circular structure of those sliding clamps, another step in DNA replication the presence of a so-called clamp loader to latch and unlatch them at different stages of the process is required. Previously, researchers did not know exactly how the sliding clamp and the clamp loader interacted with one another, nor did they know exactly when the clamp was attached to or unattached from the DNA.
We know that polymerases and clamp loaders cant bind the sliding clamp at the same time, so the hypothesis was that clamp loaders latched sliding clamps onto DNA, then left for some time during DNA replication, returning only to unlatch the clamps after the polymerase left so they could be recycled for further use, Hedglin said.
In order to test their theory, they turned to a method known as Frster resonance energy transfer (FRET), which attaches fluorescent tags to human proteins and parts of DNA in order to monitor the interactions between them.
With those tags in place, Hedglin said he and his colleagues observed the formation of holoenzymes the active form of the polymerase involved in DNA replication, which consists of the polymerase itself along with any accessory factors that optimize its activity.
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Clamping Down On The Mystery Of Human DNA Replication
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New DNA tests in brutal 1982 slaying in St. Louis set the stage for a decisive hearing
Posted: at 12:45 pm
ST. LOUIS There is no physical evidence tying Rodney Lincoln to a gruesome attack three decades ago that left a mother dead and her two young daughters critically injured, new DNA tests show.
But theres nothing in those results that points to anyone else in the April 27, 1982, slaying, either.
Among the seven pieces of crime scene evidence sent to a Kansas City crime lab including three bloody knives and a bloody fingerprint left on a door frame no male DNA profiles were found. That means the blood is likely that of the victims: JoAnn Tate, 35, Melissa, 7, and Renee, 4.
What it means for Lincolns actual innocence claim, when paired with tests in 2010 that gave him hope, is disputed.
Lincolns lawyers, from the Midwest Innocence Project, argue the DNA results contradict faulty science and misleading testimony that was key to sending him to prison three decades ago on a double life sentence.
It kind of blows their whole case apart, said legal director Laura OSullivan, contending a jury would not convict if presented with the case anew.
But Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyces office has argued the conviction never rested on science that eyewitness testimony of the two girls sealed Lincolns fate. Through a spokesperson for the office, prosecutors declined to speak about the case for this article.
St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Robin Vannoy has scheduled a three-day hearing in September to consider both sides. It will be the culmination of a seven-year battle under a state law that allows for post-conviction DNA testing in certain instances, and will be key to whether Lincolns convictions are overturned.
Lincolns case was one of six Joyce chose for testing in 2003 from among 1,400 pre-DNA-era convictions. But her office reversed course after learning more about the evidence in his case.
The Midwest Innocence Project got involved in 2005 to push for the DNA tests, setting the stage for the current battle.
New DNA tests in brutal 1982 slaying in St. Louis set the stage for a decisive hearing
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DNA -Mapped Furniture Imprints Your Genetic Profile in Your Living Room
Posted: at 12:45 pm
If youve ever tried to decorate a room and have been frustrated because there werent pieces of furniture that were uniquely you, you might be in luck. Dutch design studio Tjep. will present its first exhibition of DNA furniture and jewelry, called Future Nostalgia,at Ventura Lambrate in Milan this month.Thats right furniture shaped by DNA data.
Frank Tjepkema,founder of Tjep. studio, is making these truly one-of-a-kind creations in collaboration with DutchDNAs Eric Wolthuis by taking genetic profiles, mapping them with 3-D imaging, and constructing pieces of furniture that literally capture a persons essence and stand as unique pieces of art.
Wolthuis initiated the idea of designing with DNA by producing jewelry through genetic mapping. After realizing the potential genetic data has to augment design, he reached out to Tjepkema with the idea to create furniture because he saw it as another extension of peoples bodies and personalities.
The signature piece of the first collection of DNA furniture is the Darwin Table, which, somewhat confusingly, isnt made from Darwins DNA, but rather that of Giulia Wolthuis, a contemporary dancer (and daughter of Eric Wolthuis). The tables 3-D design directly corresponds to its DNA mapping visual, capturing Giulias essence through form, according to Tjepkema. The table almost seems to mimic Giulias fluidity and motion as a dancer, with dips and curves that create a totally abstract shape. Some projects allow more artistic liberty, similar to how Tjepkema took the DNA mapping visuals and combined them with iconic symbols such as a heart and flowers for the jewelry collection.
The process to make one of their fittings starts at BaseClear Laboratories in the Netherlands, where they create a DNA profile from a sample of saliva taken with a swab. Rather than a DNA sequencing analysis, the DNA profile is similar to tests done in forensic analysis and paternity tests, creating a unique DNA fingerprint with 16 variable markers spread over the human genome.
Those markers are then translated by a design-mapping program created by Tjep. into a visual representation of the DNA. This DNA mapping serves as kind of a blueprint for the final projects design as Tjepkema takes the 2-D and 3-D forms of the DNA, along with his own artistic direction, and uses them to design a specific piece.
Figuring out the best way to marry genetic data and design was a challenge, but one that Tjepkema embraced from the beginning. Using data sets and numbers pushed him out of his comfort zone, but also allowed him to experiment with a new form of abstract design.
When I was asked to work with an abstract series of numbers I was thrown back into a world without cultural references and this was actually quite liberating, Tjepkema says. I had an excuse to make something abstract within a given conceptual framework. The resulting designs are either completely abstract, in which case the data itself was source of inspiration or a combination of a symbolic reference. The data in itself is very hard and raw but it opened up a whole new intuitive territory.
Tjepkema and Wolthuis seem to have tapped into a new way of humanizing data, giving us another way to seek out information that we might not have been interested in before and use it to create something beautiful and practical. After the Furniture Fair in Milan, DutchDNA and Tjep. will be opened to commissioned projectsno prices are listed yet for individual pieces, but you wont have to wait long to get that genetically-inspired coffee table youve always wanted.
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DNA -Mapped Furniture Imprints Your Genetic Profile in Your Living Room
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DNA -Mapped Furniture Really Ties The Room Together … With You
Posted: at 12:45 pm
The Darwin Table is created from a person's unique DNA profile.
The Darwin Table is created from a person's unique DNA profile.
Furnishing a new apartment or house can be tough; sometimes you just can't find that end table or couch that is uniquely "you."
Well, as Wired reports, a Dutch design studio is trying to change that.
Tjep. is expected to exhibit the first line of its DNA furniture and jewelry, called "Future Nostalgia," this month in Milan, Italy. The process takes genetic profiles, maps them with 3-D imaging and constructs pieces of furniture that, quite literally, capture a person's essence.
Wired has more:
"The signature piece of the first collection of DNA furniture is the Darwin Table, which, somewhat confusingly, isn't made from Darwin's DNA, but rather that of Giulia Wolthuis, a contemporary dancer (and daughter of Eric Wolthuis). The table's 3-D design directly corresponds to its DNA mapping visual, capturing Giulia's essence through form, according to Tjepkema. The table almost seems to mimic Giulia's fluidity and motion as a dancer, with dips and curves that create a totally abstract shape. Some projects allow more artistic liberty, similar to how Tjepkema took the DNA mapping visuals and combined them with iconic symbols such as a heart and flowers for the jewelry collection.
The process to make one of their fittings starts at BaseClear Laboratories in the Netherlands, where they create a DNA profile from a sample of saliva taken with a swab. Rather than a DNA sequencing analysis, the DNA profile is similar to tests done in forensic analysis and paternity tests, creating a unique "DNA fingerprint" with 16 variable markers spread over the human genome.
Those markers are then translated by a design-mapping program created by Tjep. into a visual representation of the DNA. This DNA mapping serves as kind of a blueprint for the final project's design as Tjepkema takes the 2-D and 3-D forms of the DNA, along with his own artistic direction, and uses them to design a specific piece."
After the exhibition, Tjep. and its partners will be opened for commissioned projects, though no prices have yet been set. But, if Ikea isn't cutting it and you want a genetically inspired bed, table or desk, this is your chance.
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DNA -Mapped Furniture Really Ties The Room Together ... With You
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