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DNA leads to Ormond Beach rape arrest
Posted: April 9, 2013 at 10:59 pm
By Joel Schipper, Reporter Last Updated: Tuesday, April 09, 2013, 10:29 PM ORMOND BEACH --
Police arrested a man Monday for a violent sexual crime committed more than a decade ago.
Carl Perdew, 43, is facing felony charges of sexual battery and robbery for the 2002 crime.The DNA test taken from an arrest last August led investigators to Perdew.
A woman says she was leaving a Daytona Beach bar and asked a man to use a phone to call for a ride home.
While the two were walking along some nearby railroad tracks, police say a second man approached. The two men then hit her on the head, robbed her and raped her.
Police say the woman got to a gas station and told officers, but there was no break in the case until last August.
Police say Carl Perdew was arrested for soliciting a prostitute. The DNA swab taken from Perdew was entered into the FDLE crime lab database. That's how investigators discovered the match.
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DNA leads to Ormond Beach rape arrest
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DNA pioneer's Nobel for sale
Posted: at 10:58 pm
Francis Crick sketched this diagram of the DNA double-helix molecule in a 1953 letter to his son, Michael. "The model looks much nicer than this," the elder Crick wrote.
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News
The descendants of Francis Crick, co-discoverer of DNA's double helix, are likely to receive a seven-figure sum from this week's sales of the late researcher's Nobel Prize and a handwritten letter describing the structure of the DNA molecule but the geneticists who are carrying on Crick's legacy will win a dividend as well.
"We'll probably be giving more money to the Francis Crick Institute than the prize was worth when he got it," mused Michael Crick, the Nobel-winner's eldest child and the recipient of that historic letter back in 1953.
The sales have been timed to take advantage of the 60th anniversary of the double-helix discovery, which was detailed by Crick and American biologist James Watson in a paper published by the journal Nature on April 25, 1953. Their findings opened the way to deciphering the molecular codes that control all of life's processes. The paper's publication date is now celebrated every year as "DNA Day."
Double helix, double sale Crick's legacy is the focus of two million-dollar sales scheduled in New York this week: On Wednesday, Michael Crick's lettergoes on the auction block at Christie's. His father sent it to the 12-year-old at his boarding school in March 1953 just after the researchers worked out the structure of DNA's long, double-helix molecule, but before the Nature paper's publication. "My dear Michael," the letter began, "Jim Watson and I have probably made a most important discovery."
The seven-page letter goes on to lay out the chemical structure of "des-oxy-ribose-nucleic-acid ... called D.N.A. for short." The elder Crick even sketched out the base pairs connecting the molecule's twisted spines.
"As far as we know, it's the first written description of how life comes from life," Michael Crick, now 72, told NBC News.
The letter has been valued at $1 million to $2 million. Michael Crick and his wife, Barbara, will receive half of the proceeds. The other half will go to the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California, where Francis Crick worked up to the time of his deathin 2004 at the age of 88.
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DNA pioneer's Nobel for sale
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DNA database to fight rhino horn theft
Posted: at 10:58 pm
LONDON, April 9 (UPI) -- A new DNA database of all the rhinoceros horn in Britain is being created in an attempt to stem the illegal theft and trade in the horns, officials said.
British museums and other institutions holding rhino horns have been asked to provide samples as the National Wildlife Crime Unit creates its DNA database, the BBC reported Tuesday.
"The illegal trade in endangered species is one of our six wildlife crime priorities and, within that, the number one issue for us is the illegal trade in rhino horn," unit head Nevin Hunter said.
Poaching of rhinos and the illegal trade in their horns is being driven by high prices paid in China and Vietnam where the horns are considered a cure for many human maladies.
Stealing antique rhino horn kept in British museums and collections can bring similar profits with much lower risks than poaching, officials said.
"Thieves fleeing from a county museum are unlikely to get shot," a curator at one British museum told the BBC.
At least 20 criminal incidents involving rhino horn have been reported in Britain in the last two years, authorities said, involving organized crime at a high level.
"They know how to obtain the horn and they know how to dispose of it -- you can't just sell it on eBay," wildlife crime officer Andy Long said.
The DNA database will deter thieves and enable officers to secure more convictions, authorities said.
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DNA database to fight rhino horn theft
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Rhino horn DNA database introduced
Posted: at 10:58 pm
9 April 2013 Last updated at 00:05 ET By Tom Heap BBC Radio 4's Costing the Earth
A new DNA database is being set up to hold genetic information on all the rhinoceros horn in the UK in an attempt to stop its theft and trade.
It's probably not every day that a museum will get a couple of drill bits in the post accompanied by a polite request to bore a hole in one of their highly valuable exhibits.
But those holding rhino horn can expect just such a package in the next few months as the National Wildlife Crime Unit roles out its database.
"The illegal trade in endangered species is one of our six wildlife crime priorities and, within that, the number one issue for us is the illegal trade in rhino horn," says unit head Det Insp Nevin Hunter.
In Africa, white rhino numbers are rising.
But despite this, a rapid rise in the incidence of hunting means that, if present trends continue, it won't be long before the population begins to dwindle.
Poachers are driven by the high prices paid in China and Vietnam for rhino horn - strongly, but wrongly, believed to have powerful medicinal properties.
Stealing antique rhino horn kept in the UK can deliver similar profits with much lower risks.
If we want to make inroads into the illegal trade in endangered species, DNA will certainly be the key tool to do that
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Eczema Relief – Rife Frequencies – Video
Posted: at 10:58 pm
Eczema Relief - Rife Frequencies
You should feel relief fairly quickly with these frequencies (original Rife Preset), particularly when used with -Itching- and -Pain Relief- (also on this ch...
By: newtimer5
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How I cured my psoriasis (part 2) – Video
Posted: at 10:57 pm
How I cured my psoriasis (part 2) This video from Ally explores more about her struggle and solution with psoriasis. She has gone through such a deep journey with it.....
By: highonhealth
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How I cured my psoriasis (part 2) - Video
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International Federation of Psoriasis Associations: People with Psoriasis have Increased Risk of High Blood Pressure
Posted: at 10:57 pm
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, IFPA, commends the World Health Organization for raising awareness of the risks associated with high blood pressure and calls for healthcare professionals to regularly scan for the condition in patients with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a serious, inflammatory, noncommunicable disease, affecting more than 125 million people all over the world. People with psoriasis are known to carry an increased risk of developing severe co-morbid conditions such as diabetes and psoriatic arthritis, as well as depression and even suicidal ideation[i]. A number of studies also show that psoriasis is associated with greater prevalence of hypertension[ii], one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease[iii].
Healthcare professionals need to recognize the elevated risk that people with psoriasis carry for developing high blood pressure, and include regular tests for hypertension and other known risk factors of cardiovascular disease for this patient group, says Lars Ettarp, President of IFPA. There are studies indicating that treating psoriasis early and efficiently lowers the risk for co-morbid conditions, such as high blood pressure, and this needs to be taken into account when developing a treatment regimen for an individual with psoriasis.
This years World Health Day focused on the global health crisis of high blood pressure and how it can be prevented, treated and controlled. According to the WHO, complications of high blood pressure account for more than 9 million deaths worldwide per year and affects more than one in three adults[iv]. High blood pressure has been connected to a number of behavioral risk factors, such as high salt intake, excessive use of alcohol and physical inactivity.[v]
However, it must also be acknowledged that there are other markers for hypertension and cardiovascular disease, namely genetic conditions and inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis; conditions that cannot be prevented, but in most cases can, and need to, be treated in order to minimize the risks of further complications.
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA)
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA) is the non-profit umbrella organization for the majority of psoriasis associations from around the world. Today IFPA has 51 member associations covering all regions of the world. IFPA unites psoriasis associations so that their global campaign for improved medical care, greater public understanding and increased research will improve the lives of the more than 125 million people who live with psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis. IFPA is actively campaigning for recognition of psoriasis as a serious, noncommunicable disease by the World Health Organizations member states.
You can read more about IFPA, our members and our activities on our website
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U.S. government, business leaders push China on cyberattacks, Internet censorship
Posted: at 10:57 pm
BEIJING At a rare public forum on cyberissues Tuesday featuring American and Chinese government officials, U.S. diplomats and business leaders tried using economic arguments to persuade China to stop its cyberattacks and Internet censorship.
Chinas heavy-handed Web restrictions not only slow Internet speeds and make company data less secure, but they also have tangible economic effects on the country, said Gary Locke, the U.S. ambassador to China.
Undersecretary of State Robert Hormats was even more blunt in calling out China for its actions.
I ask my Chinese friends to question whether this kind of activity serves Chinas real interests as it seeks to attract high-end investment, aims to develop international markets for its innovative products, and wants its companies welcomed and respected as they increasingly invest around the world, Hormats said.
In recent months, after news reports publicly tied cyberattacks originating from China to the Chinese military, U.S. officials have taken a harsher and more direct tone in confronting China on the issue.
Tuesdays comments were made during an Internet forum sponsored by Microsoft, which carefully featured an equal number of Chinese and U.S. officials.
Chinese officials stuck mostly to previous boilerplate responses to such accusations: China is in the early stages of its development; far from perpetrating cyberattacks, China is among the most frequent targets; andChina opposes the actions of rogue hackers.
One Chinese official, however, went on the offensive.
Recently some people have cooked up this theory of a Chinese cybersecurity threat, said Qian Xiaoqian, vice minister of Chinas State Council Information Office. It is a variation on the popular theory of a rising China threat.
China has long opposed hacking, he said, and thinks we shouldnt militarize the cyberspace and attack other countries in violation of laws and regulations and also in violation of moral standards.
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U.S. government, business leaders push China on cyberattacks, Internet censorship
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French secret service in censorship flap
Posted: at 10:57 pm
PARIS, April 8 (UPI) -- France's secret service is facing accusations of censorship for allegedly threatening to arrest a volunteer at the French version of Wikipedia over an article.
Intelligence operatives allegedly threatened to arrest and charge the volunteer unless he deleted an article on the Internet encyclopedia they claimed contained "classified" military secrets and was a risk to national security, the British newspaper The Guardian reported.
Wikipedia said the Direction Central du Renseignement Interieur failed to provide proof the article about a French military radio relay station that has been online since 2009 was a threat to the country's security or produce a legal order justifying its threats against the site.
"This is shocking and absolutely wrong," Christophe Henner, vice president of Wikimedia France, said. "We have always operated within the law and have no desire to pose a threat to individuals or nations."
The page "corresponds almost perfectly" to a publicly available television report about the military station 70 miles west of Lyon, Wikipedia said.
The station is under the control of the French air force and thought to be part of France's nuclear detection and deterrent network.
"Had the DCRI presented us with documents or a legal order showing us this was a threat to national security we would have taken down the page at once," Henner said. "Instead they summoned one of our volunteers and ordered him to take it down, saying he would be held in custody if he didn't."
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French secret service in censorship flap
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Ron Paul's Home Schooling Curriculum Will Turn Your Kid into a Little Ron Paul
Posted: at 10:56 pm
Ron Paul's revolution is not yet complete. The two-time presidential candidate has launched a home schooling curriculum which promises to get your elementary school student up-to-speed on the hijacking of the Constitution in no time. Seriously. It promises that.
The curriculum was announced on Sunday in a post from Paul himself.
A common feature of authoritarian regimes is the criminalization of alternatives to government-controlled education. Dictators recognize the danger that free thought poses to their rule, and few things promote the thinking of unapproved thoughts like an education controlled by parents instead of the state. That is why the National Socialist (Nazi) government of Germany outlawed homeschooling in 1938.
Et cetera. The announcement didn't generate a ton of press coverage for some reason. Fox News offered a skeptical assessment, for example.
We are more excited, primarily because of the introductory video. It stars Gary North, research assistant to then-Rep. Paul in 1976, and now Director of Curriculum Development for The Ron Paul Curriculum. Do not adjust your screen; it does indeed bear the aesthetic of a 1960s educational filmstrip, down to North himself. It is not clear whether or not this is meant to be ironic.
North outlines the four goals that he and Paul agreed upon for this curriculum. The following are direct quotes.
If your child completes the entire curriculum which runs from K through 12 here is what he or she should be able to do, again quoting.
That's the order in which North presents the outcomes, but it's not clear whether or not it represents the order of importance. Regardless, your now-five-year-old should, by the year 2026, be able to operate a YouTube channel.
Let's get down to brass tacks. Echoing the business model of other addictive substances, the Ron Paul Curriculum provides grades K through 5 for free. After that, you have to pay $250 a year. The curriculum tools are a combination of PDFs and YouTube videos, with proscribed periods for testing and writing assignments. Or, they will be. The site is a bit light on content right now.
The kindergarten course, for example, is slated for completion in September. Its author, Cheryl Page, hints that it "will show mothers the basics of teaching phonics. It will be video-based, with instructions for the mothers on how to teach every aspect of basic phonics to their child." Mother not included.
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Ron Paul's Home Schooling Curriculum Will Turn Your Kid into a Little Ron Paul
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