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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Turtle genome offers clues to longevity, surviving without oxygen

Posted: April 11, 2013 at 6:49 am

Scientists have for the first time decoded the genome of a turtle, unlocking clues to their longevity and ability to survive without oxygen, an attribute that could someday be used to help humans.

The research team included scientists from Washington University School of Medicine and St. Louis University as well as the University of California at Los Angeles. Their analysis is available online in the journal Genome Biology.

In science, turtles are a bit of an enigma. Their distinctive body design with a sharp beak instead of teeth and protective hard shell has changed very little over the past 210 million years. They can live up to four months with no oxygen while hibernating in ice-covered ponds. And while most small animals have short lifespans, a box turtle roaming your backyard can live more than 100 years.

They may be slowly evolving, but turtles have developed an array of enviable features, said senior author Richard Wilson, director of Washington Universitys Genome Institute. They resist growing old, can reproduce even at advanced ages, and their bodies can freeze solid, thaw and survive without damaging delicate organs and tissues. We can learn a lot from them.

Researchers sequenced the genome of the western painted turtle, which lives in freshwater ponds and streams and is the most widespread turtle in North America. What they found was that the creatures unique physiological adaptations are not from novel genes; but from activating genes common to most vertebrates, including humans.

This is a back-door route for turtles to evolve, said co-author Patrick Minx at he genome institute. Rather than evolve new genes, they adapted existing genes for new uses.

The scientists identified 19 genes in the brain and 23 in the heart that are activated in low-oxygen conditions, including one gene that increased nearly 130-fold. These genes are also present in humans and could be important in treatments to protect the heart and brain from oxygen deprivation during a heart attack or stroke.

Their study also showed just how slowly turtles evolve about one-third the rate of humans and one-fifth the rate of the fast-evolving python. The sequencing also puts to rest the argument over where turtles fall in the tree of life. Scientists found they are most closely related to crocodiles and birds, and not lizards and snakes.

Scientists will next try to better understand how the genes work together to protect organs during oxygen deprivation. They can also use the genome information to study other traits such as longevity.

How can their tissue and their cells survive so much longer? said co-author Wesley Warren, also at the genome institute. Thats why this genome is important, for scientists to have access to the entire sequence, so we can start understanding these mechanisms.

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Turtle genome offers clues to longevity, surviving without oxygen

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Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment – Video

Posted: at 6:48 am

Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment
Eczema and atopic dermatitis find good treatment using homeopathy, explains Dr Rajesh Shah, MD, director, Life force, who has treated patients from across th...

By: lifeforcehomeopathy

Dr Rajesh Shah explaining role of homeopathy for Eczema treatment - Video

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Curare, alleviare, prevenire l’eczema nelle fasi di remissione – Video

Posted: at 6:48 am

Curare, alleviare, prevenire l #39;eczema nelle fasi di remissione
Prof. Carlo Gelmetti, dermatologo, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Milano.

By: FondationDA

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Curare, alleviare, prevenire l'eczema nelle fasi di remissione - Video

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Psoriasis Increases Risk Of High Blood Pressure

Posted: at 6:48 am

Editor's Choice Main Category: Eczema / Psoriasis Also Included In: Hypertension Article Date: 11 Apr 2013 - 0:00 PDT

Current ratings for: Psoriasis Increases Risk Of High Blood Pressure

4.5 (2 votes)

Psoriasis is a critical, inflammatory, noncommunicable disease that affects over 125 million people internationally. People with psoriasis are known to have an elevated risk of developing grave co-morbid conditions, such as:

Lars Ettarp, President of IFPA, commented:

There are studies indicating that treating psoriasis early and efficiently lowers the risk for co-morbid conditions, such as high blood pressure, and this needs to be taken into account when developing a treatment regimen for an individual with psoriasis."

This year's World Health Day aimed to highlight the global health crisis of high blood pressure and how it can be avoided, treated, and controlled. Issues associated with high blood pressure cause over 9 million deaths annually around the world and affect more than one in three adults, according to the WHO.

High blood pressure is also linked to several behavioral risk factors, including:

A separate study from 2009, conducted by the Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health, in Boston, suggested that psoriasis is associated with an increased risk of diabetes and high blood pressure in women. They said more studies need to be carried out to determine whether treating psoriasis might also reduce the risk of diabetes and hypertension.

In other research released last year, psoriasis patients were encouraged to be aware of their condition and its link to other serious illnesses. These patients are at an increased risk for insulin resistance, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and abnormal levels of cholesterol.

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Psoriasis Increases Risk Of High Blood Pressure

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Cabella’s politically incorrect boxers! – Video

Posted: at 6:48 am

Cabella #39;s politically incorrect boxers!
Remy Cabella #39;s politically incorrect boxers! Ligue 1 - Season 2012/2013 - Week 31 Olympique de Marseille - Girondins de Bordeaux (1-0) Stade Rennais FC - Par...

By: Ligue1official

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Cabella's politically incorrect boxers! - Video

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Leftist "Media Reform" Group Accused of Censorship – Video

Posted: at 6:48 am

Leftist "Media Reform" Group Accused of Censorship
Project Censored is censored by the National Conference for Media Reform. Activist Fran Shure complains to Josh Stearns of "Free Press" about suppressing a "...

By: americassurvival

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Leftist "Media Reform" Group Accused of Censorship - Video

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Comic Publisher 'Baffled' by Apple 'Censorship Problem'

Posted: at 6:47 am

Apple's 'baffling censorship problem' has left app developers and comic publishers unsure about what they can submit to the App Store, after an issue of space fantasy comic Saga is blocked for containing adult content.

[UPDATE, 11 April]: Comic distribution platform Comixology, which handles the Saga series for Image Comics has released a statement saying reports of Saga issue 12 being banned by Apple are untrue.

Comixology CEO and co-founder, David Steinberger, said the following:

"As a partner of Apple, we have an obligation to respect its policies for apps and the books offered in apps. Based on our understanding of those policies, we believed that Saga #12 could not be made available in our app, and so we did not release it today.

"We did not interpret the content in question as involving any particular sexual orientation, and frankly that would have been a completely irrelevant consideration under any should be clear that Apple did not reject Saga #12."

Steinberger went on to say that his company's interpretation of Apple's policies was mistaken, and Saga issue 12 is now available through the App Store.

Original story, 10 April.

Edition 12 of the comic, which is distributed through an iPhone and iPad application, was not allowed to be published because it contained two scenes of gay sex. Explicit adult content is banned under Apple's terms and conditions, but previous issues of Saga have been granted access to the App Store, despite having similar content.

Ron Richards, director of business development at Image Comics, told IBTimes UK: "Censoring of apps is definitely a problem, especially for apps that contain content [such as comics, books, magazines].

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Comic Publisher 'Baffled' by Apple 'Censorship Problem'

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The Censorship Issue

Posted: at 6:47 am

The word censorship evokes Communist Russia or North Koreanot exactly sleepy, friendly Santa Fe.

Yet according to Tiffany Shackelford, the executive director for the national Association for Alternative Newsmedia (of which SFR is a member), thats exactly what happened to SFR last week.

In case you missed the breathless TV newscasts (A provocative cover for an unconventional paper! KOAT proclaimed), last Wednesday, a disgruntled reader confiscated some 400 copies of SFR shortly after the most recent issue hit newsstands.

People who steal papers just to keep information from getting out to the public are actively engaging in acts of censorship, Shackelford says. Thats an act of censorship.

It started with an anonymous call around 10 am. The caller said the paper was filthy and said he planned to remove copies of SFR from newsstands around town. Although he didnt specify what, exactly, he considered filthy, the cover of the paper featured the headline Nuts to Buttsa reference to a controversial prison shakedown technique, and the topic of that weeks cover story. The image showed the backs of a mans bare legs (actually, the legs of SFR staff writer Joey Peters), with an orange prison jumpsuit around his ankles.

Here at SFR, angry calls about less-than-G-rated material arent exactly uncommonbut rarely do they turn into acts of censorship.

Ultimately, it probably did less harm than good. By the end of the day, we had ordered 1,000 additional copies of the Nuts to Butts issue and taped two TV interviews for that nights 10 pm broadcast. Only around 400 of the 19,500 papers wed printed were actually taken, and the rest were flying off the stands.

When theres something in there that someone doesnt want people to read, they wanna read it, you know? says Brian Clarey, the editor of the Greensboro, NC-based YES! Weekly, an alternative weekly paper that experienced a similar incident in 2009. There really is no such thing as bad publicity. Ive had to repeat that to myself over and over and over again, but something like this is great.

But to Shackelford and others, the ease with which free papers like SFR can be suppressedand the lack of recourse when it comes to prosecuting censorshippoint to more worrisome trends.

When the government doesnt fully prosecute people, theyre aiding and abetting censorship, Shackelford says. Were talking a lot about transparency these days, and how the government is getting allegedly better on things like freedom of information, yet theres a major, major issue with censorship.

The Censorship Issue

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Censorship in Indonesia: No Porn Please!

Posted: at 6:47 am

Popular video sharing site Vimeo was blocked by Indonesias largest telco Telkomsel for a short while. And while it was still being blocked, the only reasonable answer that the companys customer service and staff had was that Vimeo was somehow associated with the only thing that is being widely censored in Indonesia: porn.

As the third largest democratic country in the world, the news media here can still talk about anything that they want (albeit with a few discouragements), even when it is related to the first familys dodgy tax returns. One of the reporters of the above article tweeted about his experience being contacted time and time again by the presidents staff. And The Jakarta Post office was heavily discouraged from publishing the article. But still, the government couldnt do anything other than that, and the article was published, putting the president in the spotlight.

But as the second largest Muslim populated country in the world, it is still very sensitive about pornographic material. The ICT minister Tifatul Sembiring (being also a representative of an Islamic-oriented political party, the PKS) has vowed to curb porn in Indonesia. This is the same minister who has blocked more than one million porn sites, and was even able to force RIM (now known as Blackberry) to filter porn on its Blackberry handsets two years ago.

Just last week Tifatul also made a request to Twitter to see if the US-based company can censor porn-related tweets to protect Indonesian children from accessing those sites. Twitters new country-by-country censorship policy might be able to grant that request, but so far there is no update about the enquiry.

While porn sites are definitely being blocked by the Indonesian government, interestingly porn site Xvideos is sitting securely at the 48th spot in Indonesia according to Alexas rankings. There are indeed ways to overcome the censorship like changing the DNS address, using proxy servers, or using VPN services. And you could do those on your mobile phones too.

Though sometimes the government and telcos get it right concerning which sites should indeed be blocked under the nations anti-porn laws, there are times when they get it wrong. Vimeo is one such example - its an artistic site crucial for young filmmakers in the country to get global, creative exposure.

Indonesia is still a democratic country which respects your freedom of speech - but with a religious twist. But when an unfair block happens, young web users know that there are ways to still access whatever is being censored.

Originally posted here:
Censorship in Indonesia: No Porn Please!

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Ron Paul Curriculum Takes Swing At Public Education, Offers Hand To Homeschoolers

Posted: at 6:47 am

Perhaps it shouldn't surprise that the Ron Paul Curriculum -- the former Texas congressman's educational institution and answer to the American education system -- is actually a homeschooling kit of sorts, according to the Houston Chronicle. After all, the onetime GOP presidential candidate pushed for the demolition of the U.S. Department of Education.

The program's website says students will learn "liberty vs. coercion in Western history," "how to defend the freedom philosophy," "what it takes for success in college" and "how to start a home business."

Critics like The Atlantic's Philip Bump suggest the curriculum is simply another means to push Paul's political views and pump out mini-Ron Pauls. Fox News is skeptical too.

According to the curriculum's website, elementary school is free, and middle school is $250 per year plus $50 per course. Unsatisfied customers will receive a full refund, but no customer will receive any sort of accreditation. Curriculum director and former Paul researcher Gary North explains the reasoning behind that last part:

The Chronicle, using numbers from the National Center for Education Statistics, notes that Paul is likely to benefit from a thriving homeschooling movement that expanded from 850,000 kids in 1999 to 1.5 million in 2007.

North further explains the new program's ideology and curriculum in the video above. Paul's next book and swing at the education establishment, The New School Manifesto, is set to be published this fall.

Also on HuffPost:

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Ron Paul Curriculum Takes Swing At Public Education, Offers Hand To Homeschoolers

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