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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Ron Paul’s CATHOLIC Homeschool Curriculum – by Chris Lucas – Video

Posted: April 13, 2013 at 11:52 pm

Ron Paul #39;s CATHOLIC Homeschool Curriculum - by Chris Lucas
This is just a video about my a few of my thoughts on Ron Paul #39;s Homeschool Curriculum. I plan on doing a much more in depth, intensive video with pictures, ...

By: LiquidSmooth

Ron Paul's CATHOLIC Homeschool Curriculum - by Chris Lucas - Video

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Ron Paul’s America #2 ~ ScaryGOP, Twitter, NY Homeless – Video

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Ron Paul #39;s America #2 ~ ScaryGOP, Twitter, NY Homeless
Please rate and subscribe!!! Please support: Ron Paul #39;s Podcast Nation programID=401 FAIR USE NOTICE: This v...

By: RonPaulCC2012

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Ron Paul's America #2 ~ ScaryGOP, Twitter, NY Homeless - Video

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A Major Difference Between Rand Paul and Ron Paul

Posted: at 11:52 pm

During his big speech yesterday at Howard University, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) repeatedly highlighted the Republican Partys central role in drafting and ratifying the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. While its not exactly a groundbreaking position nowadays to come out in favor of the 13th or 15th Amendments, Pauls endorsement of the 14th is a more notable story.

Ratified in 1868, the 14th Amendment declares, No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. That language empowers the federal courts to review the actions of state and local governments, and to strike down any such actions that violate fundamental rights, including those rights spelled out in the Bill of Rights. As Ohio Congressman John Bingham, the author of the words quoted above, explained in a speech to the House of Representatives, the rights protected by the 14th Amendment are chiefly defined in the first eight amendments to the Constitution.

Put simply, the 14th Amendment protects individuals against overreaching state and local governments. Heres how Rand Paul summarized his views on that amendment yesterday at Howard:

Many Republicans do believe that decentralization of power is the best policy, that government is more efficient, more just, and more personal when it is smaller and more local.

But Republicans also realize that there are occasions of such egregious injustice that require federal involvement, and that is precisely what the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act were intended to do--protect citizens from state and local tyranny.

That position is consistent with the text and history of the 14th Amendment. But it differs dramatically from the interpretation of the same amendment favored by Rand Pauls father, Ron Paul.

In 2005, for example, shortly after the Supreme Court handed down its notorious decision in the eminent domain case Kelo v. City of New London, where the Court allowed a local government to seize private property on behalf of a private developer, Ron Paul argued that while the property should not have been taken, the Supreme Court should have refused to hear the Kelo case on the grounds that the 5th amendment does not apply to the states. According to Ron Paul, The issue in the Kelo case is the legality of the eminent domain action under Connecticut law, not federal law. Congress can and should act to prevent the federal government from seizing private property, but the fight against local eminent domain actions must take place at the local level. As for the idea that the 14th Amendment extends the Bill of Rights to the states, Ron Paul declared, we must reject the phony incorporation doctrine in all cases.

So while Rand Paul says that the 14th Amendment was designed to protect citizens from state and local tyranny, Ron Paul thinks the federal courts have no business enforcing the 14th Amendment at all.

This is not a mere academic difference. Consider the issue of gun rights. Under Ron Pauls preferred approach, the Supreme Court would never have decided the landmark 2010 case McDonald v. Chicago, where the majority held that the Second Amendment applies to the states and therefore struck down Chicagos handgun ban. Rand Paul, on the other hand, has praised McDonald as an example of individual rights properly triumphing over majority rule.

Time will tell if this is the only major difference over the meaning of the Constitution we'll find between father and son.

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A Major Difference Between Rand Paul and Ron Paul

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Tea Party Godfather Ron Paul Honored in New Biographical Work

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Author Mat Blankenship publishes Meet Ron Paul to introduce to young readers the life of the remarkable statesman and some valuable political and economic concepts.

ASHLAND, Va. (PRWEB) April 11, 2013

This short biographical sketch retraces Pauls early years up to his life as a physician and a politician. It reveals his efforts to address concerns relating to the monetary policy of America and the use of the military. It also recounts the humble beginnings of the Tea Party Movement as well as the War on Terror. It retells his prediction of the recent market crash and the September 11 attacks. It also sheds light on how his ideas of liberty, peace, and good money have become very popular as it fueled a new kind of rEVOLution.

Paul is indeed a man for all seasons. This little book about a great man successfully outlines his remarkable contributions to American society that people know little about. Paul was a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force and was a doctor who delivered over 4,000 babies. He made history by serving as Congressman at the same time as his son, Rand. He also ran for President of the United States of America three times.

Through this celebration of Pauls life and works, readers will gain some basic knowledge and understanding on some highly technical concepts and terms in politics and economics. This mini crash course delves into topics such as Austrian Economics, The Federal Reserve Bank, Inflation, The Gold Standard, Blowback, The beginning of the modern Tea-Party, The Constitution, and most importantly, Liberty.

Short but nonetheless substantial, Meet Ron Paul is a great blend of historical facts, inspiring anecdotes, introduction to politics and economics, photographs, and a few timeless quotes. Blankenship has appropriately honored Paul with this handy companion and guide for young readers to understand Pauls life and times, his achievements, and the events and philosophies that shaped his and the rest of Americas thinking.

For more information on this book, interested parties may log on to

Meet Ron Paul * by Mat Blankenship

A Biography by Mathew Blankenship

Publication Date: March 7, 2013

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Tea Party Godfather Ron Paul Honored in New Biographical Work

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Ron Paul Is Launching His Own Foreign Policy Institute

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Gage Skidmore via Flikr

The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity "will fill the growing demand for information on foreign affairs from a non-interventionist perspective," according to a press release.

Paul plans to formerly launch the initiative at a press conference in Washington, D.C. Wednesday.

From the release:

The neo-conservative era is dead. The ill-advised policies pushed by the neo-cons have everywhere led to chaos and destruction, and to a hatred of the United States and its people. Multi-trillion dollar wars have not made the world a safer place; they have only bankrupted our economic future. The Ron Paul Institute will provide the tools and the education to chart a new course with the understanding that only through a peaceful foreign policy can we hope for a prosperous tomorrow.

Members of the Institute's board of advisors include U.S.Reps. Walter Jones, Jr. (R-N.C.) and John Duncan (R-Tenn.), Fox News contributor Andrew Napolitano, former Reagan-era Ambassador Faith Whittlesey, and libertarian blogger Lew Rockwell.

The formation of the Institute is the latest rollout in the rapid expansion of Paul's libertarian cottage industry in the wake of his 2012 retirement. Earlier this week, Paul launched his own homeschool curriculum course, which promises an "education in liberty like no other," and vows never to seek government accreditation. The former Texas Congressman has also hit the speaking circuit, charging $50,000 per appearance.

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Ron Paul Is Launching His Own Foreign Policy Institute

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Ron Paul draws huge Lincoln Day crowd in Knoxville

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Republican presidential candidate, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, speaks at a rally in Spokane, Wash., on Friday, March 2, 2012. (AP Photo/Jed Conklin)

Ron Paul, former Texas congressman and presidential contender, brought his message of balanced federal budgets and non-interventionism in foreign policy to the Knox County Republican faithful Friday night for one of the largest crowds ever to attend a Lincoln Day dinner in Knoxville.

Paul, a personal friend of U.S. Rep. John J. Duncan Jr., R-Knoxville, is forming an Institute for Peace and Prosperity to work on what he called frustration with foreign policies because Democrats and Republicans pretend during elections they have different policies but really dont, he said. He said he expects the institute to attract Democrats, Republicans and libertarians, which is what he really is, along with constitutionalists and others.

He made the comments at a news conference prior to the dinner at Rothchilds Catering and Conference Center in West Knoxville. He was introduced by Duncan, who will be a member of the Institutes board of advisers.

Paul said young people are key to the success of presenting different voices on political issues and particularly within the Republican Party. Since choosing not to seek another term in Congress last year, he has been spending a lot of time on college campuses giving talks.

Paul , a physician, said he is pessimistic in the short run on foreign policy and the economy but optimistic in the long run because he sees people losing complacency and becoming active in trying to make changes.

Duncan told Paul the Friday night crowd was the largest Lincoln Day dinner in Knox County in attendance for a non-election year and the second largest ever. Duncan said the largest was in 1994 when then-U.S. Rep. Newt Gingrich of Georgia spoke. That year, Republicans swept Congress.

Knox County Republican Chair Ruthie Kulhman said 750 people were expected at the dinner.

Paul mentioned he had not been in Knoxville previously.

I get to pick and choose where I go. Im here because of Jimmy Duncan. People know what Jimmy and I like to do. We reach a younger generation, Paul said.

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Ron Paul draws huge Lincoln Day crowd in Knoxville

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Matt Lindland on Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Matt Lindland on Libertarianism
Matt Lindland is a silver medalist Olympic Wrestler, a top UFC veteran, a founder of Team Quest, and one of the most respected coaches in MMA. Check out his site and podcast at http://coachmattlind...

By: Mark Tullius

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Matt Lindland on Libertarianism - Video

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Contextual Libertarianism – Video

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Contextual Libertarianism
This is a Ryan Faulk aka Fringe Elements mirror video promoted by this channel to advance the cause of liberty and enlighten the people about the threat of c...

By: Mu; iota; chi; #940; lambda; eta; sigmaf; Beta; iota; lambda; iota; #940; rho; delta; omicron; sigmaf;

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Contextual Libertarianism - Video

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[143] Anarchism, Socialism

Posted: at 11:52 pm

[143] Anarchism, Socialism Libertarianism: Alternatives for Peace
Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Anarchism, Socialism, Libertarianism, in the first ever Breaking the Set Alternative Voices Debate. LIKE Breaking the Set @ h...

By: breakingtheset

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[143] Anarchism, Socialism

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Anarchism, Socialism

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Anarchism, Socialism Libertarianism Summit - Alternatives for Peace
Russia Today hosted libertarian Austin Petersen, anarchist Scott Crow and socialist Eugene Puryear for a discussion featuring alternative viewpoints. Discussed were civil liberties, economics,...

By: Austin Petersen

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Anarchism, Socialism

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