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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher wTimothy Dalton – Video

Posted: April 13, 2013 at 11:53 pm

Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher wTimothy Dalton
Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher wTimothy Dalton.

By: se Jack

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Dear Snake, Re: Censorship – Video

Posted: at 11:53 pm

Dear Snake, Re: Censorship
Happy I could be of assistance. (Open Me!) Snake #39;s video: Shouting match in the streets: Lecture inte...

By: GreyKnight7777

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1996: Cyber censorship attempt unleashed the largest media storm yet! – Video

Posted: at 11:53 pm

1996: Cyber censorship attempt unleashed the largest media storm yet!
In the wake of a global censorship assault on the Zundelsite, young cyber warriors worldwide defeated the Jewish enemies of Freedom by cloning the besieged w...

By: ingridrimland

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1996: Cyber censorship attempt unleashed the largest media storm yet! - Video

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Free staters descend on "censorship central" after Manch mayor attempts camera resrictions – Video

Posted: at 11:53 pm

Free staters descend on "censorship central" after Manch mayor attempts camera resrictions
Sponsor: http://KeeneVention.INFO - Free staters descend on "censorship central" after Manch mayor attempts camera resrictions in City Hall. Details, other m...

By: RidleyReport

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Free staters descend on "censorship central" after Manch mayor attempts camera resrictions - Video

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YouTube partner fights back on Revere MA Slumlord court video censorship with 3rd video! – Video

Posted: at 11:53 pm

YouTube partner fights back on Revere MA Slumlord court video censorship with 3rd video! OK so here #39;s the latest bullshit from YouTube: Just because someone a...

By: Christopher King

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YouTube partner fights back on Revere MA Slumlord court video censorship with 3rd video! - Video

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Ding-dong over Thatcher song is latest censorship controversy for BBC

Posted: at 11:53 pm

LONDON - A 70-year-old song is giving the BBC a headache.

The radio and television broadcaster has agonized over whether to play "Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead," a tune from "The Wizard of Oz" that is being driven up the charts by opponents of Margaret Thatcher as a mocking memorial to the late British prime minister.

A compromise announced Friday the BBC will play part of "Ding Dong!" but not the whole song on its chart-countdown radio show is unlikely to end the recriminations

This is not the first time Britain's national broadcaster, which is nicknamed "Auntie" for its "we-know-what's-good-for-you" attitude, has been caught in a bind about whether to ban a song on grounds of language, politics or taste.

Here's a look at some previous censorship scandals:


The 1960s and '70s saw several songs barred from airplay for sex or drug references, including The Beatles' "A Day in the Life," for a fleeting and implicit reference to smoking marijuana.

For The Kinks' 1970 hit "Lola," the trouble was not sex or drugs, but product placement. The line "you drink champagne and it tastes just like Coca-Cola" fell afoul of the public broadcaster's rule banning corporate plugs. The brand name had to be replaced with "cherry cola" before the song could be aired.

The BBC frequently has been targeted by self-appointed moral guardians, most famously the late anti-smut activist Mary Whitehouse, who campaigned for decades against what she saw as pornography and permissiveness.

In 1972, Whitehouse got the BBC to ban the video for Alice Cooper's "School's Out" for allegedly being a bad influence on children. The controversy helped the song reach No. 1 in the charts, and Cooper sent Whitehouse flowers. He later said she had given his band "publicity we couldn't buy."

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Ding-dong over Thatcher song is latest censorship controversy for BBC

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J.M. Coetzee rails against censorship

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Bogota, April 12 (IANS/EFE) South African-born Nobel literature laureate J.M. Coetzee offered an impassioned critique of censorship during a seminar at the Universidad Central de Bogota.

Drawing from the themes of his 1996 book, "Giving Offense: Essays on Censorship", the famously reticent 73-year-old author recounted personal experiences with censorship in apartheid South Africa.

Though his novels "In the Heart of the Country" (1977), "Waiting for the Barbarians" (1980) and "Life & Times of Michael K" (1983) were all critical of apartheid, government censors left them untouched because he was a white, middle-class intellectual who did not write "for mass consumption", Coetzee said.

The writer recounted how he came to learn that some of the members of the "anonymous committee of censors" were respected intellectuals and personal acquaintances of his.

Once dubbed "the writer of writers" by the late Carlos Fuentes and hailed as "one of the best living novelists" by fellow Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa, Coetzee has imbued his fiction with a symbolic, sometimes allegorical, style that questions all forms of racism and subjugation.

The seminar, Three Days with J.M. Coetzee, ended in the author's receiving an honorary doctorate from Universidad Central.



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Doug McIntyre: There's nothing civil about censorship

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Censorship is not civility.

Yet that's the argument made in this newspaper last Sunday by columnist Tim Rutten. (Killing 'illegal' is about civility, not politics.)

Rutten made a spirited defense of The Associated Press' decision to prohibit their reporters from using the phrase "illegal immigrant" when referring to an individual.

I couldn't disagree more.

The last people on earth who should be telling journalists what words they can and can't use are fellow journalists. That's exactly what the AP has chosen to do.

"Illegal should describe only an action," explained AP Senior Vice President and Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll. "Our goal always is to use the most precise and accurate words so that the meaning is clear to any reader anywhere. "

Nonsense. This isn't about style; it's about setting the boundaries of debate.

George Orwell, author of "1984," in his essay "Politics and the English Language" said, "Never use a long word where a short one will do."

"Illegal immigrant" is the vernacular. This is how people speak. But the Associate Press has concluded the term is offensive, an ethnic slur, and therefore what are we left to conclude? If the AP isn't making a political statement, it is certainly making a moral judgment. The objective reporters of facts are now partisans.

While the Senate and House of Representatives

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Doug McIntyre: There's nothing civil about censorship

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Ron Paul Launches Home Schooling Program – Video

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Ron Paul Launches Home Schooling Program
Steve Watson April 8, 2013 When he retired from Congress in January, few believed that Libertarian icon Ron Paul would go quietly into the night...

By: ntyranny1

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Ron Paul home school program – Video

Posted: at 11:52 pm

Ron Paul home school program
Libertarian Ron Paul has put together a home schooling program for children in which he hopes they learn the true meaning of American values and in education...

By: DailyWorldwideNews

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