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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Sequencing the Human Genome – Video
Posted: April 13, 2013 at 11:54 pm
Sequencing the Human Genome
By: gatechhonor
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Sequencing the Human Genome - Video
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AGRC1020 Resurrection of DNA Function In Vivo from an Extinct Genome – Video
Posted: at 11:54 pm
AGRC1020 Resurrection of DNA Function In Vivo from an Extinct Genome
A draft for AGRC1020 Applied Animal Biology assessment 2013. Article can be found here:
By: Hannah Russell
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AGRC1020 Resurrection of DNA Function In Vivo from an Extinct Genome - Video
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Einstein joins the New York Genome Center as 12th institutional founding member
Posted: at 11:54 pm
Public release date: 11-Apr-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Kim Newman 718-430-3101 Albert Einstein College of Medicine
April 11, 2013 (BRONX, NY) Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University will join the New York Genome Center (NYGC) as its twelfth Institutional Founding Member (IFM). A collaboration among leading academic medical centers, research universities and commercial organizations, NYGC aims to transform medical research and clinical care by creating one of the largest genomics research facilities in North America.
"Einstein is pleased to join other leading biomedical research institutions as a founding member," said Allen M. Spiegel, M.D., the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean. "Working together, we can significantly improve our understanding of genetics and help transform biomedical research with the goal of better understanding disease and improving patient care."
NYGC represents an unprecedented sharing of data and resources among premier institutions, which will pave the way for advances in personalized medicine, accelerate the development of new diagnostics and treatments for human diseases, and provide an engine for life science commercialization in the region.
"Albert Einstein College of Medicine has been involved with the New York Genome Center since its very inception," said Robert B. Darnell, M.D., Ph.D., president & scientific director of NYGC. "We are thrilled to formalize our relationship with this prestigious institution and have its researchers participate in the vibrant life of the center."
NYGC's other IFMs include: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Columbia University, Cornell University/Weill Cornell Medical College, The Jackson Laboratory, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Mount Sinai Medical Center, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, New York University/NYU School of Medicine, North Shore-LIJ Health System, The Rockefeller University, and Stony Brook University.
About Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University is one of the nation's premier centers for research, medical education and clinical investigation. In 2012, Einstein received over $160 million in awards from the NIH for major research centers at Einstein in diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and AIDS, as well as other areas. Through its affiliation with Montefiore Medical Center, the University Hospital for Einstein, and six other hospital systems, the College of Medicine runs one of the largest residency and fellowship training programs in the medical and dental professions in the United States. For more information, please visit and follow us on Twitter @EinsteinMed.
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Einstein joins the New York Genome Center as 12th institutional founding member
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Science of genome-sequencing has rocketed forward in 10 years
Posted: at 11:54 pm
A decade after completion of the Human Genome Project on April 14, 2003, a top official of the National Institutes of Health surveyed the rarefied view from that mountaintop:
Admitting, "we have a long way to go to deliver on the promise of genomic medicine," Eric D. Green, director of the institute devoted to this research, still stressed that progress in some areas has been "amazing."
Scientists have obtained the full genetic script of a woman's unborn baby, and the federal government is already preparing for a future in which all babies will have their genomes sequenced at birth.
Doctors now know the genetic underpinnings of almost 5,000 rare diseases, more than twice as many as a decade ago.
We have learned that humans are more than 99.9% alike in their DNA, and yet so vast is the script - a sequence of almost 3.2 billion chemical bases - that our genome is "astonishing in the depth and breadth of its variation," Green said.
Researchers have also overturned a major foundation of genetics by showing that large portions of the script, up to 80% once dismissed as "junk DNA," actually turn out to have specific biological functions.
To a degree few had expected in the 1990s, the speed of genome sequencing has increased and the cost has dropped. Green pointed out that the first human genome took six to eight years to complete at a cost of roughly $1 billion. On the day it was finished in 2003, scientists were already able to sequence the second human in about three to four months at a cost of $30 million to $50 million.
Today, sequencing a genome takes just one or two days and costs about $5,000; what was once a national scientific quest is now well on its way to becoming a common procedure like an MRI.
And then there are the patients such as Wisconsin youngster Nic Volker, whose genes were sequenced in 2009 and used to diagnose and treat a disease that had never been seen before. Across the country, there has been just a trickle of similar success stories.
However, information from the genetic script is already allowing doctors to treat different cancers with greater precision. By sequencing cancer patients, doctors can figure out what medications will and will not work for them.
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Science of genome-sequencing has rocketed forward in 10 years
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TopMD’s CLn® SportWash Receives National Eczema Association Seal of AcceptanceTM
Posted: at 11:53 pm
CLn SportWash is the second product from TopMD to receive the Seal of Acceptance from the National Eczema Association.
Dallas, TX (PRWEB) April 11, 2013
The NEAs Seal of Acceptance, part of the organizations Eczema & Sensitive-Skin Education Program, is awarded to products intended for people with eczema. The designation is provided as a service to encourage and recognize product innovations that provide benefit to the quality of life for people with eczema and sensitive skin.
This is the second TopMD product to receive the designation; CLn BodyWash was awarded the Seal last December.
Were pleased to receive the National Eczema Associations Seal of Acceptance for a second time, said Dr. Azam Anwar, founder of TopMD. We are dedicated to improving the lives of children and adults living with eczema and sensitive skin disorders. In the sports arena, theres a huge need that were able to fill through CLn SportWash, and we hope the Seal gives athletes and families peace of mind to try SportWash as they search for solutions.
CLn SportWash was formulated with athletes in mind, as skin infections are very common in sports, especially those that involve body contact or shared equipment, spas or towels. Microbes and bacteria thrive in places like gyms and locker rooms, creating a new set of concerns for families, especially those already dealing with sensitive skin conditions.
The NEA Seal of Acceptance is only awarded to products intended for use by people suffering from eczema or severe sensitive skin conditions. The evaluated criteria include testing data on sensitivity, safety and toxicity, as well as ingredients, content and formulation data, to determine that it does not contain ingredients that should be avoided by people with eczema.
For more information about CLn SportWash, visit For more about the NEA and its Seal of Acceptance, visit
About TopMD Skin Care
Founded by Texas physicians, Azam Anwar, M.D., and highly regarded dermatopathologist Clay Cockerell, M.D., TopMD Skin Care released its premier product, CLn BodyWash, in the first quarter of 2012. As an over-the-counter, non-prescription product, CLn BodyWash is an innovative, non-irritating gel cleanser designed to effectively cleanse skin prone to eczema, acne and folliculitis. Developed by dermatologists, the cleanser has been clinically tested to be safe and effective in children (six months and older). CLn BodyWash can be used in the shower or bath head to toe and emulates the effectiveness of a bleach bath with greater convenience and portability. CLn BodyWash is currently sold in select physicians offices, online at and at select pharmacies.
TopMD’s CLn® SportWash Receives National Eczema Association Seal of AcceptanceTM
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My Natural Hair! Psoriasis talk! ACV Rinse talk! – Video
Posted: at 11:53 pm
My Natural Hair! Psoriasis talk! ACV Rinse talk!
Just wanted to share what #39;s under the wig with you guys!!! A little bit on what I use and some details on my scalp condition! XOXO.
By: TheeBrittanyShow
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Dermatology Pt 2 – Mouth ulcers, Warts, Psoriasis, Inertigo Remedies – Video
Posted: at 11:53 pm
Dermatology Pt 2 - Mouth ulcers, Warts, Psoriasis, Inertigo Remedies
Dermatology Pt 2. Learn the various home and natural remedies for treatment of Mouth ulcers, Warts, Psoriasis, Inertigo Remedies.
By: samkadya
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Dermatology Pt 2 - Mouth ulcers, Warts, Psoriasis, Inertigo Remedies - Video
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How to Psoriasis Treatment – Skin Disorder – Video
Posted: at 11:53 pm
How to Psoriasis Treatment - Skin Disorder
Psoriasis treatment - Skin Disorders - Eczema - Acne A skin disorder is a disorder or disease that affects the skin. T...
By: MentoNeem
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Scalp Psoriasis Treatment – Video
Posted: at 11:53 pm
Scalp Psoriasis Treatment More info here! Scalp Psoriasis Treatment How To Permanently Eliminate Psoriasis? Psoriasis symptoms like scalp psoriasis, Eczema,...
By: Scalppsoriasis2
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Scalp Psoriasis Treatment - Video
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Research and Markets: Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) – Pipeline Review, H1 2013
Posted: at 11:53 pm
Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) - Pipeline Review, H1 2013" report to their offering.
Global Markets Direct's, 'Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) - Pipeline Review, H1 2013', provides an overview of the indication's therapeutic pipeline. This report provides information on the therapeutic development for Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris), complete with latest updates, and special features on late-stage and discontinued projects. It also reviews key players involved in the therapeutic development for Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris). Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) - Pipeline Review, Half Year is built using data and information sourced from Global Markets Direct's proprietary databases, Company/University websites, SEC filings, investor presentations and featured press releases from company/university sites and industry-specific third party sources, put together by Global Markets Direct's team.
- A snapshot of the global therapeutic scenario for Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris).
- A review of the Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) products under development by companies and universities/research institutes based on information derived from company and industry-specific sources.
- Coverage of products based on various stages of development ranging from discovery till registration stages.
- A feature on pipeline projects on the basis of monotherapy and combined therapeutics.
- Coverage of the Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) pipeline on the basis of route of administration and molecule type.
- Key discontinued pipeline projects.
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Research and Markets: Plaque Psoriasis (Psoriasis Vulgaris) - Pipeline Review, H1 2013
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