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71% of Facebook Users Engage in 'Self-Censorship'
Posted: April 16, 2013 at 2:44 pm
Most Americans now know the feeling of typing something into a social media input box, thinking again, and deciding against posting whatever it was. But while it certainly seemed like a widespread phenomenon, no one had actually quantified the extent of this "self-censorship."
But now, new research based on a sample of 3.9 million Facebook reveals precisely how widespread this activity is. Carnegie Mellon PhD student Sauvik Das and Facebook's Adam Kramer measured how many people typed more than five characters into Facebook content-input boxes, but then did not post them. They term this "last-minute self-censorship." The research was posted to Das' website and will presented at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence's conference on Weblogs and Social Media in July.
The numbers are impressively large. Fully one-third of all Facebook posts were self-censored, according to the method Das and Kramer devised, though they warn they probably captured a substantial number of false positives. 71 percent of all the users surveyed engaged in some self-censorship either on new posts or in comments, and the median self-censorer did so multiple times.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the study was the demographic correlations with self-censorship. Men self-censored more often, particularly if they had large numbers of male friends. Interestingly, people with more diverse friend groups -- measured by age, political affiliation, and gender -- were less likely to self-censor.
While the researchers declined to speculate in this study about why people may or may not have self-censored, earlier research with a small group of users found five reasons people chose not share what they'd written: aversion to sparking an argument or other discussion, concern their post would offend or hurt someone, felt their post was boring or repetitive, decided the content undermined their desired self-presentation, or were just unable to post due to a technological or other constraint.
For Facebook users, the main takeaway here is probably: Feel free not to share. Facebook, on the other hand, has to have a more complex relationship to this research. Their interaction and business models depend on sharing, but it's not hard to imagine some circumstances in which it would be better not to share: racist content, say. So, Das and Kramer say that future research should address when the non-sharing is "adaptive," (which I think means good, in this context) and when, in the words of Das and Kramer, "users and their audience could fail to achieve potential social value from not sharing certain content, and the [social-network service] loses value from the lack of content generation."
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71% of Facebook Users Engage in 'Self-Censorship'
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Ron Paul Is Personally Losing A Fortune
Posted: at 2:44 pm
A few weeks ago, we figured out what was happening to the Ron Paul portfolio the former Texas congressman's 64% investment in gold and other rocks and it wasn't pretty.
His portfolio is comprised of major miners and a handful of juniors, and displays a marked lack of diversification.
Investment manager William Bernstein told the Wall Street Journal that This portfolio is a half-step away from a cellar-full of canned goods and nine-millimeter rounds.
We looked at Ron Paul's most-recently disclosed portfolio. Granted, he may have picked up the stocks at any point in the past several years, so he's probably still above water on the investments. It's also conceivable that since he's left public life he's pared back a lot on his holdings. So we're just going based on what's public.
Still, these have taken a shellacking, and it's likely that he's lost a significant percent of his net worth, assuming he's held on to them over the past six months.
Here's what has happened:
All told, the average loss was -40.3% over the past six months
Given that The Wall Street Journalreported that Paul's portfolio was worth between $2.44 million and $5.46 million and that 64 percent of his assets were in these precious metal stocks averyloose estimate is thatRon Paul has lost between $624,640 and $1,397,760 over the past six months, based on the average loss of his mining holdings. This assumes a 40.3% loss on 64% of his holdings.
A lot of that pain has come in the past two days alone. Here's what has happened to the portfolio since last Thursday:
Pretty bleak.
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Ron Paul Is Personally Losing A Fortune
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The Gold Collapse Is Personally Costing Ron Paul A Fortune
Posted: at 2:44 pm
His portfolio is comprised of major miners and a handful of juniors, and displays a marked lack of diversification.
Investment manager William Bernstein told the Wall Street Journal that This portfolio is a half-step away from a cellar-full of canned goods and nine-millimeter rounds.
We looked at Ron Paul's most-recently disclosed portfolio. Granted, he may have picked up the stocks at any point in the past several years, so he's probably still above water on the investments. It's also conceivable that since he's left public life he's pared back a lot on his holdings. So we're just going based on what's public.
Still, these have taken a shellacking, and it's likely that he's lost a significant percent of his net worth, assuming he's held on to them over the past six months.
Here's what has happened:
Given thatthe Wall Street Journal reported that Paul's portfolio was worth between $2.44 million and $5.46 million and that 64 percent of his assets were in these precious metal stocks averyloose estimate is thatRon Paul has lost between $624,640 and $1,397,760 over the past six months, based on the average loss of his mining holdings. This assumes a 40.3% loss on 64% of his holdings.
A lot of that pain has come in the past two days alone. Here's what has happened to the portfolio since last Thursday:
Pretty bleak.
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The Gold Collapse Is Personally Costing Ron Paul A Fortune
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Ron Paul speaks at O'Connell Center
Posted: at 2:44 pm
Published: Monday, April 15, 2013 at 10:44 p.m. Last Modified: Monday, April 15, 2013 at 10:44 p.m.
Ron Paul brought his revolution to the Gator Nation Monday night, delivering a well-burnished message of expanding individual liberty and restricting government intrusion to about 3,000 fans at the OConnell Center.
Paul, 77, a 12-term congressman from Texas and a veteran of three presidential campaigns, plied his craft like the political pro he is, hitting familiar themes and delivering a string of folksy, populist slogans. The event was sponsored by Accent Speakers Bureau, which paid Paul $55,000 to come. The event was free to the public.
I am delighted so many young people are interested in the cause of liberty, he said to thunderous applause. Its not that complicated to defend liberty. The goal is to seek peace and prosperity with limited government intrusion in our lives and the affairs of other nations.
Paul would return to those themes, repeating them throughout his hour-long speech, offering simple solutions for complex problems. War? Stay out of it. Drugs? Let people be responsible for themselves. The economy? Let the free market do its thing.
This country was the freest and wealthiest nation. That is not the case anymore, he said, citing a $5.7 trillion debt to foreign nations, eliciting loud boos.
The fact that he gave his speech on April 15, the filing deadline for federal income tax returns, was not lost on Paul, who called it Bad News Day. We should get rid of the income tax, he said to cheers.
Noting that North Korea is in the news, he said that he was in high school in 1950 the first time the U.S. got involved in the Korean conflict, and we never left.
His solution: get out of Korea and let them resolve their differences and peace would come before you knew it.
He applied the same solution to military involvement in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Get out and let them work it out among themselves. If the U.S. was minding our own business we wouldnt be mixed up in all these countries and wars going on.
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Space Station Live: Veteran Astronaut Talks Crew Orientation – Video
Posted: April 15, 2013 at 4:48 am
Space Station Live: Veteran Astronaut Talks Crew Orientation
NASA Public Affairs Officer Nicole Cloutier-Lemasters recently spoke with NASA astronaut Cady Coleman, who lived aboard the International Space Station as Ex...
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: April 11, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 4:48 am
Space Station Live: April 11, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for April 11, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: April 11, 2013 - Video
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Space Station Live: EarthKAM Recreating View From Gemini – Video
Posted: at 4:48 am
Space Station Live: EarthKAM Recreating View From Gemini
Ken Ramsley, a graduate student in the Planetary Geosciences group at Brown University in Providence, R.I., joined NASA Public Affairs Officer Nicole Cloutie...
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Space Station Live: EarthKAM Recreating View From Gemini - Video
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Rioswag ‘DNA CARIOCA’ – Video
Posted: at 4:47 am
Rioswag #39;DNA CARIOCA #39;
Crew - RIOSWAG / DNA CARIOCA Coreografo - Cleiton Oliveira Danarinos - Rafael Larrubia, Thais Xavier, Wallace Costa, Bruno Paiva, Thiago Basseto, Thiago Ro...
By: Cleiton Oliveira
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Coast To Coast Am – February 28 2013 – Mystery Booms, Bigfoot DNA
Posted: at 4:47 am
Coast To Coast Am - February 28 2013 - Mystery Booms, Bigfoot DNA Phobos - C2CAM Daily
Coast to Coast AM - C2CAM - C2CAMDaily #9633; Website: #9633; Forums: #9633; Facebook:
By: C2CAMDaily08
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Coast To Coast Am - February 28 2013 - Mystery Booms, Bigfoot DNA
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Coast To Coast Am – February 17 2013 – Bigfoot DNA – Phoenix Lights – C2CAM Daily – Video
Posted: at 4:47 am
Coast To Coast Am - February 17 2013 - Bigfoot DNA - Phoenix Lights - C2CAM Daily
Coast to Coast AM - C2CAM - C2CAMDaily #9633; Website: #9633; Forums: #9633; Facebook:
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Coast To Coast Am - February 17 2013 - Bigfoot DNA - Phoenix Lights - C2CAM Daily - Video
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