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Facial eczema risk 'insanely high'
Posted: April 18, 2013 at 1:43 am
Okato variable order sharemilker Anthony Neil has a lot on his mind.
Facial eczema on the farm where he is milking has killed four cows and has made half the 330-cow herd ill. It has all happened just as his partner, Nicole Beattie, is due to give birth.
The baby has yet to arrive. "It's waiting until things on the farm settle down," she said yesterday.
At least nine dairy cows in the Okato area have died of facial eczema this week.
Neil said almost half the herd he was milking had lost a lot of condition. "Hopefully they'll recover, but [the disease] could affect calving and cause milk fever next season."
He knew facial eczema would make skin raw or make cows' udders sensitive, but he had seen no symptoms. "It was full-blown eczema in two days. There was nothing I could do."
A count of 540,000 facial eczema spores on the farm last week rose to 770,000 by Tuesday. "That's insanely high," said Neil, who is Okato Young Farmers president. Spore counts above 50,000 are considered to be the trigger for the disease in unprotected stock exposed to that level for a length of time.
He had been putting full doses of zinc in the water for two months and half doses for the previous six to eight weeks. But water treatment was only 70 per cent effective and was insufficient when spore counts were extreme.
He is now spraying the pasture and hopes yesterday's rain will lower the spore count.
Neighbours had helped him administer zinc to the entire herd and to herds on nearby farms.
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Taranaki cows killed by facial eczema
Posted: at 1:43 am
Facial eczema has killed at least nine dairy cows in the Okato area of coastal Taranaki.
Six cows have died on one farm and about 12 are sick. On another farm one cow has died and clinical cases number about 18.
Okato vet Graeme Charteris said 770,000 facial eczema spores were recorded yesterday just hours after the count was 540,000.
Counts in the district were averaging 300,000 yesterday after being between 60,000 and 120,000 on Friday, Charteris said.
He's warning farmers the facial eczema season is not over.
"Rain and warmth are a hotbed for facial eczema spores," he said. "Farmers need to be vigilant with protection. Counts could stay high until well into May, so don't stop treatment."
This week's counts were significant and farmers needed to ensure their cows were receiving the right dose of zinc to combat facial eczema.
Zinc could be given as a drench, added to stock water supplies, or applied to pasture as a spray.
At such high numbers, zinc capsules were the most effective form of treatment at 95 per cent, while water treatment was about 70 per cent effective.
Spore counts above 50,000 are considered to be a trigger level for the disease for unprotected stock exposed to that figure for a length of time.
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Taranaki cows killed by facial eczema
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Walk to Cure Psoriasis April 7 2013 – Video
Posted: at 1:43 am
Walk to Cure Psoriasis April 7 2013
South Florida Walk to Cure Psoriasis just completed its 7th year! Andrew Henschel is the Founder and Chairman of the South Florida Walk for the Cure. To date...
By: Karen Ann
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People with psoriasis suffer social stigma
Posted: at 1:43 am
Dubai: People who have psoriasis, a chronic skin condition marked by raised, red bumps covered with white, flaking scales, may feel stigmatised socially and emotionally, said specialists in dermatology on Wednesday.
Patients with psoriasis are prone to social discrimination and humiliation, and have an increased risk of depression, anxiety, fatigue, sleep impairment, and suicide, they said.
During the ongoing Dubai World Dermatology and Laser Conference and Exhibition Dubai Derma at Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre, which concludes on April 18, specialists spoke of how psoriasis can have a significant emotional toll on patients.
According to the international advocacy organisation National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is a non-contagious, chronic, inflammatory, painful, disfiguring and disabling disease for which there is no cure.
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The organisations research links patients with psoriasis as feeling self-conscious and embarrassed. It also links the condition to social discrimination and humiliation.
Speaking to Gulf News on the psychosocial impact of psoriasis, Dr Anwar Al Hammadi, Consultant and Head of Dermatology at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and chairperson of the conference said that apart from the physical impact, psoriasis can have adverse emotional effects, leading to a cycle of despair.
Some patients are unable to cope because the condition has no cure, often resulting in depression and anxiety. They may feel stigmatised when rejected due to their skin disease in various settings and among family members. The social isolation further impacts levels of physical activity, increasing the risk of obesity and other related complicatons, he said.
Dr Al Hammadi stressed the importance of family, social and emotional support for patients. He explained that patients with psoriasis need support to help them deal with the adverse effects of the condition.
The lack of knowledge and misunderstanding about the disorder adds to the stigma and emotional stress. Treatment involves topical creams, oral therapy and/or phototherapy, he said.
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People with psoriasis suffer social stigma
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Emotional scar weighs psoriasis patients down
Posted: at 1:43 am
Emotional scar weighs psoriasis patients down
Staff Reporter / 18 April 2013
A significant percentage of people afflicted with psoriasis, a severe skin condition, suffer from the emotional impact of the disease, said a top dermatologist at the Dubai Derma 2013 conference which is taking place at Dubai World Trade Centre.
Dr Anwar Al Hammadi, chairperson of the conference and head of dermatology at the Dubai Health Authority (DHA), said because large patchy flakes and skin flare-ups can be seen in patients with the disease, many of them are conscious of the disease and do not properly integrate themselves in society.
In 2012, of the 12,000 patient visits at the DHA dermatology centre, 966 patients had psoriasis. Of them, 1.2 per cent were new patients and 7.3 per cent were follow-up patients: In terms of the UAE, we still are within the worldwide range in terms of prevalence of the disease. However, I would advocate awareness as a means to tackle this problem and early intervention for better patient outcomes, Dr Al Hammadi said.
According to the American hospital Johns Hopkins, psoriasis is a persistent skin disorder characterised by patches of raised, red bumps covered with white, flaking scales. It generally develops on the scalp, knees, or elbows, although it may affect any area of the skin. The production of skin cells at affected sites is accelerated, and the accumulation of excess cells causes scaly plaques. First attacks usually begin between the ages of 10 and 30.
While psoriasis cannot be cured, its symptoms can be greatly controlled, providing relief for patients. However, early intervention is important for the management of the disease, Dr Al Hammadi said.
He also said that people who are obese and have psoriasis, tend to have stronger symptoms of the disease and thus healthy eating and weightloss are important in the fight against the disease.
Latest research shows that psoriasis is a systematic disease which means that patients with the disease are at a higher risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes etc and regular health checks are important, he added.
He also said that if one parent has the disease, the chances of children developing it is 17 per cent, but if both parents have the disease, the chances are 42 per cent.
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Internet Censorship in Russia – Video
Posted: at 1:43 am
Internet Censorship in Russia
In Soviet Russia, domains register YOU!! Russia created a unified register to block domain names of sites distributing illegal information.
By: Easy Life
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Bipartisan Anti-War Lawmakers On Board at New Ron Paul Institute
Posted: at 1:43 am
By Julie Ershadi Posted at 7:31 p.m. on April 17
Reps. Walter B. Jones, R-N.C., and John J. Duncan Jr., R-Tenn., and ex-Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, will help steer the direction of the newRon Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity as members of its board, they announced Wednesday at a Capitol Hill event.
Its a natural instinct for people to want peace and prosperity, ex-Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, the institutes CEO, said during the event. The institute is a nonpartisan educational organization aimed at capitalizing on the groundswell of young people who have supported Pauls presidential bids and anti-war position.
Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., who also spoke at the event, counted himself a member of that young population and said Pauls appeal stems from his honesty and principles, particularly in the votes he took as a congressman.
More than once weve stood on the floor, I think, since Congressman Paul left and wondered, What would Ron Paul do in this situation? Massie said.
Duncan discussed the pressure he faced to vote for authorization of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, including a White House briefing with then-National Security Adviser CondoleezzaRice, CIA Director George Tenet and CIA Deputy Director John McLaughlin. Duncan said that at the time, they could not convince him that Saddam Hussein was a threat to the United States.
I think it is so sad what weve done through the years, so Im in very strong support of what Dr. Paul is trying to do here, he said.
Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute and foreign policy adviser to Paul during his time in Congress, said the institute will monitor lawmakers votes and issue assessments in the form of a Peace and Prosperity Scorecard.
The institute will also award student writing on foreign affairs and hopes to launch a Peace and Prosperity summer school, McAdams said.
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Bipartisan Anti-War Lawmakers On Board at New Ron Paul Institute
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Ron Paul event raises some concerns
Posted: at 1:43 am
Did anyone notice anything strange at the Ron Paul speech Monday night?
Although I appreciate Accent for bringing the former congressman to UF, I am a little concerned about the way the event was structured.
I admit that I havent attended too many Accent events during my time at UF, being a graduate student and all, and Ive never attended one in the Stephen C. OConnell Center.
However, I have a few questions I would like to ask Accent about this event.
Whats up with the exclusivity?
There was plenty of room for more chairs on the floor of the OConnell Center, yet it seemed only members of Accent, Student Government and what I assume was Florida Blue Key sat at ground-level for the event.
Yes, because Accent sponsored the event, they should have had seats closer to Paul. But its not like they worked extremely hard to raise all of the money necessary to bring him to UF we paid the fees Accent used to pay Paul to come.
They could have fit at least 50 to 100 more chairs on the floor instead of making all of us lowly, regular (unconnected) students sit in the stands. Of course, not everyone would be able to sit on the floor for the event, but it should have been first come, first served.
Admittedly, I probably would not have been able to sit on the floor given the time I arrived, but I would have rather seen more enthusiastic students who actually wanted to see Paul speak seated there.
Instead, many of the students sitting on the floor appeared to be disinterested in what the speaker had to say. A few even left before the Q-and-A portion of the event.
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Ron Paul event raises some concerns
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Ron Paul Delegate Sues City of St. Peters Over Caucus Arrest
Posted: at 1:43 am
During the heated Republican primary and caucus season in the spring of 2012, an incident in St. Charles County, Mo., led to the arrest of a Ron Paul delegate at a local caucus. Brent Stafford is now suing the city of St. Peters, Mo., and police officer Tim Hickey over his incarceration of March 17, 2012. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Eastern Missouri filed a lawsuit in federal court Monday on behalf of Stafford. The plaintiff seeks remediation for his incarceration, which he feels violated his First Amendment rights to free speech.
* The 13-page legal complaint in U.S. District Court demands a jury trial against the city and Hickey. Five points are brought against the defendants, including false arrest and malicious prosecution.
* Stafford led Paul's campaign for St. Charles County last year. He was also a member of the county's Republican central committee. It was this central committee that hosted the caucus at Francis Howell High School.
* The plaintiff alleges two police officers, hired by GOP leaders to provide security at the meeting, were told to "expect 'trouble'" from Paul supporters. Stafford claims in his complaint that the "'trouble' ... was that Ron Paul would win."
* Stafford also contends he would have been elected the caucus chair had Eugene Dokes, chairman of the committee, run the meeting according to proper procedure. The plaintiff alleges nominees for the chair of the caucus were closed after a single nomination.
* The plaintiff alleges he was arrested for trespassing even though dozens of people remained in the high school gymnasium after being ordered to depart or face arrest. Stafford was arrested on a public sidewalk outside the building. A video of Stafford's arrest, labeled Exhibit 1 in the filing, shows the events as they unfolded outside the school. Several other videos of the caucus exists even though caucus leaders tried to ban video and audio recordings of the event.
* The Associated Press reveals the plaintiff was acquitted of his trespassing charge by a municipal judge in St. Peters. Stafford was jailed for three hours following the failed caucus.
* The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports the city had not received a copy of the lawsuit as of Monday afternoon. City officials have not yet responded to the lawsuit.
* The plaintiff believes his rights under the First and 14th Amendments were violated, his person was unreasonably searched without a warrant, his liberty was deprived without due process and his liberty was deprived for three hours.
* In addition to attorney's fees, Stafford seeks unspecified monetary damages. Five counts are brought against the city including violations of rights, false arrest, malicious prosecution, false arrest under state law and malicious prosecution under state law.
Ron Paul Delegate Sues City of St. Peters Over Caucus Arrest
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Ron Paul espouses wary view of big government
Posted: at 1:43 am
Ron Paul skirted around potentially controversial issues and was met with respectful enthusiasm at a lecture Tuesday night in Salomon 101. Sharing his views on a plethora of political issues, Paul punctuated his lecture by voicing his distrust of politicians and government, at one point saying he wanted to neuter lobbyists.
The bigger the government, the bigger the lies, the less liberty we have, the former congressman told a packed house.
Paul highlighted what he described as the plights of big government in policy areas ranging from the economy to international relations, calling big government the root of the nations problems.
Once the only OB/GYN in his town, Paul said he was not interested in becoming a politician until then-President Nixon ominously took the United States off of the pseudo-Bretton Woods gold standard in 1971.
Since then, the government has continued to grow, the economy has become overregulated and the United States has ceased to produce tangible goods, Paul added.
Paul cited the end of the gold standard and the increasing power of Federal Reserve monetary policy as the causes of the recent economic crisis.
In the 50s and the 60s when we were graduating from college and medical school, there was never a question about jobs, Paul said, but now even graduates with advanced degrees face serious challenges finding work.
Paul condemned the Feds response to the recent recession as an example of what he called the corruption of big government.
The Fed came in in secret to the tune of trillions and trillions of dollars to bail out all the banks and all the major corporations, he said. What happened to the people who were supposed to be helped?
Large banks and corporations also profit from government welfare programs, Paul said, arguing that the programs do not actually benefit the poor.
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Ron Paul espouses wary view of big government
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