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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Sonic Entity – Genome Evolution – Video

Posted: April 20, 2013 at 9:44 pm

Sonic Entity - Genome Evolution
2013 - Sonic Entity - The Rainmaker EP.

By: PsychedelicPower

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Genome study suggests new strategies for understanding and treating pulmonary fibrosis

Posted: at 9:44 pm

Apr. 19, 2013 A new genome-wide association study of more than 6,000 people has identified seven new genetic regions associated with pulmonary fibrosis. In findings published online in Nature Genetics on April 14, 2013, researchers at National Jewish Health, the University of Colorado and several other institutions found a number of genes associated with host defense, cell-cell adhesion and DNA repair, which provide clues to possible mechanisms underlying this currently untreatable disease.

"This research gives us several new targets for investigation of pulmonary fibrosis," said David Schwartz, MD, senior author on the paper, Professor of Medicine at National Jewish Health and Chair of Medicine the University of Colorado School of Medicine. "We believe that there are several relatively common genetic risk factors, which combine with repeated lung injury to cause this devastating lung disease."

Pulmonary fibrosis is a potentially deadly scarring of lung tissue. Although there are a number of known contributors to its development, most cases have no known cause. Without an approved medical therapy, patients with the most common form, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, survive an average of only two to three years after diagnosis.

"Pulmonary fibrosis has resisted our attempts to find a clearly beneficial treatment," said co-author Kevin K. Brown, MD, Vice Chair of Medicine at National Jewish Health. "This study gives us new insights into how the disease develops. By better understanding this, we can better focus future therapies."

Researchers from more than 20 institutions, led by National Jewish Health and the University of Colorado, confirmed three previously reported genetic risk factors and identified seven new ones, which together account for about one-third of the disease risk.

The team's findings confirmed the risk associated with specific changes in MUC5B, a gene that produces a protein in mucus. Researchers believe variations in this gene may lead to pulmonary fibrosis by interfering with mucosal defense, repair of lung alveoli or direct toxicity to cells.

The researchers also found stronger evidence for the role of telomeres, a protective section of DNA located at the tips of chromosomes. Shorter telomeres are associated with a reduced ability to divide and premature cell death. Previously, two rare genetic mutations had been associated with some forms of pulmonary fibrosis. The research team found common variants in and near those two genes, and a common variant in another gene.

The researchers also identified three genes associated with connections that hold adjoining cells together, known as cell-cell adhesion. Impaired cell-cell adhesion can lead to lost tissue integrity.

These findings support the researchers' belief that pulmonary fibrosis may be influenced by different genes in different people. Careful genotyping could identify different forms of the disease, allowing for more effective, individualized therapy.

The research was supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). "In addition to expanding the library of genetic changes that can underlie pulmonary fibrosis, this study's findings demonstrate that both rare and common genetic variants contribute significantly to pulmonary fibrosis risk," said James Kiley, PhD, Director of NHLBI's Division of Lung Diseases. "A key next step for research is figuring out how these genetic variants work with environmental factors in the development of the disease."

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Genome study suggests new strategies for understanding and treating pulmonary fibrosis

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Family Guy, the Boston Marathon, Humor, and Censorship – Video

Posted: at 9:43 pm

Family Guy, the Boston Marathon, Humor, and Censorship
MundaneMatt here... Just my thoughts on the Family Guy connection to the Boston Marathon, humor, censorship, and how people cope with tragedy..and how humor...

By: MundaneMatt

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Family Guy, the Boston Marathon, Humor, and Censorship - Video

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China censorship, Syria weapons blogger – Video

Posted: at 9:43 pm

China censorship, Syria weapons blogger
Follow The Stream on Al Jazeera: YOUTUBE: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM:

By: AlJazeeraEnglish

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Ron Paul launches His "Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity" – Video

Posted: at 9:43 pm

Ron Paul launches His "Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity"

By: Daniel McAdams

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Ron Paul, Mayor Bloomberg's Groups To Start Assigning Grades To Name And Shame Lawmakers

Posted: at 9:43 pm

Michael Bloomberg's group Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Ron Paul's new think tank will grade lawmakers based on their votes for gun control and foreign policy, respectively.

When Ron Paul officially launched hisnew think tankWednesday, the former Texas congressman also introduced a new ranking system for lawmakers based on their foreign policy votes.

[READ: Ron Paul to Launch Non-Interventionist Summer School]

"Everyone does it, and Congressman Paul has always wanted to do it," Daniel McAdams, the head of the newly formed Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, told Whispers.

At the same time, senators were getting graded for the first time by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's gun control group Mayors Against Illegal Guns. The group said it would assign letter grades to lawmakers based on the high-profile gun vote on Wednesday and on most future votes on gun legislation.

The practice of grading members of Congress stretches back many decades, starting with groups like the Americans for Democratic Action, which has released its "annual voting records" to measure lawmakers on their political liberalism since the group was founded in 1947. In the 60 years since, a number of conservative groups have developed their own successful grading systems, including the National Rifle Association, which grades lawmakers based on how pro-gun their policies are, and the Club for Growth, which issues an annual scorecard to determine who are the most conservative members of Congress. Today, it seems that most advocacy groups have some kind of grading system in place to name and shame lawmakers.

[WHISPERS: Mayor Bloomberg's Anti-Gun Behemoth Is Getting Bigger]

"Our politics have become such intensely special interest that all these special interest groups are doing ratings on their own issue," Allan Lichtman, an American political historian and professor of history at American University in Washington, D.C., tells Whispers. "They're using it as a carrot and stick to reward their friends and punish their enemies. It gives them something concrete to point to."

That doesn't mean these grading systems are always effective. Lichtman says that while it might be a good tool to raise money, it's unlikely lawmakers are ever moved to change a position on an issue based on scores alone. In local primary elections, however, he says rating systems can make a difference.

"These could open you up to primary attack that you're not sufficiently pro-choice, pro-life or pro-gun control," Lichtman says. "So they can be very effective devices ... in these low-visibility elections."

See the article here:
Ron Paul, Mayor Bloomberg's Groups To Start Assigning Grades To Name And Shame Lawmakers

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[Futurist Speaker] JIM CARROLL Future of Manufacturing | Collaborative Agency Group – Video

Posted: at 9:42 pm

[Futurist Speaker] JIM CARROLL Future of Manufacturing | Collaborative Agency Group
JIM CARROLL Future of Manufacturing | Collaborative Agency Group Futurist, trends and innovation expert, Author of The Future Belongs to Those Who are Fast ...

By: CollaborativeAgency

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[Futurist Speaker] JIM CARROLL Future of Manufacturing | Collaborative Agency Group - Video

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Soleri’s futuristic designs recognized needs of the Earth

Posted: at 9:42 pm

Published: Saturday, April 20, 2013, 9:00p.m. Updated 31 minutes ago

It's hard to know what to make of architecture's dreamers.

Famous turn-of-the-century futurist architects like Tony Garnier and Antonio Sant'elia designed cities of the future, but rarely built anything themselves. Yet they are studied by city planners, architects and students even up to today.

It will probably be that way with architect Paolo Soleri, the dreamer in the desert, who died at his home in Arizona on April 9 at age 93. Soleri was the guy whom Buckminster Fuller who ought to have known once called one of the greatest of the dreaming strategists.

Soleri only built about a half-dozen structures for others in his life, but he became famous in architectural and planning circles in the 1960s and '70s for his elaborate drawings of what he called arcologies, compact one-structure cities that might house anywhere from 5,000 people to a million or more. Some were floating mega-cities, some were bridges across canyons, some just rose in his imagination from a plain.

He was pictured in an architectural magazine of the era, a slim and wiry man, sitting in just shorts and sandals in his own earth-sculptured house outside of Phoenix, drawing out these cities on vast rolls of butcher paper.

These were renderings that Ada Louise Huxtable, the late architecture critic of the New York Times, later described as some of the most spectacularly sensitive and superbly visionary drawings that any century has known.

He is most often mentioned today for a 40-year-long effort to build a micro-arcology called Arcosanti out of earth-formed concrete in the Arizona desert about 70 miles north of Phoenix. Working with students and apprentices in a sort of hippie-camp atmosphere, he completed only about three percent of the planned mega-structure over four decades. But he was rarely troubled by the slow pace of the work. He seemed more concerned to call attention to the idea than to worry about completion.

Soleri was born in Italy and came to the United States in 1947 to study with Frank Lloyd Wright. He eventually created his own desert home in Paradise Valley, outside of Phoenix, across from Wright's home and studios at Taliesin West.

He had a significant connection to Pittsburgh. His wife, who died in 1982, was Corolyn (Colly) Woods of Sewickley, daughter of a prominent Pittsburgh insurance executive, Lawrence C. Woods Jr., who as a member of the Allegheny Conference was one of the leaders of the first Pittsburgh Renaissance. Soleri and Colly met when he designed and he and she worked together to build a retreat in the Arizona desert for Colly's mother, Lenora.

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Soleri’s futuristic designs recognized needs of the Earth

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I.S.S (International Space Station) – Video

Posted: April 19, 2013 at 11:51 am

I.S.S (International Space Station)
spotted the I.S.S tonight at 20.48 GMT traveling from the west.

By: grannysvids

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I.S.S (International Space Station) - Video

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Space Station Video News Live: April 15, 2013 – Video

Posted: at 11:51 am

Space Station Video News Live: April 15, 2013
Space Station Live: April 15, 2013. The Space Station Live recap video for April 15, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at...

By: okrajoe

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Space Station Video News Live: April 15, 2013 - Video

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