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Category Archives: Transhuman News

Space Station Live: April 16, 2013 – Video

Posted: April 22, 2013 at 8:49 am

Space Station Live: April 16, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for April 16, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.

By: ReelNASA

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Space Station Live: April 16, 2013 - Video

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Discord space station luna chapter 1 Applejack Arrives – Video

Posted: at 8:49 am

Discord space station luna chapter 1 Applejack Arrives
Developments in food technology has forced Applejack into a tedious position. In order to keep Sweet Apple Acres afloat, she has decided to attend the CEC en...

By: gsamalot

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Private rocket passes test for space station voyage

Posted: at 8:49 am

By The Associated Press

ATLANTIC, Va. A company contracted by NASA to deliver supplies to the International Space Station successfully launched a rocket Sunday in a test of its ability to send a cargo ship aloft.

About 10 minutes after the launch from Wallops Island on Virginias Eastern Shore, Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles declared the test a success after observing a practice payload reach orbit and safely separate from the rocket.

The Sunday launch comes after two previous attempts were scrubbed. A data cord that was connected to the rockets second stage came loose just minutes before the rocket was set to lift off Wednesday, and company officials said they were easily able to fix the problem. A second attempt Saturday was scrubbed because of wind.

It certainly was an amazing achievement for Orbital today, a great day for NASA and another historical day for commercial spaceflight in America. The flight today was just beautiful and it looks like the preliminary data says that all the objectives we established for the flight were 100 percent met, said Alan Lindenmoyer, manager of NASAs commercial crew and cargo program.

The company from the Washington suburb of Dulles was one of two, along with California-based competitor SpaceX, chosen to supply the space station after NASA ended its three-decade-old shuttle program in 2011. The space agency turned to private companies for the job, saying it would focus on getting manned flights to asteroids and to Mars.

SpaceX was awarded a $1.6 billion contract by NASA in 2006 to make a dozen missions to restock the space station. Orbital got into the mix in 2008 when it was awarded a $1.9 billion contract for eight deliveries.

Weve been playing catch up, but were about caught up, Frank Culbertson, executive vice president and general manager of Orbitals Advanced Programs Group, said last week. By the end of next year we should have an additional four or five cargo missions under our belt, so were going to be moving fast.

SpaceX has connected with the space station three times.

Private rocket passes test for space station voyage

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Space Station Rocket Launch 'A Success'

Posted: at 8:49 am

A company contracted by US space agency Nasa to deliver supplies to the International Space Station has launched its first test rocket.

High winds forced Orbital Sciences Corporation to scrap the launch of the unmanned Antares rocket from Virginia on Saturday, but a new attempt was made on Sunday.

It blasted off from Wallops Island on Virginia's Eastern Shore.

About 10 minutes after the launch, Orbital Sciences declared the test a success after observing a practice payload reach orbit and safely separate from the rocket.

Nasa administrator Charles Bolden said in a statement: "Congratulations to Orbital Sciences and the Nasa team that worked alongside them for the picture-perfect launch of the Antares rocket.

"In addition to providing further evidence that our strategic space exploration plan is moving forward, this test also inaugurates America's newest spaceport capable of launching to the space station, opening up additional opportunities for commercial and government users."

The Antares rocket, which is an expendable launch system, is designed to put payloads weighing up to 5,000 kg (11,000 lb) into low-Earth orbit.

Orbital intends to use the Antares to launch its Cygnus spacecraft on the ISS resupply missions.

The Antares rocket was known during early development as the Taurus II, but was renamed in 2011 after the star of the same name.

Orbital now plans to launch another Antares carrying a Cygnus spacecraft in June.

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Space Station Rocket Launch 'A Success'

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Hannibal For King

Posted: at 8:48 am

Hannibal For King Team DNA - [Featuring: Prophecy Workout] - (15 Degrees Fahrenheit)
Hannibal For King, Team DNA and Prophecy Workout!! In this addition we give you the Veterans of the Street Workout game + the upcoming future veterans, Team ...

By: WorkoutBX1

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Lobotomic Garden – Mutant DNA – Video

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Lobotomic Garden - Mutant DNA

By: ElectronicJihad

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Lobotomic Garden - Mutant DNA - Video

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Little Mix – DNA Italian special event (20 april 2013) Milan (FULL) – Video

Posted: at 8:48 am

Little Mix - DNA Italian special event (20 april 2013) Milan (FULL)
The Girls live show at Magazzini Generali / Milano / Italy songs: Wings, DNA, Change Your Life How Ya Doin #39;?

By: Italypremier2

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Little Mix - DNA Italian special event (20 april 2013) Milan (FULL) - Video

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Eastday-DNA sampling snares rapist-murderer

Posted: at 8:48 am

MASS DNA sampling led to the jailing yesterday of a father-of-two for the shocking rape and murder of a teenaged girl in a rural part of the Netherlands 14 years ago.

A court in the northern city of Leeuwarden jailed farmer Jasper Steringa for 18 years for the 1999 murder of 16-year-old Marianne Vaatstra. The crime had initially been blamed on asylum seekers.

Steringa, 45, lived for 13 years less than 2 kilometers from the field where Vaatstra's body was found, raped, strangled and with her throat cut.

She disappeared during the night of April 30 as she returned home by bicycle from celebrating the Dutch national day.

The investigation went cold and was only reopened after changes in Dutch law last year allowed police to identify a suspect by comparing DNA found on a crime scene with genetic material indicating a family relation.

Around 7,300 men turned up voluntarily in September to specially set-up DNA-testing stations in the area to have the inside of their cheeks swabbed. One of those men was Steringa, who reportedly knew the game was up because, thanks to the change in the law, a DNA test of one of his relatives would also have identified him. Steringa confessed to the crime.

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Particular DNA changes linked with prostate cancer development and lethality

Posted: at 8:48 am

Public release date: 22-Apr-2013 [ | E-mail | Share ]

Contact: Amy Molnar Wiley

A new analysis has found that the loss or amplification of particular DNA regions contributes to the development of prostate cancer, and that patients with two of these DNA changes have a high likelihood of dying from the disease. Published early online in CANCER, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society, the study provides valuable information on the genetics of prostate cancer and offers insights into which patients should be treated aggressively.

Cells can become cancerous when they lose or amplify pieces of DNA containing important genes. Using a method that can detect these genetic changes in cells from prostate tumors from 125 patients, Jianfeng Xu, MD, DrPh, Director of the Center for Cancer Genomics at the Wake Forest School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, and his colleagues at Wake Forest, Brady Urological Institute of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, and Karolinska Institute of Sweden found that changes in 20 gene regions likely contribute to prostate cancer development. Four of these regions had not been reported before. Importantly, changes in seven of the 20 regions were linked with early death from prostate cancer. Also, patients whose cancer cells had a loss of the PTEN gene and an amplification of the MYC gene were more than 50 times as likely to die from prostate cancer than other patients who had similarly staged tumors and prostate-specific antigen levels at the time of diagnosis. Analyses of 333 tumors from additional patients confirmed the link between PTEN and MYC and prostate cancer lethality.

In addition to providing new information about the genetic changes involved in the development and progression of prostate cancer, the findings may help guide doctors as they weigh different treatment options for patients with the disease. "For example, prostate cancer patients who have DNA copy number alterations at PTEN and MYC may not be appropriate candidates for active surveillance and should be treated intensively," explained Dr. Xu.


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Particular DNA changes linked with prostate cancer development and lethality

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DNA structure anniversary marked

Posted: at 8:48 am

One of the most momentous discoveries of the 20th century will be remembered this week 60 years after scientists revealed the structure of DNA.

On Thursday a memorial to British biologist Francis Crick will be unveiled by American James Watson at the university where they worked six decades ago.

Together they described the double-helix structure of DNA in a seminal paper published in the journal Nature on April 25, 1953. Their work set the stage for a molecular revolution, opening up vast new avenues of understanding about the genetic code, or "Book of Life".

Dr Watson, now retired, went on to direct the US arm of the Human Genome Project from 1988 to 1992. In 2000 the HGP published a first draft of the complete human genetic code, marking another historic turning point.

Friends, former colleagues and admirers of Professor Crick, who died in 2004, will gather at his former Cambridge University college, Gonville and Caius, to view the unveiling. The event will be followed by a series of talks and tributes by leading experts and colleagues, including Dr Watson.

Dr Watson and Prof Crick's work on the structure of DNA earned them the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962, which they shared with colleague Maurice Wilkins from King's College London.

The two men showed showed how DNA stored information using a four-letter molecular alphabet consisting of the letters A, T, C and G arranged in a double-helix. Three billion copies of these letters make up the entire human genome. Some are sorted into sequences called genes that provide the software instructions for making proteins and allow parental traits to be inherited.

Before the structure of DNA was unscrambled no one had a clear idea how genetic replication - one of the cornerstones of life - worked.

The discovery acted as a springboard that scientists have been jumping off ever since. Genetic research has transformed our understanding of the causes of cancer and other diseases and led to a multiplicity of new targeted treatments.

Dr Ted Bianco, acting director of the Wellcome Trust, which provided much of the funding for the Human Genome Project, said: "The discovery of the double helix is one of many great British breakthroughs in science. And we continue to be world leaders in the fields of genetics and genomics as these disciplines have grown and matured."

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