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“Politically Incorrect” Comedian & Host of HBO’s “Real Time” BILL MAHER DPAC, Durham Performing Arts Center August 10 …
Posted: April 23, 2013 at 6:43 pm
For the last eighteen years, Bill Maher has expanded the boundaries of where funny political talk can go on American television. Fans will be able to see first-hand when Maher takes the stage at DPAC, Durham Performing Arts Center, on August 10, 2013 as part of Cool Summer Nights at DPAC.
Durham, NC (PRWEB) April 22, 2013
Tickets go on sale Friday, April 26 at 10am:
Friends of DPAC members may place their orders on April 24. Joining Friends of DPAC is free, and you can register at
"More and more,we're seeing entertainers that used to play other venues in the region make the move to DPAC. Clear sound, great views of the stage and the best audiences in the Triangle...nothing beats a show at DPAC. We've wanted to host Bill Maher on our stage for some time and it will be great to have him in Durham," said Bob Klaus, GM of DPAC.
First on Politically Incorrect (Comedy Central, ABC, 1993-2002), and for the last seven years on HBOs Real Time, Mahers combination of unflinching honesty and big laughs have garnered him twenty-one Emmy nominations. In October of 2008, this same combination was on display in Mahers uproarious and unprecedented swipe at organized religion, Religulous, directed by Larry Charles (Borat). The documentary has gone on to become the 7th highest grossing documentary ever.
In addition to Real Time which has featured such regular visitors as Robin Williams, Arianna Huffington, Alec Baldwin and Michael Moore Maher has written five bestselling books: True Story: A Novel, Does Anybody Have a Problem with That? Politically Incorrects Greatest Hits, When You Ride Alone, You Ride with Bin Laden, New Rules: Polite Musings from a Timid Observer and most recently The New New Rules: A Funny Look at How Everybody but Me Has Their Head Up Their Ass.
Maher started his career as a stand-up comedian in 1979, and still performs at least fifty dates a year in Las Vegas and in sold-out theaters all across the country. Two of his nine stand-up specials for HBO 2007s The Decider and 2005s Im Swiss have been nominated for Emmy awards. Bills most recent stand-up special for HBO was the hilarious, Bill Maher But Im Not Wrong; and February 2012 CrazyStupidPolitics LIVE! from Silicon Valley on
Maher was born in New York City, raised in River Vale, N.J. and went to Cornell University. He now resides in Los Angeles.
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Emes’ Podcast – #4 With Nararnius on Steam, Censorship and Utter Chaos – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Emes #39; Podcast - #4 With Nararnius on Steam, Censorship and Utter Chaos
Episode four of my talk show. Nararnius is back to provide some more insights on gaming. Download this podcast here:!ABgGQLJA!JPdfY3ySa9...
By: eMeSCZ
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Patriots Attacked,
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Patriots Attacked, CNN Censorship
Mainstream media #39;s censoring is so predictable, that if you try to leave a comment that is not offensive, but is off topic they approve of it will be deleted...
By: nolabutterfly
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Amazon: Retailer accused of 'corporate censorship' by adult fiction writers who claim website treats them with 'utter …
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Erotica authors claim site is making it harder for readers to find their titles Say 'censorship' is threatening their sales and narrowing readers' choices
By Kerry Mcdermott
PUBLISHED: 04:43 EST, 23 April 2013 | UPDATED: 11:16 EST, 23 April 2013
Unfair: Bestselling erotica author Selena Kitt has accused Amazon of 'corporate censorship'
Amazon has been accused of 'corporate censorship' by erotic fiction writers who claim the internet giant is 'secretly' making it harder for fans to find adult books on the site.
Erotica authors have hit out at Amazon - the world's largest online retailer - claiming it is affecting their income and narrowing readers' choices by flagging and filtering adult titles so they don't show up in a basic search on
The website is threatening authors' livelihood and 'punishing' erotica fans by 'arbitrarily' filtering content, writers have said.
Erotic fiction writer Selena Kitt, the best-selling author of titles like EcoErotica, Confessions, and Back to the Garden, said in a blog post: 'Everytime one of these corporations decides to change the rules (again) without telling publishers (again) what or what isn't acceptable in their venue, they take food off my table.
'Yes corporations can sell what they like... but they should then have the cajones to tell publishers and authors what is or isn't okay with them,' she said, before going on to describe how her book Girls Only: Pool Party - which features two scantily clad women embracing on the cover - was excluded by Amazon from its 'all department' search.
The 'adult' flag imposed by Amazon meant readers would have to search within the 'books' category or via its specific title in order to find it, the American author said.
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Amazon: Retailer accused of 'corporate censorship' by adult fiction writers who claim website treats them with 'utter ...
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Ron Paul On Bitcoin: 'If I Can't Put It In My Pocket, I Have Some Reservations'
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Former Texas Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) weighed in on Bitcoin, the controversial alternative digital currency, today onBloomberg TV with Erik Schatzker and Sara Eisen.
"To tell you the truth, it's little bit too complicated. If I can't put it in my pocket, I have some reservations about that."
Bloomberg TV interviewed Paul on a variety of topics.
Paul, who is known for being a goldbug, said he's"concerned about the erraticness of the dollar. The dollar is up, the dollar is down. We print a lot of dollars. The dollar gets devalued. That is really the concern. If people think the gold price up and down is a reflection of something wrong with gold, no, I say it is something wrong with the dollar."
Here's the transcript courtesy of Bloomberg TV:
Paul on whether he's concerned about the drop in gold:
"I am concerned about the erraticness of the dollar. The dollar is up, the dollar is down. We print a lot of dollars. The dollar gets devalued. That is really the concern. If people think the gold price up and down is a reflection of something wrong with gold, no, I say it is something wrong with the dollar. People have been expressing concerns over the past couple of months about gold, but compared to what? Compared to where gold went from when the Fed took over where it was $20 per ounce compared to what has happened in the past?...I remember in the 1970's when they finally allow people to own gold and it went from $35 to $200 rather rapidly, and then it lost 50%. Then it went up to $800. To compare a couple of months or a couple of weeks and forget about a bull market in gold price in relationship to the dollar for 12 years. I would say the comparison is not an authentic comparison. What you have to look at is the inflation. Inflation is an increased supply of money. Since 2008 they have quadrupled the supply of Federal Reserve credit and are buying $85 billion per month of treasury bills. At the same time last week they bought $60 billion. That is the inflation. That is the distortion of the market and that's why we're not getting economic growth."
On whether we're seeing the opposite of inflation right now:
"It depends on how you define it. Inflation is when you increase the supply of money. Bond prices go up. Stocks are going up. Housing prices are starting to go back up again. Education costs are going up, but the gross distortion is the effect that the inflation of the money does on the price of money and interest rates and how it causes economic problems and why you don't get economic growth. You have to look at the malinvestment and destruction that occurs when you mess around with the price of money. It's not just the CPI because the CPI is not reliable. The government fudges that as well. They change the way they measure it. Free-market economists say it is going up about 8%. A lot of deception going on out there. I was just talking to someone on getting social security, they're not happy with the purchasing power of the dollar and you can't tell me there is no inflation."
On what the real value of gold is:
Ron Paul On Bitcoin: 'If I Can't Put It In My Pocket, I Have Some Reservations'
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Ron Paul On Bitcoin: "If I Can't Put It In My Pocket, I Have Reservations"
Posted: at 6:43 pm
"You will not see economic growth until you liquidate the debt and liquidate the malinvestment out there," is the hard truth that former Congressman Ron Paul lays on Bloomberg TV in this wide-ranging interview. Paul is concerned at "the erraticness of the dollar... and its devaluation," explaining that, "people think the gold price up and down is a reflection of something wrong with gold; no, I say it is something wrong with the dollar." The topic gravitates to inflation, which Paul explains is far from missing as, "Bond prices go up. Stocks are going up. Housing prices are starting to go back up again. Education costs are going up," adding that, "CPI is not reliable." Paul is buying gold, believes "we are in as much trouble as Greece," and while fascinated by the free market nature of Bitcoin, he notes that while he doesn't fully understand it, "if I can't put it in my pocket, I have some reservations about that."
Paul on whether he's concerned about the drop in gold:
"I am concerned about the erraticness of the dollar. The dollar is up, the dollar is down. We print a lot of dollars. The dollar gets devalued. That is really the concern. If people think the gold price up and down is a reflection of something wrong with gold, no, I say it is something wrong with the dollar. People have been expressing concerns over the past couple of months about gold, but compared to what?
Compared to where gold went from when the Fed took over where it was $20 per ounce compared to what has happened in the past?...
I remember in the 1970's when they finally allow people to own gold and it went from $35 to $200 rather rapidly, and then it lost 50%. Then it went up to $800.
To compare a couple of months or a couple of weeks and forget about a bull market in gold price in relationship to the dollar for 12 years. I would say the comparison is not an authentic comparison. What you have to look at is the inflation. Inflation is an increased supply of money.
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Ron Paul On Bitcoin: "If I Can't Put It In My Pocket, I Have Reservations"
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Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous – Video
Posted: at 6:43 pm
Why Libertarianism Is So Dangerous
A former libertarian abandons his dream of a voluntary world and explains the potential worse case scenario after the overnight disappearance of government. ...
By: SchoolSucksPodcast
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Libertarianism challenges the old left-right divide
Posted: at 6:43 pm
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., in Lexington, Ky., in a file photo from Oct. 25, 2010. (AP Photo/Ed Reinke)
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In a recent article in Politico, reporter James Hohmann says that libertarianism, long considered a radical movement stereotyped as pro-pot, pro-porn and pro-pacifism, is moving into the mainstream.
Led by Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., he writes, libertarians hope to become a dominant wing of the Republican Party by tapping into a potent mix of war weariness, economic anxiety and frustration with federal overreach in the fifth year of Barack Obama's presidency.
The retirement of Paul's father, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, long a libertarian icon but considered slightly goofy, is allowing the movement to try to rebrand itself as a reasonable and serious element of the GOP.
In a rebuttal to the Politico article, though, says the movement is trendy because Ron Paul's ideas received an airing during his two presidential campaigns, not because of any efforts by the younger Paul.
According to NPR, Rand Paul himself may have aspirations toward a 2016 presidential run, which would likely raise questions about what many consider the mixed legacy of his father.
When it comes to actually winning elections, however, the movement faces steep challenges: Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who ran as the Libertarian Party candidate in 2012, received 1.2 million votes, or 1 percent.
THE TAKEAWAY: Rand Paul's filibuster was a paradigm buster.
"Rand Paul is a very canny politician," Matt Welch, the editor of Reason, told host Tom Weber. "His filibuster [against U.S. drone policy] was a pretty epic moment in American politics ... partly because of the way it completely scrambled the usual left-right paradigm. You had Code Pink and Van Jones giving him a high-five, and you had Bill Kristol denouncing him, and Lindsey Graham and John McCain calling him wacko bird, and this kind of thing. And it really sheds light on the fact that our traditional left-right paradigm isn't always the best way to look at things. Sometimes it's better to look at things in terms of 'Do you favor government intervention,' or 'Do you favor more individual autonomy and control over your life?'
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Libertarianism challenges the old left-right divide
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International Space Station Moon Pass – Video
Posted: April 22, 2013 at 8:49 am
International Space Station Moon Pass
By: TheStone808
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Russian Spacewalk Underway outside International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 8:49 am
Russian Spacewalk Underway outside International Space Station
The first Spacewalk (EVA) of 2013 began today, April 19th 2013 at 14:03 UTC. The Russian Spacewalk is due to last about 6 hours, the spacewalkers are Pavel V...
By: SpaceVidsNet
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