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Can dairy allergies give a child eczema? – Video
Posted: April 25, 2013 at 4:43 am
Can dairy allergies give a child eczema?
By: IntermountainMoms
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Research and Markets: EpiCast Report: Psoriasis – Epidemiology Forecast to 2022 – Over 40 Million Sufferers – No Cure …
Posted: at 4:42 am
Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "EpiCast Report: Psoriasis - Epidemiology Forecast to 2022" report to their offering.
EpiCast Report: Psoriasis - Epidemiology Forecast to 2022
Over 40 Million Psoriasis Sufferers by 2022 - and No Cure Yet
This report provides an overview of the risk factors and global trends of psoriasis in the nine major markets (the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK, Japan, China, and India). It includes a 10-year epidemiology forecast of the prevalent cases of psoriasis segmented by sex and age.
Psoriasis has a complex collection of risk factors, such as genetics, lifestyle choices, and exposure to certain environmental conditions, states a new report from research and consulting firm The authors.
According to this report, there were approximately 36.5 million prevalent cases of psoriasis across all the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, China, and India in 2012. By 2022, The authors epidemiologists forecast that this figure will reach approximately 40.93 million prevalent cases, following a 12.1% increase based on projected population growth - prevalence proportions are expected to remain constant.
Psoriasis is an immune-mediated chronic dermatological disorder characterized by redness and irritation. The condition affects individuals of both sexes and all ethnicities and ages, although there is a higher prevalence of psoriasis in the colder, northern regions of the world. The age-standardized prevalence of psoriasis varies among different countries, from as low as 0.03% in Japan to as high as 1.84% in Germany. These regional differences may be attributable to variations in environmental factors such as the weather, as well as genetic factors, and differences in data collection across different countries.
The prevalence of psoriasis in the central region of Italy is 2.8 times greater than the prevalence in southern Italy, and similar regional differences have been reported in Spain, with psoriasis more common among the residents of central Spain, who experience colder and drier weather than individuals in the northern and southern regions.
Ethnicity may also play a part - studies have shown that Caucasians have a higher prevalence of psoriasis compared with African-Americans, but African-Americans in the US tend to suffer from a more severe form of the disease.
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Research and Markets: EpiCast Report: Psoriasis - Epidemiology Forecast to 2022 - Over 40 Million Sufferers - No Cure ...
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A New Era of Journalism (and Censorship) in China – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
A New Era of Journalism (and Censorship) in China
Many people in the West take for granted the ability to go online and browse freely. But in China, with the Great Firewall and a vast censorship apparatus, i...
By: NTDchinafocus
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Sir Nicholas Serota full speech at Index on Censorship’s Taking The Offensive Conference – Video
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Sir Nicholas Serota full speech at Index on Censorship #39;s Taking The Offensive Conference
By: Index on Censorship
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Sir Nicholas Serota full speech at Index on Censorship's Taking The Offensive Conference - Video
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Current FCC censorship confines broadcast networks
Posted: at 4:42 am
Current FCC censorship confines broadcast networks
Tuesday, April, 23, 2013; 10:29 PM | | |
by Marcus Williams, regular columnist
In a surprising turn of events, the FCC announced early this month it would consider hearing arguments for changing current broadcast television decency standards.
Currently, broadcast television networks are banned from using explicit profanity and non-sexual nudity between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. If the networks dont comply, the FCC is permitted to impose fines of up to $325,000 per incident.
This is in contrast to cable networks (FX, Comedy Central, AMC, etc.) who dont face these same restrictions.
And while many may see this change in stance by the FCC as a mere reflection ofAmerican society, the FCCs ultimate goals here are protecting the market for television, which is a cause for concern seeing as it isnt often, if ever, considered a division within the government that has any economic interest or authority.
Since the spring season of television began this year, broadcast television ratings have declined, while cable ratings increased.
According to Nielsen, a company dedicated to gathering statistics on what Americans watch, read, play, browse and buy, the American people are beginning to switch what they watch on television.
The Nielsen data shows that cable television programs like "Sons of Anarchy," "Duck Dynasty" and "The Walking Dead" are consistently beating broadcast programs like "Dancing With the Stars," "Castle," "30 Rock" and "Parenthood" in terms of ratings and overall viewership, and many broadcast ratings are currently experiencing record-low ratings numbers.
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Current FCC censorship confines broadcast networks
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IGF2008- WS19- Freedom of Expression in cyberspace: Internet Filtering and Censorship 02 – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
IGF2008- WS19- Freedom of Expression in cyberspace: Internet Filtering and Censorship 02
Based on UNESCO #39;s consistent efforts in advocating free flow of information and freedom of expression in cyberspace, the workshop continues to explore the la...
By: igf
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IGF2008- WS19- Freedom of Expression in cyberspace: Internet Filtering and Censorship 02 - Video
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Posted: at 4:42 am
By: TheTheTruthChannel
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Posted in Ron Paul
Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I’m Buying – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I #39;m Buying
April 23 (Bloomberg) -- Ron Paul, Former Congressman from Texas, discusses his views on gold, central banks, and the weakened Republican Party. He speaks on ...
By: Bloomberg
Ron Paul on Gold: No One Knows Value; I'm Buying - Video
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Who Ron Paul Blames for the Gold Crash
Posted: at 4:42 am
"When that 53,000 contracts sold in one sale, who did that? Was that the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, or somebody else?" Paul said.
Paul seemed to be referring to a comment that BullionVault Vice President of Business Development Miguel Perez-Santalla made to USA Today (USA Today: "Gold Badly Tarnished"), in which he told that paper that "one big seller at the Comex opening" sold 53,000 contracts, triggering the sell-off.
The President's Working Group on Financial Markets is actually a little-understood group that President Reagan created by executive order in March of 1988 as a response to 1987's "Black Monday" crash. Working under the Treasury Department, they periodically recommend reforms of the financial markets.
So did this secretive group, working under a government directive, purposely crash the market by engineering the sale of 53,000 gold contracts as former Representative Paul seems to suggests?
Highly unlikely, say some traders.
"It would be news to me, and a lot of people, if the government's hitting the open market like that," said Jeff Kilburg of KKM Financial. "It's a head-scratcher."
RBC Precious Metals Strategist George Gero said that "there was more to it" than any single sale.
"Since September, we lost open interest in gold steadily," as money "went to better-performing assets," Gero explained. "Gold has been a very poor performer all year, as big triple-digit stock up moves were a headwind."
Dennis Gartman, the editor and publisher of the the Gartman Letter, was similarly skeptical. "The gold market is filled with all sorts of conspiratorialist thinking," Gartman wrote to "Do I think that the government trades futures in gold? Probably they do when panic hits, but I have my doubts that they want to be the creators of panic."
But the decline in gold has more than one culprit, according to Ron Paul, and he pointed his finger at venerable investment bank Goldman Sachs. The firm made a widely followed and wildly prescient call on April 10th to short gold. In retrospect, the call was itself pure gold, and came just as the shiny metal was about to embark on its worst two-day crash since 1980. After the gold short turned out to be very lucrative very quickly, Goldman reversed course on Tuesday, and instructed clients to cover their bearish bullion bets.
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Who Ron Paul Blames for the Gold Crash
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Libertarianism: What is it? with Gerard Casey – Video
Posted: at 4:42 am
Libertarianism: What is it? with Gerard Casey
The QUB Libertarian Society is proud to present a recording of a talk given by Professor Gerard Casey in Queen #39;s on Wednesday 17th April. In this talk he out...
By: QUBLibertarian
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