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Ron Paul: You Can’t Deal With Immigration Unless You Deal With Welfare State – Bloomberg 4/23/2013 – Video
Posted: April 26, 2013 at 1:44 pm
Ron Paul: You Can #39;t Deal With Immigration Unless You Deal With Welfare State - Bloomberg 4/23/2013
Former Congressman Ron Paul discusses the problems facing immigration reform, his son Rand Paul and a possible 2016 presidential run, and the state of the Re...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Ron Paul: You Can't Deal With Immigration Unless You Deal With Welfare State - Bloomberg 4/23/2013 - Video
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Ron Paul Criticizes Boston Lockdown: ‘We Had Martial Law Out There,’ ‘It’s Criminal’ – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Ron Paul Criticizes Boston Lockdown: #39;We Had Martial Law Out There, #39; #39;It #39;s Criminal #39;
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Ron Paul Criticizes Boston Lockdown: 'We Had Martial Law Out There,' 'It's Criminal' - Video
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Amanda Drury Is Bewildered By Ron Paul’s Inane Gold Ramblings – Video
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Amanda Drury Is Bewildered By Ron Paul #39;s Inane Gold Ramblings
She is probably thinking #39;WTF is this old loon rambling on about? #39; or #39;How was this fruitloop a Congressman for 2 decades? #39; - and she #39;s right.
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Ron Paul endorses Mark Sanford for Congress
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Ron Paul, the former representative for Texas, endorsed former S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford for his congressional race.
The endorsement comes as Mr. Sanfords campaign is struggling. The latest hit hes faced is the recent revelation that his ex-wife filed a complaint in court that he trespassed and violated a court order to stay away from her home. Subsequently, the National Republican Congressional Committee pulled its support for Mr. Sanford.
Mr. Paul acknowledged the flagging campaign in his endorsement letter, Roll Call reported.
If youre anything like me, when you hear GOP establishment types coming out of the woodwork to defeat a fellow Republican, it certainly piques your interest, he wrote, Roll Call reported. Now, even the national Republican party is pulling funding for his race.
Mr. Sanford faces a tough challenge from Democratic candidate Elizabeth Colbert Busch. Shes comedian Stephen Colberts sister.
Its expected that Mr. Pauls endorsement will bring much-needed cash to the campaign, Roll Call said.
Copyright 2013 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.
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Why the new Ron Paul Institute is terrible news for Rand Paul
Posted: at 1:44 pm
The nascent libertarian think tank has brought on some colorful characters that could complicate Rand Paul's attempts to mainstream Paulism
Last week, while most of the U.S. was focusing on the bombings in Boston and fertilizer plant explosionin West, Texas, recently retired Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) launched his own think tank, the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. The stated goal of the the institute is to continue and expand "Paul's lifetime of public advocacy for a peaceful foreign policy and the protection of civil liberties at home."
On Thursday, columnist James Kirchick trashed the new institute atThe Daily Beast. "There is nothing inherently wrong with noninterventionism," the cornerstone of Paul's foreign policy, says Kirchick.But when you look at who's on the institute's advisory board and academic board, he points out, it becomes clear that Paul has "decisively thrown in his lot with a bevy of conspiracy theorists, cranks, and apologists for some of the worst regimes on the planet."
SEE MORE: Student wrongly tied to Boston bombings found dead
The advisory board, Kirchick says, includes Lew Rockwell, Paul's former chief of staff and the man most probably responsible for the "toxic stew of racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, sympathy for right-wing militia movements, and support for a litany of conspiracy theories" in Ron Paul's branded newsletters in the 1990s; and Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano, a 9/11 skeptic.
The Paul Institute's academic board is even kookier, says Kirchick. The "nuttiest" member is probably John Laughland, "a British writer who has never met a Central or Eastern European autocrat he didn't like" and is a noted apologist for the late Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic. Then there are the full-out 9/11 conspiracy theorists like Eric Magolis and Butler Shaffer. "And what would an enterprise featuring Ron Paul be without a little Civil War revisionism?" Kirchickasks. For that, Paul tapped the "neo-Confederate" Loyola University professor Walter Block, who "blames most of America's current problems on 'the monster Lincoln.'"
SEE MORE: 9 recent school bans that could totally ruin prom
Paul disavowed the fringe views of Rockwell and his other supporters when he was running for president, Kirchick adds, but now that he has formally associated these cranks with his institute, it is "impossible to extricate Paul from the extremist views of his hangers-on."
Affiliating himself with some "unsavory wack jobs on the fringes of American politics" won't really hurt Paul, says Walter Russell Mead at The American Interest. "Having retired from Congress and never gotten far in Republican presidential politics, the elder Mr. Paul can safely hang out with all the Confederate apologists, truthers, and Putin sympathizers he wants." But this is disastrous for the political ambitions of his son.
SEE MORE: Passive-aggressive Twitter fight of the day
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Ron Paul fans furious over Rand Paul’s drone flip-flop
Posted: at 1:44 pm
Former Texas Rep. Ron Pauls vibrant fan base is in open rebellion this week over Sen. Rand Pauls perceived reversal on domestic drone strikes. The Kentucky Republican, whose famous 13-hour Senate floor filibuster did much to strengthen his ties with his fathers hardcore following, told Fox Business Network on Tuesday hes OK with drone strikes on American citizens who, for instance, rob a liquor store.
Ive never argued against any technology being used when you have an imminent threat, an active crime going on, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said. If someone comes out of a liquor store with a weapon and fifty dollars in cash. I dont care if a drone kills him or a policeman kills him.
While its true that Rand Paul has always made an exception for imminent threats a 9/11-like moment the liquor store scenario struck many libertarians as a very low threshold for domestic drone strikes, especially considering Pauls Senate floor remarks, which if you recall, took a more anti-drone stance. Heres Rand Paul on the Senate floor:
I will speak as long as it takes, until the alarm is sounded from coast to coast that our Constitution is important, that your rights to trial by jury are precious, that no American should be killed by a drone on American soil without first being charged with a crime, without first being found to be guilty by a court.
Now, a phalanx of Ron Paul, former Texas representative, and libertarian forums are revolting at the senators perceived reversal.
I am stunned by Rands statement, reads a blog post on the Daily Paul, one of the largest Ron Paul fan sites. Unmanned killers in our skys O.K.??? Really? Get away from the Neocons and war mongers Rand, their arrogant and self-righteous air is rotting your brain.
How cute. The Politician emerges, wrote Paladin69, a user on
I disagree with shooting first and asking questions later, added forum administrator Josh Lowry.
The hell with arresting him I guess, wrote user The Gold Standard sarcastically. Just fire a missile at him and move on to the next mundane.
Reddits brand of libertarian politics also repelled Pauls hypothetical. A missile into the storefront seems like dramatically excessive force, wrote Reddit user Ohyeahthatsright. Rand then seems to be supporting the militarization of police in their use of tools. I thought he was against the police state.
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David Houle – Futurist and Author – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
David Houle - Futurist and Author
David Houle is a futurist, thinker and keynote speaker. He has always been slightly ahead of the curve. Houle is consistently ranked as one of the top futuri...
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Futurist Dubstep And Dnb Presets For Ni Massive Vst Synth [Dnb Presets] – Video
Posted: at 1:43 pm
Futurist Dubstep And Dnb Presets For Ni Massive Vst Synth [Dnb Presets]
20 Free NI Massive Presets = Drum And Bass (Musical Genre)+Red+Cover+Angels+Bass+R ock Music+Guitar+Cover Song+Music . Dubstep, Dub an...
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Futurist Dubstep And Dnb Presets For Ni Massive Vst Synth [Dnb Presets] - Video
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Space Station Live: Astronaut Don Pettit on Earth Photography – Video
Posted: April 25, 2013 at 4:44 am
Space Station Live: Astronaut Don Pettit on Earth Photography
In celebration of Earth Day, Space Station Live commentator Pat Ryan sat down with NASA astronaut Don Pettit to learn more about the experience of viewing and photographing our planet from...
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Space station visitors can thank Rice students for the delicious coffee
Posted: at 4:44 am
A group of Rice University engineering students think they can make the perfect cup of coffee with a 3D printer for astronauts aboard the International Space Station.
If you're looking for a cup of delicious caffeine in near-Earth orbit, you might agree with them.
The Rice students, Robert Johnson, Colin Shaw and Benjamin Young, created a simpler way for astronauts to customize coffee to their personal tastes, forgoing the instant, syrupy, pre-packaged liquid that they had been drinking in space. Sounds way worse than your standard breakroom coffee.
The new system lets astronauts distribute just the right amount of creamer and sugar. Before this project, astronauts could not decide how sweet or bitter their morning cup of joe could be. A two-element roller with a gauge that dispenses the desired ratios of sugar and cream was created with a 3D printer at Rice's Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen.
Johnson Space Center's Space Food Systems Laboratory gave the trio constraints on what can and cannot be used in space. The challenge for the group was in creating a way to make the coffee that the astronauts could replicate in the zero gravity of the ISS. The astronauts heat up their current mixture with 158 degree water, while on Earth the optimal temperature for a cup is at least 140 degrees.
"If they know what they like on Earth, they know what they like in orbit," said Shaw in a press release.The students are hoping their coffee soon becomes the astronauts' favorite treat aboard the ISS. Right now, the astronauts are raving about the Russian shrimp and tartar sauce from the ISS kitchen.
Now, let's just hope NASA doesn't feel the need to hire a few surly space baristas.
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Space station visitors can thank Rice students for the delicious coffee
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