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Category Archives: Transhuman News
Russian Cargo Spacecraft Successfully Docks to Space Station
Posted: April 26, 2013 at 1:46 pm
An unmanned cargo-carrying spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station Friday morning (April 26), despite a glitch in the capsule's navigation system.
After its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on Wednesday, the RussianProgress 51 spacecraft failed to deploy one of the two antennas used for the Kurs automated docking system. Russian ground controllers were able to reposition the antenna, allowing the automated docking to go ahead as planned.
Russian cosmonauts Pavel Vinogradov and Roman Romanenko kept an eye on Progress as it moved into position.
"We have contact," one of the cosmonauts said after docking, "We have capture."
Although the cosmonauts were prepared to take over docking procedures, the automated system worked and the spacecraft fully docked to the station at 8:34 a.m. EDT (1234 GMT) while flying 251 miles (404 kilometers) over the border between China and Kazakhstan.
The approach to the space station was slower than usual because controllers on the ground and astronauts on the International Space Station were carefully monitoring Progress's position, NASA officials said.
At first the Progress was "soft-docked" and not secured in place with hooks in latches, giving the station crew and flight controllers a chance to make sure its stuck antenna posed no risk to the station's exterior. When they saw it was safe, the Progress was slowly drawn into the port and secured.
Progress delivered 1,764 pounds (800 kg) of propellant, 57 pounds (26 kg) of air, 48 pounds (21 kg) of oxygen, 926 pounds (420 kg) of water and 3,348 pounds (1519 kg) of experiment hardware, spare parts and other supplies to the residents of the space station, NASA officials said.
Vinogradov and Romanenko are flight engineers on the station's Expedition 25 crew, along with NASA astronauts Tom Marshburn and Chris Cassidy, and Russian cosmonaut Alexander Misurkin. The crew is led by commanderChris Hadfieldof the Canadian Space Agency.
Romanenko, Marshburn and Hadfield are expected to leave the space station in May after six months onboard. Once they leave, Vinogradov will take over for Hadfield as the commander of the Expedition 36 mission.
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Russian Cargo Spacecraft Successfully Docks to Space Station
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Genetic Engineering: Somewhat Defined – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Genetic Engineering: Somewhat Defined
These are my comrades explaining their own impromptu definition of genetic engineering.
By: BufordIV4
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Dr Rasheed Genetic Engineering 23-4 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Dr Rasheed Genetic Engineering 23-4
By: forsan1styear
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Dr Rasheed Genetic Engineering 23-4 - Video
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DNA Vergadering 23 April 2013 – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
DNA Vergadering 23 April 2013
By: dnasuriname
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DNA Vergadering 23 April 2013 - Video
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Little Mix – DNA @ VIP Room Paris – Video
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Little Mix - DNA @ VIP Room Paris
By: TheLittlesassou
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Kew Gardens – 20 years of ground-breaking DNA research at Kew – Video
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Kew Gardens - 20 years of ground-breaking DNA research at Kew
Now the oldest and largest of its kind in the world, Kew #39;s DNA Bank safeguards more than 42000 samples of wild plant DNA, representing some 34000 species. ...
By: kewgardens
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DNA results in Walker murders expected in days
Posted: at 1:45 pm
Published: Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 2:26 p.m. Last Modified: Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 5:32 p.m.
Or it could send detectives back to the drawing board.
Last December, the bodies of Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, murderers profiled in Truman Capote's nonfiction work "In Cold Blood," were exhumed from a graveyard in Kansas to extract their DNA.
The men were executed for the November 1959 murder of the Clutter family of four, who were shot to death in their remote farmhouse in Holcomb, Kan.
For the past four months, people here have waited with growing impatience to see if the killers' DNA will match that taken from the Walker family's equally gruesome crime scene, found by an unwitting friend in their remote ranch house just one month after the Clutter murders.
So far, no one knows who shot ranch hand Cliff Walker, 25, the quiet type; his wife, Christine, 24, known for her sweet disposition and high spirits; Jimmie, 3, the spitting image of his dad; and curly-top Debbie, not quite 2. All died of their wounds but Debbie, who was held under water in the family bathtub until she drowned.
Christine Walker also was beaten and raped by her killer, who left traces of DNA on her underwear.
Technicians for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation are working to glean viable DNA from the bones and possibly the teeth of the men at the request of Sarasota County cold-case detectives.
"This will give us the resolution we've been looking for or will give us the direction we need to go next," said Wendy Rose, spokeswoman for the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office.
So far, KBI technicians have one partial DNA profile, but hope to get full profiles of Hickock and Smith, whose names still evoke images of the most heinous of sociopaths. "In Cold Blood," Truman Capote's literary masterwork, and a 1967, black-and-white movie thriller of the same name, sealed their ignominious legacy.
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DNA results in Walker murders expected in days
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5 shocking things DNA testing can do
Posted: at 1:45 pm
(CNN) Happy National DNA Day! April 25 marks the 60th anniversary of scientists discovery of the double helix. Its also the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project, which set out to sequence the more than 3 billion letters in our genetic code.
Biologist James Watson and physicist Francis Crick realized our DNA molecules form a three-dimensional double helix in 1953. But DNA research dates back to the late 1860s, according to Nature Education.
Friedrich Miescher was the first to identify nucleic acid in our white blood cells; his 1869 finding was later named deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Others later defined the components that make up DNA molecules, identified RNA (ribonucleic acid, the other type of nucleic acid found in all cells along with DNA) and determined that although DNA differs in each species, it always maintains certain properties.
Those findings led to Watson and Cricks conclusion, which paved the way for decades of DNA discoveries.
Today we use DNA tests to tell us about all kinds of things from Justin Biebers baby daddy status to the innocence of a man sitting on death row. But genetic scientists are doing more than trying to prove Bigfoots existence.
Here are five cool things DNA testing can do:
Map your family tree
A $99 DNA test could give you thousands of new relatives (although if theyre anything like ours, were not sure why youd want them). Sites such as offer to compare your DNA to those they already have on record in hopes of connecting you to unknown branches of your family tree. Ancestry.coms test can also tell you your genetic ethnicity.
The new test looks at a massive amount of your DNA and compares it to other DNA samples from around the world. By detecting similarities, we can trace back generations to connect you to the lands your ancestors once called home, the site states.
Solve ancient mysteries
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5 shocking things DNA testing can do
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5 cool things DNA testing can do
Posted: at 1:45 pm
A growing body of research suggests that our ability to lose weight is shaped in large part by our genes.
(CNN) -- Happy National DNA Day! April 25 marks the 60th anniversary of scientists' discovery of the double helix. It's also the 10th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project, which set out to sequence the more than 3 billion letters in our genetic code.
Biologist James Watson and physicist Francis Crick realized our DNA molecules form a three-dimensional double helix in 1953. But DNA research dates back to the late 1860s, according to Nature Education.
Friedrich Miescher was the first to identify "nucleic acid" in our white blood cells; his 1869 finding was later named deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. Others later defined the components that make up DNA molecules, identified RNA (ribonucleic acid, the other type of nucleic acid found in all cells along with DNA) and determined that although DNA differs in each species, it always maintains certain properties.
Those findings led to Watson and Crick's conclusion, which paved the way for decades of DNA discoveries.
Today we use DNA tests to tell us about all kinds of things -- from Justin Bieber's baby daddy status to the innocence of a man sitting on death row. But genetic scientists are doing more than trying to prove Bigfoot's existence.
Here are five cool things DNA testing can do:
Map your family tree
A $99 DNA test could give you thousands of new relatives (although if they're anything like ours, we're not sure why you'd want them). Sites such as offer to compare your DNA to those they already have on record in hopes of connecting you to unknown branches of your family tree.'s test can also tell you your genetic ethnicity.
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5 cool things DNA testing can do
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Memorial for DNA pioneer Crick
Posted: at 1:45 pm
25 April 2013 Last updated at 11:43 ET
A memorial to DNA pioneer Francis Crick has been unveiled at his former college at the University of Cambridge.
Attending the ceremony at Gonville and Caius was Dr James Watson, the man who shared the 1962 Nobel Prize with Crick for revealing the structure of DNA.
The engraved stonework, which depicts the double-helix structure of DNA, was unveiled exactly 60 years after the pair's seminal paper was published.
Their discovery has been hailed as one of the greatest in scientific history.
Crick's and Watson's groundbreaking work was published in the journal Nature on 25 April 1953.
Before the structure of DNA was unscrambled no-one had a clear idea how genetic replication - one of the cornerstones of life - worked.
At the unveiling, in front of friends, colleagues and family, Dr Watson paid glowing tribute to his colleague, who died in 2004.
The 85-year-old American, who went on to direct the US arm of the Human Genome Project from 1988 to 1992, said: "Francis was the brightest person I ever interacted with.
"I met the great physicist [Richard] Feynman but I didn't understand what he was doing, so it didn't mean anything. Francis I could talk to.
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Memorial for DNA pioneer Crick
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