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DNA talks about his first battle – Video
Posted: April 27, 2013 at 11:52 pm
DNA talks about his first battle
For other battlers talking about their first battles check here:
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DNA sixty years on – Video
Posted: at 11:52 pm
DNA sixty years on
It is 1953 and molecular biologists Francis Crick and James Watson have been working to understand how genetic material is stored in cells. They see a pictur...
By: AlJazeeraEnglish
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DNA sixty years on - Video
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NZ The First Light – DNA RECODING Introduction – Video
Posted: at 11:52 pm
NZ The First Light - DNA RECODING Introduction At this time on Earth, New words of creation are being spoken. These words are energy, sound, and vibration. They are gifts fr...
By: Judy Satori
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NZ The First Light - DNA RECODING Introduction - Video
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Co-Diagnostics Inc. Acquires Suite of Technologies from DNA Logix
Posted: at 11:52 pm
Co-Diagnostics, Inc., a specialist in personalized medicine and clinical diagnostics, has entered into an agreement with DNA Logix, a leader in the development of molecular diagnostic assays, to acquire certain technologies for genetic analysis in the clinical, industrial, and bio-threat markets.
Molecular diagnostics is the fastest growing segment of the $33 billion U.S. in-vitro diagnostics market. The technology to be acquired is embodied in three patent applications and certain trade secrets that enable high performance DNA testing with superior sensitivity and specificity. The technology facilitates rapid assay development and significantly reduced costs for the end user.
Dwight Egan, President of Co-Diagnostics, Inc., commented: We are pleased to announce this technology acquisition from DNA Logix. DNA Logixs experience in providing the technology for developing molecular diagnostics in the oncology and infectious disease arena is increasingly being recognized by major diagnostic manufacturers and pharmaceutical partners throughout the world. With this technology, we believe our highly efficient assay development capability, combined with superior results and efficient costs, will result in our unique approach to DNA testing being sought after by developers of powerful diagnostics in a wide range of markets.
The technology was created by Brent C. Satterfield, Ph.D., founder of DNA Logix. Prior to founding DNA Logix, Dr. Satterfield helped to found Arcxis Biotechnologies with several of his inventions, including microfluidic sample preparation, diagnostic tests, and probe technologies. One of his more notable inventions was the Tentacle Probe, a new class of DNA diagnostic probe that is up to 200 times faster than other probes, up to 10,000 times more specific in high concentrations of contaminant, and up to 13 times more robust in extreme temperature conditions. His diagnostic design abilities have been utilized by a number of large organizations, including the directors and managers of Sandia National Laboratories, United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease, Department of Homeland Security, National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, and numerous others.
For more information on Co-Diagnostics, Inc., visit
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Co-Diagnostics Inc. Acquires Suite of Technologies from DNA Logix
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The mind frame of most people who want to cure Eczema in a few days – Video
Posted: at 11:51 pm
The mind frame of most people who want to cure Eczema in a few days
By: EczemaSpecialist
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The mind frame of most people who want to cure Eczema in a few days - Video
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Psoriasis Contact Avril 2013 – v2 – Video
Posted: at 11:51 pm
Psoriasis Contact Avril 2013 - v2
By: Vido Beclip.TV
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Psoriasis Contact Avril 2013 - v2 - Video
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Ron Paul Admits Ignorance Yet Makes Freudian Slip About ‘Bitcon’ – Video
Posted: at 11:50 pm
Ron Paul Admits Ignorance Yet Makes Freudian Slip About #39;Bitcon #39;
Understandable that an old racist homophobic scam artist from Texas would know so little about computers and new technologies but would recognize a scam when...
By: SchittReport
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Ron Paul Admits Ignorance Yet Makes Freudian Slip About 'Bitcon' - Video
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Ron Paul On Gold, Bitcoin, Immigration
Posted: at 11:50 pm
Ron Paul On Gold, Bitcoin, Immigration Republican Party
Please rate and subscribe!!! Ron Paul #39;Constitutionally Correct #39; 2012. Twitter: Facebook:
By: RonPaulCC2012
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Ron Paul On Gold, Bitcoin, Immigration
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Ron Paul: D.C. Will Keep Spending Until There’s Another Crisis – Cavuto 4/23/2013 – Video
Posted: at 11:50 pm
Ron Paul: D.C. Will Keep Spending Until There #39;s Another Crisis - Cavuto 4/23/2013
Former Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul joins Neil Cavuto to discuss the nation #39;s runaway debt, Washington #39;s inability to cut spending, ...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Ron Paul: D.C. Will Keep Spending Until There's Another Crisis - Cavuto 4/23/2013 - Video
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Ron Paul: Someday People Will Realize That Gold Is The Ultimate Money – CNBC 4/23/2013 – Video
Posted: at 11:50 pm
Ron Paul: Someday People Will Realize That Gold Is The Ultimate Money - CNBC 4/23/2013
Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul goes off on gold, including Goldman Sachs #39; latest call. He also has a thing or two to say about the Fed, with CNBC #39;s Mandy ...
By: Eduardo89rp
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Ron Paul: Someday People Will Realize That Gold Is The Ultimate Money - CNBC 4/23/2013 - Video
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