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DNA on Boston bomb does not match suspect's wife, investigators say
Posted: May 3, 2013 at 6:45 pm
Warwick Police Department via AP
This 2007 booking photo released by Warwick, R.I., police shows Katherine Russell, arrested on shoplifting charges there. Charges were later dismissed. Russell is the widow of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings.
By Pete Williams and Erin McClam, NBC News
DNA found on a fragment of one of the Boston Marathon bombs does not match DNA taken earlier this week from Katherine Russell, the widow of the dead suspect in the attack, but she remains under scrutiny, investigators told NBC News.
Investigators said they still have many questions for Russell because they believe the bombs were assembled at the home she shared with her husband, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was killed in a firefight with suburban Boston police April 19.
Russell converted to Islam in 2009, after meeting Tsarnaev in a nightclub, and married him in 2010. She said through her lawyer that his alleged involvement in the attack came as an absolute shock.
Investigators said earlier this week that a piece of one of the pressure-cooker bombs set off by the brothers had a womans DNA on it, and that they wanted to determine who else might have handled the bombs.
John Sladewski / The Standard-Times via AP
Massachusetts State Police walk out of the woods of The Smith Neck Farm in Dartmouth, Mass., on Friday.
Federal agents with bomb-sniffing dogs searched in Dartmouth, Mass., on Friday after people living there said they heard loud booms a month ago. The surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was a student at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth.
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DNA on Boston bomb does not match suspect's wife, investigators say
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Piano Improv: Dai Dai Genome – Week 4 [ dj-Jo ] – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
Piano Improv: Dai Dai Genome - Week 4 [ dj-Jo ]
Original Song: This song has been one of my favorite Hatsune Miku songs ever since I started listening to vocaloid...
By: djJoMusicChannel
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Piano Improv: Dai Dai Genome - Week 4 [ dj-Jo ] - Video
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HGP10 Symposium: Applying Genome Science to Medical Care – Video
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HGP10 Symposium: Applying Genome Science to Medical Care
April 25, 2013 - The Genomics Landscape a Decade after the Human Genome Project More:
By: GenomeTV
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HGP10 Symposium: Progress Since the Human Genome Project – Video
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HGP10 Symposium: Progress Since the Human Genome Project
April 25, 2013 - The Genomics Landscape a Decade after the Human Genome Project More:
By: GenomeTV
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HGP10 Symposium: The $1,000 Genome, the $1,000,000 Interpretation – Kevin Davies – Video
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HGP10 Symposium: The $1,000 Genome, the $1,000,000 Interpretation - Kevin Davies
April 25, 2013 - The Genomics Landscape a Decade after the Human Genome Project More:
By: GenomeTV
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HGP10 Symposium: The $1,000 Genome, the $1,000,000 Interpretation - Kevin Davies - Video
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'Dark genome' is involved in Rett Syndrome
Posted: at 6:44 pm
May 2, 2013 Researchers at the Epigenetics and Cancer Biology Program at IDIBELL led by Manel Esteller, ICREA researcher and professor of genetics at the University of Barcelona, have described alterations in noncoding long chain RNA sequences (lncRNA) in Rett syndrome.
These molecules act as supervisor agents responsible of 'switch on' or 'switch off' other genes in our genome that regulate the activity of neurons. The work has been published in the last issue of the journal RNA Biology.
Dark genome
Only 5% of our genetic material are genes that encode proteins. The remaining 95% is known as dark genome or non-coding DNA and its function is still unknown. Part of this DNA produces RNA molecules called noncoding long chain RNA (lncRNAs).
Rett Syndrome
Rett syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disease and it is the second most common cause of mental retardation in females after Down syndrome. Clinical symptoms occur between 6 and 18 months after birth and consist of a loss of cognitive, social and motor capacities accompanied by autistic behaviors, eg, stereotypic hand movements.
Today there is no effective treatment of the disease but the control of their symptoms. The syndrome is usually due to the presence of a mutation in MeCP2 epigenetic gene that, as a magnet, regulates the expression of many other genes of the cell.
Esteller's team works with a mouse model that faithfully reproduces the characteristics of the human Rett syndrome. In this study, researchers compared the expression of long chains of RNA in healthy and diseased animals and found that the presence of mutations in the Mecp2 gene causes alterations in the activity of lncRNA.
One such altered lncARN regulates the function of a key neurotransmitter in the nervous system in all vertebrates brain (GABA receptor). "Its alteration," says Esteller, "could explain the defects of communication between neurons in girls affected by Rett Syndrome."
According to Manel Esteller "this finding, in addition to increasing knowledge about the causes of the disease, could open the door to new therapeutic strategies that target lncRNA molecules or GABA receptor."
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How To Cure Your Eczema – Benefits of Zinc – Eczema Cure Channel – Video
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How To Cure Your Eczema - Benefits of Zinc - Eczema Cure Channel
By: EczemaSpecialist
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How To Cure Your Eczema - Benefits of Zinc - Eczema Cure Channel - Video
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Eczema hands … Best Natural cures, Eczema Free Forever. – Video
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Eczema hands ... Best Natural cures, Eczema Free Forever.
Click Here To get your copy your Free pack: to get rid of eczema in 2 weeks : to cure you...
By: GoodMindGoodLife
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Eczema hands ... Best Natural cures, Eczema Free Forever. - Video
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"Immunology", Skin Allergy is Manifest as Urticaria or Chronic Eczema – Video
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"Immunology", Skin Allergy is Manifest as Urticaria or Chronic Eczema
By: MyCyberCollege
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"Immunology", Skin Allergy is Manifest as Urticaria or Chronic Eczema - Video
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Cortisone eczema Flare Up – Video
Posted: at 6:44 pm
Cortisone eczema Flare Up
Documenting my flare up during the recovery for over use of cortisone cream that induced eczema of the skin that sent me bright red.
By: Josh Strawczynski
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Cortisone eczema Flare Up - Video
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