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Space Station Live: Robotic Refueling Mission – Video
Posted: May 3, 2013 at 6:45 pm
Space Station Live: Robotic Refueling Mission
NASA Public Affairs Officer Dan Huot speaks with Robert Pickle, Robotic Refueling Mission ROBO lead, about the International Space Station demonstration of t...
By: ReelNASA
Originally posted here:
Space Station Live: Robotic Refueling Mission - Video
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Space Station Live: April 30, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Space Station Live: April 30, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for April 30, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: nvdktube
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Space Station Live: April 30, 2013 - Video
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ISS Progress 51 Cargo Craft Launches to Space Station – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
ISS Progress 51 Cargo Craft Launches to Space Station
ISS Progress 51 Cargo Craft Launches to Station. The unpiloted ISS Progress 51 cargo craft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 6:12 a.m. E...
By: okrajoe
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ISS Progress 51 Cargo Craft Launches to Space Station - Video
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Russia raises price for trips to space station
Posted: at 6:45 pm
The ticket price for flights into space is going up. NASA, the U.S. space agency, has agreed to pay $424 million to Russia to carry U.S. astronauts into space.
NASA announced its latest contract with the Russian Space Agency last week. The $424 million will pay for flights to and from the international space station aboard Russian Soyuz spacecraft for six astronauts in 2016 and the first half of 2017.
Thats $70.6 million per seat, up from the old rate of about $65 million.
Russia provides the only way of getting people to and from the space station, and its prices have soared recently.
Several companies are working on rockets and spacecraft to launch Americans from the United States. But that remains a few years away. NASAs ability to send crews into orbit ended with the closing of its shuttle program in 2011. Even before then, the United States had been relying on Russia to take some astronauts to the space station.
SpaceX has begun making cargo shipments to the space station. Its founder, Elon Musk, has said the California-based company could be ferrying astronauts by 2015. Orbital Sciences of Virginia plans to start sending supplies to the space station this summer, but it has no interest in carrying passengers.
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Russia raises price for trips to space station
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'Bullet hole' in space station
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Chris Hadfield (via Twitter as (at)Cmdr_Hadfield)
Astronaut Chris Hadfield snapped this shot of a "bullet hole" created by a micrometeoroid or piece of space junk in one of the space station's solar arrays.
By Miriam Kramer
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have dodged a cosmic bullet ... literally.
A small piece of space junk or naturally occurring celestial debris created the tiny hole in one of the space station's wing-like solar arrays at some point in the outpost's 14-year history in orbit. Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield spotted the puncture and posted a photo of it on Twitter on Monday.
"Bullet hole a small stone from the universe went through our solar array," Hadfield wrote, suspecting the hole was caused by a tiny space rock called a micrometeoroid. "Glad it missed the hull." [Chris Hadfield's Video Guide to Life in Space]
NASA experts estimate that millions of micrometeorites and bits of man-made debris orbit the Earth in the range of operational satellites and the space station. These shards of satellites, rockets and rocky debris are traveling at an average speed of 22,000 mph (35,406 km/h). The space station, for comparison, orbits the Earth at a speed of about 17,500 mph (28,164 km/h).
"The 'bullet' that created the hole in the solar array was probably due to a 1 mm to 2 mm diameter MMOD (micrometeoroids and orbital debris) impact, assuming the hole was on the order of 0.25 inches in diameter," William Jeffs, a NASA spokesman, told in an email. "A 2 mm size MMOD particle is expected to hit somewhere on (the International Space Station) every 6 months or so."
If the piece of space debriswere to collide with the hull, the space station's shielding would probably protect the crew from being adversely impacted, Jeffs added.
NASA scientists regularly track pieces of space debris larger than 4 inches (10 centimeters) across in order to avoid potentially destructive collisions. Radar systems track these larger pieces of space junk to alert space station operators and satellite controllers to any threats.
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'Bullet hole' in space station
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Astronaut photographs cosmic 'bullet hole' in space station
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Chris Hadfield (via Twitter as (at)Cmdr_Hadfield)
Astronaut Chris Hadfield snapped this shot of a "bullet hole" created by a micrometeoroid or piece of space junk in one of the space station's solar arrays.
By Miriam Kramer
Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have dodged a cosmic bullet ... literally.
A small piece of space junk or naturally occurring celestial debris created the tiny hole in one of the space station's wing-like solar arrays at some point in the outpost's 14-year history in orbit. Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield spotted the puncture and posted a photo of it on Twitter on Monday.
"Bullet hole a small stone from the universe went through our solar array," Hadfield wrote, suspecting the hole was caused by a tiny space rock called a micrometeoroid. "Glad it missed the hull." [Chris Hadfield's Video Guide to Life in Space]
NASA experts estimate that millions of micrometeorites and bits of man-made debris orbit the Earth in the range of operational satellites and the space station. These shards of satellites, rockets and rocky debris are traveling at an average speed of 22,000 mph (35,406 km/h). The space station, for comparison, orbits the Earth at a speed of about 17,500 mph (28,164 km/h).
"The 'bullet' that created the hole in the solar array was probably due to a 1 mm to 2 mm diameter MMOD (micrometeoroids and orbital debris) impact, assuming the hole was on the order of 0.25 inches in diameter," William Jeffs, a NASA spokesman, told in an email. "A 2 mm size MMOD particle is expected to hit somewhere on (the International Space Station) every 6 months or so."
If the piece of space debriswere to collide with the hull, the space station's shielding would probably protect the crew from being adversely impacted, Jeffs added.
NASA scientists regularly track pieces of space debris larger than 4 inches (10 centimeters) across in order to avoid potentially destructive collisions. Radar systems track these larger pieces of space junk to alert space station operators and satellite controllers to any threats.
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Astronaut photographs cosmic 'bullet hole' in space station
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Chinese Volunteers Register for Mars Colonization Project – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Chinese Volunteers Register for Mars Colonization Project
Chinese Volunteers Register for Mars Colonization Project.
By: Marsoneproject Vid
Chinese Volunteers Register for Mars Colonization Project - Video
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WRT 205 – Evolution of Genetic Engineering – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
WRT 205 - Evolution of Genetic Engineering
New Project 1.
By: Amber C
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WRT 205 - Evolution of Genetic Engineering - Video
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Mini Seminar (5.c)-Genetic Engineering – Video
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Mini Seminar (5.c)-Genetic Engineering
By: kobrienSPS
The rest is here:
Mini Seminar (5.c)-Genetic Engineering - Video
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Biotechnology – Cloning
Posted: at 6:45 pm
Biotechnology - Cloning Genetic Engineering
Video notes on cloning genetic engineering.
By: Vanita Vance
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Biotechnology - Cloning
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