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Category Archives: Transhuman News
International Space Station Live: May 2, 2013 – Video
Posted: May 6, 2013 at 2:45 am
International Space Station Live: May 2, 2013
International Space Station Live: May 2, 2013.
By: okrajoe
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International Space Station Live: May 2, 2013 - Video
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Space Station Live Weekly Recap for May 3, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 2:45 am
Space Station Live Weekly Recap for May 3, 2013
The Space Station Live weekly recap video for April 29 - May 3, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT. http://...
By: nvdktube
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Space Station Live Weekly Recap for May 3, 2013 - Video
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Space Station 13 (SS13) – Part Thirty-Nine – Bisexual Bartender [HD] – Video
Posted: at 2:45 am
Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Thirty-Nine - Bisexual Bartender [HD]
In this small episode of Space Station 13 I take it upon myself to become the most relevant and important role aboard the station: The Bartender! (Reader ima...
By: KinkedLink
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Space Station 13 (SS13) - Part Thirty-Nine - Bisexual Bartender [HD] - Video
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Catching Killers – DNA Profiling: The Serial Killer Next Door – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
Catching Killers - DNA Profiling: The Serial Killer Next Door
To prove that Dennis Rader is BTK - and not the "normal guy" he seems to be - the police have to get creative with DNA testing.
By: smithsonianchannel
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Catching Killers - DNA Profiling: The Serial Killer Next Door - Video
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DNA on bomb does not match bombing suspect’s wife – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
DNA on bomb does not match bombing suspect #39;s wife
Senior correspondent John Miller talks to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts about the latest in the Boston Marathon bombing investigation.
By: CBSNewsOnline
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DNA on bomb does not match bombing suspect's wife - Video
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VEDIM-DNA: Nitrogenous Bases (Day 2) – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
VEDIM-DNA: Nitrogenous Bases (Day 2)
We seem to be off to an...okay start. That was unexpected. We expected Remi-Rix to quit half way through filming. 🙂 We have low expectations. (For a reason)...
By: keepcalmproductions
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VEDIM-DNA: Nitrogenous Bases (Day 2) - Video
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Nuvem em formato de DNA no ceu de sao paulo – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
Nuvem em formato de DNA no ceu de sao paulo
Estava dirigindo no bairro do cambuci em sao paulo por volta das 15:30 dia, 30/04/2013 quando notei uma nuvem com a forma de uma espiral de DNA, mas ja havia...
By: Alex morel
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Nuvem em formato de DNA no ceu de sao paulo - Video
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DNA vow by Jacko kids’ ‘pa’
Posted: at 2:44 am
Ex-child actor Mark Lester, who played the title role in the 1968 movie musical Oliver, is reiterating his claim that hes the biological dad of Michael Jacksons kids and hes promising them a DNA test for their 18th birthdays to prove it.
Lester said he hopes Prince, 16, Paris, 15, and Blanket, 11, will consent to settle one of the King of Pops biggest mysteries.
I wouldnt have a DNA test without the childrens permission, he told Britains Daily Mail newspaper.
Jacksons longtime pal, Lester said he never gave much thought to the kids biological roots until the Gloved One passed away in 2009. Thats when, Lester said, he noticed how much MJs kids resembled his own.
Splash News
Mark Lester
And remarkably, Lester said he never gave a second thought to the time Jackson, in the mid-90s, asked for his sperm. Michael set it up for me to turn up to a clinic in Harley Street, London, to do it. It was weird, Lester said.
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DNA vow by Jacko kids’ ‘pa’
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Let’s Play project altered beast part 1 – first genome chip – Video
Posted: at 2:44 am
Let #39;s Play project altered beast part 1 - first genome chip
An introduction video to Project altered beast rarely abbreviated in (PAB) for the ps2 - if you wish to skip straight to the game 1:53 The story follows a ma...
By: MARSIpanGaming
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Genome sequencing provides unprecedented insight into causes of pneumococcal disease
Posted: at 2:44 am
May 5, 2013 A new study led by researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in the UK has, for the first time, used genome sequencing technology to track the changes in a bacterial population following the introduction of a vaccine. The study follows how the population of pneumococcal bacteria changed following the introduction of the 'Prevnar' conjugate polysaccharide vaccine, which substantially reduced rates of pneumococcal disease across the U.S. The work demonstrates that the technology could be used in the future to monitor the effectiveness of vaccination or antibiotic use against different species of bacterial pathogens, and for characterizing new and emerging threats.
The study appears online May 5, 2013 in Nature Genetics.
"This gives an unprecedented insight into the bacteria living and transmitting among us," said co-author William Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at HSPH. "We can characterize these bugs to an almost unimaginable degree of detail, and in so doing understand better what helps them survive even in the presence of an effective vaccine."
Pneumococcal disease is caused by a type of bacteria called Streptococcus pneumoniae, which is present in many people's noses and throats and is spread by coughing, sneezing, or other contact with respiratory secretions. The circumstances that cause it to become pathogenic are not fully understood. Rates of pneumococcal disease -- an infection that can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, and other illnesses -- dropped in young children following the introduction of a vaccine in 2000. However, strains of the bacteria that are not targeted by the vaccine rapidly increased and drug resistance appears to be on the rise.
The research, led by HSPH co-senior authors Hanage; Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology; and Stephen Bentley, senior scientist at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, aimed to better understand the bacterial population's response to vaccination. Whole genome sequencing -- which reveals the DNA code for each bacterial strain to an unprecedented level of detail -- was used to study a sample of 616 pneumococci collected in Massachusetts communities from 2001 to 2007.
This study confirmed that the parts of the bacterial population targeted by the vaccine have almost disappeared, and, surprisingly, revealed that they have been replaced by pre-existing rare types of bacteria. The genetic composition of the new population is very similar to the original one, except for a few genes that were directly affected by the vaccine. This small genetic alteration appears to be responsible for the large reduction in the rates of pneumococcal disease.
"The widespread use of whole genome sequencing will allow better surveillance of bacterial populations -- even those that are genetically diverse -- and improve understanding of their evolution," said Lipsitch. "In this study, we were even able to see how quickly these bacteria transmit between different regions within Massachusetts and identify genes associated with bacteria in children of different ages."
"In the future, we will be able to monitor evolutionary changes in real-time. If we can more quickly and precisely trace the emergence of disease-causing bacteria, we may be able to better target interventions to limit the burden of disease," said Bentley.
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
Genome sequencing provides unprecedented insight into causes of pneumococcal disease
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