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New Assembly Method Published for Rapid and Automated Genome Sequencing Using Long-Read, Single Molecule, Real-Time …
Posted: May 7, 2013 at 7:45 am
MENLO PARK, Calif., May 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Researchers from Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc., (PACB), the U.S. Joint Genome Institute and the University of Washington have published a new method for assembling high-quality genomes from Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT(R)) DNA sequencing. Published in the May 5 edition of Nature Methodsi, the paper by Chin et al. describes the hierarchical genome assembly process (HGAP) and demonstrates the method for efficient, automated de novo assembly from genomic DNA to a finished genome sequence for several microorganisms and a human bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone. As part of the paper, the authors also describe a new consensus algorithm, Quiver, that achieves highly accurate de novo genome sequence results exceeding 99.999% (QV 50) accuracy.
Finished genomes are crucial for understanding microbes and advancing the field of microbiology.ii Previous attempts for obtaining the complete genome sequence of microbes in an automated, high-throughput manner have challenged researchers. For example, with second-generation sequencing methods, short read lengths inhibit the ability to resolve long repeats, resulting in unfinished, fragmented draft assemblies. Further, extreme sequence contexts, such as GC- or AT-rich regions, or palindromic sequences, lead to gaps in draft genome assemblies that cannot be covered using these second-generation methods. As a result, Sanger sequencing has typically been employed for finishing microbial genomes, but due to its laborious and low-throughput nature this process is slow and expensive.
More recently, hybrid-assembly approaches have been described in which long PacBio reads were used in combination with short-read dataiii,iv. Building on these advances, in this new paper the authors utilize just a single, long-insert shotgun DNA library in conjunction with SMRT Sequencing, thereby removing the need for additional sample preparation and sequencing data sets required for previously described hybrid strategies. A paper describing a similar strategy and assembly results by S. Koren, A. Phillippy, and colleagues from the National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center, Frederick, MD, and the United States Agriculture Department has been deposited in a pre-print archive.
"This approach can close the large gap that currently exists between 'draft' and high-quality 'finished' genomes," said Jonas Korlach, senior author on the paper and Chief Scientific Officer at Pacific Biosciences. "Further, the ability to automatically and cost-effectively assemble genomes independent of the availability of a reference sequence can be critical in the rapid characterization of new pathogen strains."
Evan Eichler, co-author on the paper, Howard Hughes Medical Investigator and Professor at the Department of Genome Sciences at the University of Washington, said, "I am excited by the ability of SMRT DNA Sequencing and HGAP for finishing complex regions of the human genome. This approach has demonstrated the potential to cost-effectively generate high-quality finished sequence from large-insert clones of these regions, such as BACs. Short-read sequencing technologies simply cannot adequately access and assemble through these complex regions of genomes."
Pacific Biosciences recently launched the PacBio(R) RS II -- a new SMRT Sequencing system that provides the industry's highest consensus accuracy and longest reads with double the throughput from the previous version of the system. The PacBio RS II allows scientists to rapidly and cost-effectively generate finished genome assemblies, reveal and understand epigenomes, and characterize genomic variation. The PacBio RS II system, including consumables and software, provides a simple, fast, end-to-end sequencing workflow for applications such as infectious disease and microbiology, agriculture, and understanding rare diseases.
More information is available at
About Pacific Biosciences
Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc. (PACB) offers the PacBio(R) RS II High Resolution Genetic Analyzer to help scientists solve genetically complex problems. Based on its novel Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT(R)) technology, the company's products enable: targeted sequencing to more comprehensively characterize genetic variations; de novo genome assembly to more fully identify, annotate and decipher genomic structures; and DNA base modification identification to help characterize epigenetic regulation and DNA damage. By providing access to information that was previously inaccessible, Pacific Biosciences enables scientists to increase their understanding of biological systems.
i Chin et al. (2013) Nonhybrid, finished microbial genome assemblies from long-read SMRT sequencing data. Nature Methods doi 10.1038/nmeth.2474.
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Kids on Medicaid May Face Barriers to Eczema Treatment
Posted: at 7:44 am
FRIDAY, May 3 (HealthDay News) -- Many Medicaid-insured children with eczema have limited access to dermatologists, a new study finds.
In conducting the study, researchers posed as parents trying to schedule an appointment for their child with eczema. Unlike children with private insurance, Medicaid-insured children often had to provide a written referral or identification numbers before an appointment could be scheduled.
Eczema most often affects children. The condition causes itchy, red, cracked and dry skin. Eczema can also disrupt sleep and negatively affect behavior and quality of life.
"The purpose of this study was to compare access to dermatologists for new pediatric patients with eczema insured by Medicaid versus private plans," study first author Dr. Sofia Chaudhry, an assistant professor of dermatology at Saint Louis University and a practicing dermatologist, said in a school news release.
The researchers said the lack of access to a dermatologist is particularly worrisome since eczema affects 20 percent of children in the United States. Complicating matters, health care reform will expand the number of children insured by Medicaid from about 32 million to roughly 50 million.
"This is a complex problem and a major health disparity in our country," lead study investigator Dr. Elaine Siegfried, a professor of pediatrics at Saint Louis University, said in the news release. "Thirty percent of all children seen in primary care offices have a skin problem. It's an everyday issue."
The study revealed that only 19 percent of all dermatologists in 13 U.S. cities accept Medicaid. Of the nearly 500 specialists who were listed as Medicaid-participating providers by Medicaid insurance plans, 44 percent refused to schedule an appointment with a new Medicaid-insured child.
Chaudhry explained why the situation needs to change.
"Since [eczema] can be a chronic debilitating disease, it's important for these children to be able to see a dermatologist," she said. "Improved access to dermatologists is important for treating eczema in order to enhance the well-being of affected children and to minimize the expensive cost of emergency care."
The researchers suggested possible reasons dermatologists may be reluctant to see Medicaid-insured patients, including:
See the article here:
Kids on Medicaid May Face Barriers to Eczema Treatment
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Youtube Censorship: Boston Bombing – Video
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Youtube Censorship: Boston Bombing
Real News @ http://RevolutionNews.US mdash; "Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people." mdash;Thomas Jefferson - Time For A New American Revolution? -...
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Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship – Video
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Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship
The international Press Freedom Day is special in the post-revolution Tunisia. Only this year, 196 Journalists were attacked in 12 months announced Najiba Ha...
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Tunisian journalists stage demonstration against censorship - Video
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Ron Paul’s Texas Straight Talk 5/6//13: Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles – Video
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Ron Paul #39;s Texas Straight Talk 5/6//13: Federal Reserve Blows More Bubbles http://Dail...
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Ron Paul – I’m Buying Gold! Dont Sell Your Gold! – Video
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Ron Paul - I #39;m Buying Gold! Dont Sell Your Gold!
Ron Paul - I #39;m Buying Gold! Dont Sell Your Gold!
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Kerbal Space Program #39 – How to Build a Space Station – Video
Posted: May 6, 2013 at 2:45 am
Kerbal Space Program #39 - How to Build a Space Station
How to build a Space Station in Kerbal Space Program, an amazing "space exploration simulation" indie game currently in development by Squad. It #39;s great fun,...
By: Megneous
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Kerbal Space Program #39 - How to Build a Space Station - Video
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KSP – Episode 79 – Mun Space Station Habs – Video
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KSP - Episode 79 - Mun Space Station Habs
In this episode I Get some Habs to the long forgotten Mun Space Station... I cant believe its been this long and I haven #39;t done anything with it 😛 I talk a ...
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KSP - Episode 79 - Mun Space Station Habs - Video
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Video News – Space Station Live: May 1, 2013 – Video
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Video News - Space Station Live: May 1, 2013
Video News - Space Station Live: May 1, 2013.
By: okrajoe
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Video News - Space Station Live: May 1, 2013 - Video
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Space Station Live: May 2, 2013 – Video
Posted: at 2:45 am
Space Station Live: May 2, 2013
The Space Station Live recap video for May 2, 2013. Watch the full Space Station Live broadcast weekdays on NASA TV at 10 a.m. CDT.
By: ReelNASA
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Space Station Live: May 2, 2013 - Video
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